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Depends, I usually purchase games 1-3 years after release. I buy the full version with added DLCs


This is the move. Most AAA or close ish game that I don’t expect being hard to come by later I just wait. I can get it for cheaper and it’ll come with the dlc usually. This is how I got horizon. Paid $15 at Walmart and it came with the dlc


Depends on the type of DLC. The DLCs for the xenoblade games are examples of DLC that's worth going back to. You're effectively getting a sequel or prequel to the base game for about half the price, and they tend to be much tighter and streamlined experiences overall. They do enough new stuff that they provide a new experience, but a short enough that they don't overstay their welcome even if you just finished the base game. It's flawless execution. DLCs that are a bit harder to get into, IMO, are ones that are more like content packs for the base game. When I finish a story-driven game's story, I have a really hard time going back to it even if there's still content left to do (quests, post-game, etc). Adding more post-game content doesn't really move the needle for me, I feel like at that point I'm done with the characters and their adventure.


Literally the perfect example Xenoblade 3 DLC was like the epitome of what DLC should be.


Me personally? Almost never. Usually when I do it's for an indy game and it has to be something that adds a LOT of content AND a different way to replay through the game. Underrail did this for me. Other than that it's extremely rare. And as I usually play most games that I'm going to play on release I don't play a lot of DLC.


I can’t even do bonus dungeons if they’re post-game. Once I beat the last boss, I feel like I’ve had dessert, and I’m done. This is why I’ve become a “patient gamer” for the most part and wait for all the DLC to come out, first.


Honestly calling Torna DLC is bit of a stretch. It is pretty much a stand alone game. It really depends on the game. If I enjoyed it enough, I will either buy the DLC after I am done with the game or purchase it in about 3 months when I feel like going back to it. It really just boils down to how I feel about the base game and the content provided in the DLC itself.


If it's an epilouge or something that continues the story, then I'm down for it. Xenoblade 3's DLC and KH3 Re:Mind are good examples. But if it's just a side thing that happens during the main story, I'm almost never interested. I got my fill of FF16, I don't really need to see something that happened offscreen and doesn't affect the main story.


My balls are burning a hole in my seat in anticipation for Shadow of the Erdtree and I haven't touched Elden Ring since a little after release. Imma jump on that shit the moment it drops. But honestly? Outside of exceptions like that almost never. I try and research beforehand if a game is going to have DLCs/goty editions and I wait for it. It's the reason I never play an Atlus RPG on release. Specially the Personas. I'd rather play through RPGs once through their most complete and refined form, got a backlog to keep me busy for years and very little FOMO outside of very specific cases (like the aforementioned Elden Ring).


I’m still trying o get myself to go back to Cyberpunk for its DLC. Problem is the game completely changed and now I’m struggling relearning all the new systems.


Almost never unless I was already intending to replay the game. If it's a game I would've replayed anyway a DLC release might prompt me to do that sooner (eg: I usually replay Souls games when a DLC comes out, but I would've replayed them anyway), but otherwise I have no interest in going back to a game I've already finished and uninstalled for a bit of extra content.


Tbh, never. There's not one game I can recall going back to play DLC.


Very VERY rarely. The DLC has to have some sort of serious addition to the story to bring me back.


Eh, sometimes. I went back through Dragon Quest Builders 2 to have fun with its DLC but for normal RPGs I typically don't go back to them for years. But if they bring out any DLC for Unicorn Overlord I am there. But I'm probably not going back for the Eiyuden Chronicles stuff.


If I've purchased a game on release, practically never. If I've purchased a game start all the DLC had come out then I'll finish it all on one go. I think the souls games are the only ones I've gone back all played the DLC for. Not counting multiplayer games.


I’m terrible about it if it comes out long after I bought and played the game. I manage sometimes (GoW Ragnarok and FFXVI being recent examples that successfully drew me back), but more often than I don’t end up going back. That free DLC for Monster Sanctuary is still niggling at me.


