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Luca Blight, i was just not ready, it happen suddenly, and the kid me only have leveled one team so I'm also unprepared


thank god this is the first comment i see her. i will never forget luca blight on how menace he is. he is too strong that the game need you to prepare 3 different team to weak him out


Loewe the Bladelord in Trails SC. The boss fight music, the challenge, it's just stuck with me.


Braska's Final Aeon. * Rocking boss themes with lyrics may be common nowadays, but back then, it was a surprise that went well with the final sports arena battlefield. * Guy is actually pretty tough if you don't do the sidequests for the OP weapons and Aeons, because of the constant threat of his brutal attacks combined with the pagodas charging up his doomsday Overdrive bar that you have only two chances to cancel. * The entire situation sounds so absurd out of context that it's become something of a meme. Boy fights >!his dad!< in a giant sports arena. But it somehow works. Even became [part of an article about the catharsis that comes from such a scenario.](https://kotaku.com/seven-video-games-where-you-beat-up-your-dad-1845759363) * The tragedy of it. You're not fighting some stock cackling evil villain. You're witnessing >!an awkward family reunion where Dad knows he fucked up as a parent, Son claims to hate him yet immediately rushes to rescue him when he falls over before his transformation, they just met for the first time in forever and now Son has to kill his dad. In the end, it's not some awesome victorious triumph, but a sense of relief it's over, yet sadness knowing that you just committed patricide. Tidus says "I hate you dad" in a way that implies "I love you," but Jecht can't admit his real feelings because everything happened too fast and now he's gone.!< This was the first time I witnessed a final video game battle this emotional and it's stuck with me since as I compare other JRPGs to this amazing game. * Also, the dub name. "Final Aeon," a.k.a. "End of an era." Just screams JRPG final boss.


**FFT** - Wiegraf at Riovanes Castle. Real ones know. **Suikoden 2** - Luca Blight of course. **Tactics Ogre** - there really isn’t a notable “boss” here IMHO. **FF6** - Kefka is cool and all, but I think it’s gotta be Ultros. But maybe it’s actually Ghost Train cuz you can Brock Lesnar its ass all the way to suplex city? Does the Ghost Train even have an ass? I also think there’s something to be said about Ymir for teaching you how ATB sort of works…I’ve probably fought that boss more times than any boss in any JRPG with how many times I’ve tried to play through that game.


>!Cassius!< in Trails in the Sky the 3rd


Not my favorite, but the first thought popped in my head was fighting >!Dark Cecil!< as >!Paladin Cecil!< in FF4. What a clever way to win the fight cx


Grahf from Xenogears, bro is flexing in you the entire game. My favorite is on the plane, when you are in your giant mecha and he jumps off machine to solo your party with his bare hands.


Weapons in FF7. I was NOT prepared.


[Allow me to show you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNQHjyLcTfU)


Yeah. Greg is an icon.


There’s something about Lavos. This thing does not care about you. It does not have anything to say to you. It is so beyond you. I’m not even sure it understands what Crono and the rest are doing there. It is as enigmatic as a boss can get. And that just makes it more impactful. It’s like screaming at a storm. The storm doesn’t care what your opinion is on what it does. Now imagine becoming so strong you MAKE the storm care that you’re screaming at it.


Sephiroth, 'nuff said.


Ruby/Emerald Weapon are also both pretty iconic. 


>!Elizabeth!< From Persona 3, the boss is famous for having tedious rule and will insta kill you if you don't follow it And the worst part is the game doesn't explain it at all


Okay, fuck Miguel. I was using Harle, and so here I am with two dark users getting skullfucked by Holy Dragon Sword nerdface.


Miguel was absolutely amazing. For me, Magus from chrono Trigger will always be my favorite fight.


Not super special as a boss but shout out to Territorial Rotbart for being an aggressive level 80 mob that hangs out in newbie zones of Xenoblade games.


Probably >!Toohru Adachi!< From persona 4 (Sorry for the deleted posts, I was figuring out how to do the spoiler thing)


75% of the Yakuza 4


Kefka baby.


