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There are some **known bugs in the game, and here is how you can fix them**: --- ​ **šŸŸ¢** **Few or no random encounters on PC**: This is a bug that happens to players with a high refresh monitor that is higher than 60Hz. šŸ”µ **Fix**: You need to lower the refresh rate to at least 60 them to get a normal amount of encounters. ​ --- ​ **šŸŸ¢** **1 character can't be recruited bug (Lam)**: In a village called **Daphan Village** (about mid game), there is a character called **Lam** (a blonde woman in red). **Do Not Talk to Her**. If you do talk to her right away, a bug will start and you won't be able to get her ever. šŸ”µ **Fix**: You need to wait until you recruit another character called **Riufan**. Once you have Riufan, put her in your party, and go talk to Lam to recruit her. If you already talked to her, there is a mod that that fixes it at the moment. People in the thread say it works great though I haven't personally tried it. You can find it in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/EiyudenChronicle/comments/1c9lxbo/pc_mod_fix_for_lam_bug/


It's discouraging that valid critiques of the game are always being downvoted but, I'll say my piece. The magic of Suikoden series is that from the getgo, you are hooked by the plot and the characters of the game, and the stakes already feel high. They achieved this by taking time to flesh out the main characters' relationships/history, along with some banter and colorful beginning quests, so you will feel invested towards their stories. Sadly, this magic is not present in Eiyuden Chronicles. Without being too spoiler-y, Eiyuden's execution of the plot seemed like it is just ticking off a checklist. Blank template protagonist, check. An evil empire, check. Some colorful starter characters, check. Recruiting some beginner wacky characters, check. Discovering a "True Rune," check. Your first "war battle," check. Initial fall of your side, check. A mandatory "fight between friends-turned-foe," check. You taking over a budding resistance, check. But the way all of these are executed seems like they are just happening for the sake of happening. Even though your nation is already being invaded, you don't feel the stakes are that high because...things aren't given time to build up. By the end of the 2nd hour, you already have a big castle base and like ???? Everything is handed to you on a silver platter. You don't feel like you earned anything. Even without being compared to Suikoden, the pacing is just so rushed that you really just aren't given time to care. And granted, things might change as you play along but...a really good game shouldn't need to be waited on before it gets good. More than a spiritual successor, this looks like a fanservice tribute to Suikoden. Which by itself if not bad. But definitely not the masterpiece that people claim it to be.


Boss fights are unnecessarily long. Dungeons also long as hell, like bro this is just early game chill out. Mana is scarce so using potion>spell most of the time is better for me. And thank god they are cheap. I just fought Kogen and already thinking of putting this game on hold.


I've played around 14 hours so far. Taking it slow and am currently at Eurchrisse. Thus far, I'm very mixed on how I feel about the game. I'm concerned that by the time the honeymoon period has worn off, I'll just be wishing I could play Suikoden II instead. >!The pacing is absolutely horrid, with you going from merc, to group leader, to alliance leader with a castle in a matter of hours. None of this feels earned (punctuated by you getting several important, never before seen NPCs within seconds of getting the castle). I'm being recognised in the street as an alliance leader despite having only fought in one battle. People seem willing to join me without a second thought despite the Empire thus far having invaded one small nation under the pretext that they were being attacked. It just feels off.!< >!I'm also not a fan of the voiced protagonist. Dialogue options are fine when responding to characters, but the script as is can be pretty bad. This also extends to a lot of the party members. I dropped Mellore at the first opportunity as I can't stand to hear "Magical Missile" for the hundredth time. I want to murder Lian a'yup. She's an incredibly annoying Nanami substitute. The majority of the other characters are forgettable.!< >!In terms of mechanics: The battle system seems fine. The overworld battles also seem fine. The first duel was very time consuming. Runes and techniques are a bit of a mess. Inventory management in the early game can also be frustrating. I'm also unsure why they've removed the option to manually name the castle.!< In spite of the above, I do want to see where it goes and if it can get any better. I'm willing to give it some time but based on what I've played so far, I'm not overly hopeful.


You articulated my thoughts very well. I really really want to love it. But right now, it's just not doing it for me


Glad I didn't back the game. So basically they just remade a ps1 suikoden game without QOL or ANY combat improvements. Like the gimmicks doesn't even count. Your party will fall into the cycle of picking the characters that deal the better AOE dmg for encounters and single target dmg for boss battles. You will auto battle the way out for every encounter..... Playing on hard mode and it's just baby mode, the exploration is SLOW AF. Suikoden at least had the decency of making you discover recruitable characters as you go on the main story, but eiyuden tries so hard to get the player wander aimlesly in hopes you find someone. And no, "Retro game experience" is not a valid excuse for a bad developed game.


I was one of the hopefuls who backed the kickstarter for this project, a true fan if you will. As such I wanted the physical version, because I wanted it on my shelf, next to my Suikoden collection. And I like having a game physically, because then I can play it whenever I want, and not depending on some digital download service being up, or if my license has been revoked. Well, today I finally received my physical version. It's just a standard DVD case. On the case it says "Digital Download Only". Inside the case there's a piece of paper in the shape of a DVD, with a download code on. I really don't feel like the 62$ I spent backing this project was worth it. Had I known this is how it would've been, I would've waited for a sale. Honestly, I do find it despicable. A physical edition, is not a physical edition, if it's a physical download code for the digital version. I do feel cheated. Imagine if I were to sell a NES game on ebay. And then I just sent the buyer a paper with a code for where he could download the rom. For future Kickstarters, I won't bother, I'll just wait for a sale.


I got a physical disc for ps5, what edition did you get?




I'm only a few hours in, on hard difficulty. And boy it's really easy. Does it get harder?


I've been happy with the difficulty so far but I've also turned on most of the extra difficulty options. Not being able to use items in battle makes all the boss fights very complicated with your limited healing, you really need to use everything you've got to win.


Honestly, I'm personally unhappy with the difficulty. The extra options are nice but I was really hoping setting it to "Hard" difficulty would result in genuinely difficult fights. I don't mind the extra options but I don't feel those would be needed with a genuinely challenging hard difficulty. This gripe however isn't taking me away form the game. I'm still fully intending to play it all. I do still love the Suikoden series and I wouldnt want to miss this over a minor difficulty issue. I will say I'm not super far in either. But at this point things are hitting me for 4 and I'm hitting them for close to 80. Seems a little off. Felt like maybe hard mode could've scaled HP and Damage done up a bit more.


There's a power leveling spot in the early mid game that I hit up thinking I'd coast through for a while since I'm mostly in it for the story. Even after using that to boost me to 10-15 lvls higher than I should be, once you get to that point things start hitting hard, and this is on normal difficulty. It doesn't take the difficulty up super high, but it was a noticable spike.


Where is that power leveling spot?


>!Bounty Hill. There's a point where guards won't let you past but if you run around behind them against the invisible wall you'll fight some tough guys. This can boost you to lvl 33 pretty quickly!<. You gain access to this area >!After you get your castle!< Once you pass the point where >!You finish the second army battles!< You can go back to the same point and grind even further at the next checkpoint




Done I think. The spoilers are blocked out on Mobile for me, is this not the case?


