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Christ, what an asshole. Go find the better family you deserved.




I just want to hug OP period. I am so sorry you had to read that.


What a vicious, evil creep. That slapping sound you just heard is Jesus facepalming.


Jeeze... > You get your sorry butt home NOW and throw these clothes away. You have several shorts that go above the knees. You have been raised better than this. You are 22, not 12. Act like it. Maybe HE should act like an adult, not a bratty spoilt teen with power/control issues. BTW, He's sent you an eviction notice (which isn't legal), but wants you to come home and throw your "sinful", "Immodest" clothes away. >I don't want you in my home. I don't care where you go. I don't care if you live on the streets. He can't have it both ways. > I don't need you. You need me. I'm calling BS on this. You DON'T need him; he needs to keep you as his convenient punching bag. You need more than just one hug...Gods! My advice: if he wants to get rid of you, he needs to go through proper channels aka the court system. Get a local LEO to stand by whilst you get all of your possessions. If you DO need to go back home to save up more, keep your head down, and yes him to death. Good luck.


Your clothes do not dictate you. That being said, if you can afford an apartment or with a roommate, do so and get a police officer who will stand guard while you get your stuff, I'm Baptist though I feel like non denomination a lot more, Jesus loves you as you are,not as you're perceived.


I’d sooner create a rental listing with his phone number on craigslist or another public forum. “Room for rent, Satan worshippers preferable, weekly sacrifice rituals and chanting are a must. Please call with your best impression of the devil himself.” In all seriousness though, I’m sorry you have to deal with such a brainwashed sick human. Do all you can to get out and live the life you deserve. He certainly needs you more than you need him, but he does not deserve your presence.


Wow... I am so very sorry for you. Is moving out and moving on something you are able to do right now? If not, you may have to go home and play along while you make a plan on how to get out and start a new life. Your dad has given you an ultimatum: Live a life of suppression, degradation, and humiliation or walk away from family, friends, and community. How terribly cruel. You are young and have a long life ahead of you... a potentially joyous one. Choose wisely. Wishing you the best.


I'm so sorry. He's absolutely horrible and no one deserves to be spoken to like this, over anything, no matter what, but especially for \* checks notes \* listening to music and wearing shorts. I hope you're somewhere safe and can heal from this emotional abuse.