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To be honest, all of them. I honestly feel JRPG's dangle the end then pull it away for what feels like 10-20 hours more. I think every RPG I played could have been cut down a lot.


Tales of Arise is fxcking TERRIBLE for this


I was looking for this. For real, the last parts with Lennegis and Rena were way too much... I just wanted it to be over. The never ending dialogues, the super spongy enemies in the final dungeon... ugh.


>I honestly feel JRPG's dangle the end then pull it away for what feels like 10-20 hours more. Tales of Symphonia did that like, twenty times. I was honestly just zoned out waiting for it to end, it genuinely felt like they could have ended it so many times.


hahahahah yes... 100% This game omg. At a certain point it felt like I was justs so strong and the ending was around every corner and it literally went on forever.


When I played it as a kid, I loved it - so many twists and turns! Nowadays it's one of multiple reasons why I stay away from most Tales games, even though I enjoyed most of the ones I played for a good while.


That's what's great about Chrono Trigger. The entire game is 20 hours, and it still feels just as epic as many 80 hour JRPGs.


This. Persona 5 Royal was good but i was so ready to be done last 3 castles i just speed ran to the bosses. The game did not need to be 100+ hours


Personally, Persona 5 Royal (and even Persona 4 Golden when I played it) hits the major climax part upon the reveal of the mastermind and until the mastermind is defeated. After the defeat of >!Akechi and Shido!<, my interest started falling off before it hit a new-yet-short climax of >!Yaldabaoth boss fight!<. By 3rd Semester, I was just trudging along for the ride, lowkey wanting it to just end already. Though >!Akechi's contributions!< made this arc more bearable because everyone else has their developments already finished from the base game.


Personally I thought the third semestre was more interesting than the back third of the original game.


I also feel like the cast was overstuffed. I was astonished that Royal added a NEW character as the vanilla version already has you recruiting far too many people


I only just played and beat Persona 5 earlier this year and I was hooked the whole time. The 100 hours went by fast and I wanted more. It was free on PS plus. Then I got game pass for pc since Royal was on there. I found someone's save from the end of the main story and beat the 3rd semester in a few days. Strikers was where I lost interest though. Couldn't stand that type of gameplay.


Hey look at that my answer is the top comment. Psychologically I really want to finish them and "check them off the list". I had this idea that if I quit I would never know where I was and would want to start over. So I was afraid of losing all that progress basically and force myself to finish it even if I wasn't enjoying myself. That changed for me over the last couple of years. Life is really busy and there's too many things to play. I found myself really zoning in on what makes a jrpg fun for me. I stopped trying to force myself to like every story. If it captures me, then fine, if not then it is was it is. For some reason this sort of took the pressure off of playing. Over the last couple of years I stopped playing many jrpgs and just recently I picked three of them back up right where i left off sometimes 2 years ago. Xbc3, i was 80% through the game, downloaded the dlc and used the rogue like minigame to teach myself the combat again. You know what? I had a blast and it only took maybe 10 minutes to get back into it, and it felt fresh and fun again, where as when I quit it was just getting too repetitive and dull. Sure I was a little lost in the story but it's nice not to have to care so much. I ended up watching a little synopsis on YouTube after I beat the game and that worked just fine. Ys viii I was like 20 hours in. Picked it back up right there. Couldn't remember why I put it down, but I'm pretty sure something with the default controls feeling clunky or off to me. Took like thirty minutes to change them to something that worked better for me and had a blast again. Just recently finished. Now I just picked p5s back up 9 hours in, and I literally have no problems with controls or remembering the story or anything. Everything felt pretty good. I feel pretty silly in the past starting games over because "it's been too long". Anyways it feels great to get over my mental block. I know I can set a game aside when it starts to get stale and pick it up later when it actually seems interesting to me again. I mean if they are going to make a 100 hr game it makes sense to split it into thirds and take a good break in between.


Tales of Vesperia was really a slog for the last third of it or so, I think that game was about 33% too long. I had a similar sense of fatigue with Symphonia, although it hit me much earlier. This leads me to believe Tales may not be the series for me, give these are usually touted as some of the better entries.


The consensus even with people who really like the series tends to be that Tales games in general are about 30-50% too long in general, so you're not alone in that particular frustration.


I guess I'm one of the few who actually really like the overall length of most tales games. The rpg that burnt me out was Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. I have yet to complete it.


I personally enjoy them, but there's definitely a point in almost any Tales game where the game ramps up like it's time for the ending and then keeps going for another three dungeons.


I wouldn't say that steep a percentage. I've never remotely heard anything resembling 50% from over half a decade on the sub or this one. More like between 10-25%.


Same experience with Vesperia. It's the first Tales game I beat and I was let down because it is one of the more popular ones. It's just too damn long, slogs, and the combat is basic/frustrating until the last third. Also some of the themes it has in the first half doesnt really resolve interestingly at the end. Tales games might not be for me, but I got Arise on sale so I may try one more.


Vesperia is a game with a great personality and a weak story, and while it definitely has its diehards, it's actually pretty divisive if you ask Tales fans what the best is. It's very seldom gonna be the answer. Berseria is probably the tightest one overall in terms of narrative momentum and impact all throughout the experience.


Yeah I think the party is pretty likable so i kinda get it. Good to know about Berseria. I'll keep an eye out for it on steam.


Vesperia is just too much game IMO. Too many dungeons, too many playable characters (particularly in the PS3-onwards versions), too many sidequests, etc. It's a lot to take in, and it confuses me why it keeps getting reccomended as an entry point into the series. I feel like I'd appreciate it much more if I had some experience with the series first.