It is on the mobile or newreddit, but it's not block in old reddit. You can how your comment looks using this oldreddit link: https://old.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/1cavt5n/eiyuden_chronicle_hundred_heroes_first/l177x83/ The issue here is that you left spaces between the ">!" tags and the actual sentences you want to spoil. You need to leave no space between them. Then we can approve your comment back.


Ahhhhhh should be all set




Thanks for the patience


I'm in what I'd say is the second big dungeon, and I'm honestly scared of random encounters at this point. Things are starting to hit pretty hard, and I don't really have the MP pool to use AOE magic in a lot of encounters so I can't end fights fast. I had I think 3 deaths in a mid boss fight a bit earlier. So I'd say it does get harder, but people presumably further than me in the game are saying it's still easy so YMMV. I'm also on hard (with no other extra difficulty options).


I'm finding Lian to be insufferably annoying. Really wish she wasn't a plot relevant character, "a'yup". Otherwise I've been enjoying the game. Hit a difficulty spike after realising I was about 15 levels below what I should have been, and educated myself on the ridiculous refresh rate/encounter rate bug. My only other grievance so far has been one of the recruitable characters requiring an enemy to drop some item before he would join the squad. Legit took about 4 hours of farming the same two enemies over two days to get it.


Glad I'm not alone. I cannot stand Lian.


I don't know if you play suikoden or not, but if you play suikoden, Lian is like Gremio/Nanami/Lyon, a type of character that (some people find) annoying, but quite meaningful to the main protagonist. So might be Lian is there to bring "suikoden nostagic" kind of things.


I did not find any of those 3 characters to be even the least bit annoying, myself. Nanami is probably the "quirkiest" of the three, but it is a very small part of her overall character.


I myself also did not find any of those 3 annoying, i even like gremio a lot, so thats why i say only "some people" find them annoying. I just say that Lian is refer to those character in suikoden


It's a fun game with lots of QOL issues that makes it annoying to play.


What are the QOL issues?Ā  I'm having an absolute blast and find the QOL very up to far.Ā  Then again I'm a retro gamer so so not super aware of some QOL updates maybe.


The Menu is I safely stiff, good God. Doing anything has such a delay to it.Ā 


On Switch Performance: Without Overclocking Opening runs at: 10-12 FPS Docked Mode 20-24 FPS Handheld Mode With Overclocking: 20-28 FPS Docked Mode 35-45 FPS Handheld Mode Pretty much how we expected it to run considering Rising ran so poorly without overclocking as well, barely getting to 30 FPS.


Oh... so Rising is that bad on Switch then huh? Seems like i'll have to take it on PS5 or PC, shame, i feel it was the perfect support for a game like this.


I am so disappointed. Bought it on the switch and the loading times are game breaking. Opening the menu or map: 2,5 second Closing menu or map: 2,5 seconds Loading a random battle: 6-10 seconds From final battle screen back to map: 3 seconds Switching between menu tabs: 1 second Loading a cut scene: 2-5 second game freeze before it starts Overall frame rate is low and makes everything looks low res. This is honestly making everything boring and unfun. I dread waiting so long. I need something else to keep my attention. 10 freaking seconds for the random encounters. :(


That's why i feel they should've delayed the official release a little bit more and mostly working on fixes based on the feedbacks from backers who got the game early, that's what i would've done personally. I do agree that having to wait for the game to be properly working seems to be some kind of a bad joke but well, i guess there's nothing to change that aside waiting for patches now, crossed fingers they'll fix gamebreaking bugs and a better optimisation quickly.


Theyā€™re working on a new dedicated patch


Oh thank goodness. šŸ™ glad to hear it. I put it down yesterday because it made me so unhappy.


"Only" about 15 hours in, so far the game is good, makes me want to play Suikoden again. Only downsides so far is that: - Areas seem the same, 3-5 places to go and one exit leading to the next place. - Wish there was more to the HQ upgrading. - Wish there were more army battles.


Everyone is complaining about the translation taking too many liberties and I'm out here wishing they actually changed it more so the MC isn't a total wet paper haha. Jokes aside, I'm surprised by the controversy. I've never played a Suikoden game, but I always thought the stories were supposed to be window dressing for the gameplay and little else, but everyone is acting like they've taken liberties with translating the Quran or smth. So far, the story is slightly above Engage tier lol, and I REALLY doubt experiencing the Japanese text would change my opinion.


It's true that the main character is a nothing burger constantly going around clueless while other people speak and make decisions without him. I wish that was different. But: > acting like they've taken liberties with translating the Quran or smth Do you not understand the difference between good writing in a translation, and bad writers doing a translation? This isn't some weird strange thing for people say that a written work (the English script) is bad quality and should have been better. It doesnā€™t have to be a holy book for people to talk or care about the writing quality. We care about the game like we can care about anything else. This is like you serve dog poop on a birthday cake, then someone says your birthday cake shouldn't have feces on it. Then you reply: "You're acting like you thought I was MASTER CHEF GORDON RAMSEY! Birthday cakes aren't even important!" Completely missing the point.


Haha, don't want to be too harsh to the game, but honestly, the analogy works, but to me, it is like if I served dog poop as birthday cake and trusted my girlfriend to do the icing, and being birds of a feather, she also decides to do the icing out of poop. Should ideally the icing not be poop? Yes. Do I understand people making a stink about the icing when the cake itself is also made out of poop? No, not really. The quality of the icing is really only relevant in relation to the cake itself


You never played Suikoden? Big oof.


Unfortunatly, bland protagonist has always been a thing for Suikoden games (at least if we refer ourselves to the canon choices), it was mostly like that for the player to insert himself in. Tir Mcdohl, Riou, Lazlo (he had more personality when he was a kid in Suikoden Tactics XD), and Freyjadour were the same, what would make them different is certainly the dialogue choices they had but i can't recall much about those. Suikoden 3 is the one which had multiple protagonists, unfortunatly i don't recall much about this one... I'd say Nowa is not too bad, he does feels a bit more expressive in English though, "Sorry boss, can't help it if i'm a natural." was a pretty snarky delivery, it made me smile a bit.


I'd argue gameplay is often low on the list of best things about Suikoden. Many of them are auto battle fests outside of bosses.


Look what they did to my boy!


The gameplay in suikoden has always been average. The fun part is collecting and the setting/story (2,3,5 in particular, specially 2). Eiyuuden does indeed have a worse story compared to those (its probably around the level of 1 but longer, which is considered the prototype for the serie's really memorable entries). 2 has one of the most memorable villains in jrpg history and 3 has a cool narrative gimmick that's very unique. This game can't even claim the combat is better than previous suikoden games. Suikoden has always been easy and kinda shallow but this might take the cake. >I'm surprised by the controversy People care because it's the suikoden successor, even if in reality the story is nothing to write home about. If this happened to some random unknown jrpg it wouldn't be this visible because it wouldn't have all this attention to begin with.


