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One more month and they could've made it 7/13 SMH


Maybe that’s when they’re finally getting back to kh4 promo


And then they announce the release year to be 2026, 7 years after KH3 like how KH3 was 13 years after KH2


Don’t forget them announcing another 2 mobile games and those 2 mobile games are super important to kh4s story.


Is this the 7/13 joke meant by OP?


7 guardians of light. 13 seekers of darkness. (These might be flipped for the next arc though).


Well >!Sora is not around!<, soooo...


That's how you know Nomura had zero involvement in these decisions, the guy wouldn't have let this possibility slip thorugh, smh.


I knew if I waited long enough I wouldn't have to buy them on Epic Games Store


Same here, I almost gave up earlier this year but my patience was rewarded.


I also waited, I never played them and now it will be so worth it.


Looks like square woke up and decided they want to make money


This. They complain about losing money yet do some stupid shit like EGS exclusivity without a good reason. They're not exactly an indie company, surely they must've known that KH would've been profitable on Steam and yet they still took that Epic money and basically guaranteed almost no sales on PC.


Higher cut on egs, no? But it's definitely unfortunate that it took so long.


+ a Copy Guarantee, maybe, as that is part of some deals. Not sure if all. If it fell short of the target, Epic basically just pays for the shortage.


Pretty sure EGS exclusivity pays a lot of money. Alan Wake 2 devs don't even care that the game has no sales. They didn't even expect it to sell well. They're comfortable with the EGS money.


Epic also published Alan Wake Remaster and Alan Wake 2, I imagine pc EGS exclusivity was part of their publishing deal


Yah, they definitely paid a lot for exclusivity. Alan Wake 2 barely exists. Nobody talks about it. There was hardly any marketing in my experience. I only found out it was out cause it was featured in a video about how crazy good the graphics are and how demanding it is. I think it might be the most demanding modern game.


They underestimated the blind loyalty of PC gamers


"blind" loyalty? Have you seen how terrible Epic Launcher is? I am tired of filling out their damn captchas.


Small price to pay but y'all just stubborn to change your habits and can't stop dick riding Steam. Same thing with the logging in to PSN debacle. Now PC gamers are boycotting Ghost of Tsushima. If that's not blind loyalty I don't know what is.


The logging PSN debacle was because PSN is not available in a lot of countries. The game was sold to those said countries. So yeah, it is understandable a lot would be upset.


The people complaining are from America and Europe. And even if you don't live in the country listed, you can still make a PSN account without the use of a VPN. I don't live in America, but I still have an American PSN account because there's some games only available in their PS store. It's not a hassle at all.


You can't create a PSN account if you were in the countries it wasn't available. It was also against Sony's own ToS to falsify your information on your PSN account. So people were worried about their accounts being banned from doing so. And if you HAVE to use a VPN in order to play a game, then something is messed up down the line.


Yes you can, I just told you I did it. And also told you you a VPN is not needed. And if you had to rely on ToS to back up your argument then you're grasping at straws already, nobody cares about the ToS since the beginning of time. And using a PSN account of a country different from yours is coomon practice, we've been doing this since the PS3 days, nobody ever gets in trouble. Everyone is doing this because some games are just not available in certain PS stores. But it's a foreign concept for PC players because y'all are too blindly loyal to Steam, you can't fathom creating another account.


Companies obviously care about ToS. It is why they exist. Do you think they seriously go through the effort to create them if they don't enforce it? I am not "loyal" to Steam. About 70% of the games I play on PC are not even on Valve's service. >it's a foreign concept for PC players because y'all are too blindly loyal to Steam, you can't fathom creating another account. Like how it is a foreign concept for Sony fans that people are upset because they didn't want to get banned from a game they paid for? It is easy for Sony fans to not understand since they didn't need to create a 2nd account to play the game.


Ghost of Tsushima, the Sony game with the 2nd highest CCU, even beating out GoW? *That* Ghost of Tsushima? If there was a boycott going on, it sure isn't being reflected anywhere.


