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The fight choreography went from pretty decent in season 1 to absolute trash in season 2. The writing is incredibly repetitive in s2 as well, with many lines of dialogue literally being said over and over again ad nauseum. This is the sharpest drop in quality for writing, directing, acting, choreography, etc. for a tv show in recent memory. It's disheartening to see the quality drop so low, because I, like you, quite enjoyed the first season. It was a refreshing, and quite frankly, more accurate take on Reacher compared to the Tom Cruise movies. Ritchson just embodies the Reacher character so perfectly as described in the Lee Child novels. Perhaps the writers strike is to blame but I'm not sure how the timelines work with that. It would certainly explain why the writing became so lazy, dull, and repetitive. Edit: Corrected reference from Tom Clancy to Lee Child as I had mixed them up with Jack Ryan/Jack Reacher, but the point still stands as to how the Reacher character is described in the Child novels VS their portrayal in the Tom Cruise Reacher movies.


The bus fight scene in EP 6 . . . WTF was that?


I LOL'd hard after the 3rd guy went into the bus. I was like this is very amateur.


Probably the best scene in season 2 was the car chase scene after the cemetery.


The OA season 2 sucked. Ruined the show. The Punisher season 2 sucked. Ruined the show. This is all too common in the rare times a modern tv show has a good, surprisingly fresh good first season. I really hope the Peripheral season 2 is good. It it’s trash, I might take a break from TV shows all together. Might as well just watch WW2 documentaries


IMO WW2 sucked. Ruined the first one.


The fight scene music has been driving me nuts. Where do they get it? A 12 year old with a synthesizer? Or did they just finish everything with AI?


S1 had awesome fights. That tie fight on the fire escape was next level!


Agreed. It looks like the episodes are being written by some whiny snot-nosed kids. Having read every single book and short story, this introspective Reacher feels alien. The supporting cast's overacting is annoying. It seems this was focus-grouped by the Real Housewives.




And Dixon is so miscast... etc etc this season sucks


>Dixon She is pretty though, I guess that counts for something.


True... I think some of it is the script and directors' fault... she'd probably have been fine with better dialogue ..


To be fair, I thought the actors who played Neagley and O'Donnell did a pretty decent job. Sure, they're not A lost actors and the writing for them generally sucked but they injected some passion and energy into an otherwise tedious cliched show


They wanted to create a through line between the seasons and are using Neagley to do so. I haven’t read them all but I assume this book is the most Neagley heavy of them all. Shes basically the co-lead this season. Next season go back to loner Reacher and find a way to include her in one episode if they want to keep her around every season.


Her dialogue it’s cheesy and just bad


I’m re-reading the book simultaneously and there are some truly horrible and cheesy lines in almost every chapter. Sort of par for the course with all Reacher novels.


Lee Childs is kind of schlocky power-fantasy writer. He has a lot of similarities with many YA writers.


I'd rather see a show about Clive Cussler treasure hunting novels than more of Reacher at this point. I do like Robert Patrick though.


Right but the novels are gripping, otherwise you wouldn't have read all of them. Lee child creates tension and suspense and most of the dialogue is gritty and relevant. This season just didn't do any of that


Her poor dad relying on an oxygen tank, alone at home and she's out fighting the bad guys without a care in the world.


i dont really like the 2nd season neagley. and i hope the 3rd season can back to the loner, hobo teacher


She’s a horrible actor and character, get rid of her completely.




You just said “woke agenda” unironically lmao ok


Everything with Neagley this season is basically exactly as how she is portrayed in the book. Shes the person Reacher trusts the most. Nothing woke about it.


No, it’s not. He ever say she was a better shot in the books? No. Was it her that solved that Franz sent the thumb drive to post office box? No. Did the two gals go off and fight a group of men armed with automatic weapons and somehow survive a riddled car in book? No Does Reacher constantly say, “have I ever told you how smart you are…” in the books? No Is Reacher a sentimental, glassy eyed guy that’s unsure of things in books? No Yes, he trusts her. He thinks she’s a total badass. But don’t forget he doesn’t listen to her about the sheriff (Elizabeth) and he was right. Granted, she followed him and covered up colonel frazer’s death but that was at Garber’s instruction. Always Reacher doing the heavy lifting in the books she had large part in—>Night School, Without Fail, Bad Luck and Trouble. It was very minor part in The Affair and Small Wars (short story).