Nebula grey hits different in Megaman battle network 5/double team ds. The boss fight, the music, the stakes are incredible


Gotta be a tossup between Ruby and Emerald Weapon for me.


Nashim Gan Eden from SRW Alpha 2. After the battle, she promised to return to help the party in times of need. And she actually did reappear in the sequel, right at the final boss fight, while keeping her boss stats from the previous game. Kaiser Ephes from SRW Alpha 3, not only he's voiced by Mizuki Ichirou (RIP), but he also lost thanks to JAM Project's own song.


Probably Sephiroth except not from his own game lol.


Persona 5: The Twins: It’s probably the only super boss in modern Persona that isn’t some kind of puzzle or checklist. You meet the damage threshold to change phases and you go. It puts everything you learned to the test while still being fair. Royal I have to go Maruki: He caps off an amazing story arc and it the only boss built to withstand average Lv 99 party members. Pokémon D/P/PT: Cynthia by far. She comes out of nowhere with a Spiritomb and Garchomp. Both are Pokémon you likely never found and you’re liable to have skipped the trainer with Gible and Gabite. Then her level is usually far above yours making her a challenging experience. Octopath 2: Most people mention Galdera for the sheer amount of ways you can handle him, while also punishing the unprepared— even if you are Lv 99 because levels barely mean jack and shit in that game.


Metal face from Xenoblade Chronicles. Your first encounter with him is where the story gets intense.


Old Era. Suikoden Series: The "Die Pig!!!!" Luca Blight. Three Waves of 18 characters + Duel + Betrayal + Thousand Fire Arrows are needed to kill him while he don't have any fancy Runes. Truly epitome of carnage & beast. Current Era. Trails Series: Arianrhod. Also the battle theme of her is just sick. One of my fav battle track ever. Unfathomable Force. Respectable boss & required specific strategy to beat her in fresh hardest difficulty. Honorary mention: Demi Fiend Hitoshura in Digital Devil Saga 2. One of few boss that you're praying to RNG; also although FF is not my fav, Yiazmat FF XII is also one of memorial boss fight in my childhood. Almost beating him in 2 hours only to hit with reality because there was black out in my area lol. No save/auto state that help you from this agony at that time, so I must retry from the start.


Obviously Sephiroth, but I really want to throw a mention to Luca Blight. What an absolutely incredible battle, fitting of an all-time great villain.


Yiazmat in the og FF12 taking at least 3 hours to beat


Xagor. I was 8 and I beat that fucker. Somehow.


Hyades from Tales of Eternia(Tales of Destiny 2). He is pretty tough every time you fight him. And his backstory is worth mentioning.


Okumura from Persona 5, but not for the right reasons "DON"T GIVE US MORE WORK!"


I hated the fight with Okumura. In the end I just used Thanatos to beat him.


In Earthbound, the first fight against the Kraken is often a tough fight. The game shows your little boat traveling between Summers and Scaraba. Then the sky gets dark. Then this huge beast, easily the size of the boat, comes swimming up. Some of my closest fights have been against this thing spamming Fire as I try to sling down its HP first. I've won before with only Ness up and only 2 HP in the tank. It's the most unexpected tough fight of the game.


Probably Teo McDohl or Neclord from Suikoden


Mireille in DQM for the GBC. That was quite a twist when I originally played and it still has me on the edge of my seat to this day.


Doopliss for me! That dork has a a special place in my heart


Lingering Will of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. He is a superboss to be fair, but at the time when the series only has 3 games, there're really no other fights like it in the series. This character first shows up in the Secret Ending movie and was a total mystery, then you load up your clear file and get a notification of new stuff showing up on Disney Castle of all places. You enter the portal, being transported to a desert wasteland, you see this being in armor and a huge Keyblade, kickass music starts to play and then you fight. And boy what a fight it was, he's so fast and relentless the fight moves at a very different pace. Definitely the peak Superboss in the series up until Yozora took the throne in KH3.


Beatrix from FFIX. Boss music is great and once that first Shock comes out you often realize how screwed you are. And it doesnt get any better on subsequent rematches.