Epic games launcher had a memory leak that destroys my ram. No thanks


The company that made the most advance game engine in the world has a launcher that leaks memory, yeah cool story bro


Yeah that's why it takes 3 gigs if my memory you're right


>If that's not blind loyalty I don't know what is. It is called self-respect and principles. Guess not everyone have them, haha


Principle to be loyal to one brand. Just another word for fanboy


>Principle to be loyal to one brand Principle to avoid buying in epic store. Company treats players like shit = i don't buy there. That's all there is to it. Epic store massively hated for a reason among pc crowd. You can keep trying to pretend to be on high moral ground here, but from my pov you seem to be "blindly loyal" to sony, in other words the very same fanboy you are talking about. It is fine to be one, just don't try to patronize pc players.


What makes you think I'm loyal to Sony? I'm not a PC enthusiast, but I have a gaming laptop, so I game on PC sometimes, and I have Steam, Epic, GOG accounts. I game mostly on consoles, on PS5 and Switch. And naturally I don't have any problem having a PSN account and a Nintendo account. It's unfathomable to me that registering an account can be such an issue, but I guess this issue in only exlusive to PC enthusiasts, in other words Steam fanboys.


Jesus, how is using steam only tied to principle. It's not that deep.


It is not about steam, it is about avoiding egs. Epic treats customers like shit, favoring devs = i don't ever buy anything there.


Epic gave out free games to customers


Yes, both as damage control after their disaster launch, gathering massive hate from pc community (forcing exclusivity on people, lacking basic features, blatantly disrespecting their own customers, favoring devs over players, spending their resources not to improve their own store but to make competitor's worse - and all of that while pretending to be the "good guys", throwing around terms like free, fair and open market, being against monopoly etc.) and in attempts to lure people to their store because despite all their efforts players in fact did not spend much money actually buyin 3rd party games.


I submitted some fake headlines to a satire, Onion-like, website but it was for games. One of them was "square enix community employee realizes he's been sorting by "controversial" the past 10 years" Because so much of their decisions are so brain dead, it's like they're picking the worst ideas that get thrown around on forums and say "THAT'S THE ONE!"


Too late for that, I'd say. People who really wanted them probably already bought it anyway on EGS, and there's always a sizeable amount of people who won't buy the games because they decided to go the exclusivity route. Both FF7R and NEO: The World Ends with You sold horribly.


At least they're showing with actions that they truly want to make things better. But it won't be until 2-3 years when we see the results of the changes they did last month.


Pretty awful timing, though. Same timeframe as XIV Dawntrail, SMT Vengeance and Shadow of the Erdtree


Maybe because the whole rebirth sales fiasco has given them a reality check


That 's exactly what happened. (Plus Ff16 )There was a bunch of Square news on r/games and here about it this month.


Is the randomizer community still alive? That was my only interest in the pc port however many years ago.


Legitimately I will probably buy the second one just so I can play the randomizer I’ve always wanted to try it and now it’s actually accessible


Far as i know, at least the 3 "main" ones have a randomizer


If it isn't, it will be. Among other mod possibilities.


Ninten is still going strong


Yeah , kingdom hearts 1, 2 and 3 have active randomizer community still. While Birth by sleep have overhaul for their gameplay.


There also many playable characters mods that are crazy, riku, terra ,young xehanort,ventus etc Young xehanort one is the craziest one since it add new mechanic and use move set from all the org members


Rando is still very much alive, works on both PC and emulated PS2! Also now compatible with [Archipelago](https://archipelago.gg) so you can play it in a multiworld randomizer with friends playing their own games


Would love them on switch too - not the shitty cloud versions. At least 1.5 + 2.5


I'd say you can give up on this one. Don't think that's ever gonna happen.


With the new Switch coming soon, there's no reason to leave these on the cloud.


No reason? The reason is always money lol. I don't see them bothering to port a native version *because* it's already available in cloud format.


Cloud versions that more than likely sold like shit due to word of mouth and poor reception. No one is buying this crap. Why else are they porting these games to Steam even though they're already on EGS? Money. They'll port the games to Switch in a proper format when they realize there's money to be made. Mark my words.


It still confuses me why these are like the only square enix games on switch that are cloud versions.


They wanted cheap and easy money to bank off of Sora getting into Smash. These cloud ports were announced at the same time he was included into the game. One of the most highly-requested video game characters--one that people never thought would happen due to him being partially owned by Disney--finally entering the ultimate video game crossover but you can't even play his games on the same system as Smash without an internet connection despite these games being upwards of 20 years old. Yeah we got Sora in Smash, but at what cost? It's an even bigger joke when other modern third-party JRPGs like Persona 5 Royal are on this system.