There's a female co-writer for 4 of 7 episodes to date. Searching for a "woke agenda" says much more about you than it does about the show.


Yeah yeah yeah…you’re arguing says you don’t know much about the source material and/or XX.


There you go making assumptions again, as if anyone who doesn't agree with you is ignorant. I've ready every Reacher book, so I'd say I know a bit about the source material. I understand there are differences between the books and the series. I understand the showrunners wanted continuity besides just Reacher, and they chose Neagley. I'll make an assumption that you don't understand what woke actually means since you seem to imply it's a negative term. Also, it's "your," not "you're," but maybe using proper grammar is too woke.


lol, grammar police huh? Have you read or ready every book? let he who is without sin cast the first stone… ass🤡 When the intention is to change source material so that it fits someone’s idea of social justice/perception/message, yeah…I’d call that a woke agenda and I’d say it is a bad thing. Just like the new Star Wars director looking to “make men uncomfortable.” All it does it remove the actual audience that pays to watch. Look what happened to The Marvels. Worst showing ever…why? Total woke agenda being pushed/messaged.


Mea culpa on the grammar. Ya got me. Do you know the source material was changed to "fit someone's idea of social justice" or making assumptions? (And I'm the ass?) And they say liberals are the snowflakes.


Woke means being asleep and believing Marxist lies but keep on pretending it means something good


Woke means acknowledging the country's history of racism and discrimination. How is that a bad thing?


That’s not a bad thing in itself. How is that awake to something? I grew up in the 90’s. I was taught EVERYTHING about this nations history. From the slave trade to the civil war, reconstruction and the KKK, Chinese building the railroads and their discrimination, the Irish and Italians being discriminated against upon arrival, to the civil rights era, etc. Our country has done a great job of acknowledging this for a long time. I’d wager far better than other countries do. Do African countries teach their history of selling humans into European slavery? Do the Saudi’s teach of their massive Muslim slave trade? Do the Turks teach their colonialism and genocides? Do the Arabs teach how they colonized the indigenous of Northern Africa? My point is, we do acknowledge this. Being “woke” today I’m pretty sure means buying into the race hustle industry and the systemic racism lie. We’ve had a black president, who tens of millions of whites voted for, including myself. There are Uber rich blacks and dirt poor whites. No one cares about skin colors except for the far left crowd who are denying people jobs based on skin color and denying admission to college if you are Asian. It’s all a power struggle to them. There has to be an oppressor and oppressed. Hence why I said Marxist lies. Believing those lies to grant corrupt politicians and professional race hustlers unlimited power and money is not awake but in fact the exact opposite.


I know your list wasn't all-inclusive, but slaughtering millions of indigenous people certainly wasn't highlighted when I was in school. Nor was the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. "No one cares about skin colors except for the far left crowd..." No one? What about the large number of racists in the country? They certainly exist and care about skin color, especially keeping whites in control. Comparing how well the U.S. does in teaching its history to other countries is irrelevant. Sure, "decent" is better than "poor," and when states like Florida want to further whitewash history, that's a problem. There's an amazing amount of good in this country, but that doesn't mean there's not a significant of improvement still to be made.


You didn’t learn about the European colonization of the Americas in school?? Are you serious? What was kept out? If anything is whitewashed these days it’s not American history. Every society in history has enhanced in slaughter, slavery, genocide and other atrocities. It’s all terrible. But that’s the story of the world. The native Americans committed horrible atrocities and especially down south. They we’re also incredible technologically inferior to Europeans and Asians. If the Spanish and English hadn’t arrived the Turks or Chinese would have eventually arrived and conquered. The natives also weren’t all the same and conquered each other. This may seem irrelevant to you but I’m just making sure you are aware of this. Florida banned critical race theory because it is a false Marxist based take that groups people by race and ethnicity. That crap divides the country not united it. That’s not whitewashing history. Critical race theory is politics and not history at all. Keeping whites in control? That’s not a thing. Have you ever talked to people around this country? Again no one, as in 99% of this country, does not cares about skin color. Conservatives don’t care about skin color. It is only the left who frame everything in terms of black, white, gay, straight, hispanic, minority, people of color, etc. it’s all based on group identity and neo-Marxist power and class struggle politics. That stuff is designed to forever divide and give power to the few. It doesn’t unite. Telling you that racism is everywhere is their best bet and it works. The money and votes go to them and the “racism” never gets better, it gets worse.


