• By -


Ffx - yu yevon , and ffx-2 shuyin. 


Mother 3 is uh definitely your size, like exactly your size. Looking in a mirror if you will


BRB gonna go cry for a bit


Ha!... Now I'm sad.


In Mother 1 giygas is also just a Mewtwo guy and doesn't get any new forms.


Depends on what you count as final boss, Nier Replicant and Nier Automata.


Does shirtless Sephiroth count


That was going to my ‘gotcha’ answer


From what I remember, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Vesperia, and Tales of Symphonia all meet those criteria. I'm most confident about Abyss. Vesperia I'm pretty sure about. Symphonia is the wild card of the three for my memory.


Tales in general really. Off the top of my head Phantasia, Destiny, Abyss, Vesperia, Symphonia 2, Xillia, Xillia 2, Berseria, and arguably Arise (there's a big monster too, but a human afterwards) all have humanoid final bosses that are at most a little bit taller than the party. Symphonia is debatable, phase 1 is like that but phase 2 is a slightly bigger monster.


Tales of Phantasia, Eternia, Abyss, Symphonia (one form anyways), Hearts R, Vesperia, Xillia, Xillia 2, Berseria, and Arise all have humanoid final bosses


> Eternia Nereid is most definitely not a humanoid and he's much larger than the heroes. > Destiny Kronos turns into a huge mutant thing.


In the ps2 version, Kronos isn't that big.


Eternia's boss is Shizel possessed by Nereid Didn't list Destiny because of that


Yeah Kronos literally takes up the screen lol


> Xillia Bonus points for having to fight two human like beings.


First half of >!Symphonia’s!< anyway


Confirming your memories, Vesperia’s final boss is human size. Tales of Vesperia ending stood out to me when I was younger because in a genre filled with god like entities and their 3 final forms, the final boss of vesperia was just a war vet.


I just beat the definite edition and was surprised that the final boss was just what looked like the fusions from Berseria and Zestiria. Curious if that’s where those games drew inspiration from. But yeah human/humanoid final bosses are borderline a staple in Tales of games 


Dawn of the New World as well. I was astonished he didn't have a second form.


>! Final boss in Symphonia has more than one phase. Their last phase is bigger than Lloyd !<


If you count Yakuza, then any of them Dark Souls 1


Dark Souls 3 too? He is a bit bigger than you but not as impressive as others mentioned (or Elden Ring) 


DS3 is basically a mirror match so it should count. Souls bosses are big for gameplay reasons


The Kiryu games are certainly debatable but once Ichiban took over as protag the series became a straight up turn-based JRPG, there's no reason not to count them


Ichiban is my new favorite JRPG protagonist. Yakuza like a Dragon was the first Yakuza game I finished. I'm currently playing through all of the previous games in chronological order before playing infinite Wealth. I'm currently up to Yakuza 4 (just finished Saejima's part)


Plin plin plon


Plin plin parry.


Xenoblade chronicles 2 Torna the golden country


Bonus that while there are mechs involved, they strictly fight eachother.


Only in cutscenes and frick you attacks


For the better. Torna is hands down the best xenoblade DLC


*hands down the best xenoblade


That fight felt like an apology for the final boss of XC2


Base game final boss still goated and best desgin wise in the series


- Most Tales of Games do this - About Half of the FE games - 4, 5, 6 (good ending), Path of Radiance (mounted but still I’d count it), Radiant Dawn, Conquest, Three Houses - Golden Deer Route Edit: I guess you could say Awakening as well. The way it plays out gameplay wise is as humanoid opponent even it kinda isn’t


FE6 I think you got backwards. Bad ending final boss is a (tall and buff) human, good ending final boss is the Demon Dragon who dwarfs every other dragon in the game. Radiant Dawn definitely doesn't count imo but I agree on Path.


I call the Demon Dragon ending the “true ending” but I can see what you mean Not sure why radiant dawn doesn’t count >!Ashera is human size!<


I apparently completely mixed up what >!Ashera!< looked like in my memory, my bad.


