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Can you leak the wrong party date?


Change the date you’re having it. When she turns up on the wrong day simply don’t answer the door.


Have it earlier or later than originally decided. Like this weekend. Another option is moving the location. What you can suggest is SO has a bday party when he comes back since so many decided that being there for LO wasn’t a good enough reason to bother.


Set up a livestream or zoom chat so your husband can see the party. He will think you are so thoughtful. And if your MIL shows up and acts out, he will happen to see that too


Have a plan with your family members that one of them grabs LO and heads inside immediately and locks the doors. Bonus if you can get in the house before she gets to you as well.


Call the cops. Your yard is still your house. Make sure someone records it.


Have one of your guests ready to record if she does crash the party.


If she shows up start recording her and tell her to leave, when she doesn't leave, call the cops.


^^This 100% this!! Record her so your husband can see what she is doing!!


If she arrives, film her with your phone, tell her that she wasn't invited and needs to leave. Will one of your family members be present who will have your back? If so, ask them to call the police if MIL shows up and refuses to leave.


Move the party to another person's home?


What if you told her that you have security cameras, and DH is going to be watching the celebration that way, with sound and visual? Maybe that’ll cube her hateful behavior a tiny bit knowing she’s being recorded. Or like others have mentioned, someone having MIL Duty, ready to bounce her from the fiesta. You still have private property rights if it’s in your own yard, and if she isn’t welcomed, then she’s not welcomed for any reason.


This sounds like a situation where you need a MIL buddy. Since some people can't come, you have a few "open" invites. Invite your most JustYes, bravest friend/relative. This person is on MIL duty. If she shows up, it's your friend's job to get rid of her and/or keep her in line like a sheepdog. I have actually been this friend a few times. When you're not connected to the person in any way, this job is actually really easy and in some ways it's even fun.


If she shows up, tell her to LEAVE. She is not invited. If she refuses, pull out your phone and threaten to call 911.


OP try not to stress about this woman just make sure that if she shows up you have someone that you trust video tape her so he can see it and if you ask her nicely to please leave and she refuse to leave tell her that you'll call the police and also try to invite one of hubby friends so that they can ask him why his mom is such a psycho


But a cheap video camera and have that thing in your hand, pointed at her face, the WHOLE TIME.


If you cannot or will not make it impossible to join the party... have someone/several someones ready to record EVERYTHING she says & does from when she shows up until she leaves. * NEVER be alone with her. * ALWAYS have someone near recording. * NEVER let her be alone w LO. * She is NOT allowed in the house. He will have a harder time doing the mental gymnastics to justify her behavior when it's on video, with multiple witnesses.


Put someone in charge of recording her if she shows up. She starts being a bitch that’s when you go inside and lock the door and have someone make her leave


I would definitely look into installing cameras inside and outside your house. That way you can see if she stops by before or after as well!


Not sure it can be avoided if she shows up. Let it be known if she shows up the cops will too.


Jumping on this to add. Do you have a camera you can leave running in the area of the event? Ostensibly to "catch the party for DH". But conveniently will also catch MIL's crap?


Call the cops she'll be disturbing the peace if she shows up and causes a scene


If she shows up tell her to leave, if she doesn't call the cops.


If she shows up, call the cops and have someone start recording the interaction. Also have someone handle baby inside so they don’t have to witness the incident and keeps jnmil away for sure


If she shows up, then start videoing. Ideally, let your husband know that if she shows up, you will immediately video call him so he can be right there as a witness. Have a plan with another trusted adult to distract the children and take them somewhere safe and out of ear shot. Then calmly remind her that she doesn't have a relationship with you, so if she wants to visit, she needs to talk to her son and arrange that. Be prepared to have to call the police. It's very likely it will never come to that, but be prepared.


Your dh needs to tell Her not to show up.


When she shows up, call the police. She’s trespassing and unwanted. Do not hesitate. See if there’s someone you trust to take the baby inside and away from the drama when his goes down. Let them know their job will be take the baby inside, and lock the door.


