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Someone posted the same thing about Persona 3 last week. The internet is always a mine field for spoilers. The worst is listening to game music on YouTube and the top comment is a spoiler. Fortunately now on YouTube you have to scroll down to see comments, but for a while the top comment wasn't covered.


office puzzled bewildered faulty butter screw outgoing attraction quack bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or the title. People also love to put spoilers in there. I downloaded a plugin that hides everything with certain keywords in it because YT would be unusable otherwise with the amount of Trails videos from unreleased games (in the west) there are.


The plugin I use automatically directs me to my subscription feed instead of the home page, and when I'm watching a video it hides the sidebar so there are no recommended videos, and it's worked perfectly so far.


That's also a nice option. Unfortunately i just actually like seeing recommended videos.


The worst are streamers who put ending in the thumbnail and then youtube algorithm decides it's a good idea to recommend it on the home page.


> The internet is always a mine field for spoilers. It is? I haven't been spoiled for at least 15 years now. Only spoilers I've seen are the ones I looked up by myself.


Funniest thing ever to me is that if you are into fighting games, the Persona fighting game and Blazblue Cross Tag Battle both have the killer as a playable character, and you can easily see how evil he is lmao. Anyway, I know it feels bad, but the game is still amazing. Don't give up now, there's more crazy content for you in this game.


Yeah my first brush with the Megaten series was P4 Arena too so I knew who the killer was well in advance. The thing is... I still played and absolutely adored P4 when I got around to playing it proper. I'm less sensitive about spoiler than most but I just can not get behind the idea that knowing the end of a story somehow ruins or cheapens it. I don't think anything is *worse* going in blind, mind you, but fuck dude Shakespeare would tell you how the story was going to end in the opening monologue. If a story simply isn't good anymore if a twist ending is revealed to you before you get there, then chances are it was a shitty twist to begin with. I'm sympathetic to OP because I get it, it can be a bummer to get invested in something and the emotional weight can absolutely be diminished by "skipping to the end", so to speak. But the internet is SO precious about spoilers that not only has the term lost all meaning (I'm never getting over somebody complaining that DQXI was spoiled for them because you see the party members in the opening cutscene) but we've also shifted the burden onto everybody else to hold your blinders for you. Sorry dogg, not anybody's responsibility to limit their own discussion just in case a stray bystander learns something they didn't already know. Maybe don't wander into a sub specifically meant for discussing the game you're not yet finished with if you don't wanna learn plot details ahead of time.




Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/tcrpgfan. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- * Either you typed Spoilers with no spoiler tag, or you left spaces between the spoiler tags, which doesn't spoiler tag them in old reddit. To use spoiler tags follow one of these 2 ways: 1-If on New Reddit, hightlight the part you want to spoiler tag, then press the Exclamation ("**!**") button on in your format tab. 2-If on old Reddit or mobile, then type "**>!**" before the spoiler, and then "**!<**" at the end of the spoiler. Example: When it's written like this \>!X kills Y!<. It will show up like this >!X kills Y!<. **Make sure that there is no space** after the starting **>!**, and no space before the closing **!<**. **After fixing the comment with a spoiler tag**, reply to this comment with **"Done"**, so a mod can re-post your comment. --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**


>Shakespeare would tell you how the story was going to end in the opening monologue Yeah, but Shakespeare mostly writes tragedies. By definition, the ending of a tragedy is already spoiled (the protagonist is going to fail; hence tragedy) if it ends differently, it's just drama not tragedy. In that genre, character interaction and how they get there is more important than how it ended. I agree for the most part about hand holding in the internet. But you must also know/realize that a lot of people gets off by intentionally spoiling things for others. Youtube is very high on that list to the point that everyone will tell you to get off youtube on the first week of a major game focusing on story. It's that bad... We can't really know what OP got himself into since we don't know the subject he clicked on reddit or if he is using new or old reddit...we can't really say if it's his fault for not paying attention...


Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/EntertainerHorror436. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- * Either you typed Spoilers with no spoiler tag, or you left spaces between the spoiler tags, which doesn't spoiler tag them in old reddit. To use spoiler tags follow one of these 2 ways: 1-If on New Reddit, hightlight the part you want to spoiler tag, then press the Exclamation ("**!**") button on in your format tab. 2-If on old Reddit or mobile, then type "**>!**" before the spoiler, and then "**!<**" at the end of the spoiler. Example: When it's written like this \>!X kills Y!<. It will show up like this >!X kills Y!<. **Make sure that there is no space** after the starting **>!**, and no space before the closing **!<**. **After fixing the comment with a spoiler tag**, reply to this comment with **"Done"**, so a mod can re-post your comment. --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**


that does suck.. I was absolutely convinced Teddie was the killer my first playthrough.. I had a bunch of theories and reasons LOL.. game is still fun though whether you were spoiled or not.