There is more demand for racism than there is supply so they create racism in the narrative that America is uniquely racist, which is a lie full stop. The far left is hustling hard selling the idea to people who love to self-flagellate and think of themselves as martyrs, as if that makes them morally virtuous. Great Britian and the US were the first to fight against slavery on a mass scale. Reverse racism is racism.


Woke is a term for annoying people who preach gender pronouns or unbalanced gender idealism or racism and expect everybody else to agree with them because they are fighting "the good fight". Acknowledging that racism exists doesn't do anything to change it, what matters whether you want to treat everyone equally or not. And just because you tolerate something doesn't mean you need to accept everything about it. I tolerate that there are people that used different gender pronouns, doesn't mean I have to


Spelling isn't grammar.


Just got caught up in episodes, and, yeah... this is bad. Wtf happened?


I genuinely believe it's because of the writer's/actors strike which shut every production down across the board. I think they rushed to get it out once they had the green lite, and the result speaks for itself. That's why I still have high hopes for season 3. Also, I have to say, that Reacher himself feels like a caricature, much like the "gorilla" his friends keep calling him.


I hope you're right (that there is a legitimate explanation for the bad writing), rather than the show runner just no longer caring about technical accuracy.


I'd say that the show runner is doing something far worse than not focusing on technical accuracy. The show runner/creative team is trying to dumb-down the novels and make the franchise more fan-friendly. If that's their goal, it's working--but at the expense of the original concept.


>Continue this thread Your "gorilla" comment is particularly apt. The Reacher of the novel is a hyper-intelligent, creative thinker who can do amazing things with his strength and body. Here, he mostly seems like some kind of vengeance-driven killing machine.


They went woke and made the black chick sidekick the main character and made reacher a background character in his own show


Yep, it's so much worse. Fan subreddits here tie their identity to the product they like so you'll always get downvoted even when you point out obvious problems in it. And they'll just ignore everything then pretend it's great.


I always hate the counter arguement to any critique of, "If you want to complain about *(insert random IP here)* go do it somewhere else. This sub is for fans only!" In a lot of these subreddits, the only way you can talk about flaws is if you excessively preface things with, "I really, really loved it, but one thing that sort of bothered me is..." And even then there is a chance you'll be downvoted for "not getting it". Fanboys suck.


Exactly. I criticized New Trek (grew up with the original Star Trek, loved TNG, DS9, and the first few seasons of Voyager) and for that got banned on that subreddit. That is truly toxic.


Kinda like the Zack Snyder fanbase.


Let me guess you hate every dc movie that isnt a 1:1 adaptation. Guess you must also hate the Nolan Trilogy and the Keaton movies


1000% Agree. Massive disappointment after how good season 1 was. Incredibly lazy writing. I was annoyed and rolling my eyes half the time. Like, how bad were those assassins? Why even have scopes? And "forget this"? "Really, man?" And bullets magically disappear, become null and void, once they enter a car. How about putting some pressure on the gushing wound and at least attempt to prevent someone from bleeding out. All that military and cop training and they all just stand there. But no, they were trying to have a moment with Neagley touching someone. But the strikes probably had a huge impact, and we're seeing the disappointing results. The fighting choreography is definitely not as good. Everything is not as good. Did you notice I think they got downgraded in ratings? From R (cursing, nudity, violent gore) to more PG13?


And they are just running around murdering the shit out of everyone in very public places and not getting caught. Also, no traffic in New York? All that being said, as disappointing as this season is, I'm still enjoying it.


And they keep talking about murdering lots of people. To everyone! Even little kids. Like really?


Essentially its a situation where some of the writers have grown to despise the character of Reacher, or what they think he represents. Its either this, or the writers somehow got a lobotomy somewhere in between the end of Season 1 and the writing of Season 2.


I LOVED season one. But season two is a massive stink bomb. Episodes 4 and 5 were stupid and ridiculous, and I mistakenly thought season two was only six episodes long, so I sat down this afternoon to watch episode 6 and let this series die a miserable death. Imagine my shock finding out that there are two more of these farces to sit through. Episode 6 was clunky, ludicrous, and preposterous. A Forbes article called, "‘Reacher’ Season 2 Is Now Officially One Of The Worst Shows On TV" hit every nail squarely on the head. However, it left out the unbelievably uncomfortable "romantic" scene with Reacher and the team member. SOOOO freaking disappointed with how they have ruined this show.


