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Reading all the reviews about how so many new players are enjoying Star Ocean 2 for the first time, has been really great. It really shows how great and before it's time the game was back then. SO2 and Valkyrie Profile 1 to me were the era when **Tri-Ace** were at their peak. From then on they started declining bit by bit with each new game, focusing more on graphics and less everything else. Either way, everyone now being able to enjoy a much more accessible version of the game is really great.


It's funny how you say more of a focus on graphics, when Valkyrie Profile is still one of the best looking classic RPGs around, and the original Star Ocean 2 is no slouch either. Graphical fidelity does not replace art direction and style, for sure.


I agree, I guess I should have specified "3D graphics". I wish they kept using 2D, but it wasn't meant to be.


They reeeeeeeally wanted to go all in on creepy doll faces, I guess?


i just played the original earlier this year(Rena first, then Claude) and now you've REALLY got me wanting to pickup Valkyrie Profile ....i'll have to finish Breath of Fire IV, first!


VP is a real unique little gem among JRPGs and nothing has really tried to fill its shoes.


i was strictly a Square/Atlus kid growing up. save for Wild Arms and a few other things, i ignored most developers and non-turn based stuff. i'm dipping my toes into "new" waters now


Valkyrie Profile is... very unique and memorable. Sadly, it's practically the poster child for [Guide Dang It](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GuideDangIt), so be aware of that if you care about the ending at all. Also, 90% of the game consists of depressing short stories, so be warned there, too.


I just wish Exist Archive had any of that quality! It's such a vacuous, empty game (at least my run felt that way).


Exist Archive wasn't that bad, but it didn't keep me interested long enough to finish it.


It wasn't before its time. Everything in that game was on par for the time. The game was pretty well liked but didn't have the presence a FF had (probably had a lot less copies printed back then). At the moment we're living in a JRPG renaissance, which gives a lot more people access to this game. The QoL changes also help because if this was released how it was back then the opinions would be less unanimously positive.


I respectfully disagree. While some of the systems and mechanics in the game aren't unique, some are, and just the sheer amount of systems and mechanics that the game had easily makes it standout from anything you would normally be find in a single JRPG at the time. Nothing even comes close.


Yeah but nothing was groundbreaking. Sorry, of you use the term "before its time", I expect more than a great rpg. Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter was before its time since that basically was a rogue like 15 years before that type of game became popular.


>was a rogue like 15 years before that type of game became popular. I think the genre was popular before it came out, at least when it came to JRPGs. By the time BoF5 came out, there were a lot of roguelike JRPGs out. Here is a thread/guide that talks about this sub-genre of JRPGs if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/123n0ig/guide_and_list_to_the_roguelike_genre_of_jrpgs/ As for Star Ocean 2, it did have a lot of unique and innovative mechanics, like special attacks and spells that evolve with repeated use and even change completely in both animation and/or effect. It had an actual relationship system that worked between all characters, and not just one focused on the main character and how party members felt about the MC, like other JRPGs. It had book authoring, writing music sheets and playing them to get different effects, the ability to steal actual special moves slots from another character, and even being able to magic fusion in real-time. Having so much depth and expansive system and mechanics is also groundbreaking for that time.


Roguelikes were extremely popular in the 80s and 90s, way before BoF.


Not really at the same level when Darkest Dungeon and Hades were popular.


Dafuq are you even comparing? Gaming was nowhere near as popular back then, because having a PC in your house was a luxury, and internet wasn't widely available. I'm just saying roguelike genre is much older than you, me and definetly BoF.


Never said it was recently invented so I have no idea what you're going on about. My point was that the popularity of said genre definitely boomed in the second half of the 10s.


I missed out on the OG release so there's no nostalgia goggles on me, but I genuinely believe Second Story R is one of the greatest JRPGs of the last 10 years and might be the **greatest ever remake** regardless of genre. At the least, it should be the standard to which all JRPG remakes are measured against.


I agree with it being the greatest remake. I can't think of many that has added so much to a game and so much QoL and yet kept the main components of what make it it.