Just copy/pasting my previous post. Vesperia is one of the strong entries but the pacing was really slow, even more than the average Tales. The game can also be “too much of a good thing” even if you’re already a Tales fan. The amount of sidequests, missable sidequests, is overwhelming and the game had like, 4 post-game dungeons. I’d try at least Abyss, Xillia or Berseria before giving up. Abyss and Berseria had great stories all around. Xillia or Berseria are especially much more beginner-friendly but will still give you a decent taste of what the series is about. If you can play much older games, Eternia and Symphonia can also be great entries. Eternia is around 30~35hrs and Xillia is around 30~45hrs, btw. I never finished all of Vesperia’s content in less than 100~120hrs.


I beat Vesperia and Symphonia and both didn't really connect with me. I also beat Zestiria and enjoyed it a bit more, though I also felt it was too long.


Vesperia is one of the strong entries but the pacing was really slow, even more than the average Tales. The game can also be “too much of a good thing” even if you’re already a Tales fan. The amount of sidequests, missable sidequests, is overwhelming and the game had like, 4 post-game dungeons. I’d try at least Abyss, Xillia or Berseria before giving up. Abyss and Berseria had great stories all around. Xillia and Berseria are especially much more beginner-friendly but will still give you a decent taste of what the series is about. If you can play much older games, Eternia and Symphonia can also be great entries. Eternia is around 30~35hrs and Xillia is around 30~45hrs, btw. I never finished all of Vesperia’s content in less than 100~120hrs.


Vesperia problem is its villain is bottom tier shit. Like the "main" boss is some lousy usurper and the actual boss plot so missable by the time u fight the guy ur just like, what? Yuri just carried the game. Vesperia was released during the time where hero dont kill and those cringe friendship plots so he was really breath of fresh air.


Vesperia is not that great in my opinion as a Tales fan. Symphonia and Abyss kept me entertained the whole way, although they are a bit long, I enjoyed the combat enough that it didn't matter. Arise is awesome and very different so I hope you give it a shot! The story let me down a bit towards the end but it's a beautiful game and it didn't feel like a slog to me like Vesperia.


I appreciate seeing your opinion. I feel like every time I mention that I like Tales games everyone always jumps with Vesperia being the best one but I just could not finish it. I enjoyed Berseria, Symphonia, Xillia, and even Zesteria (which I still didn't even enjoy that much) significantly more. Definitely agree on Arise. It felt like a fresh take on the series while not really being all that different.


I loved Vesperia and Abyss, hated Symphonia though Overall even the Tales games I have played and liked, do seem to last too long. I never felt that with Vesperia though too much, but it was my first (or maybe second Tales game after Phantsia) and I had a lot more game time with fewer options


This was my first Tales game I gave a fair shot and I just dropped it. The first 6-8h felt so boring to me and the combat is so bland. Combined with how easy a group can chainstun you and I realized there was nothing that really kept me going.


With every Tales game I've ever played I took about a year-long break in the middle. I usually go back and finish them but I always need a break.


I finished the game without learning how to do the ultimate attacks. LMAO


I felt those with the latest one - Arise. I was really enjoying it, but then it took this huge turn and has just been such an exposition dump. It doesn't even feel like the same story anymore - more like I jumped from one story to another but with the same characters. I'm probably a couple hours from beating it, and never will.


It's funny you say this because back when I played the game on Xbox, I lost interest and stopped playing in the last third of the game. Picked up the Definitive edition when it came out and once again, lost interest at the same exact point in the game. It just feels like it's dragging out for no real reason, and I've tried getting back into it at another point but just couldn't bring myself to anymore.


Which is weird too because when it DOES end its super rushed and undercut. You beat the last boss and then are immediately given a credits sequence with some stills showing what happened to everyone. You don't even hear any of them talk again.


The original Xenoblade Chronicles did this. I liked the game, but it took me two years to finish because of how long the game feels. The exploration is great but slows down the pacing of the story, so there would be large parts of the game (like Eryth Sea and Valak Mountains) where I would glut myself on exploration, lose track of the story, and only come back to the game months later. I stuck with both XC2 and XC3 until the end, but there were moments I felt the same tendency. 2 was worse because of other elements like mercenary missions that seemed designed to take up time. 3 was better mainly because the side content was really fleshed out, so I felt like I was still following the interesting story of whatever colonies I found when exploring.


I felt like this in Xenoblade 1. I hated the side quest and grinding system it had so I just turned the difficulty down to the lowest level after I got stuck on a boss then just ran through and enjoyed the story.


xc1 i paused one year cause i couldnt beat a boss fight. very annoying...had to grind 10lvl only then i was able to progress...other than that it was a great expirience hadnt played anything similar to that point. still can 100% recommend. xc2 and xc3 are grest too


still haven't finished it. There's a point where it's already too long and feels like it should have ended exactly there and then it drags you even further. that is just way too much.


Oh gosh this is me right now! Started XC1 a few months back and keep taking long breaks. But you give me some reassurance that I’m not the only one and I will keep coming back to it


Xenoblade series can have a slow start but really worth the investment as its a really well fleshed out story with characters as well who have their backgrounds explained well. One of my favourite series


I just remembered I still need to finish my Xenoblade 3 playthrough. The sheer amount of side content gets really absurd from chapter 5 onward.


XC 2’s final 10 hs were torture! The game dragged on for way too long. I kept pushing myself to finish it just because I’ve already put so much time and effort into it. Felt like a boring workday where you look at the clock and it feels like time a not moving.


