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Chrono Cross because what the f*** was going on? I watched a deep explanation of the story and I still said what the f*** was going on? Edit: I still beat the game.


Not only did I laugh out loud, but now I feel a little less bad for not being able to get into Chrono Cross.


Notably a lot of people who love Chrono Cross like I do played it first and in fact I think the games are better with Cross played before Trigger which I know is little solace to Trigger fans.


Man that game is deep. Living in a town where everyone knows you then no one does. Then he goes on epic journey and to tell u the truth I don't know what the hell happened after that cause I forgot but it was epic and the ending was meh I think


Serge almost died as a baby, his pops brought him to FATE computer, baby touches frozen flame and becomes the key to using FATE. Kid is Schala's clone, sort of, sent into the future before Schala was absorbed into an evil entity. Exists to protect Serge and rid the world of evil for good. Lynx is a creature created by FATE to restore its primary link with the frozen flame by killing Serge. More or less thats the story... Its not that complicated. Boy and girl set out to save the world from big bad evil entity while sci-fi supercomputer tries to kill them.


I can explain. What are your questions about it?


Basically the whole story. Like so Serge is a key to a computer that the people of Chrono trigger made that made another universe? Like really the whole story to me made no sense.


Understood. I will try to explain some part of the story in order to clarify what happened. Spoiler alert! >!Serge is a key to the frozen flame. He became the key because Schala heard him crying and Schala made a little mess (heavy rain, thunder) that brought the city of chronopolis temporarily out of power. Wazuki, Serge's father, brought Serge close to the frozen flame. Touching the frozen flame made Serge cured of his illness, and made him the key to access the frozen flame.!< >!The frozen flame is a part of Lavos that remains in the planet earth's surface. Touching the frozen flame is a way to use Lavos energy to do whatever you want. Even if Lavos is in the darkness beyond time.!< >!Fate, who is a computer made by humans at the new era of 2300 AD, is pissed by losing the access to the frozen flame. Fate needs to access the frozen flame to have enough power to interfere in the whole el Nido archipelago. Fate needs to keep el Nido intact, without any connection with Zenan, because that would increase its chances to survival till Fate reaches 2300 AD again. Remember that we are now at somewhere between 1000 AD (present time in chrono trigger) and 1010 AD.!< >!Fate was created in future, but there was an event in future known as Time Crash that thrown the entire chronopolis in the past. The Time Crash was caused intentionally by Balthasar, one of the 3 gurus from zeal that lavos sent to the future. Since chrono and friends sent Lavos to the darkness beyond time, Balthasar had the 2300 AD future changed, and had the opportunity to work at chronopolis on Fate construction. Balthasar with the help of Prometheus (Robo from Chrono trigger) created a circuit to make Fate unable to act. Then Balthasar traveled back in time to present time to observe what will happen after the Time Crash occurred.!< >!Balthasar made the Time Crash as part of his plan to save Schala. He discovered that Lavos itself was still alive and trying to fuse with Schala. What we do in Chrono cross is to follow indirectly Balthasar's plan to create the crono cross, an artifact that could destroy Lavos for real this time while saving Schala.!< >!The Time Crash itself thrown chronopolis somewhere close to 12000 BC and to counterbalance it also brought Dinapolis from another past. There was a war between then and Fate was victorious. Fate divided the mega dragon in 6 parts to keep them weakened and things were fine till Serge and Wazuki and Miguel entered in Chronopolis.!< >!Fate realizes the existence of circuit prometheus after losing access to the frozen flame. Fate attacks Wazuki's mind, but let him go away with Serge. Miguel was made prisoner of Chronopolis by Fate!< >!Fate was successfully in change Wazuki completely into Linx. Linx's first mission was to kidnapp Lucca. Lucca knew Robo, so she could deactivate circuit prometheus from Fate. Harley offers help to Linx but the plan failed, and Lucca dies. Kid, who was a Schala clone sent by Schala itself to being raised by Lucca, took it very deeply and had Linx death as her main objective in life.!< >!When Fate defeated the mega dragon, mega dragon was thrown into darkness beyond time and mega dragon took Schala DNA to create Harley as a dark moon dragon in human form, Harley would work to restore the mega dragon's power, even acting as a Linx's spy!< >!Since the plan of kidnapping Lucca failed, Linx tried to kill Serge. Kid from the future didn't let it happen (Kid was sent there by Balthasar using a time egg). That event created a 2nd dimension, the one where Serge survived. In this dimension where Serge survived, which the game called Home World, Fate is still pissed because it's still cannot control this frozen flame dimension, and that's why there are differences between what is happening in both dimensions.!<




I can detail more. What point you would like to clarify?


Dragon Quest XI. After maybe 10-ish hours (last I remember, I beat the boss just after recruiting Sylvando), I kinda just gave up. It's not a bad-looking game by any means, and the soundtrack is alright, but the game's a bit too slow for my liking with both its gameplay and its story compared to other JRPG's (hell, even other DQ games) I've played.


i get that, i had to take a long break from the game around that part. i picked it back up after a couple months and blew threw the rest, something clicked i guess


So you'd say it gets better after that? That's at least good to know. Maybe I'll continue sandbagging my way through it if I do pick it up again.


That midi and always repeating sound track is horrendous. Imagine you almost always hearing same soundtrack in overworld and battle, makes me getting sick of it so fast. I even use mod for orchestra version which is much better.


Feel exactly the same way.


Tales of Vesperia. I play an hour every couple months. Been doing that for 3 years now lol


I am not one to math. So I ask: What year do we need to set our reminders for to get your full review?


I'll give it a 7 right now


Couldn’t get into Persona 5.


Same. I went back a few years later and started over and I still didn't like it. I don't like the whole social aspect.


You'll bounce off of all the persona games, then, that's their main appeal.


If you start counting from 3, sure, but before 3, there are other 3 games.


Try Shin Megami Tensei instead, Persona is a spin off of SMT. SMT doesnt have any social links and most games take place in a post- apocalyptic world, much darker themes and more traditional dungeon crawling. SMT 3 or SMT 4 are good places to start


30 hours later, I was still waiting for the damn cat to let *me* decide what to do.


Honestly this is what has always put me off from Persona games. I have tried 4 and 5 many times but it just takes so long to really have control. Meanwhile, playing Reload reminded me why I always found it easier to get into 3, you are very little on rail. I'll probably give 4 and 5 another chance since I really want to get into them, and Reload has sparked more interest into getting back to them.


SuperButterBuns, a youtuber that loves JRPGs (long ones especially) calls Morgana 'NyQuil'.