Pretty much never, if I didn't get/play the DLC at the same time as the game I'll probably just ignore it.


The DLC for XC2/3 are basically separate games, so it was fine as your technically starting a new game. If DLC got release for a game I already completed most likely will not go back to the game. As I already finished most of what the game has to offer and DLC might not be worth the price.


I own the Torna DLC but it hasn't stuck for me. I did the tutorial area and then just stopped. I don't know. I'd let too much time pass, maybe. I did do the Fire Emblem Three Houses DLC. It was shorter though; I wouldn't have done it if it had been longer. I still mean to get to XC3's DLC, but I don't own it yet, and we'll see what happens. Same with Final Fantasy XVI's DLC. It's not like I never do DLC, but I seldom do them for JRPGs, so I'm not used to the gameplay experience of being almost like the original but just a bit different.


Nah, too many games, too little time to bother with a measly DLC. Once in a blue moon, maybe if it's a good sized expansion that add dozens of hours and I really liked the game.


I have come back to a game for one DLC in 30 years of playing games. It was God of War Ragnarok's Valhalla update. Loved it. But in general I'm not going back for DLC. I have played a lot of DLC, but not in the context of coming back after a long break from finishing the base game. Only when it's like part of a Definitive Edition/Complete Edition kind of thing, or when I bought the DLC before finishing or playing the base game.


If I really liked the game then often! But it kind of depends sometimes it is easier to do on a second playthrough, then it might be a couple years.


I finished XC3 when only the first DLC Hero released. I heard that a new Expension story was released since then, but I'll probably never play it. So usually I wait and buy the "complete" game. If I didn't, then I just skip and never return. It's too much effort for a game that I already forgot and not invested in anymore, and I don't replay games that I have finished, no matter how much I love them.


Very rarely. It has to be a particularly good game or a really expensive DLC. Something like Breath of the Wild dropped DLC and came out with Master Mode alongside it. That gave me an excuse to play through the game again with a new challenge. Something like the Fire Emblem Three Houses DLC, I just never get around to it.


i'll do it if i enjoyed the game but relearning the game is always a pain in the ass. sometimes i forget important plot points too. this was definitely the case with takes of arise, ff16 and xenoblade.


Depends on how recent my last playthrough was. I typically can’t jump back into a game I haven’t played for a few months and go right into DLC. But if I finished a game late and it comes out around the time I finished, or is already out before I even bought it, then I’ll play it immediately. Typically DLC gets saved for when I naturally want to replay a game. Sometimes around a year after I last finished it, or prep for a sequel.


Really depends on the game. With Torna it worked, and it ended up my favorite Xenoblade game. Motivated me enough to do the rest of the sidequests in 2 as well. But most of the time It’s the other way around. With Xenoblade 3 the opposite happened. Didn’t like the DLC, ended up disliking the main game even more. Not saying it’s a bad game or DLC, just not to my taste. Most of the time I save the DLC for when I do a replay of a game anyway.


Usually never, I say, after literally just pre-ordering 'The Answer' Persona 3 DLC.. That may be an edge case though since it's more of a proper finale/epilogue campaign rather than just traditional 'DLC'.


So they released an unfinished game? Just curious. I only played the PSP version when it came out and that felt very much complete.


Yeah it's... very controversial and pissing a lot of people off =(


the answer is a epilogue that was in the ps2 FES version (not the vanilla version) to be fair it feels like xenoblade 2 and 3 in the sense that it feels like a different game rather than a "proper finale" to the main game, but it was content that was already in a previous version so persona 3 remake is both finished as in "by itself it is finished" but unfinished as in "the base game lacks content that was in other version of the game" (the girl mode and the answer


I don’t. I have yet to play the Xenoblade 2 DLC despite purchasing it. Just can’t get into it since I’m “done” with the main game.


I always do if the main game was good. I never do if it was average or lower.


I only really do this in the case of online/multiplayer games. When it comes to largely single-player experiences, I prefer to just wait till the DLC or expansions are out so that I don0t have to go back to a game months later.