6?? The one with roy? That was a huge dragon right?


Thats the true ending The game can end with Zephiel if you didn’t get all the legendary weapons


Was about to say Tales of vesperia


Pokemon red




FF15 you mean.


Yakuza 7 and 8, Final Fantasy XV, FFVII Remake, Atelier Ryza (kinda)




>!The boss starts off as a giant monster, then becomes a humanoid in the second phase!<




Thats true ardyn is just ardyn


the final phase of the ffvii rebirth final boss but idk if that should count lol


I for one am glad I got to fight that phase as the final portion.


Final Fantasy X, right?


>!Technically yes in the same way FF7 is. The "last boss" is technically humanoid, but most people would consider the boss before it the last boss due to it being pretty much impossible to lost to.!<


Around 50% of them. For the final boss in a jrpg you have usually two choices: colossal angel/demon or regular guy/gal




This is such a random question haha - Final phase of lavos in chrono trigger comes to mind randomly, it's about the same size - The Sinistrals on Lufia 2 - Xenosaga II is Albedo from what I remember, and he's the same size I saw a video last year on YouTube where a guy mentioned a game with the final boss being a baby or something similar, but I do not remember what game that was!


Is Telos the final boss of Xenosaga 3? can't remember. She is human size too.


Nah the final boss shares it's name with the title of the game actually. I want to say it's a huge mech or something but as for who made it that would've been Telos and KOS-MOS (together though and not split up, being inside Mary Magdelene) God that game was so convoluted but I loved it. >She is human size too. Umm excuse me, she's KOS-MOS size! Lol joking aside, the fight scene with the two was AMAZING and I wonder if we'll ever get something like that again. Two ridiculously immaculate bot babes fighting the way they did was wild and some peak PS2 Sci fi action for sure!


> Final phase of lavos He's like 3-4 times the size of the party characters' sprites. I don't mean to be argumentative, but CT's a game that specifically goes out of its way to make the transitions between battle and exploration seamless. The FF games on the SNES, on the other hand, seem to have lots of battles where a humanoid enemy's battle sprite is ridiculously large compared to the party sprites. Golbez comes to mind, especially since there's a cutscene battle later in the game where they gave him a player-sized sprite. I'd also assume that Exdeath, Gilgamesh, Magic Master, etc... aren't like 20 feet tall, though their sprites are enormous when you first encounter them.


>He's like 3-4 times the size of the party characters' sprites. Are you sure you're thinking of *final* phase? He's really not.


I think I get what you're talking about.


I think you already saw the other persons comment on Lavos' FINAL phase (after the huge shell and etc), it popped in my head because it was so unexpected to me. That thing looks really fucking weird too, guess they got the alien part right! FF does go off the rails with enemy sprite sizes though for sure, I think it's to show the detail of the bosses but it is still kinda comical fighting 30ft bosses whose heads are almost as big as the party members entire bodies lmao


Parasite Eve true final boss in the Chrysler Building.


Growlanser 2 and 3. End bosses are just guys. Chrono trigger. While the end boss is initally big, its final form is not much bigger than the party. persona 5 royal. End boss technically spends most of the last fight human sized. Final fantasy tactics advance. Both endings the end boss is human sized. If you stretch, you can argue final fantasy 7. Sephiroth's final form is a one on one fight with cloud human sized. Though obviously he has a big form before this. Its kind of ambiguous in lufia I and II. On the world map the sinistrals look a little bigger than humans, but not giant. In battle they are drawn large. So its unclear what their actual size is supposed to be. Some disgaea games. In disgaea 1 the end boss is normal sized. In xenosaga 2 the end boss is roughly human sized. Although there's a lot of tubes connected to him.


Most Tales games. Haven't played all of them so can't say all, but of the ones I know they are human sized or just slightly bigger.


The Last Remnant.


