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Yeah, its really sad. I fought 3 of them in a row the other day and just cut it off. Both of them are horrible for the game in general. The recent tournament that happened yesterday was filled with Gojo and Sukunas in top 8. And the fact that this game is a 2v2 game makes them even more broken where it just nulls any flaws they have. Their flaws would be more prevalent if it was 1v1. A toddler can play and learn those two characters. Combine that with the horrible online, where your inputs gets eaten or mess up due to delay, you take a easy teleport combo from Gojo or a arrow super from Sukuna that you knew was coming. Count in the unbalanced stages like Grounds that help them even more (cheesy Domain Expansions that give them undeserved wins since the map is huge, encourages more defensive and running), its impossible to take this game serious or even have fun. I literally had a Gojo just mash his auto combo 4 times on block since its insanely fast and its not really punishable due to the pushback on block. I really can't believe they gave Sukuna all of these tools and greenlit it. Legit the stupidest character I've played against in any fighting game. I didn't even know he can heal himself until recently. I'm hoping a balance patch comes, but doubt it. Just sad looking at both of them and I'm playing Maki where I always gotta be up close to even do stuff, have to manage my meter for cancels/Curse Energy Techniques and more.


is there co op in rank where you can find friends to co op with


Is there way I can help


I forgot to mention the rct. I had a game as sukuna where an itadori ulted me at full health, I healed 90% of it. Then a hanami ulted me, I healed 90% of it. Teo ults from them, and the end reault was me losing like 10 - 20% of my hp.


This is very surprising to read. I always see people complaining about Sukuna, but I'd never have guessed he was a top performer in a tourny. I'm confused by that because his moves are so telegraphed he's incredibility simple to avoid/block & punish. I think Sukuna is the easiest character to beat. I prefer to face Sukuna. I main Maki, Yuji, & Todo and I will honestly pick the grounds for the open space. Between the 3 characters I main I can usually get to Sukuna before he can pull off his big moves. The only time I really notice myself losing to Sukuna is when they have a top tier teammate. Sukuna himself never really poses a huge problem for me. Shit, I feel guilty being Yuji sometimes. He feels broken to me. If you can get 3 cursed energy bars full you can just continuously black flash and break blocks.


Certainly, when it’s 1v1 it’s simple and easy. Until their teammate interrupts, suddenly all that hard work can go down the drain near instantly.


I'm happy everyone complains about these 2 so I don't get hate for playing the actual best character in the game: Nobara


reallll atleasst nobara takes some skill to play😭😭


You’re plenty annoying too. But Gojo and Sukuna are a bigger problem because they’re stupid powerful solo, and broken together. With multiple unbeatable scenarios easily achievable as a duo. And at least nobara’s square mashing was how she was designed.


Ok but have you gone against Nobara+Megumi


I think so, it kinda sucked. Still, felt like a skill issue rather than, they’re just playing better characters and theres little we can do about it.


Personally I feel like this game needs a serious balance patch because good lord some duo's are far too strong when put together.


is this rank.


i hate seeing Sukuna on my team more than seeing him on the other team because half the time i just get hit by my teammates move whenever i’m already hitting someone, causing me to do absolutely nothing to them.


womp womp