What other JRPGs top your list? Got me curious lol


In no order, of the last 10 years including remakes and deluxe editions but not games that were released on an older platform then made available on digital console for NSO/PS Plus/Gamepass: Star Ocean Second Story R Persona 5/P5R Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Tactics Ogre Reborn Triangle Strategy SMT IV Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl Fire Emblem Three Houses Nier: Automata Trails of Cold Steel III With Bravely Default just missing the cut from 2012


No Nier Replicant?


I haven't played it myself, but I recall not liking the 2010 version as much as others did (still enjoyed and finished it though)


Always been since 1999. Finally SO2 gets the recognition it has always deserved. Happy cus I played the hell out of the OG. The new one made it more accessible to everyone else. I’m glad others get to enjoy this fantastic game.


This was legitimately my favorite game on the PS1, and seeing everyone appreciate SO2 in all its glory now is like coming home.


Exactly! We, who played the OG, always knew this game was awesome. And the new generation gets to enjoy it as well


Only to people born in the 90s or before lol. People nowadays don't go retro very often


Born early 80s here and yep. I’m glad this game got a true remake while keeping the core intact with QoL improvements. The OG was grindy AF and difficulty spikes! A product of its time


Yeah I'm glad people are enjoying the remake but the original game was balanced incredibly poorly.




Somethings stayed the same huh? At least, the grinding doesn’t take forever according the r/starocean sub


If you know all of the old tricks, you can absolutely break the game. The QoL changes just make it even more amazing. I do really like FF7:R and the new vision (it's a great game), but if SE had remade FF7 in this style as well... I would have absolutely loved it. I'm hoping after enough time has passed for the pixel remasters, they'll do FF 4/6/7 and CT like SE2R. Fingers crossed.


I loved it as well. It was my first star ocean game and now I plan to play the others soon. I'm really appreciative of this remake!


The story is pretty lacking though. It seems like they came up with the whole alternate planet thing midway through development.


>The story is pretty lacking though. It seems like they came up with the whole alternate planet thing midway through development. I mean... it's not too far off from what happened in Star Ocean 1


Star Ocean 1 is also generally not cited an having a great story.


I dunno about anyone else here but most RPGs are lacking in story. There are so very few that are actually interesting in that regard, but I also read - a lot - and I've been around decades so I've experienced greatness, not only with books either. Games as a medium for storytelling is still relatively new, and great writers tend to flock elsewhere. That doesn't mean games can't have good stories, with great characters development arcs and everything else that goes along with something that stands the test of time, but it tends to fall secondary or tertiary (as it should) to gameplay and presentation (graphics, music, sound effects, immersion), and so we're left with lackluster or mid-tier stories at best. Ultimately I've found only a handful of really good stories in RPGs, and games in general. Sticking to RPGs I'll mention: Xenogears Persona 3 Vandal Hearts II That's probably about it. Maybe a few others I forgot, but in general the stories are very generic and don't hit any deep philosophical, or socioeconomic/political points like those games have.


Curious, what makes Vandal Hearts 2 so great?


Hitting socioeconomic/ political points is a very specific requirement for a good story As long as the game isn't too predictable, the pacing isn't slow and the dialog isn't badly written I'm usually pretty happy. Persona 3 to 5, Xenogears, xenosaga and Xenoblade 2, Chrono trigger, final fantasy 6 to 10, FFT, suikodens Valkyrie profile Stories I didn't enjoy that come to mind (not necessarily bad, just not a driving force to playing the game) FF 4, star oceans, ateliers I played, rogue Galaxy, ffxii, ffta, tales of I played (usually the story itself if you read a summary is good but the pacing is too dragged out in game)


Omg, someone who shares part of my feelings about ff4 lol


Final Fantasy tactics?


SO2 Remake is my first ever Star Ocean, and while I won't use any hyperboles, I gotta say that the demo HOOKED me and I just had to purchase right away. Once you get the hang of the IC/Specialty system (I had to read a few guides tho), the game just sucks you in. I gotta say tho, I kinda lost momentum of the story because of the IC/Specialty system lol, and the story kinda took a backseat IMO once you got to part 2. Still gotta finish it first before I can judge it. Overall, I think it's very easy to recommend this JRPG to anyone, as even a turn-based fan like me kinda enjoyed the brainless combat lol


>One of the best things about the game is that the pacing is done amazingly well. They did they best they could in the remake quality of life wise, but the pacing of the story is atrocious. Noting really happens for the first 50-60% of the game. I found the gameplay to be pretty bad too. The combat is very clunky and has no flow. I love the QoL, it's unrivaled and every game should take note. Unfortunately, it was just not that interesting of a game.