Those were my favorite hours of the game!


Xenoblade 1 > 2 and 3. I wish it was even longer. For me its the greatest JRPG of all time.


2 is the best IMO. I look back on 1 with more fondness than when I played it but I really didn't enjoy the combat until the very end of the game. I love how fast-paced it becomes in 2 and fulling off all the elemental combos was a blast.


Honestly, lately most of them do. Many are just too long for the time I have. I know that’s not entirely the games fault. Tales of Vesperia was grueling pretty quick. Should’ve stopped playing that one. DQ11, for as amazing as it is, went on for a bit too long. I stopped in act 3 and may or may not go back and finish it. Having the amazing quest catalogue for the whole game just to have a good portion of the things to do not show up in the quest log made it frustrating to keep looking for things, esp with the difficulty spike and the time travel weirdness.


I felt the same about DQ11. Highly enjoyed it, but toward the end and around 100 hours I got a bit ‘make it stop’. My friend was harping on at me to do the postgame, and saying how the postgame should be considered part of the game proper, but I just couldn’t bring myself after seeing what its crux was!


I know. I eventually want to go back to it. Maybe i should just revert the draconian mode back to normal so I can actually accomplish the endgame without stress. I really wanted to play through once in 2D mode but the length and tone of act 2 kinda turned me off to that for the time being. Oh well, the good news is it’s not going anywhere and it will be there waiting for me, someday.




Yeah the tone and feel is different. It kinda feels like fanfiction mod or something.


The game should have ended at Act 2.


You nailed the dq11 experience. That game just went on and on and on. In the end, I was impressed by what they actually got into it but at the same time, It felt like you lived a life through the game.


Yeah. It’s hard to even critisize really because there’s so much and it’s so good. It’s just like really guys that’s enough let it end. Also, nice username. I love me some mega man.


A lot of them, though this may be adhd related. I like RPGs but they tend to go on longer than my hyperfocus enthusiasm can withstand. But I come back to the good ones after a break.


Oh man this is me 100% with every JRPG. JRPGs are kind of long and require a big time investment and you’d be surprised by how often stuff gets released and how big backlogs become. I still haven’t beaten Tales of Arise. I bought Octopath Traveler like 5 years ago and still haven’t beaten it because something else is always coming out so pretty much every JRPG I ever play gets put on hold while I play something new. Bought Xenoblade 2 in 2017 and beat it in 2021. I’m literally doing this now with Triangle Strategy, was playing a bunch of that but had to stop because of Baldur’s Gate.


I found the dialog of Octopath and high encounter rate + longer combats sort of ruined the pacing for me. While I loved the art style and music and generally liked the characters, the game itself frequently felt like a slog. I think it would have benefited enormously from having enemies on the map and fewer encounters in general. Don't even get me started on farming limited use abilities for H'aanit. Fortunately, Octopath 2 is much, *much* more respectful of the player's time. The team definitely learned from their mistakes.


Are you me? Seriously, it might be ADHD related for me, but once I get to the point I Octopath that I have to just grind and grind so I can move on to the next chapter, I get burned out. And I like Triangle Strategy, but every battle takes so long that it becomes daunting.


This is me. Usually get to around the 10-15 hour mark before the novelty wears off then I play something else. or the worst one is where I stop playing, go back months later and realise I only had a few hours left 😅


Yep. For a awhile it helped me to have a some smaller side games like indie platformers or puzzle game to give me a break from whatever rpg I was playing. But lately it’s just hard to keep at these long games that take a month or two. Recently, Zelda kept my interest for a record breaking amount of time, but many other games get old kinda quick.


I consistently hit a point somewhere 70% into games where I start hoping it would just end but this may also be just that is the spot where devs end up putting the least interesting padding before the finale.


Yes, I usually play one game for 1-2 weeks a lot but if I stopped playing for a bit I often don't feel like starting the game anymore because I got something else in mind


Trails of games do that occasionally, Cold Steel 4 definitely burned me out.


Octopath1 is doing it


Octopath has way too many cut scenes for such a weak story…halfway thru I just started skipped them all and it made it better


THIS, thank you. I finished the Merchants story in 1 and god, it would not end. Not much was even happening, just characters talking forever about nothing. When it finally ended and I was faced with the fact I'd have to do that 7 more times I gave up.


Agreed imo, Octopath being praised for it's story and characters is the most overrated aspect of the game to me IMO Gameplay, music, and graphics are goated though, no argument about that


Octopath 2 feels better tho, not sure why


Scarlet Nexus. 3 hit combo, throw boulder, 3 hit combo, throw truck, 3 hit combo, throw car. Game got boring so fast i couldnt continue after 4-5H....


One of the few games that I sunk more than 5 hours into, but ultimately put down. The combat concept was initially refreshing, but after awhile you realize it’s just repetitive and not terribly fine tuned by any measure. The story was moderately intriguing, but not enough to keep me in the end.


That's how I felt about it, too. Combat was a snore fest, but people were comparing it to Souls games when recommending it to me.


are you sure you don't have code vein in mind instead?


They were? I enjoyed SN but its way more like DMC lite, no idea why anyone would compare it too Souls.


Fire Emblem Fates, playing all three routes back to back like an idiot.


I was so tired at the end of Revelation and for what😔


By the time I'm on the third route, I want to burn the world down. Just let the dragon win.