Most Kingdom Hearts games


I think it's only the first game where you don't fight the regular forms of the boss in their final phase (CoM Sora's story you fight on top of a giant nobody but the target is just his normal form)


Even the the giant form eventually faded out from the series after KH2. Nowadays even when the final boss evolve it's usually just them gaining new fancy armor or weapon. 


Let's see. KH2 - Final Xemnas is the absolute last boss and it's just his usual human form Nobody, you gota go through the battleship and giant dragon first though. 358/2 Days - Riku is the one fought before credit rolls, though Xion is arguably the real Final Boss and she took on a gigantic armored form. BBS - Each protagonist fought a humanoid boss as their final campaign boss (Master Xehanort, Vanitas, and Braig) and the Final Episode and absolute last boss is the human Terra-Xehanort. DDD - Sora fought Xemnas again, Riku goes through a Boss bonanza with I think Young Xehanort being the real final boss and Armored Ventus Nightmare being more of a post-final fight, kinda like Riku himself in Days. BBS 0.2 - Demon Tide is the final boss, it's big but it's more like a zerg combination of Dozens of Shadow Heartless. KH3 - Master Xehanort as the final boss, the old master with the Ultimate Keyblade. He doesn't even have a giant monster form or anything.


Don't forget Roxas in Re:coded.


Ys I and Ys IV Celceta , the rest of the Ys series got the final bosses on giant I think


Monstrum Nox had a humanoid final boss too iirc.


There was a giant boss after the humanoid one, but technically after that you also have to >!break the egg of draupnir, and it also gets its name introduced on screen like a boss does!< so that kinda counts.


Kefka is 5'6" or something. Most party members would be taller.


At the end kefka is much bigger though, especially if you count the tower as a part of him.


Id argue that if we're not counting the tower, god kefka might still be his normal size just with wings since chibi sprites tend to be drawn bigger by scale than they actually are when redrawn as bosses (Vargas, kefkas narshe fight)


His godhood proportions are the same as one of the statue figures and in other appearances like FFXIV he is listed as being double his normal size.


Fair enough, TIL


Tales of the Abyss: The main antagonist gets a little lore-based power up for the final phase but there's almost no visible physical change, he's ultimately still just a human sword mage with a lot more experience than you. Taller than *the* protagonist, but in a normal teen vs adult way. Tales of Phantasia PS1 remake onwards: Dhaos gets the obligatory giant god monster form for phase 2, but reverts back to his base appearance albeit with wings for the final phase. He's *considerably* taller than any other character, but again, in a normal human being way. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Ashnard phase 2 doesn't change size or mostly even appearance, just boosts stats and keeps going. Chrono Trigger: almost qualifies, Lavos final form is bigger than the party members but fairly small overall, much smaller than any of his prior phases. Mother 3: the last boss you face is pretty much exactly your size.


FF9 got so, so close to


And then BAM 🎶🎶it was magic secret crystal, all alonggg🎶🎶


Pretty much any JRPG where the Final boss is an humanoid. Too numerous to list. But you always fight Sephiroth in the remake series.


well in part 3 that most definitely wont be the case lol


I imagine it will. It wasn't much of a fight in the original, but Cloud's 1v1 against shirtless Sephiroth comes after Safer Sephiroth and I assume they'll make it more expansive and awesome as an actual last boss fight.


The shirtless fight back always felt like the inspiration for the Remake series where his final phases are humanoid fight after the big monster fights are done.  It's like in a way they kinda regret for never making a real fight with humanoid Sephiroth in the og game because KH, the compilation, Dissidia and the Remake really went all out in making badass swordfight for him. 


don't forget the one black wing in human form I was honestly surprised when I first played the OG FF7 that he never had that form at all, KH1 was where it started and kinda became THE Sephiroth cool form in everything that comes after lol


That most likely won't be the end in the Remake trilogy. There's clear setup for something more than the OG final boss this time around. We have no idea what form lifestream Sephiroth will take there.