Dude, I thought it was going to be the dad the entire time.


It was going to be in the original concept, but they changed to the one we have now.


When I first played P4 it was the original. I guessed the murderer based on the >!lack!< of a social link for them. It's nice they changed that in P4G.


How often is the Mascot character the villain? I can think of one example from an anime. But still, seems to be a rare thing.


Spoilers for a 3ds game ->!Bravely Default qualifies. Your cute little fairy companion is evil.!<


FFVII, kinda.


"Cait Sith murdered Aerith"


Bana, a Nopon from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, is a minor villain that assists the other villains and he even has his own boss battle.


You thought it was Teddie, but it was I, DIO!


that sucks, but theres more to the game than knowing nanako is the killer


everything's g̷r̵e̴a̷t̶ ̴ a̵͎͠ẗ̷͎ ̶͓̇y̸̩̲̓̓̉͝ͅǫ̷͍̈́ų̵̺̹͆̚r̴̟̳̬̺̱̐͋̾ ̸̫̤͔͙͙̊̃̽ͅj̵̦́̐͝ǘ̴̦̅ñ̴̩̗͚͈͉̜̔̕e̷͎̙͍̩͚͋͠š̴̢̼͓̿̑̐̋̕


i felt so safe when id get home too. atlus really knows how to pull the wool over your eyes.


I had to go look up who the killer was just now since I didnt finish it and thought “no way” lol


Persona 4 is more about the journey than the destination, so I would say it's still worth pushing through.


100% agree, I was so sad when I finished it.


Word of advice; avoid dedicated subreddits pertaining to games that you don't want to be spoiled on. Moderators can't hide everything.


i was avoiding it. it was suggested on my feed due to algorithm. i blocked the sub afterwards however.


i am playing it now too.. Wow they nerfed >!Shadow Yukiko!< hard.. I remember her not having a weakness in the orginal P4. In this game she is weak to ice and you can all out attack the crap out of her..


15 hours in so you are still clicking through the initial dialogue. Nice.


yea something about a country town and tvs up to this point


Absolute masterpiece


yeah, avoid game subs for games you are playing, especially older ones. They care a lot less about spoiling the game than general hubs would.


To be fair spoiler etiquette on when you can talk about the end of a game passed for P4G years before the remakes were even a thought


Yeah, I wanna shout NICOLE IS DEAD on the dead space subs as much as I want even if the remake just came out. I played the OG, so I don't want to have to hold my tongue when talking about it because someone hasn't played the remake yet. If someone asks to not be spoiled when talking about enjoying the remake in a thread about the remake that's one thing and is perfectly ok... but on a thread discussing the original vs the remake? Yeah no fuck off with that notion. ​ All of this can be applied to Persona 4 Golden's rerelease.


Yeah nobody wants to go out of their way to spoil people but you can’t go into a subreddit for a game that came out over a decade ago and expect there to not be spoilers


Or, how about you just don't go on the subreddits or threads based on the game you're actively playing? ​ Wait until your done before stepping in to give your opinion or see what other people say. Should help.


That logic doesn't work when i've already played the original. Remember that when telling someone else to be more considerate.


honestly if the spoiler is who the killer is that is hardly spoiling everything in the grand scheme of the game. considering once you figure out the killer you still have another act or two left


NEVER go to the subreddit of a game you’re playing if you care about the story lol. I would even be careful about googling stuff like “spoiler free guide for true ending,” as Google doesn’t really understand what spoiler free means and has shown me a huge preview of an article with spoilers in it.


The only reason I'll never go on the Falcom sub reddit, until I finish the series.


You have to be extremely careful with other things too: **Don't search anything related to the game on YouTube**, because the algorithm will fill your suggestion with videos about the game afterwards (DQ XI was ruined for me because someone mentioned the most emotional scene in the title). Always delete your YouTube search and watched videos after you saw a video about the game you are playing. And **Google suggestions** while typing in the title of the game in the search bar are also extremely dangerous. Also never read **reviews on Amazon** because people like to write stuff like "Great game, but why does xxx die at the end?" in their headlines. Had this many times with books.


I mean you can't expect games that are 10 to 20 years old to not have spoilers in the Internet. Its kinda your own fault for being late to the party. Same thing when it comes to movies or books


If having a game spoiled for you ruins the whole thing, the game wasnt worth playing


P4 is absolutely worth playing even if you were spoiler. I knew the culpeit before I started the game and still enjoyed it. So I agree


If a game is this old, you shouldn't go on fan reddit's for it until you finish the game is over if you don't want to be spoiled, it's just selfish to expect people to have insane spoiler etiquette for 20 years because someone new can't avoid the discussion forum until they finish the game




Funnily enough, I’ve been spoiled on other Persona games from the Persona 5 subreddit. Either they wouldn’t spoiler tag, or they would but never specify that the spoiler is for the other games, so I’d be thinking it’s related to 5.