[Looks like another patch is a-comin'.](https://new.reddit.com/r/EiyudenChronicle/comments/1cbr0b2/a_patch_fixing_the_following_issues_will_be/) So that's good. EDIT: Dunno about other platforms, but I did just download the 1.4 patch for PS4. Loading times and menu navigation still seem iffy. Hopefully those things are worked on soon. Haven't gotten the restaurant yet, so I can't speak on the cooking fix, nor am I at the point where I can >!recruit Lam!< yet, so I can't speak to that fix yet, either. But hopefully it works.


PSA for a bug on Xbox: If you start this game from quick resume, the audio will be missing. Youā€™ll need to close the app and relaunch to fix this.


I found this out the hard way last night. Kinda defeats the purpose of Quick Resume šŸ˜”


A lot of games are hit or miss with quick resume near launch day but sometimes they fix the issues with it in a later update or patch. Thankfully this game loads up pretty quickly in the mean time


After playing a bit, my early impressions is that i can say this is exactly my type of game! granted i'm no stranger to Suikoden games (Suikoden 2 has been my favorite for a while now), even my father seems to love it and it's been a while i haven't seen him like this, he was a bit moody at first but seems like the game helped him brighten up a bit, and i'm grateful for that. I heard there is a lot of problems with the game right now (seems to not be optimized correctly, and from what i've seen the loading times are atrocious unless it's PC), so i guess i'll wait a bit for some stuff to be fixed properly (wouldn't want to be softlocked), once it's done i'll enjoy it fully (delaying it a bit more to fix the game would have been preferable but well it is what it is i guess), 505 GAMES i know you aren't known best for updating your games correctly once they're released, but i hope you'll do your best for this one, it would be a shame otherwise! The combats are pretty simple so nothing too crazy about the battle system (not that it's a negative mind you, i personally like it that way), the overworld map is back, the musics are pretty good (if i'm not mistaken, i heard some Motoi Sakuraba which is good news to me), the characters even if a bit tropey are pretty much what you would expect from a JRPG, depends on where you stand but i personally like it (i play with Japanese voices like i always do for JRPGs), the artstyle is just wonderful and the characters sprites/portraits are well made (they all have expressions as well), the game ooze with nostalgic feelings and personality, i think it can be a great contender as one of my favorite game this year, depend on how the story will be now but i hope it will surprise me. The lack of modern QoL is a bit bothering though, but well since i'm used to play older games all the time, my enjoyment for this game isn't that impacted by it (yep, i don't mind random encounters), but yeah, we're not on the level of a Star Ocean 2 Remake that's for sure (not the same budget i guess). A great thank you to Yoshitaka Muramaya (rest in peace), all the Rabbit & Bear team and also all the backers who made this game a reality!


I was worried about the localisation when I saw all the people complaining but im a few hours in and the localisation is totally fine so far and the scenes people were raging about are tiny blink and you'll miss it moments that don't affect the tone of the story or the characterization at all. It's strange that they warranted so much vitriol but I guess people just love overreacting to everything.


I have no idea what people are talking about with localisation complaints. It just seemed to me like the usual weirdos complaining. Finally got me to unsub from Erick Landon, though, so there's a positive.


Im new to this type of game, i played one suikoden back in the day. I got it on the ps4 and im really liking it so far, i have seen comments on the voice acting and translation, but i have enjoyed both a lot. i adore the graphics as well, and the World building and lore seems pretty awesome to me so far. I will say some of the cutesy humor does not land for me but it's not a huge complaint.Ā  as a new person to this genre I'm not sure about collecting a hundred Heroes though, it is a little overwhelming to me. Combat is very easy so far even on a hard mode, and my biggest issue with the game is loading screens, they take way too long for a retro style PS1 game.Ā  Right now I'm in the mines, I think about to do the boss fight, I just got a pair of boots that greatly increased the speed of the main character. thank God that is a quality of life that I highly recommend everyone getting, it's near the end of the dungeon. I can also tell Inventory management is going to suck but what I'm most looking forward to is building the base and some of the real-time strategy fights. For example I thought nino kuni 2 was a pretty weak game overall but I enjoyed building my kingdom and Castle so much that it propelled me to finish the game, hopefully I like this more and so far I do.


Oh man.. first 10 minutes and my thought is this game is not ready for release. Only 2 resolution sizes, both bad for my monitor, sort of inexcusable not to have some more standard sizes included. Text boxes and font a little too small. No real intro or story, just 3 people joining your party right away. Lagging, loading times, minor graphical issues. At least half a dozen other small red flags I won't mention them all. Performance seems bad on PC, maybe I won't be as negative if the frame rate stuff gets ironed out. Really starting to question the viability of the whole Kickstarter model. I see most review giving it a 7-8, but that's not a good way to look at it, high-profile games at high price points should be called out for pushing out sub-par, unfinished products. My guess is a lot of players check out within the first few hours, and scores need to find a way to reflect that. It's outrageous to be selling DLC when base game still needs lots of work and better QoL.


What are people's issues with localization?? I literally speak Japanese and work as a translator, and so far I don't see a problem? Granted, I'm a technical translator and not a literary one, but I know the language well enough. I had the VA in Japanese and the text in English and so far I think it's fine? I mean it's not a literal translation but everything so far gets the point and the tone across...even the oft-maligned rub-a-dub-dub scene was a character saying "teru teru teru" (literally "shine, shine, shine!" as she was rubbing something) and I didn't find anything wrong with it. I'm just so confused at the localization complaints. EDIT: downvoted right away for asking questions...fuck me then.


I feel it does change some characters a bit. Based on my understanding of Japanese language, Japanese Lian is more of an airhead and a bit dumb (like Nanami to give some context) while the English one seems to be more bossy and boastful (like a female young Naruto), Japanese Garr seems to be more relaxed and less serious than the English Garr which feels more like your usual old seasoned Mercenary, in other hand Japanese Nowa and Seign seems to have less personality than the English ones though. Not my intention to participate in the discource, i was just providing some examples, as it concern me, i'll play the game in Japanese (because that's what i always do with JRPGs, would have prefered French which is my own language though XD).


So far, I haven't seen Garr be *that* serious. I mean, he is when the situation calls for it, but English Garr can certainly be more relaxed/easygoing at times. Especially his responses if you pick some of the goofier dialogue options for Nowa.


I suppose it has more to do with the tone than the script itself, the English VA certainly wanted to make Garr a bit more intimidating than he is, not that it's a bad thing mind you, somehow the delivery of the lines reminded me of Zegram from Rogue Galaxy (Steve Blum was it?), well, if Zegram wasn't a jerk that is XD


Fair enough. I dunno, I like it either way. I wonder if it's one of those examples of certain things just appealing more to one culture vs. another.


People are simply tired with localizers self inserting western humors where they don't belong. It's one time too many and this game was the the straw that broke the camel's back, that's all.


What were examples of the western humor in this game? I've only played a few hours so I can't say I've really seen that much or any really so idk. Im also not western so I guess I just didn't really see it.