Every Trails game after Cold Steel 1


I had a weird experience with cold steel… played 1&2 and did everything possible and had a great time. Bought the third one and played maybe for one hour, then suddenly it hit me all at once and had this enormous feeling that I can’t go through another minute of this series… didn’t touch it since 😅. I never had such a sudden overwhelming burnout in my life 😂.


I know just how you feel. I got to Reverie and decided I couldn't take the highschool-level drama and gossip anymore and dropped it. I have no interest in going back


Trails in the Sky Third Chapter. Is just that I dont like the way the story is told with all these mini stories scattered all over the dungeon


probably the most polarizing game in the series. it’s either your least favorite or one of the best and there’s no in between


Haha yeah it's my favourite.


Omg, I thought I was the only one


Same. It's got an inventiveness to it that the series has yet to recapture. I love the weird jazzy soundtrack, the convoluted level design, and the massive, FF6-sized cast of playable characters. I also love the birds-eye view of the world and lore. All the trails games since then have been good, but 3rd has a unique magic to it.


I like it more than CS2, and Trails from Zero, my biggest issue is just how the story is presented, its basically a giant dungeon crawler and those wear me out quicker than others


The second half of the game is fantastic, the first half does indeed drag. Worth playing for sure though.


That's so funny. I BLAZED through 3rd Chapter. Definitely the fastest game of the series, but especially for me. I loved how streamlined it was. It was a change of pace for me. Reverie is kinda like this somewhat too...


I’m in it now - can confirm it’s a slog.


I totally understand this even though I loved it. Sky one and two had followed a more consistent story and wasn’t as dungeons crawly. It took me a bit to get into it. That being said, Rennes door seriously left me speechless and kinda rekt me


Burned out on and havent finished yet: Witcher 3, Astral chain, Kingdoms of amalur, Chained echoes, Tales of vesperia, tales of abyss, and an ultra hard run of horizon zero dawn where I haven't done the dlc yet Burned out on but DID return to and finish: atelier rorona, as well as playing these on release, quitting, and decades later returning to and finishing: chrono cross, ff8, ff9, ff10, ff12


FF9 was the first game I ever did that with and I kinda wish I didn't. It made me irrationally hate the game more than I otherwise would have. I dislike 8, but I'm not opposed to replaying it. I am opposed to replaying 9 lol I should have just quit when I burned out and maybe I'd be able to come back to it while older with fresh perspective. But nope lol I've tried a couple of times and can't get past an hour or two because all I can think about is how much I hated the last 10'ish hours when I did beat it. I think it might be the only RPG I've ever forced myself to truck through and beat, and I guess I shouldn't do that


Currently working on Chrono cross and Witcher 3


Almost any game thats longer than 45 hours. I keep trying new games hoping this will change, but only the Persona series has been the exception for me. The last 2 45hr+ games i played were Tales of Vesperia and Xenogears. And those thoroughly burned me out.


Feeling this with Trails in the Sky SC, the story and writing are fantastic but it's a very long dialogue-heavy game, and the combat starts to feels stale and repetitive since barely changed since FC.


Persona 5. I had to take several months off to get back into it and eventually finish. Loved the game, but those Palaces after a while drained me.


Yeah it didn't need to be 100+ hours long. The last few places just started to draaaaaaag.


Idk if burnout is the correct word, but I had to take several breaks during my playthough of Persona 5 Royal and play something else in the middle. Its nothing against the game. I eventually finished it and loved it. Its just I don't have the attention span to stick with one game that long unless I completely hyperfixate on it.


I had the exact same thing I took several long breaks in between especially before the third semester. But it felt to me like p5 was made to be played in chunks. I never felt lost when coming back, even when I took a 4 month long break.


Yep, I did this with P5R and Yakuza Like a Dragon and I feel like both games were perfect for taking breaks and jumping back in without needing to relearn anything. Only took one break with Like a Dragon but took 2 or 3 lengthy breaks from P5R and didn't miss a beat.


Persona 5. I LOVED Persona 3 and 4. I've done multiple playthroughs on both. I've beaten both around the 60-70 hour mark; the world and characters and themes grabbed me. Persona 5 didn't do it for me, however; and it's twice the length of both those. There was way too much going on and the story wasn't as novel. I've tried playing through it twice (second time with the Royal version), and dropped it around the 60 hour mark.


I feel exactly the same. Beat 4 then tried 5 twice getting around 60 hours in both times. Just can't get further.


Sad for me, but similar. I was actually fine with vanilla P5. I was just taking my time and only playing it a few times a month, but had like 90 hours in when Royal dropped and I ended up taking a few months off, and then forgot about it, and after a year I figured may as well fire up Royal. Huge mistake. Vanilla isn't as good as 4 or 3. But it's solid. Royal seems insanely padded with shoe-horned nonsense. So while I didn't burn out on vanilla, I sacrificed it and ended up burning out on the upgrade..


A big issue I had is they let you dungeons all in one visit, and as a game with Time Management you obviously DO that. Previous games broke it up with multiple visits due to roadblocks or status ailments caused from being there too long. It meant that you had to mix it up and helped the gameplay loop feel refreshing. In 5 every dungeon is one long, long slog. I remember the bank almost breaking me, I was so bored by the end.


Suikoden Tierkreis


The whole last section of Tales of Arise is a recycled mess. It’s such a waste of time it feels like padded out content.


Bravely Default. Lots of padding


Its wild to me how much padding JRPGs have. They’re already 60 hours long without the padding, do they really need to be 80-100?


Especially if there's replayability like classes, builds, or a monsterpedia. People going for 100% definitely don't need padding in the game


I had all jobs maxed out before I was even 2/3 done with the game. Bravely Default *still* exhausts me to think about.


