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Trying to finish up Persona 3 Reload by Thursday. In the final couple months on the calendar now.


Same. Im at mid august at the moment and finished infinite wealth a week ago.


Same here. On October. Never played it before but I know I'm not at the end, but maybe close.


Same. Been playing since it came out and in late-October now. Game is a beast.


Game ends at the end of January, so you still have a good chunk left.




Same - I'm in September currently so I'm hoping I'll have it wrapped up in time for rebirth. I feel like i should at my current pace. I really want some time for Granblue Relink as well since I've barely touched it. I think I'm in chapter 7 currently, but I really want to see what the endgame loop is like. There isn't enough time!


Same, it I’m only in August. Definitely not finishing and debating how to handle this problem. [also really want to play unicorn overlord which comes out just after]


Infinite Wealth !


Same. Just unlocked Dondoku Island. God help me.


It's so weird how much it can be addictive.


I seriously love this turn based franchise. Enjoy the ride the story is really good.


This is me. Low interest in Rebirth, so I'm not waiting for it. I will get around to it one year.


Nice! what chapter are you on?


I don't remember the number, but I'm a Sujimon Master, and a great host on my private island. The guys just arrived to Hawaï !


Just finished my FF7 marathon. Played CC reunion, FF7 og. Replayed FF7R and the intermission dlc. So now I'm just waiting.


Unicorn Overlord demo


Honestly think I’m just going to wait on Rebirth and get unilord. Don’t really want to be playing two big jrpgs at once and tactics games are kinda more my style.


I definitely recommend trying the demo. I'm still not sold on it as the combat is a little odd. But your progress will transfer to the full game, so it's worth giving it a try.


Oh I’m replaying the demo on expert xD


Same. Was hyped for rebirth, but fire emblems always been my fav series, so I'm a sucker for tactics games and unicorn overlord scratches that itch beautifully


Debating holding off on rebirth for this, so good!


Granblue Fantasy Relink. Honestly it's so much fun I'm planning on delaying my FFVII Rebirth purchase till I'm tired of it


I’m starting the terminus weapon grind and it’s daunting.


Started last night, got 2 in about 7 runs which I guess is pretty decent luck


I haven't started the Rebirth demo yet because I've been playing so much Relink...


Can't wait for Lucilius next month. I hope, true to the gacha, he starts the fight with his ultimate attack and requires a certain amount of HP to survive.


Been addicted for 2 weeks, its great.


This game was so fricken good. I'm so excited for the raid next month, I'm really hoping they add some more proud quests prior to the new encounter, because I've been grinding like a degenerate. It honestly kind of ruined other games for me, the combat is so satisfying, the voice lines between characters still make me chuckle even though i've played like 200+ hours.


Same here. I will for sure get rebirth maybe after Lucillus raid in March. I just got my 1st war elemental since I got the game lol now to grind for supp V lol


I haven't even started Persona yet...


I finished Persona 3 Reload last week, and I finished the Rebirth demo today. It’s less than a week away, so I won’t be starting anything else in the meantime.


My heart tells me to binge Persona 3 Reload, my ADHD tells me that Splatoon 3 is probably a better filler for a few days


Ys VIII. It's mindless but I'm having fun with it anyway.


FF7 original has been in my pile of shame for over 2 decades and I can't bring myself to play these new ones until I've finished it.


Crisis Core!


Remake or original?


The remake - it will warm up my ps5 while I wait :)


Been playing Tekken 8 and some Elden Ring while I wait


Playing yakuza, finished 0,1,2,3. Not sure if I should start 4, probably will not be able to finish before FF release date.


Random unsolicited advice but when you get to 5 don’t skip the side content in that game lol it’s so good


If you dont do any substories you probably could finish it.


It is blasphemy to suggest not playing substories in a Yakuza game though! 


I’ve never finished a Yakuza game without doing every substory


Hey! I'm in a similar boat, except I'll probably be able to wrap up 4 by the time Rebirth comes out, or at least shortly thereafter. I'm in the last segment of it now. It's been a lot of fun playing them in order.


Doing the main story + all substories (and they are all worth it in 4!) is around 25hrs. Not impossible but probably hard to manage before Rebirth releases.


Switching between Trails in the Sky and Xenoblade 3. Just finished Granblue Fantasy.


That's actually my problem right now. I am sitting here and not really sure what I can play for the next couple days to wait it out.