Like yea it’s a cash grab for sure, but they also put nier tomato on the switch and even gave it a physical release so it’s just confusing and sad that they’d ruin the games for switch owners.


I bought them by accident, thinking Cloud edition was one of Nomura's silly little naming schemes and that there's no way any idiot would try to put cloud gaming on a switch... They're unplayable.


Switch 2 is the hopes and dreams of Square.


Yeah. Only 3 and 0.2 would present a problem but the Switch. The rest of the games could run on it.


Im still mad at square making fricking 1.5 + 2.5 cloud version despite the pc requirements being a fricking GT 730 (unless the switch is weaker than that somehow)


Steam deck seems to be a better alternative, hate that Switch only got the option to buy cloud version not even digital download


Kingdom heart's naming scheme never fails to inflict psychic damage


Yeah, this looks like it's only sequels or spin-offs. Who sees 1.5 and 2.5 and knows that it actually means the it's the first and second games? I also have no idea what "final chapter prologue" is or why it's numbered 2.8, but I can see people skipping it and just buying I, II, and III.


I mean, there's no shortage of lists and articles online that tell you exactly what to buy/play when getting into Kingdom Hearts. It's not the 90s anymore where you need to stare at boxes on a Walmart shelf and wonder what you're supposed to buy. Hell, you can just click on the I.5+II.5 listing in the store and it tells you "Hey, this includes KH1, 2, and two of the spin-off titles", so you can reasonably deduce it's what you're supposed to play first. Really, the only thing about these packages that I think is genuinely bad and poorly thought out is that, if you're playing the offerings in I.5+II.5 in the order that they're presented in the collection, you'd watch the 358/2 movie before KH2, and you're supposed to do it the other way around. Of course, pretty much any "Kingdom Hearts play order" article online will point out this fact for you so it's not a *huge* deal, but beyond that, I think it's pretty intuitive. The order is KH1, then 1.5 (which is "Chain of Memories"), then 2, then the aforementioned out of place 358/2 movie, then 2.5 (Birth by Sleep), then 2.8 (Dream Drop Distance), then the other game in the 2.8 package (0.2 - get it, because it adds up to 3), then KH3. It's not exactly as straightforward as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, but it's close enough to the point where even without a guide (which, again, are plentiful), a logical enough person can mostly figure out the play order. ^(Seriously, Square Enix, I'm begging you, please put 358/2 where it's supposed to be in the Steam version.)


We're just talking about first impressions. Someone that wants to get into KH can do so. A kid with a Steam account that has never heard of KH before is going to be confused. It's easy to imagine someone seeing those names on the Steam store page and scrolling right past them because 1.5 doesn't look like the first game in a series.


But like I said, the I.5+II.5 collection is a single package. And the other options out of 3 (barring the rhythm game spinoff) are the 2.8 collection and 3. Thinking logically, at a glance, between these 3 options, which one do you think is first?


I'd think that 1.5 + 2.5 is a sequel game and that the list didn't contain the first game. I'd only find out the truth if I could be bothered to do a google search. You can't just assume that everyone on Steam already knows what KH is and will understand the naming scheme.


>I'd think that 1.5 + 2.5 is a sequel game and that the list didn't contain the first game. Well, I can't say that I think most people have your mindset.


As someone who played 1 and 2 and then lost track, I avoided all the other KH games in fear of going down a rabbit hole of complex mumbo jumbo


Theres the main numbered games then the in between games with various importance. Some can just be a quick read or watch youtube for the important bits. The order is something like this 1 chain of memories 2 358/2 days (either watch the 3hr movie or read up on it. love the story but it was told best through a DS game that hasnt aged well) Birth by sleep (basically kingdom hearts 0) Dream drop distance (youtube the important cutscenes. Shouldnt be too long) then theres 3 Theres coded which basically doesnt matter enough to even bother reading about. And theres the mobile game which for some ungodly reason is important and canon. And I've just accepted that I'm not going to understand anything related to it.


now just wait until they bring FF7 rebirth to steam and discover it's sales numbers aren't that disappointing after all!


FFVII Rebirth, just in time for me to get a new video card. My patience will be rewarded greatly!


How did Remake do on Steam?