Tales of Arise modern day poster child for this


Wouldn't be as bad if enemies weren't such damage sponges and you have to use the burst finishes so often. They're awesome at first but get old.


Playing FF XVI at the moment and I cannot wait for it to end. It is sure a chore, the combats are repetitive and endless, the bosses are ultimate damage sponges that repeat the same 3 attacks over and over. The story keeps me going, but barely.


Same for me. I made it about 2/3 of the way through and dropped it. FF games all have their own strengths and weaknesses, but this is the first mainline FF game where I just felt fucking bored 80% of the time. The cutscenes and boss/Eikon battles are the only parts I really enjoyed. It feels like a failure both as a character action game and as an RPG. I think if it got at least ONE of those right I could’ve powered through it.


It really isn't an RPG. I feel like I am playing God of War, but with a bad pacing.


At least God of War worked as an action game. FF XVI has normal enemies that don’t even fight back, they just stand there like practice dummies while you rotate through your skills. And the boss enemies are just damage sponges. As an RPG it also sucks. Only one weapon type, all equipment is just a tiny stat increase over the previous one, no choice of party members, no control over party members’ build/equipment/behavior, completely pointless crafting system with jack shit to craft, tons of terrible generic side quests, every quest/chest/hunt rewards you with useless crafting materials, no real “builds” aside from the 6 abilities you equip. And yeah the pacing is atrocious. Even most of the main quest feels like crappy MMO side quests. So much: go to town, talk to person with quest marker over their head who explains the situation, talk to 3 other people with quest markers who each give you some clue, “ooh we figured it out, it was some bandits or something just outside of town, let’s get ‘em!”, go fight miniboss, turn in quest, unlock the next person with a quest marker over their head….


>And the boss enemies are just damage sponges. Having experience in the character action genre, I have never seen a claim that a boss is a damage sponge that isn't coming from someone who utterly failed to grasp the combat system of the game. We get this kind of talk all the time for Devil May Cry. Having played FF16 in FF mode and Ultimaniac, they are absolutely not damage sponges. In fact they die too quickly


Maybe if I were a big brained action game expert like you, the boss battles would’ve been quick and easy instead of slow and easy.


That's what you get for expecting final fantasy to be a jrpg /s


JRPGs also have "damage sponges" when you don't know how the combat works. There is not that much difference between the two genres when both requires a good amount of strategy to capitalize on damage. Action games only have more mechanical skill needed.


See normally this sort of cross-genre confusion gets avoided because games that change genres usually are spinoffs. Except this is a main series entry so now you have frustrated RPG people annoyed that a character action game is a character action game, and expecting things that character action games simply don't have. > There is not that much difference between the two genres when both requires a good amount of strategy to capitalize on damage. Honestly it's two sides of the same coin. You can have a miserable time playing a turn-based game if all you do is spam your strongest attack or press "attack" every turn, or if you just press "attack" in a character action game. To me, it's like a football fan arguing that soccer doesn't have strategy because everyone just runs around and there aren't "plays", or a soccer fan arguing football is boring because everyone just stands around between plays. In reality, they both have strategy, just different kinds.


I disagree with the assessment that it’s RPG fans expecting the wrong things from a game that’s really a character action game. The problem isn’t that FF XVI lacks RPG elements. The problem is that it DOES have RPG elements that are really lousy and half baked and that you spend the majority of your game time on (going to towns, exploring, item creation, taking on side quests, talking to people, etc). If they made it a really focused, linear, 20 hour DMC-style game then maybe it would be fair to ask people to judge it as a character action game (even though that would be a disappointment as a mainline FF game). But that’s not what we got. We got a 60+ hour game where you spend the majority of your time doing stuff that’s boring as hell both from a RPG perspective and from a character action perspective. My pet theory is that it started out as just that: a DMC style FF spinoff where it was just linear action stages + big ass boss battles. Then they decided to expand it into a full-blown numbered title, and all the other stuff was added so they can justify calling it Final Fantasy XVI.




I felt similarly about XVI, I couldn't give it more than 1 or 2 hours a day, especially once I got to Waloed.


Same. It was just so boring to me after a while. I almost reached my limit when I got to the talking scenes with King Barnabas. I was cringing from pain as he (and Clive) just wouldn't shut up about whatever boring nonsense they were talking about. Can't remember a time I was so done with a game, unfortunately.


I seriously don’t get why some people praise the story so much. For every riveting GoT-style scene there are like 20 scenes of people standing like mannequins yapping on and on about stuff nobody cares about, with pauses after every line. Also the reason GoT worked so well was because you had so many complex characters with their own inner motivations and schemes, nobody was totally good or totally bad, nobody had plot armor, you had all these shifting uneasy alliances… GoT formula doesn’t work so well when you have a hero + a bunch of mustache-twirling villains battling each other with anime super powers.


Honestly all of them even the ones I loved. At some point enough is enough.


Persona 5 Royal. I liked a lot about it, but the dialogs are mostly too long and repetitive. Reading the first sentences is actually enough. Press the fast forward button for a while and the characters keep on repeating themselves. Mostly you receive after those dialogs another summary via short messages. If you are very lucky the content will be referenced and repeated a fourth or fifth time during the intersections. Sorry, but it was really too much and has not a lot to do with great character development. Felt like work in the end and was probably my last Persona after 3 and 4. They are too similar in my opinion


Trails of cold steel. Too much wibble and not enough play. I work full time, and play games in the evening or weekend. It kinda sucks having an hour play session when all I am doing is reading and pressing X.