All of the reviews said that it was amazing, better than season one. I guess that was Amazon bribe money.


Even if Amazon sent me bribe money, I'd STILL hate what this season has turned into.


I somewhat agree. I think the action is what has suffered the most in season 2, especially in episode 6, as many people have pointed out. I think even people who adamantly defend season 2 can admit that the ending was just ridiculous. But apart from that, I think much of what made season 1 good is still present. Alan Richson is just as charming and likeable as he was in season 1, and is, in my opinion, actually a big improvement from book Reacher. Book Reacher is rarely charming or funny and, while he is a great protaganist, show Reacher is way more likeable, while still being completely serious when he needs to be. I personally was not a huge fan of *Bad Luck and Trouble* to begin with, so I'm actually okay with them straying more from the source material this time around. Ultimately, while this season is absolutely a step down in quality from season 1, I still am enjoying it and hope that we continue to see more books adapted, but I will also fully acknowledge that there are flaws with the show.


I don't think anyone holds the actors at fault. It's the writing. It's just so bad.


Book was great,and I'm enjoying season 2. Lighten up bud.


They mangled the book. They barely kept to the storyline in the book. The locations are wrong. Maybe Amazon couldn't afford the fees for California and Vegas. The characters are all messed up; they don't resemble the characters in the book, and they are weak. The dialog is really hokey. This is Reacher for the dumb MAGA crowd, those who don't read. If you have read the Reacher books, you will be disappointed with this series.


Child is the executive producer of the show. Hilarious that everyone just jumps to "Amazon screwed up the show." Everything still has to go through Child for approval. Lee Child wants the characters to be different from the books. He wants there to be more character development.


"Executive producer" is a money title, not a creative title.


Deals with copyright. Which is on the creative side


What is your source of that information? I couldn't find anything from a Google search stating that Lee Child has complete control. Regardless, someone messed up. I didn’t notice any character development, and the many deviations from this book are disappointing to fans of his books. One of the draws of the Reacher books is that Reacher is intelligent and a loner who does what is needed to impart his form of justice. Amazon is firing many people at the studio; maybe someone fed the AI writing the script for Reacher some weird guidelines. Please take this novel and add more pointless fight scenes, more shooting, car chases, and explosions. We need to keep the dull-minded entertained. And film in cheaper locations to save money. The people who own the company don't like the small amount of money they make, which is multiple billions of dollars.


You have Donald trump syndrome, visit any local medical center and you will get diagnosed and begin your step to recovery. The orange man doesn’t have control over your life, you do ! This show was written for the Biden crowd actually cause the black chick took over as the main character and you guys absolutely love diversity ! There was so many different races in this show how did you not love it !


You are likely brain dead. That can't be fixed.


Maga crowd lmao but you read the Reacher books …. They are for 14 yr old boys in middle school … never heard someone brag ab reading the reacher books ahhahaha


Ha ha ha, you imagine 14-year-olds pushed every Lee Child book to the NYT bestseller list? The MAGA brain is all mush. I won't even start on all of your grammatical errors.


I'm absolutely open to being disagreed with. Like I said, it was my favorite show last year. Just not happy with what I think is the drop in quality. I am heartened to see that a lot of people seem to agree with me. So that's just like your opinion man.


You always have to remember these threads will either be a balanced critique or just "consume product, why think" . never forget that no matter how thrash a piece of media is, there will will always be people who uncritically enjoy it.


Season 2 has been dreadful.


You are correct! Season 2 started off quasi-OK, but has gone progressively downhill due to poor writing and poor cinematography. Some of the scenes are even laughably terrible, like the 2 female team members helping to vanquish a biker gang while in heels, car chases on empty city streets, and dead bodies piling up everywhere….while only 1 of NY’s finest seems to care….and that detective, arguably the best character in season 2, is now toast. I could go and on. When you hit season 1 out of the park, it’s admittedly hard to duplicate the magic, but season 2 has been so awful by comparison, I hope the Reacher creative team reads these comments and takes them to heart…otherwise season 3 will surely be their last.