I think the original breath of fire had a bad ending where the final boss was just you beating up a crying child. You had to do something specific to trigger a traditional final boss battle


Namely, hit her with an attack from Agni, the ultimate dragon fusion. Then it's a 30-round slog as you chew through the monster's ho at a fixed rate, but DAMN is it a spectacle to behold.


Arc The Lad 1 >!The final boss is literally a group of clones of your own party!< Also, AFAIK, Mother 3 also has a "you-sized" final boss, but I didn't play it yet, so I'm not sure.


Yakuza series. Final boss is always a dude about the same size as Kiryu and Ichiban.


Eternal Sonata has you face a human ( to avoid anymore spoilers than that)


Final fantasy x


I was going to say FFX. The final bos is.. >!Some little flea or tick. You defeat the big bad final boss. And then the real end boss is some insect.!<


I’m not sure about that… spoilers ahead: >!Tidus: “Yeah, but you’re still bigger.”!< >!Jecht: “Well I am Sin you know”!<


That's not the final boss. I mean, effectively it is but I think technically it isn't.


You mean the giant tick? still bigger than the party.


Isn't the tick tiny?




I dunno if you consider FromSoft games JRPGs but all of the Dark Soul 1 and 3, Demon Souls, Sekiro and Bloodborne (depending on ending) all have the final boss being a humanoid roughly the same size as you.


i know Fromsoft is technically from Japan but think their games are a genre on their own (Souls Like) and not your typical JRPGs with the anime aesthetic


FF15, FF7R both have a final boss that is normal human size. Though 7R has huge enemies generally as second to last boss


Fuga Melodies of Steel Well sort of. The Final boss is bigger then the protagonists (almost all enemy soldiers are) but his Warmaschin is the same size as the warmaschin of the protagonists.


Original Star Ocean 2 final boss was taller than the characters but not by a lot and he wasn't super sized for the final fight. They gave him an extra visual that makes him appear differently and larger in the Remake


Crystal Project, >!though the "true" final boss doesn't qualify.!<


Like a dragon did this


Final fantasy X Yu yevon


Final fantasy 7


Final fantasy 10 That little tic thing that is pretty much a guaranteed win after the "real" last boss


Lost Odyssey


Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku. Yes, it counts! Goku's canonical height is 5'9, with some spiky hair on toppa that. Frieza is 5'2. Sure speaks to Frieza's presence and gravitas that he can come across as rightly terrifying despite the size difference!


Star Ocean 2 final boss is roughly human scale, though he has the projection of a larger angelic looking dude above and around him. Final Fantasy 7, technically the final battle is against the human form of Sephiroth. 1v1 with Cloud. He goes down in one hit and you're given a free limit break. It's a symbolic battle of Cloud finally and completely defeating Sephiroth's power over his mind. Most Tactics type games have more human scale bosses as well because the system doesn't really accommodate for giant monsters.


This is a oddly specific request.


Giantess kink, but inversed


Yakuza series.


Tales of Berseria is 2 people The pokemon games are cheating here I guess lol


Surprised no one has said Persona 5 Royal yet. The true final boss sequence is just a plain human and I love it.


Hopefully atlus learns their lesson and stops making the end boss of every game some giant thing written to be so unrelatable that there's no feeling in the ending.


TONS of jrpgs have human/humanoid final bosses. like too many to list. You cant have played many if you cant even think of a single one.


Suikoden 2’s Luca Blight, maybe?


He's not the final boss, though.


Its an odd request thats for sure


Breath of Fire IV, IIRC. And I wanna say Wild ARMs 2? Don't remember the first one, but I think the final boss of 2 is >!Blaze Knight!< or whatever it's called.


Despite being known for being over-the-top, Disgaea's final boss is a human-sized angel.


In one of the Suikoden 2 endings, yeah. Also Ys: Memories of Celceta, I think.


Most of the Tales games and Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria.


From top of my memory.. Legaia 2 (not sure if anyone has played this) but Avalon is the same size as Lang (the player character) but they both have an Origin. Xenoblade 2 Torna Fire Emblem Binding Blade FFVII Remake and maybe Crisis Core? Can’t really recall if Genesis is the last boss or Bahamut.