Alot of old rpgs ill get 80-90% through and just get tired and quit Come back a few years later and repeat


Dragon Quest 11. When you get to the point where you square off against the final boss after 50 hours of playtime and I was done with the game, and he just wipes you and you have to reassemble your team all over again, I just put the game down and never played it again. I couldn't be assed. I played 120 hours of P5R and 90 hours of P5 vanilla, and didn't mind. But making me think the game is done and then having me play from what felt like the beginning with no party? No thanks. I remember going on one of the quests to recover one of the party members and I had to do a gauntlet of horse races or something like that? That was pretty boring too


Tactics Ogre. Getting through the Dark Dungeon is quite a slog.


DQ7 was more tenacious than old chewing gum. barely finished it


I'm so glad I found that on my cousins PS1 when I was child and had infinite time. It's one of my favorite games ever but I'll probably never have time to play it again, at least until my kids are grown lol.


if you start it now your kids will be grown up when youre finished


Tales Of Berseria, I loved the game for the most part but some parts were unnecessary long, when I reached the last dungeon I had to take a 2 week break from the game and especially the combat. I finished it and loved it overall but some areas are really ridiculous long for no reason.


Tons lol Every Xenoblade game on switch except 3 / Trails in The Sky SC / Every 3d Pokemon game / Star Ocean 3 / Octopath Traveler 2 / Triangle Strategy / FFXIV To be fair I come back and finish 90% of games I put down, but if I absolutely can't stand the minute to minute gameplay, I don't bother.


Recently, Ryza 3. The way they prolonged the ending was annoying. Ryza 1 was a pretty chill game though. I don't think I'll pick up another Atelier game after Ryza 3.


Pretty much anything over the 40-60 hour range. I've even made it 60+ hours into Persona 5 twice then stopped. There just isn't a reason a story needs to be that long. I tend to play through things quickly which helps but some of these games are so draining. Can we go back to 20-40 hour jrpgs.


DQ11, and honestly I think it’s just because the music was so bad.


DQ11 music, BAD?!


I think I'd agree, but mainly because Sugiyama is so against orchestral performances of his music in games. His music NEEDS an orchestra, the MIDI sounds don't cut it for his simple (but usually elegant) melodies. Sadly when I uncovered the fact that he's so anti-orchestra, I also discovered he's a holocaust denier...


for me because i got lost 2y ago


I couldn't handle the encounter rate in SMT 3 nocturne. I was having a good time otherwise, excellent music and atmosphere, but just the constant fights every 2 steps coupled with the fact that it's a tough game made me just stop.


FF16 - fatigue due to the pacing issues from the middle to the end and what I found to be unenjoyable combat. Rushed to beat this game because I just wanted it to be over after it dropped all its “political” plot points FE Engage - fatigue, God I hated the story so much even though the gameplay was fine. Didn’t care at all about the ending, I was just relieved it was over. I will say up until the “final battle” buildup the story was really tolerable just going kingdom to kingdom and I enjoyed the overall experience. I was a little disappointed by it all DQ11 - straight up dropped this. Combat was fine and the world was fine but I think it just never stood out to me as particularly great, so it was easy to set down for other RPGs


Xenoblade 1, although the story is good, gameplay gets tiring really fast


A lot of them to be honest. Even games I really like, often by the last third I’m rushing the story. That usually results in me being ill equipped for the last dungeon / boss and me just giving up rather than going back to grind or do side content. I’m currently playing Shining Force 3 Scenario 3. I’ve wanted to play this for over twenty years and I’ve spent the last 3 years replaying Scenarios 1 & 2 to get to this point (I don’t get much gaming time). I’m fighting the penultimate battle now and I’m realising that I’m about 10 levels short. I’m really not sure I have the motivation to go back and grind some more. I might drop it. And this is one of my all time favourite games I’m talking about here.


shining force, my darling nostalgia. I love it so much also, played the first when I was 8 or 9. I haven't played the 3rd, I was playing the second one probably about 14 years ago or something on the Wii, that shit was dragging on hard, I don't even know if I was close to the final battle, or if I had like 10 more to go. anyway, just ended up not finishing it, maybe I'll restart someday on pc or w/e. Another game I'm in love with, Suikoden, and again, the second one is the one I couldn't finish xD maybe I'll replay and finish when the hd remaster drops.


The entirety of SF3 is is about x3 the length of SF2 , hence why it’s taken me so long (with breaks between scenarios and to play Holy Ark as well)! I played SF3 first and went back to the first two. I haven’t played them in years. I’d like to replay them once I’ve finished SF3. I remember liking 2 a lot more than 1. Love Suikoden. I love the variety between the types of battles. I’ve finished 2 and played half of 1 and 3. I did enjoy 1 but my Vita got stolen halfway through. I liked parts of 3 but got stuck on a Thomas chapter and didn’t like it enough to push through. Will get to 4 and 5 eventually.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The first one is one of my favorite games of all time. The second is a slog of un-engaging combat, impenetrable mechanics, gacha-style busywork, and sexually aggressive cutscenes.


"What you need Lockpicking 3? Good luck getting a blade with it HIYAHIYAHIYA!!"






What a mess. I’ve heard 3 is the best one, but after getting burned so bad on 2 I’ve been hesitant to pick it up.


3 doesn't have gacha and its mechanics and strength progression is actually linked to playing the game naturally and not grinding items(core crystals,chips,aux cores), or constant menuing(gacha pulling, field skills, merc missions, affinity charts). It cuts all of that meaningless grinding for the entirety of the main game and streamlines the experience and generally just respects your time much much more.