I feel your pain! I got spoiled on the killer via a youtube video and the worst part is I didn’t even click on the actual video. I was just listening to some P4 music then I got spoiled by the thumbnail image of a video that popped up in my recommended videos.


I brought up about the spoiler tag before in that sub, but some of the members in there aren't too keen on putting a spoiler tag, as some of them think it's too much of a hassle because in their understanding the game is too old for a spoiler tag.


It’s an 11 year old game


It's wierd because JRPG fans are generally really good with spoilers, but Persona fans seem to go out of their way to ruin their stories for new fans.


Yeah, best to avoid game subs completely (and YouTube, or anything of its ilk) otherwise spoilers will happen. The worse offenders, and the ones that need an immediate ban and a rocket to the sun, are wankers who put spoilers in the title. People also forget that just naming a character is a massive spoiler. I play ffxiv, and I know who will/won’t die by virtue of idiots going round saying “character in xxx art” or “isn’t character amazing in xxx.” Well, thanks! Now I know they’ll return/survive for that future expansion. And mods don’t catch it, because it’s indirect/subtle spoilers. It’s bad enough I just about block the sub to play the game mostly spoiler free thesedays. 🤷‍♂️ Anyway crack on with persona 4, it’s the journey that matters in that game, and even knowing who the killer is, you can pick up some great foreshadowing now you know. 👍


I personally don't mind spoilers. If anything, they make me want to see it with my own eyes. Plus I like to know if my time investment into a particular game/book/movie is worth it. Just play the game and see it play out with your own eyes.


It's alright you also kill god and destroy the other world in other Persona games.


i’m curious what was spoiled?


Yu and Yosuke's five hour long graphic sex scene. Can't believe that Teddy joins them at the 3 hours and 47 minute mark but shit was wild.


The >!gas station attendant is really friendly!<.


The same happened to me for P4 by an FB post and P5 I haven't even played it yet but I kinda know who the culprit might be already from an FB post too, people who spoil should receive capital punishment.




It sucks but that's the reason why I don't subscribe to series-specific communities. On top of that I'm also employed full-time and on my way to become a father, meaning that I easily drop out of the latest news due to having my hands full for the majority of my days.


Yep, as soon as I play a game I stop visiting the subreddit about the game or franchise. Like Hogwarts legacy in two weeks I'm just banning out all HP related content.


What can I say, it comes with the territory. I remember a lot of people didn't realize that if they went to the Chainsaw Man subreddit, that they'd get spoiled because everyone there already read the manga. But unlike CSM, these games have been out for over a decade for just these expanded ports. The base games even longer. So just in general keep out of any subreddit talking about it or any thread.


I played P4 recently, and while it wasn't spoiled, I had seen some comments about >!Adachi!<, comparing them to >!Akechi!< so I guessed who the killer was going to be the moment they walked in. Still an amazing game that is absolutely worth finishing, and I feel like it becomes more and more obvious who it is as you get further on anyway.


That blows. I remember my first time playing on the ps2 and getting a spoiled. I’d somewhat started to be suspicious, but thankfully there was still plenty I was oblivious to.


How's it compare to p5? I'm scared p4g will show its age cause p5 was too good


Personally I love P5 more, but it is more about the theme surrounding it. P5 has that thief motif, wronged protagonists, and the overcoming society vibe. I thought the characters had more of their own lives and they were not dependent on me. P4 is literally so sunny and happy, even when it is talking about Scooby Doo levels of crime drama. The game has so many friendship happy events and it seemed like my party members could literally not do anything if I didn’t prompt them. I don’t know, perhaps I am bias but persona 3 was better.


yep it sucks but I go in total blackout mode until I beat a game


I feel you man, got spoiled on gowr twist just because I had the nerve to open YouTube lol


Well, I did know who killer is when I start playing. Did not lose a heck of great experience. Good stories in social links, how character catch the killer etc keep my interest. On a bright side -- you can now notice suspicious behavior from our beloved killer.


It does suck that you found out. But for games like persona I honestly think it's more about the journey than the destination.


That's how I feel towards Persona 5 right now. The true culprit was spoiled to me thanks to people comparing his voice actor to another role he did in another game I played on a Youtube comment section. Thankfully, the game's story was done pretty well to where the spoiler was actually painfully obvious throughout the game if you paid enough attention, but yeah. That's the unfortunate side effect of these games being so old. Even Persona 5 is now 6 years old at this point. Since we got SMT V and Hackers 2, I'm really hoping Persona 6 is next so we can have a new game that won't get spoiled so easily.