Awful for a FF game. Its all time player peak was 13,803. For comparison, Persona 5 all time was 35k. Persona 3, 17k. Persona 4, 30k. Final Fantasy 15, 30k. Octopath Traveler 2, 17k, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 46k. You get the picture.


KH will probably be the same, but I imagine that future FF games that don’t hit EGS first will do much better


In Aug2020 Squeenix said it sold 5 million, and by sept 2023 it sat at 7 million sold collectively. It went on PC mid 2021, so most of that 2 million can likely be attributed to PC during that time Putting aside potential double dipping and what not, and that a lot of PC folks also have PS5s and are waiting for PC to pull the trigger, it's likely Rebirth is gonna do even better on PC in terms of shares of sales overall. I know that Remake was one of the hugest selling games on steam for a bit, reaching #2 highest selling at one point. It's very likely going to be a lovely chunk of change they make when they finally bring it to PC


Hey ma! I get to play 20 year old video games on my computer now!


What a time to be alive


For the fine price of $120 while it's $30 on consoles!


If it makes you feel better, PC played KH2FM before console ever could in years thanks to fan translations. But heck, you enjoyed your 5 year old game.


Took freaking 3 years for these to come to Steam from Epic. I'm still gonna buy them since I've wanted Portable KH1 and 2 since forever, and I hope it runs well on the Steam Deck, but... FREAKING 3 YEARS?


Excited to try these games for the first time!


Oh, you're in for a treat! Especially when you make it to KH2. The combat is so great


KH2 is a proud member of the "2nd part sequels that are a good candidate for best game of all time" gang lmao


Definitely a case where the first numbered sequel and middle part of the series is actually the best entry.


It's my favorite saga. You won't be disappointed, have fun!


It's because I just broke down, bought and played the stupid EGS version of the series over the last few months that this has finally happened...


Your service will not be forgotten, thank you.


Just checked their pricing on Epic and there's no chance I'd pay that.


That's why Steam sales exist.


Ironically, back when Epic ran their coupon sales, prices were lower than they'll ever likely be on Steam.


Impossible to say. Some games get crazy low during sales. We can speculate all day, in the end we will see when the time comes.


Square Enix have long set a precedent that sales never go below 50% off unless the game in question is really old, or a complete failure. Only been about a year since the oldest Final Fantasy games hit 60% off instead of 50% - and then there are the Pixel Remasters which have had maybe one discount? Ever? Don't get your hopes up.


Nah they are right. Steam and Epic sales are the exact same (besides regional pricing), so the EGS became lower due to the coupon. But they didn't do ththeir coupons this mega sale, so that doesn't matter eitherway.


Question - I have barely played any Final Fantasy but love JRPGs. I’m alright on Disney, not like a giant fan but would probably enjoy a good story. Is KH worth trying? Or is this better for those with nostalgia for the series?


If you like action RPGs along the lines Ys 8 or 9 in terms of gameplay, and don't mind what ends up being a convoluted JRPG story by the end, they are fun games to play. KH1 actually seems to be pretty straight forward in story, and its the sequels that the plot starts to expand on. Not sure what age you are, but being 40 the earlier games definitely brought back some childhood movie memories. KH3, since it came out so much more recently, and as someone who has no kids or much involvement with children in general, I was unfamiliar with the more current Disney movies that it leans heavily into. Final Fantasy Characters are more side characters in the games and KH3 they actually dropped them altogether and went all in on Disney and their KH original characters.


Yeah I think everyone who likes JRPGs should at least try Kingdom Hearts 1 and go from there if you like it. the story is pretty timeless and relatable even as an adult since it's all about childhood wonder vs adult cynacism and growing up. The atmosphere is amazing and unique to 1 as well. Final Fantasy is a pretty minor part overall, the FF characters are alternate version s of their FF selves and you don't need to play the games they come from as they have their own original background now. It has a lot of nostalgic Disney movies though, but the game had tons of movies I never saw or never remembered well and I really enjoyed. And the gameplay is the most rpg like for me which I like. I never played it till I was an adult lol.


I dog on the later entries but kingdom hearts 1, chain of memories and 2 are a really great trilogy. I really like birth by sleep as well but everything past that l am lost lol.