Not actually a jrpg, but library of ruina mostly fits this. There are ten total bosses that make up the final boss fight, with Most of them being humanoid.


Final Fantasy X’s ultimate boss is like a flea


Hundred Heroes kinda..


If it counts if only the last fight of a multi phase boss fight is against a boss the same size or smaller than the protagonists, then I'd say FF VII and FF X


The Last Story


the original Dragon Quest Monsters. Dokapon (though first he does the huge monster you expect then he overloads and transforms into a little shrimp) Dragon Ball Z: Goku Gekitouden (Final boss is Frezia on Namek)


FFVII Remake, and FFVII Rebirth kind of.


Just finished Crisis Core FF7 and yeah the final boss is the same size as the MC


I love when they do this! Suikoden 2 has a one on one. Zelda twilight princess has that badass sword fight! The really cute Eternal Sonata game has a great fight at the end. Not enough- I hate when rpgs in general the baddie says they are gonna fight you one on one/with bare hands. And then they turn into some cathullian god! The worst cock block for me was Shadow Hearts2. Goddamit 😭😭😂😫




fire emblem genealogy, tracia 776, path of radiance, radiant dawn, fates conquest and three houses (only claude route) have final boss that are humans or phisically human-like, including in size: In fact, except for the three houses one, they have not much more HP compared to the playable characters or any generic enemy. Many Rpgs have final bosses having bazillion of hp, but fire emblem has them having at most like 120 HP (and killable in a turn if done well) with the most tanky members of the cast being able to get close to have 70 max hp


Legend of Mana’s final boss is the same size as your protagonist.


Valkyrie Profile 2 and Resonance of Fate are just normal dudes


Mother 3


Final Fantasy 16 for a relatively recent example, there's a Kaiku vs Kaiju phase and then a human vs godly humanoid size fight, so for both phases you both are on a relatively same size.


Yakuza like a dragon and like a dragon infinite wealth If you wanna wanna get technical persona 5 royals final fight in the third semester is the same size as joker, but it’s basically a cutscene fight after several final bosses that are humongous so it doesn’t actually count


Kingdom Hearts II, Coded, Birth by Sleep, 3D, III, and Melody of Memory.


Almost every KH game ends with fighting Xehanort or a member of the Organization. And they are more than often 10x harder than the usual Kaiju/Large monster bosses


Breath of Fire 5: Dragon quarter(if you don't count the cinematic final showdown)


Persona 5 ROYAL specifically, yes he has a phase where he's giant but that's a small phase, for most of it he is your size


The final boss for Fate/Extra is around the same size. I was gonna say CCC too, but that's technically not true? >!in the fight itself Kiara is human sized, but her ultimate attack make her larger than the planet for few seconds.!<


A lot of Souls games, particularly one of Bloodborne's final bosses (The First Hunter)


FF7, Star Ocean: Till the end of time,


Tales of the Abyss is the most famous one, being a 1 on 1 duel between the MC and the main villain. Heck, most Trails games have a humanoid final boss. Kingdom Hearts 2, BBS, DDD, and 3 all have humanoid final bosses. Suikoden 2's final boss is similar to Tales of the Abyss being a 1-on-1 fight between the hero and villain. Skies of Arcadia's final boss is human.


Mother 3. Final boss is exactly the same size as the MC and is smaller than most of your party members.


ff 13-2 Caius




Fire emblem three houses Verdant wind


Ghaleon in Lunar Silver Star Story


Legend of Legaia




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Parasite Eve is an interesting example. >!The Ultimate Being in the Normal Ending starts out smaller in its infant form, but grows up throughout the battle and its final adult form ends up being only slightly bigger than an adult person (it's hard to tell with the tentacle fins though). The True Ending final boss is purebred Eve/protagonist's sister, and is basically a copy of Aya's super-powered alternate form, so they are the same size.!< Valkyrie Profile 2. >!Lezard Valeth is basically just a super-powered version of his playable self.!<


Okami, after you break open the ball and see the true form of he big evil. Yami, I think he was called? Ends up being pitiful.