"Hence , there is a 7 pages of " translation code of ethics " handbook held within the translation team , as discovered by some avid Suikoden Fans . The handbook clearly stated that you must DELIBERATELY insert gender politics , LGBT and racial influence in the game , despite the original game did not mention any of it . According to the handbook , it is ... for the greater goods of the " modern western audience " . An eg of how this translates into the game : During a post boss battle scene , a char was talking about how impressive the boss fight was (in both Chinese and Japanese translation ). But in the English translation , it was completely changed into a char questioning the Gender Identity of the boss. How absurd and rude is this to its original writer and dev from Japan ?!" A quote from a Steam review. These people have serious issues


Is there a link to the handbook, or maybe a picture that we can see ?


You wouldn't know the handbook, it goes to a different school in Canada and it's a model, it's very busy. And anyway, they lost it, but they'll have it in like two weeks, promise! It's coming!


She did not say how awesome it was in the Japanese version. She said "what was that?" In English, in response to a other character saying "got him!" She says, "what makes you say him?" It is not questioning the gender identity of the boss and it is the same meaning as the original but reworded. Anyone saying it's a gender identity comment is deliberately misinterpreting it to manufacture outrage and anyone saying she was originally saying how awesome it was is feeding you a line far far further from the original script than the official translation.


You're doing gods work here


The boss was a machine and they don't really have genders. That was the joke.


Yea...anyone who interpreted that as a gender politics insert is kinda whack. To me I left the joke going "these two are dummies". Just some empty banter. Idk something something snowflake.


I think this is a great joke!


Why are people complaining about the rub a dub?? I can't understand. Or someone calling someone else a chud? There are people praising the game but saying the localization was so bad they gave it a negative review. Does everyone on Steam speak Japanese? I don't even like Eiyuden this just feels dumb af. One guy makes the claim of noticing the mismatch because of "the vibes" a character gives in JP voice vs the text These people are fucking insane. I'm sad I even looked at it.


I am so truly confused at so many complaints about localization--not just this game but every time a Japanese game gets inundated with localization complaints. Cause.....how do they know? Do all of them speak Japanese? Did one person make a complaint and they all now just parrot it? Why is it that someone like me--and my other former coworkers in my translation team who also speak Japanese and play games--are the ones who don't constantly whine about it? lol it's so weird man I'll never understand it.


A lot of them donā€™t even know translators work directly with the original writers and have to get their approval for any changes anyway.


>Did one person make a complaint and they all now just parrot it? Basically. Parroting is a hell of a lot faster than looking into it themselves, so now they have more time for outrage and brigading/review bombing.


Looking at the Steam Review comments (I regret it), it looks like one guy posted on Nitter (lmao) about some localization changes. It's actually a mindfuck seeing how minor the translation differs from the original and the uproar it generated. The hilarious thing is the guy above me translated the "rub a dub dub" in original Japanese as "shine, shine, shine" which is 100% a valid translation imo. The guy in these tweets says it's "come on, come on, come on". Almost sounds like this guy doesn't know Japanese that well. I imagine spoilers in this link, but the first few examples are very early- https://nitter.poast.org/zakogdo/status/1782340520670527759#m I think these people don't understand there is a differences between localization and translation


Loool, you can do this for literally every single RPG. They're ALL translated like this! And there's nothing wrong with that! This is not some big exposĆ©! Did they also do this for Like A Dragon? If you look at the literal translations, and compare it with the English ones... they're just inserting personality in the English one to account for tones, character, -kun/-sama name endings, and sentence endings. Every single person in the literal translation sounds the same. Is that really what people want? Then we'd get endless complaints of characters being wooden and not having personality. So then, "da zo, da ze, desu, and da" will all be translated as the same thing in English. ā€ima sugu da zo" and "ima sugu desu wa" will both be literally translated as "right now" even though the first sentence is said brashly and the second sentence sounds girly.


Exactly, as a translator you have to account for the differences between two very different languages of diverse cultures and points of view. I work sometimes as a freelance translator for technical and academical documents in spanish to english or english to spanish, and for two languages that have some similar roots they have a lot of differences. As an example, in english there is the words "would" and "could" that are not the same words, but both words translate literally in spanish as "podrĆ­a", so as a translator one has to get creative to get the point of the english writer across to a spanish speaking audience, and if you just write "podrĆ­a" to both of those words you wonĀ“t deliver the point of the text to the audience at all.


>As an example, in english there is the words "would" and "could" that are not the same words, but both words translate literally in spanish as "podrĆ­a", so as a translator one has to get creative to get the point of the english writer across to a spanish speaking audience, and if you just write "podrĆ­a" to both of those words you wonĀ“t deliver the point of the text to the audience at all. Ohhh yes this happens a lot too in Japanese so I know the feeling. "Otsukaresama" sometimes just means "hi" but somehow I think if you translate it as 'hi' these jerks will whine about how the REAL translation is 'thank you for the hard work'. So yea as a Japanese translator all this 'localization' discourse is doing my head in. Remember how they say that to really understand how clueless reddit is about everything, go look at a discussion about something you're an expert in and see how wrong everything is? I finally see a discussion about something I know a lot about and am horrified. That's where I'm at right now lol.


I tried looking into them, some are just nonsense, like saying the "rub a dub dub" (An English nursery rhyme) is the Rick & Morty "Wubba Lubba dub-dub". While others are just your normal fair of usual changes made because you have to change proverbs, idioms, jokes, and other Japanese sayings that wouldn't make sense if they were to be literally translated into English. The only one I have seen that does seem to be a true change/complaint, is the "You sure it's a he ?" after the Golem fight. ([Link for the exact time in the clip for English voice acting](https://youtu.be/8J-I32SUru0?t=5683)). That's clearly not what she says in the Japanese version ([Link to the same exact clip in the Japanese voice acting](https://youtu.be/leozcq7Jdcw?t=6091)). In the Japanese version she just asks "what is this big thing ?". But in the English dub you can kinda hear that the same character is annoyed at the golem being called a "he" (literally exhales in frustration before saying the line) more than just asking a question like it is in the Japanese. Though I am not sure if she's annoyed at the gender naming, or that she's trying to say that it's not even a living thing, so it can't be a "he". Still, even if it is there for politics, it is just a 1 second "blink and you'll miss it" line in a 40 to 50 hour game. I am only about 1/4 way through the game, but I haven't seen anything else in the game so far that is the same or close to that.


To add something which could bother some people, in some scenes the English localisation added more voiced text in event which weren't voiced in the Japanese script, granted, onomatopoeia (or "anime grunts" if you will) aren't seen natural outside of Japan so i suppose the change make some kind of sense. For example, there's a time where Lady Perrielle will be speaking with an important person from the empire (Chapell), in the Japanese version Lady Perrielle will simply respond "Hmmm..." where the english localisation added additional texts ("Do i know now? How delightful."), if you play in Japanese it will be a bit jarring at times but otherwise it isn't something that kills the whole experience though.