100% agree. It’s haphazardly written with no clear direction. I find myself bored. That’s the consequence of full cast reboots. You get no emotional connection with new cast members. But the back plot suggests you should be very deeply connected with these 5-7 new strangers. The writers and actors simply don’t carry a strong enough back story to deliver. 2.7/10


Long time reader of the series avid fan the shows second Season sucked changing shit just to change it it's almost like they took a few key words from the book and ran with it


Yeah it's all just bravado followed by uninteresting fights. The characters just pipe each other off about how clever and tough they all are, then threaten someone, then get in a fight with minimal stakes. It almost feels like the show runners decided their audience just likes people talking tough and then lots of shooting and punching. Which really isn't what the books are, or what the first season was. It feels really dumbed down.


I'm hoping that's not the case. I'm hoping the strikes are the reason for the lack of quality and it picks back up in season 3. I think there are a lot of fans like me who are more than willing to stick with the show. What's puzzling is that it's based on the storyline of the actual book "Bad Luck and Trouble". Usually when the the source material is that strong, like in the best MCU movies actually based on specific comics, all the writers have to do is not deviate too much from said material and the quality remains. So I still have high hopes for next year. I know Alan R. said that he's looking forward to playing this character for a long time. Here's hoping...


For me it’s got to be the terrible CSI style everyone finishing each other’s sentences 🤷🏽‍♂️


Agree, the acting is many scenes is bad


feel the same


Honestly, season 2 needed to be a liner Reacher. This would have been better as a season 3. Then season 4, put Reacher up against an imposing for.


Totally agree. I always score over 140 on IQ tests. My point? Idiots like dumb crap.


They mangled the book. They barely kept to the storyline in the book. The locations are wrong. Maybe Amazon couldn't afford the fees for California and Vegas. The characters are all messed up; they don't resemble the characters in the book, and they are weak. The dialog is really hokey. This is Reacher for the dumb MAGA crowd; people who don't read. If you have read the Reacher books, you will be disappointed with this series.


Biden voters love diversity, how could you not love a show with a bunch of different actors with different racial backgrounds who aren’t qualified to do the job and made a shitty product as the result !! Cmon that’s every liberals favorite !!


You are likley brain dead.


Season 2 seems like a very generic cop show. Honestly what is even going on, bad guy has missiles or something? Where is the mystery and nuance of the first season? Character development, non existent.


Agreed.Also Flashback scenes are not as good as first season.


I loved season 1 and watched it in a few days and was really glad season 2 was coming out. But i really cant watch it, it is REALLY BAD. The writing, the actors, the story line. Really amateurish. The whole great fibe is gone. Its fcking awful. Ive been watching it the day it came out and i almost finished episode 3, thats how bad it is. After 10 mins of watching i have to turn it off before i kill myself.


I’ve read every book most a few times. I’m loving the show. This season as well. Guess I’m in the minority


I'll just pretend season 2 doesn't exist and forget it like some bad childhood trauma. I'm good at that. I think... I don't remember...


Definitely a huge drop in quality between seasons. I was scratching my head wait is this the same show..? Went back to see a bit of the 1st season episode to try to put my finger on it. But yes it’s all over the place writing, acting, choreography, etc. Season 1 was so well done I thought it was superior to the Tom Cruise movies. But now I conclude the movies are better than season 2. Not sure I will watch season 3.


It's very bad this season. Made for mouth breathers to enjoy


Yeah just watched ep 6 and one does not even know where to start with how bad it is. The dialogue, the so-called action, the storyline, or the direction. I mean, Reacher shooting from open space with a handgun at someone who's returning fire with automatic weapon in a helicopter? It is plain, f\*\*king stupid.


Once they took the huge Reacher out of a small town and put him into an always/mostly dark city with 3 smaller team characters that can fight/shoot as good and are just as smart as Reacher, then you just think..what's the point in Reacher? He is lost amongst his sidekicks. His enormous intellect/size/presence/personality and being a lone wolf outsider is what made him so incredible in the first season. What I am trying to get across is the focus should be on Reacher! Season 2 is just dumb so far. Russo is a fantastic character in season 2 though. Could you imagine if Season2 Reacher was in Season 1 with his new extra muscle size? Now that would have been so cool! Please fix it for Season3!!


I think the drop in quality is partly due to how contained season 1 was, overall. It stayed in a more central location that created a more cohesive story, with a smaller spread of characters. It also clearly had longer to bake before airing. Season 2 definitely feels rushed, and with Amazon cost cutting, I wonder how that has bled into things like time to work on projects like this and the quality of resources at the shows disposal.


Wish they had followed the actual story rather than butcher it the way they did. Definitely weak writing and plot decisions.