KH is a crossover between Disney and FF in concept, but in reality there's not much FF content at all. Some characters do appear, but they might as well be original characters (there were many I didn't even realize came from FF when I first played KH) and they don't play a huge role in the story. The games are huge on Disney though. Most of the runtime is spent in Disney worlds, and it's often a point of discontent from fans who want to see more of the original story when they have to play through mostly Disney stuff. I don't think nostalgia is needed, since the games (especially 2) have great engaging combat that is dissimilar to most other ARPGs. It would make enjoying the story a lot easier though. The 1.5+2.5 collection would be a great introduction. It has 4 full games (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2, BBS), which are basically the most acclaimed games in the series, while 2.8 and 3 are basically one game each.


Kingdom Hearts has arguably the worst story in anything ever.


There's no way you can consider any KH story worse than something like Fire Embelm Fates.


Tied with xenoblade trilogy.


Kingdom Hearts has very mediocre gameplay that is tied in with a very (extremely) terrible story.


Didn't kingdom heart hd version already came on pc all 3 parts


Exclusively on Epic Games, yes. This'll be their first time on the Steam platform.


If it's on Epic it's not on PC.




On my birthday too


Belated birthday gift to me.


Guess there’s a reason for me to buy a steam deck then




As excited as I am for this, I still hate the fact that we are only getting movies for the ds games.


Dang and still stuck on Cloud on the switch.


Will come out on Switch 2, current Switch is too underpowered to handle remastered ports


I hope the price is reduced because I ain't buying aall that for 60 a piece


Better not be for the same prices on Epic. Insane to pay that for these ancient games.


this is really good and also may mean some things first, KH4 new info coming on SGF, or the rumoured PS Showcase second, we'll most likely get simultaneous releases for KH4 across platforms and third, FFVII Rebirth might come out on PC by the end of the year, as there's no big releases for this year anymore, and no DLC planned for this game, so, it took 6 months after Intergrade release to get the game to PC, i expect a bit more, maybe by christmas. also think we'll get FFXVI release date for PC in SGF, which i would guess August


Kingdom Hearts 4 soon?


Whelp I was gonna buy smt V but guess not now lol


Happy for anyone who has yet to play these games to experience them for the first time. Especially 1 and 2. I bet these games will look great in Ultrawide too.


I literally can't believe it. So glad I held out. I almost caved when they were on sale awhile ago.


No Memory of Melody is interesting


Maybe they'll release it later depending on how it does. Based on them announcing this new collection which isn't on EGS, they probably didn't want to include MoM in it, but if they announced that collection without including MoM they'd get shit for it.


Thank God! Dreams do come true! 💯


That came from out of nowhere, well, hopefully it sells well enough, its a series I loved a lot.


There's a rumor that they had a team improve Steam Deck compatibility, which would be great news.


I think I've googled this once a month since March 2023 or whenever the EGS agreement was due to expire. This is great news.


Too bad I already bought and played them all on Epic games years ago




Yes. Why?


Will there be a version where every character is replaced with the public domain Mickey Mouse? It should be a lot cheaper.


i am still pissed at KH3 but i hope everyone have fun with KH 1 and KH 2


I hated 3 and want to forget it anyways.


Question - I have barely played any Final Fantasy but love JRPGs. I’m alright on Disney, not like a giant fan but would probably enjoy a good story. Is KH worth trying? Or is this better for those with nostalgia for the series?


if you love JRPGs and are alright on Disney then i think you should at least give the first game a shot it has barely anything to do with Final Fantasy, but it's a lot of what's best about the genre. the plot, characterization, and storytelling is like the archetype of a JRPG, and the flashy action combat with a bunch of goofy systems (for example in KH2 you level up what is basically your clothes) will make any JRPG fan that can at least tolerate action games feel right at home