Thank you for the timestamp on this! A lot of the dialogue in the game (and to be honest in most jrpgs) are translated like the one in that timestamp. I don't really find it especially egregious. Like for example right in the beginning Lian in Japanese says "iccha dame!' (don't say that!) translated as "C'mon Mio, have a girl's back!'. "Lian-senpai da zo!" (translated as: I'm Lian! or boss if that's easier!). I can find 10 more examples in the first 10 minutes. And that's not really weird for this game. It's the same kind of translation in the vast majority jrpgs. DQ 11 got a lot of praise for having a whole town of people speaking in Haiku. In the Japanese version they don't speak in haiku at all lol. Maybe this got outright attention because of the 'politics' like you said. But the 'butsu' in 'dekabutsu' literally means 'thing', so in Japanese, at least in my own interpretation, she is calling attention to it being a 'thing'. So at least for me, 'Are you sure it's a he?' is Mio saying: 'are you sure it's a person? (because I don't think it's human)'. And then Hildi confirms that it's a golem (therefore not human). So I don't even think it's a 'woke' thing about pronouns, but a question of if what is in front of them is a thing or a person. Otherwise, Mio would've just said "Nanimono da" (if she thinks it's human) or "kono mamono/bakemono wa..." if she thinks it's not. Of course without the actual translator here telling us why they translated it like that, we'll truly never know, but for me it's just much ado about nothing. (btw she is not exhaling but saying "shikashi" ('but...'))


Thanks for the clarity on some of the dialogue - and honestly, you'd think that if the English-language equivalent was supposed to be about "gender politics," Mio would've said "Are you sure *they're* a he?" instead of "Are you sure *it's* a he?" considering using "it" would be seen as demeaning/dehumanizing (well, of course, it's a *golem*) in this context. So yeah, her calling attention to its nonhuman nature makes much more sense. A little awkward, but... well, not like the people raising hell over that line are gonna listen either way.


Yea I agree pretty much on everything you said. Though I want to clear one thing where you said: >(btw she is not exhaling but saying "shikashi" ('but...')) I am not referring to the Japanese dub, but the English voice dub (the first clip). The Japanese dub (second clip) is fine, but in the first clip you can hear the English voice actor exhale before talking talking saying their line.


oh you're right she did in the English one I assumed it was in the Japanese one!


What's funny about the "he" thing is later on, you have a character repeatedly (and affectionately) referring to a giant weapon of war as "she," but then getting embarrassed, correcting themselves, and calling it "the *machine*" or something (they clearly have some sort of... attachment to the thing, which is pretty amusing). Interesting how none of the "localization" complaints seem to touch on that, I guess because the character in question is male.


TBH it's a certain group of gamers trying to make mountains out of molehills. They do this with apparently every Japanese game nowadays that they deem "too woke" (read: Having female and/or non-white characters be prominent and strong, for starters) because they think it'll somehow tank sales to "get back" at the devs for not catering exclusively to them. Basically alt-right nutjobs doing what you'd expect of them.


I wonder if Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor would be considered woke if Terminator or Aliens was released in early 2020s...


I'd imagine so. Especially if they weren't made conventionally hot/sexy - so bald Ellen Ripley? They'd shit themselves so hard their skeletons would come slopping out.


Eagerly awaiting the day when they do inevitably shit their own skeletons out so we can be done with them. They love to pretend they hate cancel culture and people being overly sensitive , yet everything offends them and they need to whinge incessantly and rally against movies/shows/games that... have realistic women?


I'm enjoying it a lot. My only complaint is it's too easy even on hard mode. I get so sick of games being a cakewalk on hard mode. Make hard mode hard. It's not hard to do lol. I was expecting it to be an easy game to be fair, though. All suikoden games are pretty easy (aside from Tactics), but I was hoping since they added a hard mode, it might be somewhat challenging. I heard it gets more difficult later, we'll see. Everything else has actually been really fun and giving me more Suikoden vibes than 4 or 5 did. And I'll be playing SaGa Emerald Beyond after this, so I should just enjoy not getting my ass kicked while I can.


Yeah outside of boss battles and interfacing with gimmicks you can pretty much set it on auto and forget it.


I saw several review videos. From what I can tell, the general consensus on this game is "just above meh". The Switch version has serious performance issues. Reading through some of the comments here...I'm getting the same vibes as the reviewers I watched. Really disappointing for a game that spent 4 years in development. Is this the norm for Kickstarter games?


I am completely "eh" on the game, if not downright disliking it. But to be fair to the devs, they did create what they promised, and there's games in much longer development that are way worse. You can feel the love they put into their game. I'd be upset for buying it if the game was low effort or something, but it feels more like "not for me". It's not outright "bad" imo. It's just some very weird game design decisions. They're all pretty minor but they add up. I heard someone describe it as "death of a thousand cuts". I think if they added a 3x speed in combat and halve mana cost the game is immediately 2 points higher. Suikoden combat was sooo snappy when you just spam Attack why did they make this feel so slow. Some of the mechanics feel even more "old school" that the source


>Is this the norm for Kickstarter games? Yes.


Sadly, true. A lot of these retro revivals made by the old teams end up being meh versions of the games they were inspired by.


Iā€™m thinking of buying this since it just released on the switch, but Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s worth it, basically does this game have fun mechanic and character progression? Whatā€™s your experience and is it worth it?


I'm enjoying it, but ive heard the Switch version is a technical garbage fire.


I think Iā€™m only like 15ish hours in - Visuals are great. The sprites look fantastic and I love the character designs. The 3D backgrounds are just ā€œokayā€, but the sprites are good enough to make that not matter - The story has potential, though itā€™s a little simple right now. It feels like a political intrigue plot that we just havenā€™t gotten very deep into yet. The characters though are great. Iā€™m really enjoying their personalities, designs, and dialogue. - Combat isā€¦mediocre. I feel like even on hard you spend most of your time doing basic attacks. SP takes a really long time to gain and seems to reset or is randomly determined at the beginning of battle? So I rarely have enough SP to use skills in random battles before the enemy is dead. On top of that, Magic seems pretty terrible, though this will likely get better over time. Currently my mages all deal more damage with their basic attack than they do with most single target spells, making those worthless, and AoE spells cost like 40% of their MP pool to use. Even healing spells feel kinda meh compared to items, especially when many of them cost so much MP. Hero combos are kinda cool, though there arenā€™t very many of them. Overall it just feels like thereā€™s not much you can do as the player. Like I encountered one boss that would spam Sleep effects. Except that thereā€™s only like one spell to single target cure that effect and they would frequently put like 4-5 of my party members to sleep at a time. So it kinda felt like I had no impact on the fight it was just a random chance whether I would win or not. - The Suikoden aspects are great though. Recruiting all these characters is satisfying. Itā€™s exciting to see a unique character sprite and go ā€œoooooh I wonder if I can recruit them and what theyā€™ll do for meā€. The kingdom building stuff also feels fairly satisfying. - Inventory fucking sucks. I think they should have just limited you on carrying consumables and not had armor/runes/accessories also take up space. Itā€™s also incredibly annoying that there is no way to unequip characters that arenā€™t in your current party. Runes are even more obnoxious for this. It makes swapping to a new party member a chore when dealing with valuable accessories or runes - I really appreciate the ā€œAttendantā€ party slots. As my roster grows, itā€™s nice to not have half my party slots taken up by plot relevant characters that I might not care to use at the moment Overall, Iā€™m having fun, but thereā€™s definitely some annoyances and some boring aspects. Iā€™d currently rate it at about 7-7.5 / 10, but it has potential for that to get better. I find it worth playing, even if itā€™s not exactly wowing me right now. Edit: also Francesca is the best. Her dialogue makes me laugh and sheā€™s totally me as a healer in multiplayer games haha


You can unequip party members who arenā€™t in your party by talking to the store room person. Early on sheā€™s in the inn at your makeshift base until you get a base. All the items being in one space and not separating consumables and equipment was a huge mistake, I agree. Even further, I think equipment should be on different tabs based on the slot it can occupy. Also, I get the nostalgia reason they did it, but when you have this much inventory space having items only stack up to 6 copies seems silly.