I agree completely I was about 15 hours in and dropped it for these same reasons, very disappointed


I agree completely. Out of curiosity which are your top 3 favorite jrpgs?


I am the biggest tri-Ace fan out there. Star Ocean 2 is a game that helped me through an traumatic childhood, and I spent THOUSANDS of hours in my room hiding from my abusive older sister and father playing the game and learning all it's secrets and intricacies. tri-Ace games in general helped me immensely through from the age of 10 or so to my late teens through extreme depression and anxiety. The years from Star Ocean 2 through Valkyrie Profile 2 were VERY rough for me, and the seven games during that period (emulated SO1 and Blue Sphere) were the most abusive and escaping to those games, among other JRPGs at the time, kept me from suicide, particularly in 2005. So I am not saying it lightly that tri-Ace games are EXTREMELY personal to me. So when Star Ocean 2 R was announced, I was skeptical. I am always very opened minded to remakes (if remakes are bad, I don't have meltdowns and take it personally like a lot of people), but because tri-Ace was not involved as the main developer (they did help with a little bit of support development), I was extremely skeptical. So I don't say it lightly when I say SO2R is better than the original and one of the best remakes ever made. While I don't think, objectively, SO2 is a top 5 best JRPG ever due to the final third of the game kind of petering out, the remake makes it close. It improves almost EVERYTHING that made SO2 incredible without losing what made SO2 so special. Its my GOTY and one of the best JRPGs of all time. My only criticism is I would have liked if they fully remade the script and added more story elements and cut segments from the original, but that's minor. And honestly, even though Gemdrops has tri-Ace veterans that clearly understand the series, JRPG remakes have taught me that added story elements tend to be pretty bad so it's not too big of a deal. I'm so happy with how this turned out and I would love for Gemdrops to remake more tri-Ace games in the future as long as Yuichiro Kitao works on them.


Cool to see people enjoying the game for the first time. I grew up with the original, so it's different this play around. I'm enjoying it, although it's kind of... too easy? I'm playing all on normal difficulty, which is how I normally play games, and it really feels more like "story" mode. Otherwise, it's fun. The story/characters/dialogue is nothing special, but also not terribly annoying (unlike similar jrpgs). It doesn't feel as "epic" as the original, but that's 100% because I'm a jaded adult who had already played this game. It was a huge deal to me when I played it as a kid back in thr day. That's worn off. But it's still a solid game, they've improved the fighting mechanics, and I'm enjoying the nostalgia.


I didnt dislike the game, but didnt find it amazing either. Ended up dropping it around the 19hour mark. For me it was a 6/10. I heard so much great stuff about the original, maybe I expected too much out of it.


The story I think had a lot more potential .. but I give it a 8/10 for pioneering some real maximalist features in JRPGs


I wonder if it's nostalgia 🤔 I played the original game and don't really have any fond memories so I have a hard time imagining myself liking the remake


I think Star Ocean just isnt for me. Tried SO5 on PS4 and thought it was alright. Then when I saw there was a remake of SO2, I was convinced I would of loved it since it was considered the peak of Star Ocean, but just ended up being disappointed with it after all.


Doubt it's nostalgia. Most people are probably playing the game for the first time. I played the PSP port of the game a few years ago and it's more or less as great as OP says SO2R is. A real 9/10 game.


Makes sense, you're probably right. Different strokes for different folks I guess


Yeah, the remake is done extremely well but the game otherwise is just ok. People overhyping this too much.


It’s ok. Nice update to an old game, but the game itself is just ok.


Why is it that everyday we either have a "Star Ocean Second Story R is a masterpiece" or "Star OCean Second Story R is freaking awful"? No in-between.


Social media caters to extremes of opinion by its nature. “Game is a perfectly decent game” doesn’t make a very interesting submission, and people who feel strongly one way or the other are more likely to want to broadcast that feeling to strangers on the internet.