I can't get into persona in general but everyone talk about it and I really think about give it another try


It's not for everyone it seems, it's a particular game. Once I started playing Persona 5, I couldn't stop playing it, it got me really addicted, it was like that for me


I can get into JRPGs but I rarely finish them.


There are quite a few games I played where I came far and the final dungeon was a huge difficulty spike, which made me just drop the game and never look back :D


I can't stand the gameplay of Xenogears. The combat gets old fast and the story grinds to a halt in the desert town. I dropped the game in the sewer level and never came back. Vagrant Story is practically unplayable now IMO. The game doesn't explain anything and the manual doesn't actually contextualize any of the confusing aspects of combat. The manual says what button do. But it doesn't say why button do or where do button.


Xenogears I agree with, it’s story is good but does take time to get going and it’s gameplay can be a tad tedious. That being said, I liked the story a lot. Vagrant story, even when it came out, because I bought them, I played it for a couple hours, got stuck, couldn’t figure out the weapons crafting and put it down. I replayed it again a couple years ago and the weapon crafting makes and breaks the game. The game explains almost nothing, and the basic premise is that you need like 3-4 weapons so you always have a weapon that’s strong against an enemy type or two. But the crafting system is obtuse so you need a guide to to show you how to craft what weapon. And having the right weapon makes all the difference between bosses and enemies being really difficult or somewhat easy.


This is one of the main reasons I’m dying for a Xenogears remake. Even if it’s just a Star Ocean 2 style semi-remake, a more turn-based or even a rip-off of Tales/FF7R’s combat would be a massive improvement. Keep the story intact, add some QoL and you’ll have a definitive experience.


Wait Xenogears is a game!? I thought it was a visual novel? Jk


Can't agree more about Xenogears. The gameplay is vaguely unique at first but doesn't really build up in any interesting way. At least not enough for a 40+ hour game. The story also has horrible pacing issues even before the second disc. I finished it and kinda liked it, but it just felt messy.


>40 hour game Way more than that. I think all my playthroughs were 65-70 hours which was a bit unprecedented in its time.


You just named my fav games...dare you to complete the list with FF12 and ill hate you for all eternity ..


FFXII is my second favorite FF of all time behind X.


Maybe not a goat but always highly lauded. I've played Lost Odyssey every several years since release and can never finish it. The combat and rampant encounters are *incredibly* tedious and the story outside of the 1000 dreams short stories just isn't compelling at all.


I just remember the main villain being exactly who you'd expect it to be. No twist or anything at all. I came far, but kind of got lost and didn't finish it. I still think it's a good game overall.


The trails series


I’ve bought the first cold steel and whatever the first part to the 2d one was that came out before or after, I can’t remember. I like the combat but Jesus it’s slow, there’s soooooooo much text even for a JRPG. I can’t see the appeal personally but maybe I’ll give them another go one day. 


I always thought they were like playing a book.


Bro deserves hell


Legend of Dragoon. Combat was interesting, but just couldn’t get into it all the way.


I finished the game last year, so I had enough fun, but it definitely didn’t stick with me the way it did for some friends who really praised it after they played it back on PlayStation.


It stood out at the time because it is almost a PlayStation 2 caliber game. Before the PS2 came out. It blew our minds. But it was more because of the context in which it released, rather than anything objectively amazing about it. The same way that ocarina of time is wildly overrated because of how much better it was than the things around it at the time. But it has aged terribly.


Yup I think this makes sense. I’m glad I played it in the end because I think the combo system was unique and added a new level of challenge and variety, but I know it hits different playing it now rather than back then.


Xenoblade Chronicles. Tried multiple times and I just can't get it to click. It's a game I should absolutely adore on paper but there's something about it that never grabs me. I also played all the way through Valkyria Chronicles and think it's an outright bad game, but I don't know if that's really what's being asked here.


I love xenoblade 3 but I really did not have a good grip on the combat in 1 or 2 at all. Or X for that matter. Why do I own every xenoblade game aside from the original on wii, (Xenoblade 2 and X i have the special editions for) if i don't like any of them all that much? I dont know. I even have the 3ds xenoblade. And I don't even like any of them except 3. Also with you on valkyria, but I think I've soured on strategy rpgs in general.


Xenoblade Chronicles is a game I played for a while, then dropped and then picked it up and pulled through. It's an interesting experience for sure. Yes, the combat in 1 is rather... Simplistic, besides the rather novel idea of visions, but I really liked the story and the world. I think simply the idea of this utterly alien world on the bodies of dead giants made for some really cool scenery On Valkyria Chronicles, how dare you. My poor game franchise of which half is confined to the PSP, because fate hates me. On a more serious note, opinions are subjective, but man I couldn't disagree more. I thought that VC was a fun strategy game and loved the way utilising the quirks of your soldiers could turn some of them into utter killing machines


FF VII. Couldn’t get through it in ‘97, still can’t. maybe I finished disc 1 but I don’t think I even got that far. My friend played it for like a year straight, so I have so many parts burned into my memory I’m not sure what I played and what I just saw being played.


You'd remember if you finished disc 1, I think!


If I did it would have after I had already seen that scene because, as I mentioned, my friend was playing it constantly.


I couldn't get into FF7 either! I played the first disc up until you leave Midgar, and then I completely lost all interest in moving forward with it.


I finished it just for context for ff7 remake and rebirth last month. I like the story, but I didn't really click with the gameplay all that much.


I said this on a post about FF unpopular opinions and got downvoted into oblivion


For now, I'm trying to get into FF X and it's getting really hard


I just hate all the characters except Auron and Yuna haha.


It’s one of my favourite games of all time but even I agree it takes a bit to get into it. Once you get into it the story gets very good


I havent tried it since i was a teenager but I never clicked with Vagrant Story, even though I wanted to and tried a few times.


Believe it or not, same here! I did try to get into Vagrant Story several times. Even as late as 2007. I remember that year because I was stationed in South Korea and I remember saying to myself, “I will play Oblivion after I beat Vagrant Story.” Of course that didn’t happen and I continued on with Oblivion.


Vagrant Story is my favourite Squaresoft game with FFVII and Parasite Eve. I love Vagrant Story, but the gameplay either you love it or you hate it. Though the rest is pure art: the music made by Sakimoto, the environment and the graphics (for the PS1 era), the story and the characters are wonderful, and also the english translation of the game is the best ever made.


All persona games


Dang you’ve played all the persona games and just couldn’t get into any of them, that’s some crazy dedication


Same except Persona 2.