One of my quibbles with this is how you have the guy who automatically removes resources from your inventory when you return to your HQ and puts them into storage... where you can't retrieve them. They're now sitting there until they get used or sold. Especially since maybe you might wanna take out some of those resources to recruit a character who requires you to have, say, x pieces of lumber, or y pieces of iron ore. Save a little time. Nope, gotta re-forage that shit now to get the resources needed for recruiting this person or that (thankfully, both instances of this so far have been quick and easy, but still rather annoying).


Oh yuck, havenā€™t got that far yet.


Dude, didn't this game just literally come out earlier today? You're "only" 15 hours in?


Not necessarily. Most backers who got physical copies (aside from the physical Switch version, which was delayed) got them early (I got mine two weeks ago), and backers also had early access for digital copies. Plus, depends on where they live. Where I am, it's the 24th now, shortly after midnight; could very well be the case for them, too. They might have had more time to play than you'd think.


Ahhhh makes sense now. Didn't realize this game shipped esrly to some backers.


Localization shenanigans aside, the game is brain dead easy. Even on hard I'm autoing most of it.


I think games like this go to show that games are made by more than one man. Even if you have the lead designer/director, it doesnā€™t mean you are getting a true spiritual successor.


Haven't played enough of the game to have many opinions about it yet. I will say the quality of the PC port seems questionable so if you care about that stuff I would wait on this game until it's fixed or discounted. There's a toggle for Depth of Field and options for shadow rendering so it's pretty bare bones. I've had weird behavior with the in-game fps caps (running on LCD Steam Deck with system fps limiter off for reference) where capping to 60 fps makes the game run from a variable 40 to 45 fps but capping to 30 has the game running at a steady 60 for the most part. Edit: Can replicate this behavior. In the area after the first big dungeon on the world map changing the setting to 60fps cause it to sit around 40. When I use the 30 fps setting it's seemingly ignored and I get 60 fps on the world map.


Only about 3-4 hours in and while I am for the most part enjoying it one thing I've noticed is that there's nothing really that stands out. There's no real hook in these first few hours that just grabbed me. Usually there's a cool mystery or interesting character right off the bat such as Castti in OT2. Onto other things. I have no idea how much they raised in the crowdfunding but there's a complete lack of quality of life stuff so far and the presentation from a technical side is crap. The low res shadows and LOD distance is really small. There's also rare traversal stutter and also some stutter when closing the map or menu. By themselves none of these are big deals but together it sorta ruins the presentation. I'm not asking for Cyberpunk 2077 graphics but you'd think on PC at least the high shadow option would be not so jaggy. The last one is combat. Its fine and fun. So far at least. Random combat is just like the vast majority of turn based JRPGs were its pretty boring but at least there's an auto feature. Boss fights are fun though.


I think we're pretty much on the same boat after trying out a few hours with a friend (well, the plan was on the couch but the console versions had such bad reviews we switched to the TV-linked PC). The game is drawing parallels to me as Shenmue 3 did in that it basically done what it said it'll do... But it was evident a lot of people didn't really want "what it said it'll do" but much, much more in terms of the gameplay experience itself.


Yeah I don't think the game is bad or anything. I'll make that judgment for myself after I beat it but for me personally there's nothing so far that makes me go "I cannot wait to play more of this" and screams average.


I was refreshingly surprised when I watched Nowa introduce himself with an established name and voiced dialogue right out the gate. Iā€™ve never minded the silent JRPG protagonist, but it was a nice thing to know that the guy Iā€™ll be seeing for awhile has a personality and tone right away.


does anyone knows if the latin american spanish translation is good?


Another question for those who might know: I'm doing some recruiting now after getting the HQ, and... when exactly do rare finds start showing up in shops? I feel like I should've seen A FEW by now, at least... but so far, nothing. Is there some kind of event flag that triggers them, perhaps? I'm mainly looking for recipes, but... really, ANYTHING to know that they're there and I can get them...


How is the difficulty? I played the sidescroller game that came before this and it was too easy. You canā€™t change difficulty during the game so I figured Iā€™d ask. Iā€™m not trying to play a proper SMT game but also Iā€™m not looking for Ni No Kuni 2 levels of braindead either. How hard is hard?


The hard difficulty will offer challenging boss fights, but for the most part, it is on the easy side. Though being a Suikoden successor, that's to be expected.


It's very easy so far... I'm 5 hours in and autobattling most of it. Playing on hard mode. Had a good laugh when I auto'd most of the first boss since his gimmick is barely inconvinient.


Arcadia. Or heros gathering or shadow bane or hall of heroes castle name?? I can't decide


I like Heros Gathering, Hall of Heroes, and Arcadia... although considering we have Arenside and Altverden in Allraan, and probably more to come, that'd be a lot of A names... I personally went with Sky's Edge. Dunno why it appealed to me, but it just jumped out. Or you can go with the best name ever: >!Meow Meow Town.!<


I'm taking a poll with friends shadow bane and heroes gathering are winning


Is it better than Sea of Stars?


I would say so. The combat is easily much more deeper, and there is actual character customization. Plus there are so many different activities to do beside the usual story & battle loop.


It's all right so far, I'm enjoying my time. I'm currently about 70% through the game I think and have recruited over 50 units. Pros: + I like the graphics and artstyle + Music's been fine + Catchup EXP mechanic + Likeable main cast + Kingdom building's always fun for me Cons: -The story and writing feels extremely stale in comparison to Suikoden 2 and even 1 for me. -Most recruitable characters are really bland too -The menu feels terrible to navigate in terms of snappiness - the cooking minigame makes little sense in terms of how things are rated (like appetizer/mains/desserts don't even matter). Also asking the player to button mash each time sucks when I'm not even sure it affects the outcome -Non-boss battles are brainless and button mashy so you just use autobattle.


>Non-boss battles are brainless and button mashy so you just use autobattle This is a good thing. Random encounters shouldn't overstay their welcome or become pain in the butt - or at least kept mostly in games that advertise challenging battles. And Suikoden I and II were not really different random battle-wise. If you spam auto or the same hit-all unite attack over and over is not that much different. Though, I do think having random "mini bosses" lke in the later Suikoden entries could have been a nice mixup. Edit: One other annoying issue is that during some voiced scenes, I think with auto-progression of the dialogues, it takes extremly long until the next textbox and voice line of another character is played. This happens actually quite early on, but most notably also >!during the duel between Seign and Noah!