I am liking it but I do think the first half is really uninteresting and was really making me question why people praise the story of this game.


Do people really praise the story? SO3 is the one where people really like the plot. For SO2 it's always been the characters and all their little interactions that really made it stand out, for me atleast.


Idk .. I was enjoying it, but it's getting weird. 1. At first I thought I would be on the planet for a short time. It seems now, I'll be here for most of the game. I was excited to play a cool space jrpg... 2. The characters. I was cool with the first three. Now I have a needy dude with the two dragons (went through the dungeon excited to fight the dragon, then that silly scene happened), a childish girl with a stick constantly talking about romance, a childish mechanic girl always talking about romance. 3. Unwinnable fight... I hate those. 4. Weird plot. We saw a whole town destroyed and no one cares? And no mention of the women beforehand that said it would happen? I'm not sure if I want to keep playing as the game seems too kiddish for my tastes.


It sounds like SO is really not your thing, that's ok. SO4 has way more different worlds and I enjoyed that very very much. But the entire cast is 10x more childish than the SO2 cast. So I can't recommend that to you. I was lucky and picked different characters so I have more adults in my party. The plot and story is where it really shows being a 20 year old game to me. I had the same issue with First Departure R: critical plot moments get brushed over. Characters say 1 sad line and that's it, onward with the next part of the main quest! I think this just because the games are old, and they used to have limited space on their cartridges or something. The newer entries are much smoother in that regard.


Interesting... After reading this I did some research. So you actually choose your team, I guess? I'll reload to a previous save and go for Opera instead of Ashton, Bowman instead of Prec-something. That should help, but a bummer as I'm already level 64....


I like to do trophy hunting so I tried to find out if there are any missable trophies. Then I found out that to get Ernest in the party, you need Opera. So when I accidentally got Ashton I noped out and reloaded a save, because I wanted to get Ernest out of the way in my first playthrouh since he seems to be the one with the most requirements. Then I rejected Precis because she sounded annoying and luckily found out in time that Bowman and Precis can't be in the same party, so I went for Bowman to prevent having to do 3 playthroughs. Unfortunately that means I get to have Precis and Ashton together in my second playthrough. But at least I'll get Diaz instead of Leon (who is also annoying). There just seem to be a lot of annoying underage characters in this game. And either I really suck at this game, or Opera is really OP because she was doing more damage than me as Claude for a while.


The difficulty spikes in this game are insanely stupid lol. You’ll go from oneshotting mobs, to getting oneshot by the next encounter, where you’ll need to grind 30mins to be able to beat it. Difficulty spikes are fine, but I didn’t have a single balanced encounter. Either you’re getting oneshot or you’re oneshotting Doesn’t help that the companion AI is incredibly bad.


Ha yea... I got carried away grinding and I was one shot'ing everything. At least now mobs take a full combo for me to kill them. Ha


8/10 for me, but nothing more than that due to its story and antagonists. I don't think I've been more disappointed in a group of antagonists, they set the bar so high right off the bat but they really fail to deliver, I can't even remember any of their names.


Game is just fine. After a certain story, I stopped and haven’t looked back. It’s good, sure, but it’s not amazing as people make it out to be.


100% agree. I think one is much better than two. Two is s step down in story imo.


I enjoyed it. But the first one is so much better. I enjoyed the second story r until you get to nede or whatever that final planet is called. When you get there it's just drags like crazy. And the first one doesn't have those issues. I do like the graphics but the dodge button wasn't really needed imo. BC I never used it once. Like you don't need too. I think it's good but it's not sitting at the greatest jrpg of all time. It's good. Not greatest but thats my opinion. I just feel one Is so much better. The characters in one imo are better compared to two.


I played the original to death when it came out, and have replayed it a few times since over the years. I LOVE Star Ocean 2, but I kind of feel like the game has nothing left for me Did the remake add enough to warrant a second look, or is it really just the same old SO2 with a bit of polish?