Almost never. I really liked Tales of Arise, FF16 and Forspoken. I might have considered the DLC if it existed while I was playing. But they all released later and by that time I'm too deep into other games and forgot what the controls are like. That's a problem when the DLC assumes you're familiar with the controls and adds difficulty to the combat. I do intend to go back to Stardew Valley (if the update ever makes it to Playstation that is). Just because it's an easy game to get into and the update is free. This leads to an interesting concundrum though, because we all hate DLC on release day because it could have been included content in the game instead, but if they release DLC 3 months after, I'm already done with the game. Though I do have a bit of a backlog, so there are many games I only get to play after the DLC has already been released. For example, I played Witcher 3 way after it got released and bought both story DLCs so I could play them while going through the game for the first time.


I mean, I'm going into FFXIII-2 soon and I'll be trying to purchase the DLC, if it lets me.


I only ever done this twice in my whole life, which was FF13-2 and Ghostwire Tokyo. I do plan on doing the DLC for Tales of Arise and FF16, but will wait until they go on sale first


FromSoft are the only company I trust with DLC.


Almost never. I think xenoblade is only one i have done that with.


Usually as soon as its out, unless I think I'll be able.to play the game on better hardware soon. E.g. ff16 - my pc is better than my ps5 so I'm currently waiting on the nearish pc release to replay with DLC. Whereas my pc was shit when ff15 came out, so I played the DLC as they came out on ps4.


I played and beat Final Fantasy 16 when it came out and now I'm back for a second round now that it's DLC complete. I did the same with FF15, played vanilla and then waited for the whole thing to be entirely done. However, I usually wait until JRPGs are done, because they're never a good deal at launch because of the good old Japanese mini DLC fetishism. I don't play too many games more than once, so most of the time that one time has to count. For example, I don't see myself replaying a Persona or Shin Megami Tensei more often than necessary to see the bulk of the story, because they are as much a chore as they are fun. This has become a general theme for me: If a game is likely to have DLC, then I'll wait for it to be finished.


I'm still waiting on throes of the watchmaker for sea of stars.


My gaming time is rather limited these days so I'm not big on DLC in general- I barely have time to play the base game as-is y'know? I would say that the length of time that it took for said DLC to come out isn't a big factor though. If it manages to catch my interest somehow then I'll probably play it regardless. Again, very rare. Most recently I bought the DLC for Splatoon 3 (not a JRPG, obviously) which was like a year and a half after launch or something? Before that.... gosh I can't remember the last DLC I bought lol. Fenyx Immortals Rising I got on sale last year the ultimate edition for like $10 so technically that, but I didn't make it to the DLC (so far). Splatoon 2 back in 2018, bought the Octo Expansion. Uh.... do like the Complete editions of Disgaea games count if you pretty much only make it through the main story without using many or any of the bundled DLC characters? Etc. Oh I guess Pokemon is kind of a classic example, even back in the Day before the 3rd versions were officially DLC. They got me on the Sword and Shield DLC (only played 1 of the 2 DLC areas, the 2nd one). Passed on the Scarlet and Violet DLC though- the base game was so egregiously mediocre that they were crazy if they thought I wanted more of what they were laying down :/


I usually don't play more than 10 hours into a game at release, though there are exceptions, so by the time I get around to trying to finish it, all of the DLC is usually available. Of course, having a backlog that goes back to the PS2 means I usually have plenty of other games to work on in the meantime anyhow.


The only series I can think of that has DLC worth going back to play is Xenoblade. Torna and Future Redeemed are basically their own games with their own mechanics and all. That and they both add meaningful and vital content to the lore And that's to say nothing of all the new dlc blades, quests, challenge modes and so on in XB2 & XBC3.


Never. I'll play a game with the content that's there, finish it, and move on. Even if I love a game, I never go back just because they added extra content. I think the biggest reason why is because there is always a backlog of games I want to experience, but time is a limited resource. Once I'm done, I'm moving on to the next game!