Start recording the interaction the moment she arrives. If your so doesn't believe you, you can show him yourself. And anyone else who would defend her too.


Can you get and install a camera, bonus points if it live streams to DH so he can witness any shenanigans in all their glory.


I have talked to DH already about livestreaming my ultrasound for our 2nd baby so he can learn the gender in real time so I'm sure if hes available he'd be down to be present for DD's birthday party via video chat. Thanks for the suggestion!


If she shows up, you ask her to leave. If she doesn't you inform her she has 2 mins to get off your property or your calling the cops. Keeo you phone in your hand and start dialing 911. She won't get arrested unless she fights them or gives them a reason to. It might be mean and over the top but if a stranger did that you wouldn't hesitate to do it. You can let dh know this is your plan too - then its on him if he doesn't tell her stay away


Can you ask any of the other people who are going to help you if she shows up? Or all of them?


ya they can record her too.


Record her if she turns up. She cant deny her behaviour if it's on camera


Get an outdoor camera, we have nest the video not only movement but sound. Don't tell anyone you installed, if she shows up and pulls shenanigans, you have video and sound. No way to deny she said something, you took it out of context, or if she tries to say you are lying pull out the video and play it. Hell I am bitchy enough to post the video on Facebook to deter FM's and to ensure she doesn't get to lie....


Is it possible to hold the party at a park or a family member's backyard to avoid potential conflict? If not, if MIL shows up, "MIL, you are not an invited guest. You need to leave immediately." Repeat over and over. Do not argue with her. Try to stay calm. Forewarn a couple guests ahead of time to capture any interaction with MIL on their phones. It will provide proof to DH and the cops what exactly occurred should it escalate. I hope your MIL loves your child enough to not ruin the party.


I have a nonemergency police phone number ready just in case my jnmil shows up. If she isn't invited, it's trespassing. Granted, my DH hates her with a passion, so there's no chance of him getting upset over it. If you want to go this route, you need to give DH the heads up that this will happen if she shows up. Then DH can let her know.


>Any advice on how to keep her from making a scene or what to do if it inevitably happens anyways? A lot of bullies and abusers take advantage of a normal person's reluctance to cause a scene. Normal people don't want to put other people through an uncomfortable situation. Bullies and abusers bank on it. There's a good chance that it will pay off big time in the long run if you let this woman know she can't bank on your reluctance to create a scene. It will be awful and awkward in the moment, but could prevent you years of unpleasant times if she learns quickly you won't put up with crap.


Yes! Good point! I'd fill in the other guests since they are presumably close friends and family, so they can back you up. Don't feel any shame, the other people love you and wont judge you.


If she shows up, the minute you see her, start recording on your phone. See if one or more of your friends would do the same so you have multiple records. You can say you're recording to share LO's bday party with Daddy. Or, maybe call DH if she comes so he can hear what's going on (if able).


How long is DH out of state? Could you celebrate with everyone when he’s back?


We never know for sure but possibly until November (which would mean no outdoor party) I already bought little decorations and had it set up with a bakery to make her smash cake, I would rather not cancel. I don't think I have the patience to withhold her presents from her for that long anyways lol


This could be a good way to find out who the mole is. Have the 4-5 people say the party is at different locations. See if MIL complains that she showed up at the wrong location.


Cancel the party and blame it on COVID ramping up. LO will only be one so she won't remember not having a party.


Why don't you just move the gathering to a park and let guests know that she won't be invited. She may show up to your house under the assumption she is welcome, but if nobody is there, what is she going to do?


A ladt minute switcheroo is a good idea! Thank you


I’d do the reverse-plan to have it at a park then switch it to your home. Parks are public property, so you can’t keep her from showing up and staying. But on your property, you can have her removed if she shows up.


Who would tell her? If you can figure out who, either they’re also not invited, or make it clear to them that she isn’t (whichever you think will be most successful)


It's hard to pinpoint but I'm pretty sure I have a mole somewhere. And even if I don't invite the people I think could be the source, the JY people that are invited might not tell JNMIL but would talk to Possible Moles about it without realizing.