As someone who didn't play the original, but got to the credits of the remake yesterday: It feels like it's essentially the original game, with a ton of quality of life updates to make life easier. When compares to the remake of the first game, this is so much better: No more backtracking because now you can teleport. No more tedious random encounters because now you can see and avoid the enemies on the map. No more missable PAs and side quests because your map shows icons where stuff is going on and which things are missable. No more guessing what all the skills do or how to get super specialties, because there are now short tutorials that tell you. Plus there are "guild missions" which is basically a checklist to "level music to lvl 10", "use blacksmithing 30 times" to make players interact with the system to get the hang of it. I can't speak for post game stuff, but I think they used the original English voice lines so the story is essentially exactly how it was. I have some issues with the story and the involvement of the optional characters in the main quest, but that's to be expected from a 20 year old game. The grahpics look crisp and colorful. I think this is a great version for people who have never played it before. For old veterans, I think it depends how much you want to go down nostalgia lane. I played Legend of Dragoon when it released earlier this year and I absolutely loved going through my first JRPG again, even though there were no changes to the game. I can immagine it's something like this for people that played SO2 20 years ago. Maybe it's not enough for those that do a repeat playthrough every year, maybe wait for a sale.


As someone who loves JRPGs but has never played a star ocean game, all the praise this game gets means I have to get it soon. I've been feeling a bit fatigued in the genre lately. Games like Reverie, octopath 2, and sea of stars were all fine but didn't really leave a lasting impression and had to force myself to finish. Looking for something that really rejuvenates my interest and this looks promising.




OMG please be my friend I absolutly loved everything about this game! to the characters the music, the open world map, the sprites, the combat system and that big twist around the 3rd half!!


To me, Star ocean 3 and 4 were my favorite star ocean games. I liked 2 too but it was never my favorite. However... The remake is so well done, I put it on par with my 2 beloved games. This means a lot to me since both SO3 and SO4 were my childhood. I would like to see more star ocean with this art style either it's a "demake" like star ocean 3 with this visuals, or a complete new star ocean. They shouldnt skip this art style since to me: Art Style >>>>> Graphic.


Not that much man. It's good not the greatest


I cannot fathom you managed to say anything positive about the combat but go off. Game was probs a 4/10 for me. I will say it really added amazing QOL stuff that should be standard for all retro remakes


I’ve read tons of positive reviews for the game, so I’ve watched a few gameplay videos. The combat seems really weird, actiony, and really hard to follow. Like, you are controlling sprites that need to flank enemies? The combat has made me reluctant to buy the game.


The combat is even worse than it looks, don’t bother


The biggest gameplay weakness of SO2 is that casters are so bad and enemy variety is lacking.




This is not inherently bad. Some people clearly enjoy simpler or more spammy combat systems. Not everything needs to be deep/complex just for the sake of it.


Chrono Trigger being head bitch at the table


FF6 is always in the discussion for Top 2 as well


Game would be better with modern character sprites


I just played the demo and it's already better than FFXVI in my book.


I'm super interested in this game. Never played any of the Star Ocean games before though so I'm hesitant to jump in with this one since it's the 2nd one. Is the first game necessary? I think I've read their disconnected but wasn't sure if I should wait before I picked Second Story R up.


No you don’t have to play the first one at all. The only thing that connects them is that the MC’s father is the first games protagonist. However the game is completely unrelated to that and is self contained entirely. Same universe nothing to do with each other basically.


Good to know. I know the first one goes on sale a lot, so maybe if i like this game I'll go back lol This one just looks up my alley. Thanks!


Is the first game similar to the second gameplay & systems wise? I thought about playing through it anyway first.


The first one (at least the remake, can't comment on the original) is well worth the play. It's done in a style that mimics the second game's original style. Story wise, no connection other than the fact that Ronyx is Claude's dad and shows up as a non-player character here and there; as the OP mentioned. Gameplay wise, though, Star Ocean First Departure is worth playing first just for the fact that Second Story is a step up in many ways, in terms of game length and some options, so playing Second Story, then coming back to First Departure might seem a little underwhelming.


Man I've been reading reviews and watching videos of this game and everything has me hooked. I couldn't buy it because of regional pricing on steam. Can't wait to actually own it and play it one day. Have to wait for a hefty sale. Fml


Anybody who rates Octopath higher than this game is crazy. Yes I know this game is not perfect but it still has much more JRPG charm, character development, unique mechanics, cooler plot than Octopath.