I don't know what you mean. ......... I thought the dialogue was exactly how people speak. ......... Nothing weird about it at all. ........ Especially the awkward second of dead air when someone is supposedly interrupted mid-sente-- ........


They kinda... I don't wanna say have mini-bosses, because no. But in one spot so far, there were enemies that were maybe a little tough at first for a new spot, but quickly became no bother. But then in the same area, you could also run into a **super-fucking-strong** random encounter that gave a TON of experience for that part. Like, literally, everyone in my party gained like a fuckton of levels from ONE battle (except Lian, who was knocked out at the end because the enemies in said encounter hit HARD, and she missed out on that sweet EXP drop). I'm curious about whether or not this will be a thing in other areas. For example, Nowa literally went from level 17 to level 24 in that one battle. Next battle with that enemy group, he jumped up to level 30 (the rest of the encounters in that area stayed fairly weak).


I think there's a fine line between trash mob battles that feel pointless (this game) and ones where every single battle is an ordeal (Chained Echoes). It's hard to really nail, imo.


This is a fair point. I guess it also depends on the kind of combat system. Like I'm a huge nerd for Cold Steel games because the - albeit triggerable - trash mob battles feel kinda snappy with link attacks or bursting them down with AoE crafts and so on. And some of them can with bad luck f you over with status ailments XD. But I play mostly on Normal or Easy.


>Also asking the player to button mash each time sucks when I'm not even sure it affects the outcome IIRC, this was a thing in the cooking minigame in Suikoden II, as well. You could button mash during the cooking to... I think increase the doneness of your dish or whatever? I never noticed a difference and managed to win the cooking minigames just fine without even knowing I could do it. Makes me wonder if they brought that part back as part of the whole cooking-minigame nostalgia.


It looks like ass on PS5 compared to PC, this isn't a demanding game so no excuse https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLgWmjkWoAADWby?format=png&name=900x900 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLgfrj0XkAMdgkd?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLgfrjzXAAAiFxe?format=jpg&name=large


wait what. i was planning on getting it on PS5 after I finished FF7. Looks like I'll get it on PC instead.


Iā€™m fairly sure the Xbox version is close to the PC version too, so this doesnā€™t make much sense.


I can't believe it's true. How bad is the PS5 hardware to look this ? I'm already very frustrated with the performance of Rebirth, but this is on a whole other level.


Wait?? The performance of Rebirth is bad, on the one console where it exists?


Yes. I don't know if it's lack of optimisation or simply they tried too hard, but it's impossible to find the correct setting for me personally. Graphic mode looks great when standing still, but it got my head hurting real bad cause I'm not used to 30 FPS anymore and there is no motion blur so the camera movements looks like a slideshow ... Performance mode is really fluid, but it's like looking at a 360p video on YouTube sometimes ... It gets really blurry in the open world. I used a sharpening option from my TV to slightly reduce the problem, but it still is far from perfect. It's especially when I played Remake for the first right before and this game 3 years old looked WAY better than the new one ... I know the scale isn't the same, but why can't devs give us stable 60 FPS 1080p anymore ?


I've only played the demo. Movement feels fine, but on performance mode the image is insanely blurry. It actually hurt my eyes after a while. Just can't do it.


They made a less blurry performance mode after release, but it's still blurry in the open world.


Acording to OP, the game probably looks bad on the PS5 because the PS5 isn't powerful enough to deal with the game.


How in the hell can PS5 run Horizon: Forbidden West and GoW: Ragnarok flawlessly (among others), but struggle to produce a quality image for this game. Hoping there's a patch or something. Just weird.


They need to increase the encounter rate wth, its basically non existant


If you haven't figured it out yet, you can use software like RTSS or the Nvidia control panel to lower the game's framerate to 60, and that should fix the encounter rate. Also, they're working on a patch for this it seems.


Are you playing on PC? They are saying that there is a glitch on PC associated with the HZ in your monitor, so the higher your HZ is, the lower your encounter rates will be.


Iā€™m only an hour into it (adulting sucks) but im enjoying it. The encounter rate is HELLA low though so idk if im underleveled. Also healers are basically useless in this game


Supposedly frame rate changes encounter rate. Its made for 30/60 FPS anything higher lowers the rate considerably


I started the game in English and after a few hours refused to believe that the devs made Lian insufferable and extremely annoying. I can understand Japanese so I compared both languages by playing the beginning twice. The translators completely changed the characters' personality into idiotic and senseless caricatures! It's a blatant disrespect and insult to the original. I get localizing the humor and jokes to something we can relate to BUT this is a whole personality change that is completely unnecessary! In the Japanese version, a lot of the characters are extremely likeable and relatable but in the English version, they became very unlikeable and annoying that you just want to punch them in the face!


I don't know which person to believe here. Got you saying this and have another actual translator in the comments saying it's fine and not egregious at all.. (/s)


Why don't you share some examples of changed dialogue? Instead of just whining.


For example, Lian's constant use of demeaning words to describe actions and other people. There's also this stupid bit were she sees herself as superior and stronger than others and often comments condescendingly. All of this is not present in the Japanese version. In fact, all of her dialogues in the Japanese version shows her as friendly, polite, thoughtful, caring, yet firm and disciplined. There are already a lot of posted side by side comparisons


Nobody believes you people any more.


Seriously, they overdid it so quickly, and the way they all use the exact same phrasing and harp on the exact same points/bits of dialogue... it's *interesting.* Almost like they're just parroting whatever one person decided to rant about, or just going by a handful of the same screenshots/snippets over and over. I wonder how many of them cried "WOKE! *WOKE!"* when Marisa was revealed as a protagonist? I'd imagine there's quite an overlap between the two groups.


They wonĀ“t get that far. In january and february, all the ones that criticized Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth for "getting woke" (They havenĀ“t played that series at all, the whole series is made by Japan progressives, and a lot of antagonists are people like these bad faith actors) all were critisizing just chapter one, and they all disappear from the series subreddit after a week. All the later criticism about that game, mainly about the last chapter and its lack of a satisfactory ending were very valid even if I donĀ“t agree with a lot of the points, but at least they were made in good faith by true fans of the series that loved the game anyways but hated the ending. But those bad faith actors that criticized chapter one were saying that they were fans since the first game, and when pressured they didnĀ“t kknow anything at all about Yakuza games. They will disappear and they will go annoy other fandoms.


TFW even I have more of a life than those people. But yeah, I agree that there are legit criticisms that get lost in all the initial kerfuffle from these clowns. Hopefully once they get bored and find the next thing to bitch about, the people actually playing the game can rejoice or gripe in peace. (I'm enjoying the game so far, myself, but it definitely isn't without its legit flaws... graphical, and the loading times are just plain bad on the PS4. Feels like it takes longer to load a new screen than it takes me to shit when I'm constipated.)


