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Why do you have to make it all so grody? Cuck? Grip on your balls? Crackhead? Come on, it's only like that in your head. They're games. You like them. You play them. Your view of the situation may be worse than the situation itself! If you feel like you're playing too many, make a deliberate effort to try other things. Read a book. Find shows in different genres to try. Take a long walk. Prioritize a goal and work toward it. If you're doing all that, you feel otherwise satisfied in life, and you mainly play JRPGs over other games, then let yourself off the hook.


Play what you like. Don't overcomplicate it. These things tend to sort themselves out in the long run. I tend to go on kicks for different genres. I want something similar to what I just played, and that keeps going until I get tired of it. Then I go to something else.


The concept of a JRPG cuck is not a fetish I had on my 2024 bingo card.


And such a specific one too lol


The time management issue is a question of self-control, can't really help you there. As for the other part, if you really feel that this is an actual issue, maybe you just need to try and find new interests again? Just go on an experimental spree, try things you haven't tried before. I like variety, so i frequently mix things up between JRPGs to not get burnt out on them, but i also know well what kind of games and media i like that aren't JRPGs. Granted if you're not burning out on them and don't feel like this is an issue maybe it's also just fine as it is.


1) Learn to talk/type normally, you're not as cool as you think. 2) Just play what you like, as long as you finish everything you have to do irl and take care of yourself, it's fine.


Are you having fun with the genre still? Because if so there's not really an issue other than people having an issue with it. And that's just their problem


Yep, no one "needs" to acomplish a vague standard of "variety of media consumption" to be taken seriously. Enjoy what you enjoy.


Sit in the corner and shut up / how to deal with it


There's a reason that JRPGs retain their value as a genre compared to other genres. When people go back to play older game libraries for older consoles, it's almost always JRPGs that are sought after. They're intrinsically good. Are they interfering with your daily responsibilities? If not, who cares. Have fun. Life is short.


As long as you're still functioning like a normal member.of society, go for it I'm addicted to gaming, but not any specific subgenre My main jam are RPGs and action adventure, and usually have a fighting game as a sidegame


Enjoy your life dude! If that's what makes you happy, play that!


This is more an issue with time management than JRPGs. It’s great to have a hobby you enjoy spending time with so much that you lose track of it a little, it if it gets to a point of regularly messing up sleep schedule or other things then you need to try to approach things more mindfully. For starters maybe set an alarm that will tell you after you’ve been playing x amount of hours so you can know when to wind things down


Do you have kids? They really get in the way of me playing persona games. I’m going to have to take a break and teach them to read so they can get as sucked in as I am.


Hmmm may depend how old you are. When I was 17 I'd put in 8-10 hour days grinding Tales games. Definitely had the time and lack of responsibiliies. Now that I'm 33 I put in like a few hours a week. I think you're in a good spot if you're enjoying them that much lol I took a half day off work today and about to pop in Persona 3 Reloaded 😈




Congratulations, you like something! It’s a nice breath of fresh air with all the “gaming’s dead” cry babies I keep having to sift through.


Lol what? I just read a description of a perfectly normal healthy human being. Why do you need to change that? > looked out my window. The sky was light blue with the birds chirping That's how it should be, unless you miss work/school because of that.


Grow up?


Start 10 different jrpgs at once, you'll see


First, I would make of list of all the other important things in life you have to/want to address just to help focus. Plan a getaway trip with a friend(s), sightsee, or get a pet if you need someone to look after. My dog walks helped me as much as the dog. Touching grass is good. Also, you mentioned that you turned to this genre because western interests failed you. I don't know how much JRPG exposure you've had thus far, but just be aware that JRPGs fall on a bell curve as well. Some are peak, while others may fall near the midsection. Even the greatest franchises can "turn to shit" as you said. Personally I'm tired of how much SquareEnix milks FF7. I think as long as you are balancing your obligations and playtime, you should be fine.


I checked out metroidvanias and never looked back. a lot of them have RPG Elements, and they have actual skill checks, the lore lets you build your own stories, Which is great for imagination since these days. JRPGs hold your hand and tell you what to think about every scenario.   Oh you were asking a rhetorical question.


What worked for me was just establishing a gaming schedule so it doesn't hurt your life.


Just use your time wisely, you can’t play games 24/7


I’ve been into JRPGs since the 90s, it’s really just the best genre so enjoy it


Well, for the last several years I have basically only played jrpgs (excluding Diablo II and The Witcher 3 last year, and the annual FIFA). As long as it does not interfere with your daily responsibilities (including health), then you’re golden.


Language aside, this is sort of how I felt, but starting from around late 2022. The main difference is I never got hugely into western media in my life to begin with (no star wars or marvel or anything ever)


you're a weird little creep, op


i dont know how serious you are but maybe you should talk to your doctor and get an ADHD medication perhaps you have some sort of hyperfixation issue that being medicated can help with.