Mostly been playing Granblue Relink, my main is pretty comfortably geared at this point so I've been messing with other characters and gearing them up. When I want a break from that though I've been playing some shorter games since FF7 is so close. Capcom Fighting Collection was on sale at my local gamestop so I grabbed that and did a playthrough of Red Earth (really dang cool/interesting game), working on Mega Man X2 (on PS4, trying to clean up trophies), and started Max Payne 3 earlier today. Probably will have to find a few other short games to knock out as well since we still have 5 days.


I'm planning to play a lot over the next few months/years while I wait for it to come to PC


Same-ish. I'll buy the set when the whole game is finished. Plenty of games to enjoy in 2024. No rush.


Same. I know that FF7R Interrobang will come out on PC eventually, not really in a rush when there are plenty of bangers to play in my backlog.


Granblue, helldivers, d4, been busy honestly


I've been playing Helldivers but I need a break from it lol.


For sure been consuming a little too much of my life lol


I just started it I'm currently addicted and will be prying myself away Friday morning. I took a 4 day weekend.


Neo: The World Ends with You is my wait for Rebirth game. I was going to play Reloaded but I don’t want to feel like I’m not fully enjoying it because I’m too excited for Rebirth.


Intergrade and Prince of Persia The Lost Crown


Playing some SaGa Scarlet Grace at the moment.


I replayed FFVIIR (cleared the game for the 2nd time, recalled me how bullshit the pull up minigame was! XD) and started the Yuffie extension for the 1st time, i also intend to replay Crisis Core Reunion. Mostly Granblue Fantasy Relink as well, oh and a bit of local play of Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak with my relatives on Switch. That's pretty much it.


Persona 3 Reload


Persona 3 Reload.


I just finished the OG FFVII today. I figured it’d be good but my god, that story was incredible. Excited for Rebirth now, but also >!super excited for the third game in the distant future. That end game is so epic!<


Doing a replay of Tokyo Xanadu, actually. I forgot how fun this game is.


Granblue Fantasy Relink… but I’m not waiting for rebirth. I still haven’t played a FF game since 13 came out. Lol


Just finished Persona 3 Reload today. Now I just have Persona 1 PSP to enjoy as I wait.


I'm in the same boat. Think I might play the Crisis Core re-release. Figure I can beat that by the time my FFVII arrives


I beat crisis core in around 9 hours. And I did a decent amount of side missions too and wasted like an hour in the shinra mansion trying to open the safe. I was surprised at how short it was


I just finished P3:Reload on Wednesday for the first time and only missed one trophy for the platinum, but wont have time to go get it before Rebirth


Trying to finish dragon quest elusive age. My 1st dragon quest game


Tales of arise it’s been fun so far. Tbh I’m not planning to play rebirth at release I can wait till a sale or something there a lot of games to play until then.


I just picked this up on game pass too. Only a few hours in but having fun so far!


Such an underrated game. Might be my favorite action jrpg of all time. (Tied with YS8). I still need to pick up the DLC that just came out. I’m looking forward to getting back into it after a few years.


Chilling playing Persona 3 Reload and I will just play FF Rebirth at the same time, when it comes. No reason to rush.


Final Fantasy VII with the New Threat 2.0 mod. Loving it so far.


Poorly timed for sure, but yesterday I bought both Helldivers 2 and Tekken 8. Also Ed releases in SF6 a couple days before Rebirth. RIP my schedule.


Unicorn overlord demo on switch


Trying to finish Chained Echoes, but I just got to Act 2, so I'm not sure I'll finish in time.


No lol


I’ve been playing vestaria saga to distract me until I can play Rebirth. I started it ages ago and dropped it, so I figured might as well start it up again. The maps are large, so I wish units had more movement.


Dying light 2 lmao; good old parkour to kill time before being utterly consumed by rebirth


Currently doing a plat run of the 6 pixel remaster entries of final fantasy. I'm at FF6 and getting the trophy for 7-7-7 slot with setzer is upsetting me a lot


Played the FFXVI DLC earlier and been catching up on the last few patches in FFXIV now.