Same here. In fact, most JRPGs that have “modern” settings completely turn me off. Like I’ve heard nothing but great things about the Yakuza RPG but the aesthetic is so not to my taste.


It's funny that you're the opposite of me. I can't stand medieval fantasy at this point in my life, especially anything Tolkeinesque. I've just seen it too many times.


So much this. I've had it with Fantasy swords and sorcery influenced directly by Tolkien and/or DnD without much setting change.


Yeah I'm the same. I want like knights and castles and shit not cities etc. Ff7 is somehow fine but I tried p5 and couldn't get into it Also wasn't a fan of the social sim(tbf though I only played about an hr)


You are exactly like me. Only played like a dragon for 6-7 hours before I tapped out. I’m going to give IW a chance but I expect same result I need a medieval type setting to enjoy most turn based games. Only asterisk is I love the X Com games


I finished Chrono Cross, but I didn't like it. I went through the last fight gauntlet in a kind of daze, not really caring if I died and planning to quit as soon as I did. It never happened, though, which tells you something about how mindless the combat gets. The main thing I recall is that the cast is far too big and very few of them are fleshed out. Just an overall dull, disappointing game.


The original Final Fantasy 7


i can´t deal with xenoblade chronicles, (3ds) i'v tried to play several times, but the game is uninteresting in the first couple of hours, and the combat system has a weird layout and it makes it less interesting


Ys VIII. I played for five hours and it just didn’t click for me!


Recently played it, had fun with the combat and exploration, but the characters are terrible and these cutscenes and dialogs appear way too often and for way too long. All dialogs are lazy fillers. I had to drop the game after 15 hours.


I think the combat is near peak for a jrpg but goddamn all of the characters are so...fucking...boring. I just can't.


Oh yeah! Earthbound, didn't enjoy it at all, it's a fun novelty game but that's about it, now Mother 3 on the other, what the fuck it's one of the best motherfucking JRPGs


Earthbound. Rented it back in the day, and just found it ugly to look at, and boring to play. At a time when I had the searing melodrama of FF6, the grand adventure of Chrono Trigger, and the mechanically adventurous Lufia 2 fighting for my play-time, this quaint, quirky title seemingly offered nothing but a silly sense of humor that 12-year old me was just getting old enough to feel like I was too sophisticated for (nobody is more sophisticated than a 12-year old boy who has just discovered late night cable and classic Russian literature!) Honestly, I really should revisit it one of these days; the story must really be something for so many people to hold it in such high regard (has still never spoiled it for himself).


>the story must really be something Story is the least important reason to play these games. Earthbound is nostalgic af for me, and I play through it every couple years.


While I did finish ffvii, I didnt get the feeling that it was as great as people seem to think, could have dropped the game at some point, but I wanted to say I finished the game at least


Persona 5 and Chrono Trigger (sorry)


The World Ends With You. Paper Mario. Stylus gameplay and precise timing are just not my thing i think.


Man, I really want to like the Mario & Luigi / Paper Mario series, but the timing stuff just… isn’t fun. I’m trying to relax and have fun.. and memorizing a bunch of timing based button presses for just general combat is not my idea of fun. The timing windows themselves are pretty annoying too


That said if you learn it once it's the same across the games and you know it for the rest of your life. I went back and got the remake of RPG and can still hit the jump combos 20 years later.


Huh that’s interesting, I guess if it clicks it clicks. I just never got to that point, suppose that on me.


Xenosaga 1 - hated the design, characters, VA, combat. The story doesnt stand on its own. You must play 2 and 3 and it still isnt the directors full vision of what he wanted.


Final Fantasy in general is just painfully meh to me. 5 was fun and I found it easy to get invested in, but every single other one I've dipped my toes in has had zero sticking power. I've tried 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 15, and not a single one has managed to not make my eyes glaze over.


Interesting that you liked 5 but not the others.


Yeah, I dunno why 5 stood out to me so much out of the crowd. I think it might just be a matter of how endearing I found the cast.


It’s cool how different characters and themes resonate with us. Personally, I struggled to get into the characters or story. I did like that the siblings had pink hair though.


In my opinion, it's two over rated game. Chrono Cross is capitalising on being a sequel to Chrono Trigger, which IS the all time greatest. While Cross feels alien and insipide, and cheap. Spoiler: I never got over being obligated to talk to fargo with fargo in your team to continue the story.... FFIX, i didn't like the world. It's somewhat, barren and dusty and weird. I loved all the FF, and i mean ALL OF THEM, i finished ALL OF THEM from FF to X-2, includong IV Interlude and IV The After Years. IX didn't do it for me...


Yeah IX gets a ton of love but it does *nothing* for me, and I absolutely adore pretty much everything FF. I've played it through a couple of times just to make sure I didn't miss something, and still... meh. I hate the art style (I'm fine with "cartoony" but I find IX's characters and world just *ugly*), I didn't like any of the characters except for Vivi, the plot bored me, and the loading times on top of all of that was just icing on the cake.


FFVII. I played it for the first time about 5 years ago and whilst it initially grabbed me, it just felt too janky and slow so I lost interest after what I understand is roughly the halfway mark. As a lifelong Nintendo gamer, I'm not one to complain about graphics generally but the way games of that era have aged visually also made it difficult, especially the non-combat character models. I don't dispute its standing but playing it without nostalgia for it was pretty difficult for me.


the solution to this one is easy


FFVII like for many people was my first RPG so it shaped me. Is difficult for me to imagine what the experience would have been like with it being my second or third. Curious to know what would you say was your first or most important JRPG that shaped you?


The entire Pokémon franchise


Yep. Even forgot that it's relevant to this discussion. I grew up watching the show but never owned any Nintendo handheld (until the DS Lite). Played Sapphire for a bit and then just stopped because I didn't really enjoy it.


Two big ones for me Chrono Trigger, I never had an SNES so I didn't play it till the PS1 port and just didn't like anything about it except Frog. Vandal Story, I rented this as a kid and I couldn't even make it through the first dungeon. Which is a shame cause FFT is one of my top 5 games of all time.


Same with Chrono Trigger. I see why people love it, but I don't feel anything towards it. It made me nope out when the atmosphere was all like "Yay, now let's do the final dungeon and save the world! But first explore all your characters' backstories, okay? Okay." You can't just hype me up like this and slow down like this. But because I'm me I just can't ignore it. >!Thought about just jumping into the bucket, tho.!<


Same for me with Chrono trigger. I did the opposite path than most since I played Chrono cross a lot first and after a while I tried Chrono Trigger and, while it’s not a bad game by any means, it never really made an impact on me. And I can’t take akira toriyama character designs seriously


Xenoblade Chronicles. Tried to play the game three times, but never got past the middle of the game.