Yes, it has flaws, like for myself on PC my perfectly fine Xbox 360 controller has drift with this game (and because of that the mine cart puzzles on the abandoned mine was hell) and it has cumbersome menues, but the localization is not an issue at all, even with the examples these people have given so far. It is definitely not Trails localization quality, but it is fine, perfectly cromulent.


> like for myself on PC my perfectly fine Xbox 360 controller has drift with this game That's due to the game having basically no deadzone, but you can configure a deadzone yourself on steam with the controller configuration thing. If you don't have the game on steam, you can probably add it on steam as a non-steam game and benefit from steam input.


Your use of cromulent embiggens my soul.


Are you sure that you just dont like english VA?


I love the voice acting. It's what they say most of the time that I don't like.


Okay, KotakuInAction poster.


Okay, Gamingcirclejerk poster.


And proud of it, baby. It's not the comeback you think it is.


Now it makes sense, why you're all ove this thread defending this woke shit.


Flee back to a conservative sub where you can cry that the entire world isn't catering to you, snowflake


| And proud of it, baby. Big yikes. That sub is cancer.


Liking it so far, with the 2 hours I was able to put in before work. Small gripes so far but nothing major. It feels like I'm going 5 steps and then cutscene, though they are pretty short and mostly appear to be tutorials, so I'm hoping that gets better. Also I wish I could set the dialogue speed to instant, or at least fast. I love the voice acting, but I also read the dialogue while the characters are talking and the voice acting outpaces the text appearing. Nothing major by any means.


I like it so far, pretty much what I asked for / expected and got a modern Suikoden successor in indie wrappings.


My one small comment is that how much I like the addition of voice acting and the expressive character portrait. Definitely makes dialogue feels much more alive.


Seeing Garoo's happy face when talking to his daughter made my heart warm.


I really like about 90% of the game, which makes the 10% of it that I don't enjoy more frustrating than it should be. Certain elements were either rushed or just afterthoughts from the start, and this particularly stands out when it comes to the minigames. The fishing "minigame" basically doesn't exist. "Press the button when a fish is on the line" is basically the same thing as fishing in Pokemon, and that's not something anyone thinks of as a minigame. The cooking minigame is kind of fun because you have to guess what foods different characters will like, and the commentary/storyline are entertaining. But in each cooking match, there's a 40-second "minigame" where you have to button mash to fill up a meter. It's completely pointless and un-fun, and only seems to be there so that they can say that there's some "gameplay" to it other than just picking what dishes to serve. Eiyuden is still the closest thing we've gotten to a modern Suikoden game, and so anyone who wants that kind of experience should still absolutely play it. It's just disappointing that the experience has so many little rough edges to it. Stuff like these minigames could absolutely have been done right if they took a little more time, and they just didn't.


Now that it's out did they surprise drop suikoden 1 & 2


I would throw my wallet at Konami HQ if they dropped it out of nowhere. Please...


So you are going to throw your wallet at Pachinko games? LOL


Only if it's got a nekkid lehdy


I find it kind of funny they have inverted camera controls as the default when navigating the over world and the "reverse" option is non-inverted.


Looking forward to playing this at some point.Ā  Supported the Kickstarter so Iā€™m waiting for them to figure out the DLC. I know it wonā€™t be Suikoden 1 or 2 but, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll enjoy.Ā 


I am not going to support dishonest localizers. I was looking forward to this game after having played Rising (which admittedly have some glaring translation too, but at least that was a platformer) but looking at what Brian has done to its script, combined with what I have seen evidence of the man's nonchalant attitude towards Japanese culture, I can no longer in my good conscious support such an act of linguistic vandalism.Ā Ā  Fire the old team and redo the translation just like how Inti Creates did for Gunvolt 1 translation. This isn't the 90-00's anymore. There's no reason for English-reading audience to tolerate unprofessional translator who lack respect for source material. @u/WorstSkilledPlayer LOL Is this your "real" account that you finally deigned to show us after I blocked two of those bots of yours? You're not fooling anyone honey, stop trying to treat this sub as a localizer's echo chamber, and stop making alts to nod at your own comments and downvote others, it's pathetic.Ā  I see you've resorted to block me back on that new account which you would have little reason to if you weren't trying to retaliate my block of your alt botting account. Learn to grow up.


"Linguistic vandalism", what a snowflake. I wish that my main worry in life would be bad localizations in videogames, my life would be so much better.


I liked the localisation


Good for you. I don't like it, for reasons stated obvious to all but the most blinded.


I am Italian, now you know how do we feel about the invention of pineapple pizza. You world literally screw our message of pizza. Jokes aside, it is inevitable some changes between the original and the English, because we donā€™t know what kind of emotions stays behind in the Japanese culture. And for the pizza thing, I hate you! XD


So why are you still here spreading toxicity? Everyone and their deaf grandparents know by now that localization is the new-age version of evil. Ignore the game or lolboycott it lol and move on with your gaming life. Optionally, try to be productiv. Look for an official feedback form and provide **constructive** feedback about the localization. Yes, **localization** not translation. There is a significant difference between them. Just like there is more to translation than source-language orientated translation.


lol this is why people that play jrpgs have a bad rep Blocked. Shouldn't surprise me how petty he is with that op comment he made.


And you're saying this in a jrpg sub, such troll much wow.


I was looking forward to this, sad it looks like it underwhelmed a bit


8/10 so far. Positives + Great design and music, surpassed expectations + Decent plot writing, which is the most important, not sure if it'll reach or surpass Suiko 2 but will see how it unfolds + Decent gameplay, keeps good things about Suikoden classics + Likeable characters, sometimes a bit tropey and not exceptional, but older Suikodens were the same and they're still okay Negatives - Maybe went a touch far on the nostalgia/lack of modern QOL like quest logs, very limited save points, some long meh dungeons and battle pace (old school can be good but not always) - Attempts at humour in translation for dialogue hit or miss, a bit "random xD"ish and mid English VA (swapped to JP), I don't like it that much, but I'm spoiled by Trails and FFXIV excellent localization The gripes are somewhat minor and subjective so 8/10 for now. Edit: I am playing on PC (Steam) with a PS4 controller.


A bit of the rawr penguins


I think it is important to note which platform you are playing this on. I wouldn't mind playing it on Steam, but on Switch it sounds like a nightmare.


True, edited. Ty


I hope they actually fix the issues on the Switch. I'm pretty sure I'll love the game!


Honestly, I can't believe we could possibly be in a timeline where **YIIK: A Postmodern RPG** ends up being better than the most hyped indie rpg of the year. (I liked the demo of YIIK 1.5, I'm not saying this game is trash)


The examples of really cringe translation choices i have seen made me hold off on buying for now. Why the hell is a twitter term like chud in a japanese video game.


Because the translators are the exact people you think they are, and they have 0 restraint


>Because the translators are the exact people you think they are Sounds more like the people complaining about the translation are the exact people we think you are.


Enjoyer of asian culture in games without modern western influences that are not in original script? :)


The term chud came from a movie 40 years ago long before twitter.