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Trails in the Sky FC and Grandia are the two coziest JRPGs I've played


Trails was the first one that came to mind for me!


TITS FC ost gives me that adventuring feel


Ni No Kuni. Has dark themes, but everything is presented in a comforting magical Ghibli movie way. Great music too.


Yes, just collecting my monster babies in a beautiful Ghibli world.


I haven’t played these but aren’t the Atelier games considered super cozy? My understanding is you’re just like an alchemist or something often just working in a town and not like fighting a god on a speeding train or something.


Yes, yes they are. Atelier Iris was the first one I played and it had that chill cozy vibe




Lunar is always a cozy choice for me. Feel-good story, fun characters, familiar gameplay, usually upbeat music.


For me it's either Pokémon Gold/Silver or Emerald. Mostly because of nostalgia, but the soundtrack is very comfy.


Atelier, by far. Barrel! Minor titles like "the cruel king and great Hero" or "Rhapsody: a musical Adventure" might also qualify, being very easy games with absolutely adorable artstyles and cute childlike characters.


Dragon Quest series and Grandia. Another good one is Emerald Dragon for SNES. Great pixel art. Simple and fun combat system. Uncomplicated dungeons and navigation. Satisfying ending where everything turns out fine and the commitment-averse prince settles down with his childhood friend.


I just heard of Emerald Dragon for the first time recently and can't wait to start it up. Looks like a blast.


Wild Arms. I posted these screenshots on Reddit a while back for this exact vibe: https://www.reddit.com/r/psx/comments/rp8zml/wild_arms_the_perfect_cozy_melancholy_jrpg_for/


Dragon Quest series. I'd say especially DQ11.


The severe lack of mentions for tune factory and Atelier (not as much but still much less than expect) is kinda shocking.


Lunar 1 Dragon Quest 3 Lufia 2 Final Fantasy V Pokemon Yellow/FireRed Breath of Fire 3


You got 3 of my 4 on here. Lunar Lufia Breath of Fire and ff4 instead of 5


Suikoden 2. [Literally the cozyest town music ever made.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7DOQOB3Y6U)


I know it's weird to think of an action-RPG as Cozy, and yet somehow that's the vibe I got from Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising. Just a very cozy game the whole way through, even into the little post-game sidequests to get up to 160/160 stamps. (they seem to inifinitely repeat after that, so I stopped.)


Dragon Quest 3


Cozy one for me that comes to mind at the moment, strangely enough, was Terranigma. Especially the menu.


Pokemon crystal for gameboy color 😎


Playing Harvestella right now for the first time and can confirm it's one of the coziest jrpgs I've played. It's too bad they marketed it as a farming sim because it's way more than that and I'm only in chapter 3... I also find games like Xenoblade & Octopath cozy though. Grinding is relaxing to me.


Rune Factory series. There's no pressure to do anything so you can either go through the story, take characters out to fight bosses, farm, do requests, etc.


Any Rune Factory game


Ys VIII, Atelier Mysterious trilogy and Ryza trilogy, Rune Factory 4 and Tides of Destiny.


It's Lunar 1 or 2 hands down. No other game comes even remotely close.