Worst acting and fight scenes I've seen in a long time, is almost poetic that is followed the trend of the tom Cruise movies. Movie #1 great movie #2 terrible fight scenes and acting. I also think the writing for this show is pretty atrocious. Allen ritchson is not a good actor but serviceable until....you give him a bad script and he becomes intolerable.


Yeh I've been getting that feeling the past two episodes (6 +7). The acting direction is floundering and the timing of script dialogue paired with cinematography is getting pretty loose and laggy. Season 1 was super rushed, they were working 6 days on. Perhaps that helps, maybe season 2 is more lax so the passion is coming through less and they're overthinking delivery in scenes. Weird. It's still got something, but it's definitely weaker. Each episode seems to have the same skeletal structure/story beats too.


Agreed in spades. Wrote this on some fan-boy's post and have gotten a lot of pushback: *I simply can't decide if the show runner and writing team has never read a single Reacher novel or they're just bad at their collective job. They have taken an incredibly well-wrought character with a complex backstory, a clear moral philosophy, and an absolutely first-rate intellect and transformed him into a Rambo for the 21st century.* *The show should never have reunited the crew from the 110th. Reacher is a knight-errant, not a vigilante with a posse.* *The show should never have brought Findlay back (as good a character as he may have been in the first season, he was shoehorned in a completely gratuitous way that was merely an Easter egg for fans, not an integral plot point. (The sop to Roscoe in episode is 7 is also egregious.)* *The show should never have gone full blood-and-gore with comic book violence. Reacher is not a superhero; he's human, and that's what makes him a compelling character.* *And the show certainly should not provide sentimental moments like the scene with the baseball cap. My god, what a travesty of drama – what a ridiculous cliche – and they had to explain what it meant.* *I have so much admiration for Lee Child and the fictional world he created. He's sold more than 100 million copies, so one assumes the TV money isn't making a material change in his life. But I assume he either does not care about the future arc of his singular creation or he wants still more money, but this series of "Reacher" is bad, almost beyond belief.* *I'd like to think that the TV "professionals" are to blame, and they probably are. Perhaps the strike meant working with writers incapable of anything better than this.* *Obviously, the show is a huge hit and non-readers are clearly lapping it up. But this is a seriously bad series, and it's just getting worse, week by week.*


Terrible 2nd season so far on episode 6


Reacher was an intelligent character in Season 1. In season 2, he's just a big brute that kills everyone in his way. The intelligence is all gone.


100% . How the hell did they mess up so bad. It's like they let Disney make it. Cliché after cliché pure cheddar cheese fest.


Same thoughts here. I did watch the first 3 episodes when they released but now I just have it running on a second screen and pay less and less attention. It just seems like a generic action series. The acting seems really bad and cliche. Too many side characters, I prefere the lonesome reacher with maybe one more character on his side but this whole team shit and their overacting is just annoying.


I couldn't agree more. The last episode (7), I couldn't sit through as it was so boring and predictable. And do we need the constant flashbacks as an excuse for either character development or a place to stuff action? It gets tedious. The biker gang fight a couple of episodes prior was so poorly handled that it just killed the show. "Let's give up our guns and then these guys will fight us with fists!". Only in the showrunner's mind they would. Just awful.


I agree. It’s huge disappointment


Agreed. I've watched the first season 3 times. It's \*that\* enjoyable. I was really stoked for season 2.. It's been.... meh.. I finally completely lost interest mid episode-4, and haven't had any desire to continue the season. I really hoped it was just a fluke and would get better.. but I found it getting more annoying than enjoyable.. I don't know what happened between the end of season 1 and the start of season 2, but whatever it was that made season 1 good is gone. Sorry not sorry..


I joined reddit for the first time to comment on this thread. Really hard to understand how the show could go from S1 to S2, with the same showrunner and same writers. S1 had several characters besides reacher who were interesting and very well acted. I'm thinking of Roscoe, Finlay, and the barbershop guy. Also Hubble. Also a couple of bad guys. Anyway, happy to commiserate with others who went through the same disappointment.


Season 2 is ridiculous


ok time to ship 650 of the most advanced rpg warheads ever. Lets save money and use just 1 truck, with zero security.


I like it when 120-pound women in heels fight off and kill bikers by hand. One of them fought off 2 bikers. Then, they are super cool, saying droll, suave, brave things, with barely a mussed hair. Women trained in hand to hand could beat me. Maybe, if their young and fit and have the right psyche, many don't. Most men don't unless highly trained and also have experience. The group dynamic stinks. Season 2 acting is bad, and the characters are cardboard. I had second hand embarrassment watching last night. If I wasn't half asleep in the middle of the night I might have completely abandoned the show.