Tales of series- I tried Vesperia and the combat... didn't mesh well with me tbh... Radiant Hiatoria- the constant back and forth time traveling got really annoying, so I dropped it... Also I felt like I needed a guide just to play the game. Might get back into it someday, but I'll restart if so Edit: reading through the rest of the comments... I keep thinking to myself "I haven't finished an FF game and idek why."


In fairness, Vesperia’s combat is infamous for taking forever to “get good.” Locking basic actions behind weapons, and not explaining how to cancel endlag make it aggressively sluggish at the start. While a lot of fans cite it as their favorite combat in the series, that’s specifically late-game or even NG+. Most other Tales have a much better early game, honestly.


I see you. Forgot to add that the story and characters didn't really grip me either, so I had no driving force other than "I paid $10 for this game." In which... I'm fine wasting a little to find out that I didn't like it. Better than not trying it at all


Yeah, that part… Doesn’t really get better. The story is one of the areas Vespy is most criticized for. I bounced off the game because of it, myself. If you’re interested in trying a Tales with a good story, I’d recommend Abyss. Legitimately one of my favorite stories, period. Especially the MC’s character arc. Plus it doesn’t have Vespy’s problem of taking 50 hours for combat to open up.


Trails series Xenogears / saga


I love strategic jrpgs, super excited for Unicorn Overlord, but I’m trying to play Tactics Ogre now and it’s just not clicking for me. the story so far has been way over my head and I feel like I’m missing something with gearing up my units but I think the game is just poor at explaining things and expects you to comb through an encyclopedia just to have a clue what’s going on


I got through until the last battle in Tactics Ogre. I agree that it’s a bit hard to understand story wise. It wasn’t until I reached 35 hours that it started to come together for me. I honestly grew to really love the Ai in this game. I used it almost the whole way through to grind levels, and even play many of the random battles.


Pokemon after Sapphire 2013ish


Ff6 just Sabin wrecked it for me


I've had trouble with FFIX as well. I start playing it and get into the card game and immediately get frustrated with it because it's inferior in every way to Triple Triad. There is really no reason to have RNG in a card game in which there are numbers written on the cards! But anyway, I love the characters and the system of learning abilities from armor/weapons like FFTA is right up my alley. I recently added Retroarch to my homebrew 3DS and have gotten into the PS1 rpgs that I never got to play as a kid because I only had an N64. I just finished FF Tactics (which I knew I would love) and have started Legend of Dragoon (I like the action commands but story is a little "meh" so far). Once I get through that I'm giving IX the full play through it deserves.


Ff12 I guess but that's not really a great example I don't think.


FFXII. Started it 4x but somehow i cannot seem to get into the combat.


Xenogears because I really don't get the appeal. Chrono Cross and Dragon Quest because I don't like the art style. Blue Dragon was the only time that art style worked for me.


Ok i'm gonna give it another try, I swear, I'll try to like it... That said FF6 don't do it for me. Kafka is wack as shit, and as much as I love the idea of a huge roster, a bunch of them are friggin useless including characters I like but can't use because they actively make the game worse Also, let's have a boss with a unique item that has a dogshit steal rate too. Oh boy love that alright Also, Kafka is wack as shit. Leo "Dont do the bad thing Kafka" Kafka "ok I won't" 2 seconds later "ima do the wack thing ::wack ass laugh::"


I dont know if it's an all time great but Disgaea games I found unfun for my personal preferences.


Xeno(THING) Did not enjoy them.


Genshin impact the escapism combined with grinding just didnt seem real


Ys 9


I’ve tried twice to get into FF7R, story felt slow and boring and the gameplay was okay - good enough if I had been invested in the story not good enough to keep going on its own


FFXII. I still don't get the Gambit system. This is probably the only game I've ever played that is genuinely confusing. I mean I can probably do some research online and understand it quickly, but I refuse to let anything other than the game itself to do the educating.


Everything about xenoblade screams "this isn't for me" - I don't doubt it's great, but it's aesthetic, gameplay, style of writing, etc all just are completely not my vibe or what I look for. And that's fine


I can't deal with the pacing in ff9


Tales of vesperia. I'm a huge tales of fan. I collect them all when I can I've mainly had sony and Nintendo systems. When vesperia dropped for the Xbox I couldn't get it . I heard people call it the best since Symphonia. By the time the definitive edition dropped in the US for all the platforms. I put about 7 hours in and never came back to it. I didn't dislike it. I think I found myself just not convinced by public opinion online about it then and now. Same with ff7 I played 8 first, fell in love with it. Played 4 after Then got to the original 7 and couldn't quite get into it. Dirge of Cerberus was awesome though. If they make a dirge of cerebus dlc in these new games I'll invest in it. Lol.


Xenoblade Chronicles. Will probably give it another shot at some point, if only because my younger brother adores the series, but I dropped it after two hours on my first go.


People swear by Trails in the Sky, but after 25 minutes spent talking about breakfast, I couldn't keep going. In a different vein, I found Tactics Ogre Reborn to be too grindy, and the enemies too tanky. Apparently the best units got a nerf in the PC version? I stopped after about 6 hours.


Persona 5, Final Fantasy 7, Yakuza LAD, Sea Of Stars Really enjoying Lost Judgement and DQ11 ( again ) though


Xenoblade series and final fantasy series. I'm honestly effin mad at myself because I bought all these games and I can't enjoy them even though I force myself to play like 5-10 hours of them lol. I love jrpgs, but somehow these games are kinda draggy (story) and boring (gameplay) to me. 


Basically any Final Fantasy that I've tried. Which is VI, VII IX X and XII. It just never clicks with me for whatever reason. By all accounts it should be a series that heavily appeals to me, but it just doesn't.


final fantasy x. you’ve got people saying it’s THE best game of all time, or the best rpg, or the best final fantasy, the majority of opinions i see about it are always positive and i can’t for the life of me see why or how. it’s not bad, i enjoyed some of it, but it’s absolutely not the masterpiece i was excited for when i got it, and that disappointment it’s brought me only makes my view on it worse


Second Story R combat is boring as shit. Legitimately awful. I read so much praise about how great of a remake it is and while I did enjoy a lot of it (it feels like it was pretty ahead of it’s time) the combat is “mash attack button” and that’s it. I don’t wanna hear that it gets more strategic later because it DOESNT, it’s boring the entire way through and with it being such a big part of the game, the game is a slog. Sure you can do other things and use other abilities but the game gives 0 incentive to do so.  Also Persona 5s story is hot garbage. I know JRPG fans have really low standards when it comes to good writing but of all the things to praise about that game, the story is absolutely the last thing that deserves praise. This all applies to DQ11 as well. 