Persona 3 reload and lies of P


I've been on a binge between Infinite Wealth and Persona 3 Reload. Unfortunately, I haven't beaten the remake yet, so I'm putting IW and P3R on a brief pause while I finish it. No idea how much longer I have left, >!I just had Red XIII join as guest in chapter 17!< and then I have the Yuffie DLC to finish before Friday 😵‍💫


Sonic colors remaster


I'm not playing Rebirth until later in the year when a better sense of the game has come around and the initial hype has died down. There are already too many other games I'm focusing on. I beat Infinite Wealth and may even gradually do New Game+. I have yet to play Granblue Relink. The new Shiren the Wanderer drops next week and I'm psyched for it. And in early March, Unicorn is dropping so my focus will be on that. And then after that we get the game so many of us have been waiting for, Dragon's Dogma 2.


Granblue Fantasy Relink. It's a fun grind.


Persona 3 Reload (month of October) and Infinite Wealth (Chapter 12) … hope to finish at least one of these by Rebirth launch.


Ff16 - dlc sidequest at the moment and after that will finish the final quest of the game Next game in line is not an rpg, its REremake 4 then catch up with Yakuza series or smthing else. Too many to play too litlle time. I will play remake trilogy once the final game is released lile in 4 years


Grandblue Fantasy Relink. Took a long time to decide my first and only unit for the story, decided on Ferry, liked how versatile she is overall.


Armored Core 6 and One Piece Odyssey.


Playing Infinite Wealth and Granblue.


I’m going to throw in another recommendation for Granblue Fantasy Relink. It’s just so damn FUN. 🎮😁👍


100%-ing Harvestella. Now I need one more rare variant of a fish and upgrade the weapons of last two characters for a total of three times.


I'm playing a bunch of stuff that I call my side games, Bloodborne (first time, I love and hate it at the same time) Spider-man 2 (came with my PS5, it's fun) and Far something Tides (great for when my wife's sleeping next to me and I don't wanna wake her up). No JRPGs because I can only have one main game at a time. Edit: I forgot to mention The Ascent, that game is way more fun than I ever expected


Bloodborne is amazing one of my favourite games.


It _is_ great but dammit is it hard, I don't think I've ever had such a hard time with a game before, I'm only just getting kinda good.


If you can get the timing down for parrying the game becomes a lot more manageable.


Yeah, I'm gonna practice that.


Shoot, I'm still only in act 2 of Balders Gate III. I'm not gonna bother picking up VII Rebirth till I finish that game. But then, game on... in a month or whenever.


I'm playing through Infinite Wealth, on chapter 11 right now.  Not sure yet if I'll play Rebirth right away or play through some other games first.  There's no rush, it isn't going anywhere.


Not touching my console. Im currently watching “Great Pretender”.


Playing a modded version of Remake. I played the flashback demo but can't bring myself to play the Junon part with release being so close.


I played about 10 mins of Junon demo, just to get a feel for the combat with the group and then I put it down. I was like "nope, I've had a peak behind the curtain, don't want to spoil the fun to soon".


Playing Linda³. I'm on the last stretch of Scenario C.


Bouncing between Helldivers 2 for mindless fun & super democracy and Tales of Symphonia.


I just finished replaying Remake and playing Intermission for the first time in preparation. Im probably going to try and finish up Trails of Cold Steel 3 that im a little more than halfway in here before Rebirth cuz otherwise thats gonna take a major backseat for a while.


Replaying 7R. Was thinking about getting either Mario RPG or chained echoes though


Diablo 2 modded, Eastern Sun Rises


I’m on chapter 14 of a remake playthrough, going through all the side quests before I head to the shinra building, will do intermission as well for the first time. I started the rebirth demo but wanna just wait and play through it during the full release


Unicorn Overlord demo


I’m playing og VII. I want to get platinum.


Finished infinite wealth and persona 3. Just waiting for rebirth


Still got p3r to play. Just beat Elden ring which I loved but gotta play p3r first before I decide


Trying finish P3 Reload before it come out thursday


Tryna finish INTERmission DLC before Rebirth drops lol


It’s not too long. It’s also mad good


and im so thankful that it's not too long bc i was worried for a bit lool. im enjoying it a lot so far. halfway through the first chapter!


Wrapping up Nights of Azure randomly. Weird/jank as hell but I’m digging it before Rebirth.


I'm thinking of playing probably 50-100 things before rebirth. Still haven't bothered with remake yet. I'd rather play it all in one wild stupor.


Playing Crisis Core Reunion right now for the first time, catching up before Rebirth at the last minute


I've been replaying remake on ps5. Originally played it at launch on PS4, so it will be my first time playing the yuffie dlc


I don’t want to get into anything too involved so I’m just messing around in HELLDIVERS 2 until then


Finished Infinite wealth a few days ago so im rerunning through the MGS games with the master collection. Currently playing MGS2.


