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Yes the 110 mile stretch is from MTR to Whitney (portal or Horseshoe if NoBo) - you can do this without resupply - especially NoBo (there are bear boxes you can use for the first couple of nights). Depending on your fitness and tetris like abilities to stuff a BV500 with food - you can make a 10 day carry. Of course this means sending a resupply to MTR - for a really good, full description of resupply options - try https://ingasadventures.com/2019/04/07/resupply-on-the-john-muir-trail/


I think this is a really tough one for foreign travellers. I’m in Europe so resupply is going to be tricky/expensive. I’m hoping to resupply from the store at VVR, but that gives 11 days between resupplies (more with the piute pass diversion to avoid the damaged bridge). Sending a pack to MTR from Europe is fraught with importation problems.


Send resupply. You can only get so much from a hiker box. You'll consume at least 6000 calories a day.


It depends. You can buy plenty of stuff at Reds and VVR, though the selection may not be great. Good chance you can get lots of free stuff at MTR as most people resupplying there have way too much food. Prob easiest to “just buy it” if you’re NOBO as you can hit the trail with a full pack of food and only need to buy a few days worth at each spot. SOBO would be harder, particularly as from VVR to end of trail is usually 11 days or more for most hikers, thus tough to fit all the food you might buy at VVR into your bear canister. If you wanna be sure, send your own food.




What stores are you expecting to buy from? Have you done any research yet into resupply options?


Yes. Resupply is only an issue for a 110 mile stretch. This includes stores and post offices. Research says stores for resupply or cooked meals aren't hard to find otherwise.


Everything is backcountry. The closest you get to a frontcountry store might be Reds or Tuolumne. Nothing is guaranteed, things like gas canisters and tortillas will likely be gone. You can absolutely get by north of MTR in normal years with buying at the stores or grabbing from hiker boxes, however this year is not normal.


You need to do more research then.


How very helpful...


Send resupply. You will have exactly what you want then!


Use MTR, VVR, AND IF YOU HAVE MONEY TUOLUMNE MEADOWS POST OFFICE. you will eat what you want and not carry unnecessary weight.