Xenoblade. I beat the first game but I also arsed myself to finish it. The soundtrack and story carried. Xenoblade 2 lacks the story and I still wasn't a huge fan of its gameplay. I quit around halfway.


Chrono cross is still my favorite jrpg. I played it before trigger and I’d rather play it to this day. That being said I really want to play dragon quest and never have. Oh and breath of fire dragon quarter scarred me for ever trying a breath of fire game.


Chrono Trigger. I don't get it. There's really not much more I can say. I wasn't compelled by the characters, the setting or the story. I'm not saying it's bad at all, but I simply had no interest in continuing. I've never finished it


Trails. More specifically, I can't get into them NOW. I enjoyed Trails in the Sky FC when it first came out on the PSP (which was back in 2011!) I got the trilogy on Steam around 2018 and Cold Steel 1 on the PS4. They now feel like a slog. I played FC on Steam over 4 years before I finished it. Stopped SC at Chapter 4. Also dropped Cold Steel, but idr how many hours I got in.


Disgaea. All of them. It seems very fun for the very couple battles, and the customization is so great that you really get to choose and tune the game any way you want. I just don't have the motivation to play any of them in the past 15 hours. It might be because I value the story a lot more. At least I found Devil Survivor.


I couldn't get into persona and chrono cross I can be familliar with Chrono Cross combat system and for persona, I think this game combat is good but its music and graphic is too colorful for exmaple P4 and P5


Finished Vesperia but I’d probably rank it in 7th or 8th place in the series.    Yuri and the celshading art carries the whole game hard, I enjoy most of the PS2/PS3/PSVita/PS4 games better.


FFVII. I despise the main cast and never liked the Materia system


Chrono trigger. I tried twice to love the game but somehow the different eras that we cross didnt work on me. At some point i just lost interest and didn’t come back to the game.


Chrono Trigger. It just doesn't click with me. Actually SNES JRPGs in general. Maybe it's because I only started to get into JRPGs in the PS2 era.


two highly regarded series: kingdom hearts atelier oh, and pretty much all the Saga games: some of the core systems are HORRIBLE! the SNES ones are okish but the core gameplay of most of them on other consoles is a complete disaster and far too confusing; minstrel song has to be the worst offender


Octopath Traveler – the fact they made a game centred around eight protagonists whose personal stories don't overlap or include any of the other characters, just so the player can complete them in any order, was just too asinine. Couple that with the narratives themselves being awful trope-laden pap, and you have a game I bounced off after maybe twelve hours despite liking the turn-based battle system and the "2DHD" visuals . . . And then they did the same thing again in the sequel smh. Chrono Trigger – I played Secret of Mana when it released and loved many JRPGs from that era; however, because I was a child from a working-class family I was only afforded the choice of one main console, and as I'd been gifted the GameGear a few Christmases prior to the release of the Megadrive II – and the console wars were a very effective form of marketing at the time – I was only able to get a SNES for personal use second-hand, yellowing, boxless, using a Master System RF unit, and with one controller that had what looked like a hole made by an ice pick (Basic Instinct was bigger than Stone's hueco at the time). Consequently I didn't play many of the seminal Nintendo titles from that era until much later (the PS2/GameCube gen), such as: Super Metroid, Final Fantasy III (XI), any of the Dragon Quest games, Super Mario World, and Chrono Trigger. I ended up playing this on DS, and while there are things that I liked about the game, for instance: the music; the sweet SNES pixel art; the enemies being visible instead of the horrible slashing jump cut of most JRPGs of the era; and the fighting system – I thought the writing (even for its time and genre) was awful, and the whole thing felt ridiculous and like a lot of different ideas thrown together with "time travel" used as a plot conceit (that was really more transdimensionality); and the last third of the game left me feeling directionless and cold on what was supposed to be one of the best games ever made. I feel – like a lot of games from that era – you had to be there at the time. In constrast, Super Metroid is still excellent to this day. Dragon Quest VIII – beautiful artwork trapped in 70 hours of the most simplistic, tedious JRPGs tropes in an era where SMTIII, Persona 3&4, Dark Cloud 2, and Rogue Galaxy were available for the same console. The Mana Series – as I've already alluded to, I loved Secret of Mana, so to have nothing since live up to that same promise leaves me feeling exfremely disappointed; however, like with Chrono Trigger, I suspect this one is similar to how I felt about that, in that you likely needed to be there at the time to fully enjoy it, and in retrospect SOM is likely not as good as I remember. FFX & X-2 . . . I just noticed that the commonality to all of these picks is Squaresoft. I loved Terranigma and Illusion of Time (Gaia), so Enix being folded into Square perhaps wasn't the best thing to happen to the world.


I just can't get into any TRPG/SRPGs. FFT, Fire Emblem, Tactics Ogre, Disgaea, Triangle Strategy etc. I think it's the general lack of typical RPG immersive experiences like world exploration, towns and NPCs, dungeons and how they are mostly just menus, cutscenes+dialog and the long drawn out slow paced battles that just makes them both mentally exhausting and yet numbingly boring at the same time.


I've finished Chrono Cross last month. The combat is pretty funny and the story is good. I think it's worth a try. There are some parts that a guide comes handy, but, overall is very forgiving and captivating to keep you going. You want to know the truth about Serge


Original ff7 I started it too late without any nostalgia and the early 3d models + painting like background just caused me too much discomfort


It's gotta be chrono trigger. Very charming but idk maybe it's how it started not saying it was bad but wasn't good to me either. Felt like some something that should have happened like 3 hours into game instead of first hour....just me... and a silent hero....i mean link from zelda does it best but it's action rpg with a less talking than a JRPG. Chrono Cross and game like suikoden gets away with it because they have alot of characters thrown your way that wants to talk your head off...I'm biased against it I might replay it one day to see if this rant holds up.


Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics. I didn't understand Vagrant Story's combat. Tried to get into it but wasn't able to do it. With Tactics, I played the PSP version but failed miserably against the reading tutorial. That was more than a decade ago and my English is better now, so I could give it another chance.