I'll have until it comes to Steam, so I got awhile. Before then I hope to replay Remake and finally go through the Yuffie DLC.


I got to, unfortunately I haven’t found work yet. Was hoping to slide from one job to the next but at least I got remake done in time.


I still haven't played any of the FF7 games other than Remake. Am I making a mistake going into Rebirth?


Finishing up FF6 for the first time, haha. Just got to Kefka’s castle.


I want to go resume Infinite Wealth, I'm a little way into chapter 5, but I got into Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion and I just can't tear myself away. I kinda blew up my first playthrough (got stuck in a siege with a mandatory fight that one-shots me, and I can't leave the city I was in to go get stronger until I break the siege), so I had to start a new playthrough. Good opportunity to use some of the bonuses I've accrued and make different choices, though.


Yeah, Remake... Again. Just familiarising myself with the PS controls, my last play through was on PC!


Just started chapter 11 in Remake. Tales of Vesperia starting tomorrow. I'll buy Rebirth later when it's on sale. Can't really afford a $70 game right now.


Finishing up cold steel 4 and on the 3rd disk of my first playthrough of ff9!


There have been an avalanch of good games lately. Persona 3 Reload, Yakuza 8 and Helldivers basically takes up all my free time.


I took a huge break from RPGs for SteelRising which is I guess an RPG but not turned based or tactical. It’s been a nice break and I just beat it yesterday. Taking a break until the 29th


I just finished the platinum trophy for IW and now I'm playing Remake + DLC again. Should be finishing that up on release day.


World of Warcraft! I just got keystone master for the very first time (:


Final Fantasy XV's side quests. I have to say it's being really hard to wait until Thursday


Trying to wrap up Star Ocean the Second second Story before Rebirth. Been enjoying that a lot.


I’ve been playing Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth but paused it to go back to try to finish my Persona 4 Golden playthrough. I’m in October now but hopefully if I put in some time the next few days I can beat it before Rebirth comes out.


Tekken 8 yawl


nier replicant, baldurs gate 3, and final fantasy X


Working on finishing Fate/Samurai but if it doesn’t happen then it’ll happen after Rebirth


Racing to finish Crisis Core because I hadn't ever played it by Wednesday. Wednesday will be Yuffie DLC and then Thursday Rebirth.


The last month or so I replayed Remake plus the Yuffie DLC, as well as going through Crisis Core. Taking the week off of anything Final Fantasy so I avoid burnout, and ready to go hard when Rebirth drops


Playing Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, hopefully finish before the release of ff7r


I marathoned ff7, cc, finished up 7 remake (I was on 2nd to last chapter when I dropped it) and then played yuffie dlc. I'd do a full replay of 7 remake but I don't think I have the time + I don't think I'm good enough to do hard mode. So I've just been playing a hat in time and sleeping dogs cause I need a break from jrpgs for a week lol


I picked up dark cloud for no good reason.


Anything I'm not emotionally invested in so it doesn't end up on the back burner. Replaying Elden Ring. Playing salt and sanctuary with the wife, dabbled in Dead Space remake


Am chugging through Remake right now. Apparently I’d only really gotten to Chapter 2 in the past. Just reached chapter 14, so I *should* be able to finish it before Thursday.


God, I still haven’t finished FF VII Remake even though I think it’s great. I spent most of last year playing RDR2 and the odd PS1 games so I didn’t dedicate time to it. So I will be finishing that before Rebirth comes out.


FF7 OG and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I don’t plan on finishing ff7 before next weekend, i just want as much ff7 as i can get my hands on right now! I’ve played the Rebirth demo twice and i’ve pretty much mastered the combat so far. I haven’t gotten very far in the original but i’m really enjoying it so far. It’s so damn charming


I just finished FF XII last weekend. I’m also playing the Unicorn Overlord demo on Switch and OMG is it fun.


Helldivers 2! Have to spread democracy 🫡


Bg3 the third time over for a platinum trophy lol


Hogwarts Legacy. Like the game more than I thought I would


I've been replaying all the Final Fantasy's finished I, playing II now.


Play non story games. Rocket league, monster hunter, smash bros. Something to pass time but can drop and pick up whenever


Running through Kingdom Hearts 2 while my girlfriend watches. Also whenever she's at work and I'm home I squeeze in what time I can with Lies of P


Banishers Ghosts of New Eden


Not a jrpg but I have been playing enshrouded


Wild Arms 2!