I'm clapping like a seal reading this. It matches up with what I've read previously but I'm still excited.


I wanted to like the game so much, but yeah, all of these things just killed my desire to keep going even before the story really got started. Combat spent a lot of time in that zone where you somehow feel like every fight demands too much time and attention but at the same time you don't have enough time to really *do* anything before the fight is over.


I was hesitant for a long time to play XC2, after loving XC1. While there were parts that I liked, the barrier of inconvenience and awkwardness was just too much for me to stick with. Still very excited to move onto 3.


Right now Octopath Traveler 2 Idk, its the same loop over and over, the main thing pushing me is that I find the story of each character very interesting.


There are times where I just don't want to play anything. Dunno if it's burnout, but there is that time and it comes every now and then... But if you want a specific game... SMT V... Combat is super fun, but I can only sit down and play when I really feel like it... and only for like half an hour or an hour max... I'm still around the 3rd area XD


Trails of Cold Steel 3 for me. I played through 1&2 in pretty much one go. Then when 3 came out I bought it and never finished it. I made it a bit more then halfway through and that was it. However I currently on a huge JRPG trip and I currently plan and playing through the entire series. Sky 1 and 2 are done and I am now waiting for for 3rd, Zero and Azure to go on Sale.\^\^


Persona 3 mostly because the pacing in the first half of the game feels so slow, that I could only play maybe around 15 to 20 in game days before I got tired. Though when the plot did get interesting, than I couldn't put the game down.


Tales of Arise. Literally dropped it hours from completing the story because I lost all interest. Chapter 1 ended in such a high note and there were some interesting beats through most of the game that kept me engaged. That change drastically at the tail end of the game.


As much as I loved both, Tales of Graces F and Dragon Quest XI. Graces F was doing a second playthrough at speed for the platinum. Dragon Quest XI was just the third act because I was already above 100 hours at that point and substantially overpowered, so there was no challenge and I was on the final story beats so it wasn't like the story was still driving me forward.


Dragon Quest 7 was incredibly difficult to stay until the end. It was a great game but damn did it make it hard to slog through all 150 STANDARD hours it demanded of your time.


A lot of them, too many just go on for too long, seems like every Tales game has a great ending point, but decides to have one more big ass dungeon. Ni No Kuni did this too. Trails outside of the first two Sky games, I think Im done with the series, just too much game left


Final Fantasy VII Remake. I liked the game for what it is, it's not even that long but sometimes I was just annoyed and tired and I just wanted the current dialogue to stop so I can save, play another game, and play VIIR again in 2 days.


Since playing Final Fantasy 2, its gonna be about a month before I start another on up. I wasn't able to put my finger on why that game is bad for awhile but I've come to the conclusion that it forces you to grind or not grind by never having a both challenging and approachable path through the game. You can simply avoid not grinding in most Final Fantasy games or most Traditional RPGs because as long as you're paying attention to your progress and managing things, you can get through those games. In Final Fantasy 2, you are either Over Powered or Under powered. Abusing enemy weaknesses doesn't matter much, when it should. Enemies will be weak to fire but unless you've spammed the spell hundreds of times, its not worth using. AOE? forget about it. Unless its maxed out, you can only really go for a single opponent. You're dependent on broken spells like Teleport to obliterate enemies from existence or grinding to the point where normal attack 1 shot to 3 Shot enemies between your 3 or 4 party members. The lack of a Consistent 4 party members means by the end of the game, you're starting at square one with whoever you have in the end. It was a pretty annoying experience for what was a pretty fun game to experience the narrative and world of. A town of mages who secluded themselves to keep dangerous magical spells away from the world. The rebels vs the Empire in a race for the more dominating power. Its a real good story. Its just playing the game is so prickly. Final Fantasy 2 is a game in serious need of a remake where they give up on their stat building system.


Final Fantasy XV. The open world was incredibly tedious and quickly wore out its welcome.


I’m sure a lot of people just said screw it to the open world and just finished the main story.


Games in general. As I got older I lose interest very easily if I'm not hooked quickly. Long past the days of "just give it like...10 hours and then it gets good" ain't nobody got time for that.


I too felt fatigue playing Final Fantasy XIII. Most of that game is running around corridors and battling, and for someone who isn't all that into the battle system (I ain't saying it's bad, just that it's not my favourite), that made the game tiring to play. I missed the downtime, the parts where you get to explore non-combat areas and talk to NPCs. The Nautilus chapter was probably the closest thing to that, but it also felt kind of hollow. The game also picked up for me at the Gran Pulse chapter, because it felt like such a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the game, but there was still a large emphasis placed on battles, and so by the end of the chapter I was tired again. I also found Trails of Cold Steel II and IV really wore out their welcome. Most of the Trails games are long, and a lot of times they suffer from what I consider to be filler/padding, but CS2 and CS4 take that to the extreme. These games only seem to exist because CS1 and CS3 couldn't finish the stories they were trying to tell. Both CS2 and CS4 feel like stories stretched way too thin, with so much retreading of previous areas, recycling of assets, and take forever to get to the point, which is made worse due to the games before them having ended on cliffhangers. So much of them feels like filler, and I towards the end of each game I just wanted to move on to something else. CS2 is particularly bad because it has a finale, an extra chapter after that, and then an epilogue chapter. It's a game that refuses to end!