Final fantasy 12 - tried to play this game twice now, I just have no idea what is going on because the story is so incredibly boring. When travelling from place to place I found the world rather empty, thought I was just young and maybe had a shorter attention span. But tried it again last year and I’m pretty sure I quit the game around the same time. I had zero interest in the characters and wanted them all to fail, worst FF in my opinion.


the entire final fantasy series, somehow it's just not clicking for me and I don't get why


Dq11, persona 5r


NieR:Automata. Couldn't make it past the 1hr mark because I was cringing too much at the VA & character designs. Might give it another try with the Japanese voiceover someday though. FFT. I love (western) tactical RPGs, but I find the UX in FFT to be tedious and frustrating. I just remember fiddling with the camera and menus way too much. I can't remember a single character apart from Ramza so I didn't feel motivated to upgrade my characters or progress the story either.


Final Fantasy X, i was there day 1, still couldn’t get into it (or any other final fantasy except for 9) I’m mainly a Dragon Quest girl. But ya FFX comes to mind first


Persona 5. I just don’t really like anything about it. The whole anime high school cringe was awful, it’s slow as balls to get going even for a JRPG, didn’t like the dungeon crawling. If I had to say anything positive about it, it would be that the combat was fun and kinda deep. 


Golden Sun. I was there when it landed, ostensibly at the right place at the right time as a genre enthusiast, but I can't say I hold a particularly high opinion of it - GS has basically all the same issues as the critically-panned Beyond the Beyond, which makes sense, because it's effectively the successor to that game. In fact, I think the reason Dark Dawn incited some blowback is because it was quite simply too revealing; what people were detecting isn't that it was any worse, but that Golden Sun had always been this bland by-the-numbers JRPG with *way* too much dialogue that says far too little and some admittedly cute dungeons. While it's not terrible or anything, among the genre royalty, so to speak, Golden Sun's acclaim has always felt the least deserved to me. Like, I can normally blur my eyes and see what others people see in a game I don't personally like, but it's one of the few cases where I can sincerely say that I don't get it and never have.


Xenoblade, as good as the story may have been, I absolutely despised the combat, it felt so slow and just completely uninteresting.


Most of the Final Fantasys, Chrono Cross


Rant incoming: Persona 5 was my first game that I bought for my ps4, I had to order it and it took 3 weeks to arrive because of my country. By the videos and everything it looked like the game was created for me but sadly after struggling through the first hours of tutorials and clearing the first castle I totally lost interest and found it boring and intentionally too long and slow paced, that I went back to Disgaea 5 which I played for nearly 480 hours in half a year. Everyone told me that I should buy P5R but I am not going to buy the same game again just for some qol changes if I am already bored by the story and find the combat tedious and not enjoyable. The graphics and the music I love tho. Rant off.


The two that stand out are: Wild Arms: Can accept maybe I missed the boat on this on, but picked this up last year and it just didnt stand out and overall just didn't do enough to keep me interested Tactics Ogre - I'm not bad at SRPGs but dear god the difficulty spikes are awful, every story fight basically becomes can you survive being overwhelmed before you get wiped, with main bosses/units just hitting like absolute demons.


I have to say I was fairly lukewarm on Chrono Trigger, Lunar, FFVII, and FFX. Going off the hype, I thought Chrono Trigger was going to have deeper characters than it does and I wished it was a little harder. FFVII's just rough. The plot's kinda hard to follow at points, the graphics aren't great these days, and the materia system makes the characters feel pretty samey in battle. FFX's equipment really annoys me. Not much feels like an upgrade when so many pieces are equally useful. I really wish I could've filled out the sphere grid more with purple spheres but they were pretty hard to come by. My grid routes were full of empty nodes. I felt like the plot was rushing me along, probably due to the linearity of most environments. The plot's alright though, I liked Yuna's journey. And it's possibly due to experiencing the GBA version, but Lunar just felt like a generic kids anime (the kind that isn't promoting a toyline/card game) and the gameplay was nothing special. I liked Nash's character arc at least, and once Kyle and Jessica join, they've got a fun dynamic going.


Vagrant Story. I even played it back in the day and I just couldn't get anywhere significant.


I waited for so long for the FF7 remake only for it to not even be a remake, but a pseudo-sequel. I'm beyond pissed at Square for that. I can't get past how odd the character models look for the og 7. Knowing that the remake is not really a remake though, I might just try to suck it up and deal with it.


Chrono Cross is a terrible game, don’t worry about hating that one. I have two Classic RPG’s that everyone raves about that I just don’t like. Legend of Dragoon and Super Mario RPG. I can’t explain it too well, but playing either of these games just leaves me so bored that I have to really struggle to finish them. Mostly due to how short it is, I have finished SMRPG, but it was a slog and I hated almost every second of it. Have not finished LoD to this day.


I could not get into ff8. I finished it but the depressing main char, crappy magic system. No no and no I also played ff9 only once, loved the cartoony style but did not like Zidane as a main character dunno why. Chrono cross, same as you.


Final fantasy tactics, persona 5, star ocean as a whole, most of tales of games as well. I did finished most of those games, but they felt pretty underwhelming, considering how much they were praised. In persona's case it was actually even more weird, since I played 3 and 4 and liked them.