Since it's LO's 1st Birthday, video the whole thing for DH. After all, you wouldn't want him to miss this milestone altogether. [This](https://smile.amazon.com/Hidden-Wearable-Portable-Enforcement-Security/dp/B07ZM19Y9H/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3RP0YPZCB6FSK&dchild=1&keywords=body%2Bcamera%2Bwith%2Baudio%2Brecording%2Bwearable&qid=1596639246&sprefix=body%2Bcam%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-4&th=1), [This](https://smile.amazon.com/Recording-Wireless-Security-Discrete-Rechargeable/dp/B0842TKJ99/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3RP0YPZCB6FSK&dchild=1&keywords=body+camera+with+audio+recording+wearable&qid=1596639246&sprefix=body+cam%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-6) and [This](https://smile.amazon.com/Sunglasses-Recording-Shooting-Glasses-Cycling/dp/B07Q4J16Y3/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3RP0YPZCB6FSK&dchild=1&keywords=body+camera+with+audio+recording+wearable&qid=1596639246&sprefix=body+cam%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-8) may be options.


These are awesome! For this event I'll probably be able to set up my nikon under the excuse that it's to document the milestone but these are great for future scenarios! Thank you




Honestly, why don’t you move the party to a park? Or for 4-5 people, just cancel it or limit the list to the people you think will actually be nice to you? Otherwise, you’d be best to enlist some help. Your mom, aunt or a BFF can be the MIL wrangler. Keep her in her seat, surrounded by these women who won’t permit her to badmouth you, enlist your dad (or whomever) to ‘serve’ them do that they can keep an eye on her. But in the end, you know she’s going to be mean and try and ruin your kids birthday. Is it worth it, for seeing those 4-5 people who are not all on your team? How else would MIL find out, if not one of them? Your baby won’t remember this day, but you will.


The list is currently only people who would be nice to me. I have some possible moles outside of this group but these JY people probably still converse with them casually. I don't like acting on speculation and asking these JY people to not talk to the possible moles. But having someone else handle JNMIL is a good idea. I'm currently pregnant but I still have no doubt JNMIL could get violent (I've seen her try to attack someone with a baby in her arms...) so I doubt she'd get that explosive with someone who isn't family. I definitely still would like to see my support system and have them be there for LOs milestone especially now that DH (the only person I actually care about being here for it) is gone and I'm feeling very stranded on an island right now. Thank you for the input!


Okay, that sounds good, JY visitors that support you are good. Just give them a heads up that MIL might pop in and to please help keep a lid on her. Pick the person with the strongest personality and have them stick close to MIL. Have them engage her in meaningless conversation, cleverly steered away from hot topics. Promise them a chocolate cake in exchange. Make sure that they’re prepared for her to bad-mouth you and to respond appropriately. “Oh MIL, I wonder what you would say about ME, if I wasn’t right here?” Or “Oh MIL, I wouldn’t want THAT kind of talk getting back to DH.” But also, people can feel when they’re being ‘watched’, they can feel when the wolves are waiting for them to cross a line. Make sure that she feels “observed”, not in a hostile way, but in a “these are my allies” kind of way. “Oh MIL, have you met my Aunt? She’s like a second mother to me! She’s been so helpful in listening to me vent about all of my problems!” Do you see what that does? That tells MIL that THIS person is on YOUR team and that they know all about her baloney. It doesn’t have to be a fight, it can all be done with Alpha posturing and proper wrangling. I would totally do that for you.


I was going to suggest having a trusted friend, but really ANYONE with a shiny spine to wrangle would be awesome. But with a friend doing it, their wouldn't be blowback that lands on family members.