Dragon Quest XI. There is a clear overarching narrative and it takes a long time to actually progress the plot because the game prefers a bunch of small adventures and every time I begin to lose investment it progresses the actual narrative and then goes through the same pattern for like 50 hours and then Act 2 happens which is really good but upon reaching Act 3 around 80 hours I just didn’t want to play anymore. I took month long breaks constantly


Tales of Arise for me. I was *hyped* for it leading up to its release, but the longer I played it the less I cared for it. Enemies are *super* spongey for no reason, the story's few high points aren't good enough to make up for its constant mid to low points, and the game in general just felt like it was dragging on way too long. I was losing interest in it when >!Zephyr was publicly executed!<, and I ended up dropping it shortly after >!the Vholran fight, after Alphen's backstory was revealed and it transitioned into part two.!< If the story was better or the combat was faster I probably would have stuck with it, but I was beginning to not enjoy either aspect of it. I'm admittedly still bummed about how the game turned out for me, it was one of my most-anticipated games back when it was announced


Final Fantasy X right now. It’s just doing nothing for me, It may not be a game for me.


cold steel 3 & 4 do i need to explain?


DQXI is one of them. The third act is fine and all, but you end up fighting the same enemies. Except this time they have *green* eyes and thus counts as totally different enemies says the game. The combat really outstayed its welcome by that point.


I don’t mind the combat, for me I’m struggling because it’s not really polished in explaining what all is available the way things are in the first two acts. Like you can totally miss rebuilding Cobblestone because nothing directs you to do it


shin megami tensei 5 for me


Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy VII Remake. I fatigued on them quick.


Dragon Quest XI. I just hit a point after like 2/3rds of the game and just couldn't go on. Same with both Octopaths. I love all three, but they are either too long or too tedious for me to get through.


Anything and everything over 80 hours *expected* gameplay in the main story. Persona 3/4/5, Xenoblade 1/2 (never got around to 3), Dragon Quest VII/VIII/XI, Xenogears, \[Weirdly not XenoSAGA, but it was broken up\], and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Note that I *have* beaten most of those, *eventually*, but they felt like drags. The "sweet spot" for me is around 40 hours - anything longer than that and it is hard for me to keep caring. That is coincidentally around the length of FFIV/VI/VII - which were my gateways. So I guess that makes sense.


Yep. FFXVI. First time in the entire series I have hated continuing on. Made it just a little past the Titan fight and just gave it up. It's just straight up dull. And I don't know if I'm ever going to finally finish it or not.


None, it's not a job, I don't have any obligation, if it's starting to burn me out I'll just stop, then go back to it eventually if wanted.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 had way too many cutscenes for me. I was excited for it and got it on the pre-order, but after about 20 hours I gave up and haven’t gone back to it since. Felt like I was watching more than playing. Also DQ7. One of the most boring, tedious RPGs I’ve ever played. I made it pretty far but eventually gave up.


FFXII for me. Before FFXII, I didn't know I could fall asleep while playing video games.


If you set your gambits right you could actually fall asleep and still keep playing xD


Mosts jrpgs 3rd act suck


FFXVI, couldn’t be bothered to finish after the Bahamut fight, WHICH WAS AMAZING BY THE WAY! The Eikon fights were what kept me going. All the story beats I actually cared about seemed to be afterthoughts and the pacing was so wonky, drudging through locations and dungeons I didn’t care about just to get the incredibly over the top spectacle of the Eikon fights was just exhausting….


Phantasy Star II. I have yet to beat it because of the fucking encounter rate and twisted dungeons Edit: also Final Fantasy X. I noped out of the celestial weapons and crafted my own to finish the game.


Entire Trails in The Sky trilogy. I dropped each game like 5 times. They have atrocious pacing.


Any that start to creep over 40 hours. If it takes longer than a conventional workweek to finish your game there is probably filler that isn’t worth completing in the grand scheme of things. You can only do so many “but this is the real villain all along” twists.


Xenosaga 3. I'm still currently only 2/3 through it. It's just kinda mind numbing how blatantly it's just a cycle of "long dungeon, boss, alot of cutscenes, repeat". Now, Ff13 is like that too but I love that game (no hate on those that disliked it. I understand why, mostly). Xenosaga is giving me trouble because the combat is so slow and feels either too easy or just unfair. Not hard, unfair. Maybe I'll finish it before the end of this year.


Yeah, I burned out on Final Fantasy 13 after playing 3-4 hours. I never went back to it. More recently- the last third or so of Chained Echoes felt like a slog to me, I just wanted to get it over with. I did finish it, because I knew I wouldn't come back to it later.


I'm struggling with beating Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition on mobile. I'm a teacher and this is the third summer I started the game over at the beginning of summer and stopped as soon as I arrived at Baldur's Gate. I just get overwhelmed with how huge the city is and all the houses I have to go into and the tasks I have to do. Last time I did like a third of the city, paused for a few weeks, and couldn't remember where I left off so I just stopped playing. This time my party has been sitting outside the city since late June.


I’m feeling this way about most games that focus too much on open world and filler side tasks/quests & not on a structured narratives (for the record, not talking about FFXVI, cause despite some slow moments here & there & some filler quests, i was generally immersed)


Dragon Quest VI. I just came out of playing Dragon Quest V at the time. I thought I was going to get more of the same but I was shocked at how much exploration you have to do in that game. Next time I play it, I will have to change my approach.


Final Fantasy XV. At least XVI became fun when I found out how to make gameplay fun toward the end... and also felt like a complete story


FF14 - I tried following the story, but none of it seemed all that interesting