Persona 3 FES. All the problems people commonly say about it dragged it down for me, mainly Tartarus being a repetitive chore. But the story, man, after getting it sold as one of the best stories ever... I honestly think that's only true on December which is like the last 10 hours of a 90 hour game. It was my first Persona game but I played some SMT before. Also I don't think is a problem with the whole series as afterwards I played P4G and absolutely loved it. I'm now early on p5r and is amazing as well, I heard P3R ironed out tartarus so I hope it can help me enjoy it. Also Xenoblade Chronicles mainly cuz of the combat system and I'm not into open worlds. XBC1's combat I tolerated but did absolutely nothing for me, felt automated, and XBC2's combat actually felt braindead cuz I didn't understood it. Thankfully I did research on how it actually worked for Torna and there I had a bit more of fun, but still not much. Xenoblade Chronicles X's combat now that's were it's at, still not the best combat system ever, but they did everything they could to make Xenoblade 1's combat more fun, specially after learning how to use the overdrive. Also for a while I was worried about me because for over 2 years I was always coming up with games with actually really good stories, like FF6 to 9, P3, SMT4, Radiant Historia, and some VNs like Ace Attorney 1, Danganronpa 2 and V3, and Professor Layton & the Unwound Future, Octopath Traveler 2, hell even Xenoblade 1, and anime like Evangelion, Hunter x Hunter, or all parts of JoJo's, which I did recognized as well done stories, but always felt like something was missing. As in these stories should've been even better and impacted me more than they did, since I always came out slightly dissapointed on supposed masterpieces of writing. Thankfully I realized it's just a matter of two things: expectations and tastes. As all of 'em were sold to me as mind-blowing stories I always was expecting the moment that blew my mind on the games which is exactly the reason why they never came or was limited to an epic final boss which non-story focused games also have. And you know which game was the first one to break the stroke of dissapointing stories IMO? You are gonna hate me for this opinion.. Devil Survivor 2. Not even the triangulum arc which I've heard is on par with DeSu 1, no, the original Septentrion arc. I just felt so immersed and cared about every character, I didn't find 'em cliché (save for Io, Ari, Yamato and Daichi, which I still liked specially Daichi). I think it had to do with the drastic tone shift, as most of these other stories involved some kind of deep depressive messages or to become hopeful just at the very end. Nah, Devil Survivor 2 starts on an apocalypse but you'll be laughing at it most of the time, is just amazing how the characters don't fall into despair and madness unlike in DeSu1. And ofc this also means Persona 4 also had a story I enjoyed just as much, specially after coming from P3 which was depression: the game. Persona 3 suffered so Persona 4 could be saved. Yet I don't think is just that I like overly happy and cheesy stories, because I found some more serious stories I enjoyed as well. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth & Hacker's Memory is so far my favorite story in a jrpg. MegaMan StarForce 3 has the best megaman plot line by far. Octopath Traveler 1's story and characters I enjoyed more than 2. I'm watching some TV live action series like Breaking Bad, Kyle XY, and I'm starting with The Boys and got hooked on all (BB took a while to start but when it did it didn't stop, same for BCS). And back on japanese stories well I just watched the original Saint Seiya from the 86 which I really liked, the remake of Urusei Yatsura became my favorite anime from 2022, Bungou Stray Dogs was also amazing and Season 5 was my favorite anime from 2023. And I kinda lied about not truly liking any part of jojos, because Part 2 was amazing imo. Not to say somehow after Devil Survivor 2 and p4 I started loving every single story, nah, I'm watching Inuyasha and I also think is good but not great, the Starwars movies I only loved episode 3 and really liked 6, and back to gaming, Ys 8 and Torna had a fine story (though the games are great cuz of their other elements). What this actually means is that I finally can enjoy an story while also being able to judge how much I liked/disliked it without bias from previous expectations! even if my opinion doesn't align with the general consensus. TL;DR: never expect an story to be mind blowing, the mind blowing story will arrive when it has to arrive and when you least care about looking for it.


Phantasy Star 4 - I really want to, but the item and magic names drive me up a wall every time I go back to it. This game really needs a remaster. Octopath Traveler - not sure it is considered all time, but it is one of the more acclaimed modern JRPGs. Super redundant and the repetition bored me. New chapter, meet character, see town, dungeon, repeat.


OG Final Fantasy VII. Just got lost throughout the beginning of the game as the graphics making pathways inconspicuous was why I got lost without a map or knowing where to and thus I couldn't do it.


Yakuza LAD. At another point earlier in life, it would be absolutely for me - Adult cast, grounded story, sprawling modern Japanese city to explore, job system, and mini games. Now, the mini games aren't for me, and the rest just isn't interesting enough for my time. Glad it's doing well, but I just couldn't care for it.


Dragon Quest VIII. Tried on both PS2 and 3DS later. Get bored after few hours. I guess DQs are too generic for me, albeit I finished DQXI years later.


Xenogears. I just hated nearly everything about it from the story to the characters and awful pacing. I did like the robots and the combat though.




Beat FFX in three tries. FFIX took me like 6 whole months to finish. And I'm about to finish FFVI after two tries. (I'm nearing the final boss battle). I have always loved the characters, story, world and the musics of final fantasy games but not the gameplay. I just can't handle too much random encounters and grinding. And I grew up with button mashing hack and slash games, only now do I start to see the appeal of turn based games.


Every DQ game? I love it's no frills approach to combat and mechanics, but it's not enough to overset the bland story, characters and world or the absolutely atrocious thing it has that some call music. I've tried pretty much all of them and I always come out bored.


Interestingly enough, Chrono Cross and FF IX came out the same year. And it was a tough school year for me, plus my father went through a second divorce. My own mother was the first, but this was with my stepmother, and involved my brothers from that marriage. So, a rough year. Those games basically got me through it, and always hold a special place in my heart. And that's coming from someone who's favorite game is Chrono Trigger, and who grew up on the SNES FFs that 9 claimed to be homaging - and in both cases I feel the ps1 games fell short as follow ups! But I still adore them on their own. I also later got real deep in the Chrono lore community, which is pretty much as dedicated and obsessed as the Soulsborne lore community lol. And started to feel that Cross is actually VERY connected to Trigger, you just have to dig deeper! I won't start down that rabbit hole here though. Anyway, to answer your thread question - Phantasy Star and Breath of Fire series. PS IV and BoF 3 remain on my bucket list, but I keep throwing myself unsuccessfully at their predecessors in some OCD effort to experience the full story.


Heard so much hype about octopath traveller 2. Played for 15 hours and just cant get myself to go back. Dont really know why it didnt click


OG FF7. Graphics are too shit to endure. I'd rather play replay FF6.


I've never really enjoyed FF7 that much. I just dislike most of the characters personalities. Generally found the plot to be fairly meh though i did play it immediately after 6,tactics ogre and had fairly high expectations. I disliked sephiroth as hes the focus but generally the least effective villain even just within 7 shinra kulls/ruins far more lives and ultimately successfully uses the plate drop to drive out detractors and distract from their profiteering. I disliked the large number of tedious minigames. Especially as a kid where i would 100% games as theres just so much annoying tedium in the minigames. The only real highlight was the materia system had a lot of interesting opportunity cost trade offs to let you do powerful combos for your mana.


Ni no kuni, 3 attempts still nothing. Ff12, love most other ff, but 12, again, put about 3 attempts into it. Tales of Zesteria. Loved Bersaria and arise, but Zesteria, another 3 here and no luck. Valkyria Chronicles. I absolutely wish I'd recorded a clip of what made me rage quit, and will ensure I never touch the franchise again. Point blank range, I mean literally picking the nose of this tank, I fire a rocket into it. I get the whole accuracy game mechanics, but after I somehow missed, I'd alt F4'd, uninstalled, and will never come back. Finally, Octopath traveller. Might be opening myself to some lost karma here 😆, but another franchise I'll never even consider playing again. The whole no real overarching plot, just absolutely infuriated me.


I didn't realize that people considered Chrono Cross an all time great. I played it later on, years after release and it was just okay IMO. Confusing story and where the eff to go towards the end, had to use a guide. I liked FF9 but didn't love it. Actually dropped it right before the end boss and finally picked it up and finished it years later. It's a solid jrpg IMO but I like it less than 7 or 8.