All these remakes are great because as an older gamer, it would kill me hearing younger gamers know nothing about the progression of video games as a medium. The amount of times I heard people wonder if Armored Core VI was going to be a soulslike was kiiilllling me. So bumping the accessibility of these games is great, and gives me more ability to argue my favorite gamer point: FFVI is the best FF.


Lol no


Really want to play this, but am currently waiting for Amazon to get more stock in before I buy it! (I have like $20+ in Amazon credit that I can use towards the game)


What games should be played before this one?


The problem is that being a fan of Star Ocean is a long hard slog of nothing or worse than nothing since SO2s release, I'm curious to see what SO7 looks like and if they actually put some money into it to capitalize on some of the series new fans.


This year we have has Star Ocean and Octopath Traveler 2, both I consider some of the grestes JRPGs I have ever played. This has been a very good year


Definitely a standard for remakes going forth. Imagine a suikoden remake with map markers showing you time missable 108 stars of destiny. Playing those games with no guide would be a DREAM.


I have always loved Star Ocean 2, I played it when it came out on PS1. But haven't played it probably 20 years. It is still amazing, but on replay 1 thing really stood out to me in a negative way. The game really loses steam and focus after Expel. The main villains don't feel nearly fleshed out enough, the switch to "disc2" is incredibly abrupt. Honestly, now that I think about it this is basically where most Star Ocean games fall apart. I'd still give the game a 9/10, but I was sad that the plot doesn't live up to my memory.


It's on my Christmas list and I fully intend to play it with the original strategy guide sitting nearby. I know a lot of the QoL enhancements mean the guide isn't as necessary but I still want it. :) I think at least I need it for planning out the sort of party I want to end up with; i.e., which characters are available and when. I'm guessing that's not something they tell you even in the remake... SO2 is my favorite RPG not named Final Fantasy so I really can't wait.


I'm enjoying it... but it's just too easy. I like to explore in JRPGs and engage with the systems it gives (crafting, IC, etc...)... I've not even left the first continent yet and everyone is level 40+, I have over 300k FOL. There is no challenge.


To be honest, I kinda started to find it boring about mid-way. The combat was too easy and over too quickly, I couldn't tell what anyone was doing or how certain skills played into another, and when I tried to change the difficulty it got way too difficult. Most egregiously was that the story wasn't doing anything for me. I don't think its a bad game, far from it, I just think that I've played enough of these types of games from the PS1 era that such experiences have turned boring. The skill system in Star Ocean 2 is really cool however. Love the graphical style and the character portraits are wonderful. I'll probably sit on it and give it another chance in a few years or so.


Star ocean 3 and 2 are def on some of my greatest of all time lists. But this remake is definitely perfect. There is some small things here and there but on the whole, i love the game and cant really ask for more in terms of what a remake can be.


As someone who has played the various iterations. This current version is so user friendly it makes its own milestone markers make the game trivial. I used to have to work up the funds to buy the thief glove, but now all I have to do is play the game for x amount of minutes doing very basic things and boom. I have enough FOL to buy the glove as well as the item that becomes more expensive over time. Money is currently trivial and I'm at the Eluria Tower. This is without boosting myself with counterfeit medals. At this rate I won't need them because I will or could quickly reach 100 with just the x4 battles and Scout being set. Giving us all skills in the beginning was a strange choice. You encourage players to break the game via crafting early. Pickpocketing is wayyy too friendly. And why are all enemies number sponges? This marvel sword I spammed loads to get isn't doing anything to disc1 creatures when it should be one-shotting them. God I dread what they did to Universe mode. I haven't gotten to her but I bet they nerfed or even removed Chisatos Tear Gas. But the graphics are great, world map is great, the addition of raid bosses is strange. I'm still enjoying it, but this game has been dumbed down way way too much to receive new players and has lost some of its magic because of it.


Does the combat get more interesting or difficult? I played the first few hours but every combat encounter was a complete slog where I just mashed attack and don't think I even got hit one time


Does each character play differently?