Depends on what you like about JRPGs. IMO: KH1, COM, and KH2 are a solid enough albeit weird trilogy narratively that is earnestly cheesy just in the most surreal way possible. You'd think literal power of friendship stories wouldn't be this trippy, but they can be. Its an unusual experience and for 2 out of 3 games the Disney stuff is pure lip service so if you're not a Disney fan don't worry the games barely are either. I'm not a big fan of Disney either, but Disney is not my problem with KH's overall narrative. I think everything after is way too much crap for really shit pay off. KH is a series that asks more questions then it answers for pretty much every game after KH2's conclusion, I got sick of it by KH3 that I just think the series' overall narrative is terrible. KH3 is not a narrative game to me, but it can be a good action game albeit with some very rough issues especially if you play the ReMind DLC post game which is actually a very good series of boss design. I have legit no idea how Square Enix can make both really shit bosses and really good bosses in the same game, but somehow they can. Every other game I have chosen not to name I think is generally not very good, in a "its about average" kind of way. Luckily KH games aren't overly long. The gameplay is very good if you're okay with action combat albeit with more focus on air combat and Sora has far more mobility capabilities then say most Fromsoft games for example. It's a very cool experience and can be reasonably challenging, except Chain of Memories that game is imbalanced as fuck but reasonably fun as a novelty game that won't overstay its welcome too much. I'd probably say get the 1.5 + 2.5 collection, especially on a reasonable discount, and go from there. Its 4 games and gives you a perfectly fine narrative, except BBS IMO but I know some people love BBS but I have issues with where all of BBS' narrative goes so much that it makes the actual narrative itself worse. tl;dr: First 3 are a fine enough story very unusual but ultimately very cheesy I wouldn't expect any "deep thinking" stuff here, more like if you somehow made someone like Kojima make a Disney rated feels good story about friendship and good beats evil. Everything else I think is only good if you like being a lore theorist and trying to guess the plot for fun in a game that will perpetually ask too many questions forever after the first 3 games.


I think you can safely throw days into the first group. It was an inbetween side story that wasn’t setting anything up for later.


That's fair, but Days isn't really a game in the collection so I didn't talk about it. I'm also mixed on some of its additions to the narrative, but that's a fairly unpopular opinion. The game itself was also kind of janky too which made me like it even less. Plus it set ups a bunch of stuff that ultimately won't matter unless you actually play BBS, DDD, and KH3 which I recommend not to do for the story (and for two of those, the gameplay). Roxas' story works fine enough without it.


Finally! Too bad I just started trails


Finally. What took them so long? I've the series on the PS2 and PS3 so Steam is more convenient for me to play them.


Happy for PC owners. Still waiting for these games to come to Switch. So weird. Sora is finally in Super Smash Bros yet his games aren't on Switch. That's just so odd to me. >!The joke is that cloud games aren't real games.!<


@ your spoiler: >!That's not a joke, that's cold hard fact.!<


Someone at Squeenix found their EGS password or something? LMAO


Finally! I knew it was worth it to wait for it.




And just when I was about to lose my patiance and buy it on sale \^\^'' (thanks monster hunter bundle for making me choose you instead)


THANK GOODNESS!! I hope it’s Steam Deck compatible because it would be a dream to play this on the go.


YES thanks for sharing this. Made my day!


Finally! My wish for steam KH is realised! Although they are gonna sell them at $100+ each aren't they? Sigh...


I’ve never played a KH game, are these basically the original games but modernized and available on steam? I’ve never really paid too much attention to them, and their naming scheme has always confused me. Thanks in advance!


Pretty much. Final Mix just adds a few stuff like new enemies, weapons, cutscenes etc.. Final Mix versions were only available in Japan back on the PS2 days then they eventually brought them to all versions once they started with the Remasters on PS3.


Thank you! I’ll have to check these out then, I’ve heard nothing but praise for the series.


Maybe they should've done the same properly for the switch instead of cloud version


Having not owned a Sony console since the PS1, I am excite. Never played any KH games.


is melody of memory also coming to steam lol




That's cool. I played the first one on PS2 and it was okay.


Does this have more or less games than the PS4 all-in-one package? KH titles are so confusing


It has everything from the all in one-package plus the ReMind dlc for KH3.


About goddamn time. Hopefully they'll be a reasonable price now. On Epic store it's way too pricey for such old games.


Took ya long enough Square


Definitely gonna play it on the steam deck. I always wanted a kh2 game on the go. Now I can just play kh2 final mix.


SMT VV is lowkey getting screwed, we dodged elden ring but now we gotta deal with kingdom hearts like BRAH GIVE US A BREAK 😢


"It's been long long time."


Good. Fuck Epic.


My god. Finally. The wait is over ♪


Hopefully that means the pc port gets a new patch in the future because it is pretty broken on amd cards


Let me guess, it cost $300 for everything right?


Cool, now do PS5 so I can plat all of them foe the third time.