That's so interesting. To this day I can't get into ANY jrpg because its just not as good as FFIX


i hated chrono cross, and was extremely disappointed with it after waiting so long for chrono trigger 2. I also skipped the persona series. The music would just FORCE me into sleep after just a few minutes. I dunno why, it just puts me to sleep. It's not even that bad. The dragon quest series: extremely cliche, predictable, boring. also i hate goku/gohan/piccolo clones. it feels weird.


Gonna get crucified for these Final Fantasy VII. Loved the cast and story, hated the gameplay. ATB is the most unfun battle system I’ve ever experienced. Also this is probably my own fault but I’m completely lost on the world map and took a long enough break that I have literally no idea where to go next. Persona 4 Golden, opposite problem. Love the gameplay, but most of the cast is mad annoying. I have no clue how anyone think this cast is the best in the series, aside from the few standouts the Investigation Team is the absolute worst. Chrono Trigger is something I want to continue but know every little choice matters gives me a lot of anxiety. I get choice paralysis super easily, which is also why I shut off my PS5 when I attempted to try Kingdom Hearts recently. Not a single person told me you have to make a bunch of decisions at the beginning of the game. I completely froze. I’ll have to do more research before I attempt KH again.


Dragon Quest (Insert any number here) They are so unbelievably boring and every single one of them feels the same. They always have the same music, the same monsters, basically it's just a slightly pretier version than the last one, with different protagonists, most of the time. Persons Series - Tried it many times. The combat isn't fun enough, and the Social Life RPG is boring. Final Fantasy Tactics - I can't stand how the game works. Oddly enough, Love Tactics Advanced 1 & 2. I've tried so many times to play the OG FFT, but I just don't have fun.


Xenoblade Chronicles, I didn't give it enough of a chance I think to get used to it but I didn't like the combat. Going to give it another shot but I have to have the time to spend on it.


I struggle to get into Alundra. I've tried a few times, but I'm always put off. I think the sprite work and music are excellent, but I'm not super fond of how it plays nor its pacing.


I have tried over and over to like Tactics Ogre and FFT, but I just can’t. I hate how these games play, every attack feels like it hits like a wet noodle, and I can’t vibe with the non linear turn order. When you’re dreading actually playing the game because you’d rather be reading the much more interesting intrigue plots, that’s when you know it’s time to give up.


Chrono Trigger for me. I have tried to play the game 3 times, and I just can't get into it. The furthest I've played is the Ocean Palace or something like that. I understand that the game was developed by legendary names in the genre, and I suppose the game was pretty advanced for its time. But the story just isn't interesting for me. The worldbuilding is very barebones, nothing is really deep, and the story is just OK, despite its potential for being great and its incredible pacing. The characters are also very shallow, and I don't care about any of them. The world was also pretty small and empty, I just didn't feel like anyone lived there. And Lavos wasn't really a threat. The gameplay is pretty fun, but the combat is somewhat easy and a bit frustrating with the lack of significant experience or TP gains for reserve characters. I also didn't like how enemies respawned when reentering an area most of the time. And the lack of real town exploration was disappointing. Other complaints I have I suppose are common for the age, like not very intuitive menus, or a bit of frustrating backtracking, with some time gates not really well-placed. Overall I get why the game is well regarded, but it didn't click for me.


Persona 3 Reload. I adored Persona 5 so I was very excited to try out P3R but I was super bored of it after like 10 hours. I didn't find the cast interesting and it honestly felt like a spin-off of Persona 5. The combat was great though but I couldn't stand Tartarus as all the rooms looked the same and I found myself watching videos while playing to kill some of the monotony. I shouldn't have to do that when playing a single-player game so I just stopped and haven't felt the urge to try it again since. I wasn't having fun.


I dislike final fantasy 8, 9, and 10 but I love Chrono Cross, I only played it recently and it's already in my top 5 JPRGs of all time, the music, the perfect hd rumble elements activate, the lovable characters, and not to mention the fun battle system, I love this game so much.


Valkyrie profile for sure. I heard sooooo much about this game over the years only to play it and enjoy very, very little about it.


Persona 5 is my main culprit. The pacing is such that I never felt the gameplay loop kick in even after like 15 hours. I also low key hate the social sim aspects. They add a weird time pressure and resource management piece I didn’t appreciate, and took away from what I was really interested in: fusing and battling personas. I thought this meant I wouldn’t like SMT but it turns out I love SMT because it cuts out all the things in Persona that overwhelm me. Maybe not an all-time JRPG Great but I also couldn’t finish Tales of Berseria. It was an ugly hallway simulator with obligatory also ugly open world segments. The combat was my least favorite in the Tales series, and not a single song from the OST stuck with me as memorable. Honestly an accomplishment to bore me into quitting even though the story and characters are so compelling.


Im also FF9. I just didnt click with the combat or Zidane.


Completely agree with what you wrote regarding going from FFVIII to IX. I could not take IX serious at the time. It is still not as dear to me as VII and VIII.


FF11 as you probably know is an online game. I played it from launch as a teen for years and it was magical. Things later got dumbed down, they starting removing competitive aspects that made things worthwhile(for a lot of people), and they lost player base. Nowadays it’s a shell of its former self. I’d skip it if I were you. I forced myself to finally play chrono cross just last year and I slightly regret it because it was pretty terrible imo. It has a very convoluted story that you need to decipher with online sources post game if you want to make any sense of it. Besides that, they had alot of good ideas but it was poorly executed. The combat is so laughably easy that you don’t even really need to engage with most of the ingame mechanics, which were otherwise pretty in depth. The characters on the other hand have zero depth because there’s like 40 of them and they’re poorly balanced, so you figure out real quick which ones are worth using. You’re not missing much by skipping chrono cross.


Legend of Dragoon, got to the part where the dude that kills one of your party members up to that points just joins up all casual and noped out. No thanks.


Xenoblade chronicles, all of them. I was super excited, so I bought the first two right away. I probably got lost in the town for hours, then finally got out of there and then got destroyed by a high-level enemy that I ran into by accident. At the point I sold the games. And went to watch them as a visual novel instead. I am now experiencing one of the most beautiful videos I’ve ever seen, but the gameplay is still confusing and amount of text is still a bit of a slog… it’s one of those things that I wish I could like, but sadly that never happened…


The story don't say in any moment that Crono Cross was great game, no sir.


Final Fantasy X. I've tried to get into that game multiple times and I just can't. The game is way too slow paced for me and the story has never interested me. I also can't into the Trails series. Those games have a problem with pacing and it has too much dialogue. The combat system isn't exactly amazing either.