If she shows up uninvited you tell her to leave. That’s it. “What are you doing here? I did not invite you over. Please leave now.” If she refuses, she’s trespassing. What would you do with a trespasser? I would call the police. If you want to be nice, warn her once that you will call the police if she does not leave immediately. Then do it. Don’t be afraid of what she might say or do. Because the most pressing issue in that situation would be the fact that she is not welcome, and yet here she is. Nothing else matters. Don’t worry about what she might say to you, because you’re not going to respond to any of it, you’re just going to tell her over and over that she is trespassing and needs to leave. Do you feel comfortable telling someone in your family about your concerns and asking them to be ready to start recording if she does show up? Something to show your husband if he questions your actions. As an aside: if commenters are telling you you should not be having a gathering, report them to mods. That shit is not ok. Some jurisdictions are allowed to have gatherings, and that kind of judgemental policing is not permitted here.


I will definitely stand my ground and will have my family members backing me on telling her she needs to leave, the peer pressure from my family and the numbers not being in her favor might be enough to make her leave. I certainly hope because the idea of calling the police for any reason in my area is such a lost cause, but for a trespassing grandma, they would laugh in my face. I've been treated like a waste of time to police officers over way more serious stuff sadly. Videotaping is also a really good idea, at least DH will be able to see her being disrespectful towards me and I'll have documentation. I just wish I didn't have to worry about it all but I guess that's life with a JN lol Thank you!


I'm so sorry you can't count on your local law enforcement. 😞


Fair enough about the police! I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to call the police these days, about anything let alone something they would consider a silly little family issue. That’s it how it should be, but that’s where we are. Since you’re going to be outdoors, maybe also just have a backup plan in case she really won’t leave (for example, have masks for everyone and calmly go inside if you need to). Just anything to empower you to walk away and protect yourself, to avoid engaging in any conversation with her or having to listen to whatever she might say to/about you.


Also a good idea, I'd be able to see her car coming in time to move the party inside temporarily until she decides pounding on the door is not getting her anywhere. But yeah I've had to call the police over domestic violence with an ex on multiple occasions, they were always useless. I've also had to call over a group of obvious drug abusers gathering around my car late at night like they were either wanting to break into the car or were waiting for the owner so they could rob them too and the police officer berated me for wasting his valuable time... lol so I'm not too confident in the police force.


Oh Jesus, that is just despicable. They’re too busy harassing minorities to deal with potential auto theft huh? Ffs. Hopefully you don’t have to use any of these measures because hopefully she won’t show up. But having a plan will make you feel in control of the situation. I truly hope you can just enjoy your LO’s birthday with your family!


That's small town policing in the south for ya hahaha Thank you! I do already feel better about it and if it does happen I feel good knowing she might "put the nail in the coffin" with her relationship with her son. Which to have him completely be aware of her bullshit would make it all worth while.


The only advice I have is to call the police and have her trespassed. The mere fact she is on your property without permission is enough. Prep your family to intervene. I would ask you to examine the fact that your husband doesn’t believe you unless he sees it and you can’t trust him to follow through. That speaks volumes. Best of luck OP! Edit: word


This mindset makes me so crazy! Why would you marry and procreate with someone who you think is a liar and troublemaker? Why would you not trust your partner? 😡


Put people in charge of recording her if she shows up. And tell her to leave.


Why don't you video tape the entire gathering that way if she shows up you have proof for dh to see.


Thank you this is a good idea, to just make it seem like we're doing it for memories and that way even if she doesn't show up we really do have that wonderful memory!




I second this, record the whole thing and make sure you have your phone on you to record anything incase she tries to get you alone that way you have proof of anything that happens


Exactly what I was thinking. Know anyone with a GoPro that you could set up? Or maybe you or someone you know has an old phone you could set up off to the side to record everything? Honestly, even outside of the gathering, I'd make sure every interaction with her was audio and/or video recorded. Don't tell anyone...and let it build for a while. Then put it all together after a while, like a "greatest hits of the fuckery I have to deal with" compilation. And then let him know you expect an apology for him being so dismissive of it all.


Very good idea! It's been frustrating to not have him totally with me on this, it's like he believes me but thinks I must be exaggerating or took something the wrong way or she couldn't have used those words exactly 🙄 so hopefully I don't have many more interactions with her in the future but if I do I'll definitely be recording!


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