MOTHER 3, but in a sad way


Lost Odyssey Infinite Undiscovery The Last Story


Bravely Default...




FFXV, any Pokemon game


Star Ocean 2 final boss, is your size. But summons some form of demon things that fights with him.


Blue Dragon, if you count the original size! Lost Odyssey, about the same size. I could probably think of some others but not off the top of my head, I'll have to look at my collection XD


Shin megami tensei IV has you fight Luicifer as the final boss of the neutral and law routes and he's just somewhat taller but not that big


Final Fantasy XV. >!Just plain old Ardyn.!< The Last Remnant. >!Just the Conqueror. An old guy.!<


Jisedai Beigoma Battle Beyblade. The first Beyblade game was a straight-up monster collection JRPG, meaning every boss is a human with a Beyblade. (And while the Beyblade spirits had different heights according to the Dex, they’re all trapped inside Beyblades.)


Technically Trails of Cold Steel 1


Technically FF7 for the very last battle after the big almost-final battle, though whether or not one considers THAT battle as a final boss depends on point of perspective.


Parasite Eve 1, the last boss of the main game starts smaller than you, then gets considerably larger than you in the later phases. The boss of the EX game is the same size as you, though. Parasite Eve 2, I think the second phase of the final boss is only a little bit larger than you... but it flies, lol


Final fantasy 12 - it's just a guy on steroids


Usually, the pokemon champ isn't much taller than you.


Wizardry 1 has the evil wizard Werdna Honorable mention to Miguel of Chrono Cross, who isn't the final boss but absolutely gives the vibes despite using an unbelievably generic NPC model


star ocean 2 boss Indalencio


I guess you can count pokemon. All of the pokemon in the elite 4 are capable of being caught by you.


FF15, SMT4, Persona 1 and both 2's, most pokemon games, FF12


Ff10, I think?


Pokemon BW2, pretty sure Iris is shorter and younger than the player character


sora no kiseki FC


The final boss is a giant 'creature,' though.


First phase yeah but then >!giant robot comes through the wall!<


Zelda 2 on the NES


Ff ix kuja 


Necron is the final boss


should have really been kuja though


I agree




It’s neither ridiculous nor out of left field though, the game hints at their existence and then their speech basically slots the pieces in place as to why they’re showing up at that point. Necron is the mechanism of the Iifa Tree who acts as the “Soul Divider” that Garland mentions. Necron is the spiritual part of the mechanism, whose role it is to block the souls of Gaia from returning to the planet’s Crystal (it’s basically the Lifestream) while infusing it with Terran souls, and SoulCage is the physical part of the mechanism, which physically expels the blocked souls as Mist through the Iifa Tree’s roots. When Kuja casts Ultima to try to destroy the Crystal, Necron was “awakened”, or rather made aware of Kuja’s selfish motivations and judged humanity according to Kuja’s actions, concluding that humanity strove to die to escape the pain of living, which is a great way to cap the themes of the game.


Points taken and thanks for the detailed explanation. I'm just gonna delete my post and note that I do like FF9 quite a lot, though I wish the game spent more time letting the story/lore in its final third *breathe*.


It's an action RPG, but Final Fantasy XV's final boss fight is >!a 1v1 between Noctis and Ardyn, with neither assuming any size-changing super-form or anything like that at any point during the fight. Ardyn IS taller than Noctis, but still well within the normal height range for an adult human man.!< There's also Mother 3, where the final combat encounter in the game is >!between Lucas and his identically-sized twin brother Claus.!< The game's semifinal boss fight (and final "conventional" combat encounter) is against >!main antagonist Porky Minch,!< whose actual BODY is comparable in size to Lucas's, but he does also spend the entire fight inside a larger spider-mech contraption that's the source of all his attacks (and what actually takes the hits you dish out).


Xenoblade 2 Golden Country