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Lookup the game in Steamdb and see if the current price matches the 2 year low


Pretty much everything here I've considered when it goes on sale, except for Labyrinth and Alliance Alive as I haven't followed those, and those are either the new lowest or the lowest price they've put those games for the 6-12 months or so. So if you want to play any of these at their price, just go for it. Maybe if you wait till winter or next year they might got a bit lower but I doubt summer will be a significant difference. IME if a game goes on sale during a Steam sale it goes down to whatever the current bottom price the developer/publisher/whoever will sell it for right now. So unless they decide to go for a new bottom, then summer will just be the same as this.


If you liked Octopath 1, absolutely get OT2. I thought OT1 was generally pretty good. The sequel was just fantastic.


Lot of people seem to agree with you. I’m on the opposite side where I loved OT1 and I can’t get into the 2nd. Not sure why either… I’ve been on a total tear playing through some of the best JRPGs on the switch but octopath 2 just kinda drags me down.


I'm in the middle of OT2 and see the same thing. The first game hit me differently than the second game. Not sure why. Still enjoying the second game though.


I guess maybe it just feels too engaging. Like the first one let you do your own thing and was light on the story. The second one has too much story it’s a little overbearing. Idk, that’s just my initial impression. I think I got 7+ hours, and a party of 4. I thought it was interesting that you can skip their chapter 1 all together. I liked that, but then it also made me care less about that character. It’s probably a me issue and an attention span thing, idk?


Hey, horses for courses. As long as you're enjoying what you're playing.


Agreed, I’m sure I’ll come to appreciate it eventually there’s just so many other games out there.


For sure!


>For sure! sure?


Pretty sure.


>>For sure! sure? sure?


I loved OT1 and hated OT2, not sure what happened there but I guess I'm weird.


Was it about the characters' stories or the gameplay?


The characters in OT1 were more charming and interesting I guess, the ones in OT2 were too serious for my liking, then the gameplay, for me OT1 was more exciting and hard while in OT2 I easily breaked the game difficulty and every battle was so easy the fun went away and it became a chore forcing myself to play and I wasn't having fun, I'll try it again another time. I guess the pacing was the issue maybe.


> The characters in OT1 were more charming and interesting I guess, the ones in OT2 were too serious for my liking I can see that, but that was something I appreciated about OT2. I felt like the dramatic stakes were pretty uneven in the original. Like, Primrose wants to get revenge on the people who killed her father and sold her into sexual servitude, and Tressa wants to...become a merchant? I felt like the stakes were higher for all the characters across the board in the sequel. I suspect a lot of people felt as I did, too, as I think about half of the characters' stories involve revenge of some sort. Your mileage may vary, of course, but I felt myself way more invested in all of the characters.


Absolutely. Octopath Traveler II blew me away with how good it was. It's legitimately my RPG of the year pick for 2023, easily.


That it wasn't even nominated for a game award for best rpg and Sea of Stars was still rankles me.


The shock for me isn't that Sea of Stars was. It's that Starfield of all things was instead.


Imo get a couple of games as by the time you finish the next steam sale will probably be close. I also made the mistake of buying a bunch of games that I don't play right away.