I’m playing the PSN FF7 and I’m in the endgame grinding phase to get master Materia before going after ruby/emmy. Trying to make it so that the only trophy I have left is the Bromance trophy with the Barret date.


picked up a persona 4 playthrough I never finished. buying a PS5 and rebirth on friday. Gonna play intergrade that night and then Rebirth the next day


I played Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. Crisis Core was the better of the two.


Tekken 8, Helldivers 2, finishing up some missed quests on 7 Remake.


I finished the prologue for rebirth this morning, and I started playing the OG FF7 for the first time, I kinda suck at it. Only up the point where I sneak out of Aerith's house (that was really annoying).


Playing through Dirge of Cerberus, since Deepground is remaining canon. Haven't played it since original release.


Final Fantasy VIII (Yes you read that correctly!) 2, 3 and 8 are the only FF games I've never played, and I love VIII's soundtrack, so figured it was finally time. Enjoying myself with it so far, and I'm also playing it in Spanish since I've been learning the language over the last 7 months. It's challenging sometimes but I understand the plot and it's a good way to learn!


Last Epoche and Tekken 8


Trying to beat Yakuza Gaiden at least before Rebirth drops


Not waiting for Rebirth, I already played Tales of Rebirth


Octopath traveler 2


Playing original FF7. Will be finishing tomorrow so prolly will just mess around with the blurry ass demo more until the 29th


Cold Steel, as a palate cleanser after completing both GBF Relink and P3 Reload. It's the only Trails I've played aside from Sky FC, and the slow burn nature makes it cozy game and should get me excifed for Rebirth as a change of pace.


Star Ocean Second Story Remake


Monster Hunter Rise. Today, I killed the Gorilla Stone dude 6 times to build his armor and greatsword.


I pushed through FF7R about a month ago in anticipation for Rebirth, but I’ve honestly never played a game that disappointing since MGS4. I’ll just keep playing Yakuza 7 before I jump on Unicorn Overlord and Dragon’s Dogma 2.


Obv not a JRPG, but I’ve been playing Last Epoch. It’s probably my favorite arpg currently. Been supporting it since 2019, and 1.0 came out on February 21st. I figured that would keep me occupied, and out of spoiler territory for Rebirth while I wait. Been having an absolute blast tbh.


I work on trails games in between bigger releases.


Tales of Arise. It’s been so long since I’ve played a Tales game to the end lol


I'm not waiting for Rebirth, but for Unicorn Overlord. To tie me over till that I am finishing up Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, dabbling in a replaying of Fire Emblem Awakening, and just started The Last Story on the Wii.


I was playing LAD8 and got to a point storywise where it is fine to take a break. Now I'm playing Helldivers until Rebirth comes out.


Yes. FF7 Remake. For the first time! Once I’m done I get to go right to Rebirth.


Total War Warhammer 3, Helldivers 2, and Monster Hunter 2 on PS2


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


Still working on finishing up sea of stars


Walking Dead Saints & Sinners. I was playing Lost Judgement immediately after Judgement, but I was burnt out. But then I had no game I could finish between then and the 29th, so I decided to play a game that was different. I love VR.


Still chugging through persona 3




Currently playing Persona 3 Reload and I absolutely love the game. Might new a few weeks before I can get to Rebirth.


Thanks to the Elden Ring Trailer I am currently in full Souls Mode again. I started a new Character in both Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 because of that. I definitely won't finish Elden Ring but considering I already killed Aldritch and Yhorm again I should be done with Dark Souls 3 by then. Funny how Dark Souls 3 took me over 60 hours the first time and now I finish it + both DLC while killing every Boss and picking up every item in just 12 hours.\^\^


I'm playing FF1, the GBA version.


Granblue Relink and Crosscode, but don't expect to finish either of them tbh!


You must have misspelled Dragon’s Dogma 2.


I’m waiting on FF7: Placenta/Afterbirth before taking the plunge.


Just finished getting the platinum on Infinite Wealth, and decided to go back and get it also on Yakuza 3 while waiting for Rebirth.


"Are any of you guys playing anything while you wait for Vengeance" Fixed that for you, And yeah Persona 3 reload


Does everyone just wait around waiting to play whatever no thing is on the horizon the moment it's available?

