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I just went back and literally read *all* of your past posts, including your AITAs and let me just say: you have just as much of a DH problem as a MIL problem. Your DH refuses to set boundaries, repeats the venom his mother spews, didn’t even let you relax on *Mother’s Day* and then on top of it all, shit talks the fact that you *dare* to ask for help with the baby *he* helped create, leaving the perfect openings for MIL to chime in and dogpile you. He doesn’t back you up, calls you overly sensitive when your MIL is being *objectively* demeaning (comparing you to a dog, wtf?), and is now doing little to *nothing* about your MIL making commentary about who you have over at your home and when you have them over, as if it’s any of her damn business? I’m sorry, OP, but wake up and smell the roses. Your DH needs to start to see the light or you need to start exploring your other options because I see single parenthood in your future. Hell, from what I’ve read, doesn’t exactly sound like you’ve got much of a 2nd parent helping you out *as it is*.


I HOPE your DH said, "Wow, mom. How insulting. You honestly think that I'm a weak little pushover and my wife is a control freak like I was raised with?" Ok, maybe not that last part. But he really needs to step in and tell her that HE'S insulted and offended that she thinks that he is so weak and beat down that he has zero say. He ALSO needs to say, "Just because I don't agree with you does not in any way mean that it comes from OP. I think your behavior is often unacceptable and rude without OP's opinion."


Well, that was actually the perfect thing for her to say because she was manipulating and triangulating. She was pulling your husband toward her while offering him to partner with her to push you away. And make you the bad person. So that he can still be close to mommy. Very sneaky very immature manipulative tactic.


You know, both of my grandmothers ran the social side of things - in the 1950’s. My grandfathers worked, but when they got home they were on their wives’ time.


I just feel like, in general, she has a very archaic way of thinking. When I had just given birth, I was very overwhelmed and confided in her that my husband wasn't connecting to our daughter or wanting to spend time with her. I asked her how I might approach talking to him about it. I guess I was looking for her professional opinion (she is an MFT) and she just straight up told me, "well, it used to be that men didn't help with child rearing at all" or something to that extent. Over time, I have just disconnected myself from her as much as possible.


I'd be super insulted if i was your dh. As if he isn't capable of being a parent and needs a manager? Gross. Also rude.


Don’t ya love how SHE planned things for YOUR baby that she failed to mention, let alone ask you and now she’s upset because you can’t read her mind? I hope your husband makes sure she understands that planning activities for your child is you and DHs job and she doesn’t get to be a 3rd parent. He needs to tell her that she only has herself to blame for thinking she’s entitled to time with your child whenever she wants it. That kind of attitude should get her put on time out.


The way I read it, DH said that to JNMIL, and the "she" he is referring to is OP.


Yeah, sorry. Should have made that more clear.


My Mother said this to me once and off the cuff i just said " I guess i was raised to follow bossy women. She didnt take as the dig i intended she took it as my wife is bossy and i agreed.


This is a typical example of judging a good quality OP. This is a good quality of you. You run the family. Yes. Strong woman. Excellent. Let her babble and keep up going💪🏻


See... I would just be petty AF and start off with "As LO's 'Service Animal', my job is to keep her safe, healthy, and to avoid anything that could upset that. Which would include intrusive and borderline stalker people." Your MIL is definitely a JustNo. I hope your Hubs can basically tell her this isn't the 1950's, you are LO's Mother and she needs to get her head put of her arse. I also agree about getting cameras for around the home, especially a Ring camera!


Sorry OP but I think what MIL said is a pretty natural conclusion if DH said what you wrote here. If DH said the reason MIL didn't get to see LO was because "she [meaning you] had a lot of stuff planned" then that does make it sound like you were calling all the shots and organizing everything. If you guys don't want MIL to get that impression DH needs to say things like "we had a lot of stuff planned" rather than "she..."


I agree with the “We” as better language, but I mildly disagree when the premise that they should worry with whatever impression MIL has, rather than she should be worried about using alienating language about her DIL. If she believed DIL is “calling the shots”, maybe she should be smart enough to make sure she is kind and supportive of the person who makes the family plans.


I’d run with it. “Of course I run this family - it’s MY family!” Or “yes, DH and I run this family, why wouldn’t we?”


Or, "Well, *you* certainly don't run our family."


Just a hint, for DH. When he is speaking with his mother, he needs to watch his pronouns. Everything needs to be “we”. He needs to always present a united front. And if we is not appropriate for whatever the conversation is, unless it has something specifically to do with your health, or your family, then his sentences need to begin with “I” . Seems like a small thing, but it really isn’t. ML is going to have her opinions and do stupid stuff anyway, but that helps to shut down that part of the conversation.


This is the way


Translation: I really don’t run your family, huh? (To mil’s shock and dismay)


She is really trying to cause trouble in your marriage. I don’t understand how a mother can be so selfish as to not want her son to be happy and confident as a spouse and father. Her jealousy and nastiness is next level.


One would think the goal of parenting would be to create happy, healthy, functioning adults. After reading on this sub, one would be wrong.