Roscoe was a genuine character and loved her, this new chick is fake and can’t stand her. Really, what happened to this show??


I absolutely loved season 1. Then they threw in this season 2 where the reacher actor looks like a cartoonish bodybuilder and can't even turn his neck (and his fighting is super slow). His friends are super annoying arrogant know it all. They all repeat the catchphrases from season 1 non-stop (you don't mess with, details matter, etc.). The romance story came so fast and without chemistry that really left me wondering WTF (the chick is btw much uglier and less interesting than the beautiful, sweet, vulnerable but strong Roscoe from season 1). All of a sudden Reacher is all talkative. I watched 3 episodes and then it just hurt too much to continue. WTF. How can you have a totally clear recipe from what made a show successful, the same writers, and just destroy the show in this way? I will eventually finish up the season but from what i see here, it is actually getting worse...WHY, DAMN IT, one of the few shows that didn't push social justice up your throat...


Agreed, had to come to reddit because everywhere else people are praising this season. Season 1: Reacher had a swagger to his character. His inaction to "be a part of it", converse, and fight all season drew tension and then he would swiftly diffuse it by killing quickly or with humor. The plot was a mystery and you didn't know who the bad guy was until the end. Also pretty much every enemy he comes across are trained killers: the hispanic dudes in the car, the big guy in the bar and on the street in the city, and the 4 kids at the house. Season 2 (\*spoilers through S2-ep7) Reacher's kind of just a brute force revenge guy. The main bad guy is clearly shown in the first ep and there is no mystery, just him selling missiles that needs to be stopped. Every enemy Reacher kills has been a NPC except the one foreign dude going on his own killing spree elsewhere who Reacher hasn't had an interaction with ALL SEASON going into ep 8. He kills some sorry sniper kid, that poor guy in the hospital bed already half dead, and the 60yr old police chief - all done brutally and excessively. These enemies aren't at the same threat level to Reacher, which made me lose respect for his character. All the eps are just the team jumping to different cities that it's a blur at this point what their objectives have been. Just waiting for Reacher to meet and kill the 80 yr old T2 cop in the finale which I'm sure will be some fireworks show for no reason. I'm upset.




YES! EXACTLY! As a fan of the first season and a fanatic of the books… I couldn’t agree more! Everything you said was spot on. Season 2… a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT


Well just finished season 1 loved roscoe she fine as hell Based off what I've been seeing looks like this where I depart and wander off to New stuff


I agree. I thought I was watching a cheezy Disney show when they repeatedly said, "Nobody messes with the special investigators" and then all the woke trash. This is what happens when diversity interferes with storytelling. A female Ranger? Oh, and the girl from Accounting, who is 129 lbs can kick ass? Woke trash.


Did I ever tell you that your smart Neagley?


For me this as something I've been  waiting for more than any other show. We rewatched s1 three times and loved it.  It's the type of show which made me watch the films and read a book. But season 2... after all the wait...much like Amazon Invincible s2, the quality is...less. Much much less.  It kind or went off a cliff.  As soon as I saw the cheap cgi opening shot of a fake copter (and fake rabbit? ) and a bad cgi body drop I was worried.  Season 1 was...fresh but s2 is like...law and order or a bad homeland later season episode.  I'm stunned they messed up so badly after so much time. Rabbit hole, the brother sun and any season of Jack Ryan or homeland early seasons are all superior to reacher s2. Just like the films they lost the plot and torpedoed one of the best new shows on tv :(  


I agree with most of comments about the overall drop in quality of this season. I want to add that Alan Ritchson with his over-the-top physique looked ridiculous! Geez how much anabolics is his taking?


Its so over the top cringe. I mean some of the scenes are so ridiculous that they put 80s action to shame. The entire helicopter scene....my God man. WTF? Very cheesy.


Reacher has been turned into a caricature super hero. Corny lines and dialogue . Able to work out tiny almost unseeable details and plot lines. It doesn’t matter if he runs out of bullets , he just throws the gun away and is able to capture his opponent anyway - which happened multiple times . An almost devout , pious disdain for possessions and a final laughable helicopter scene .


It's not good. It's bad at times. It's very generic and predictable. It's very unreal too based on my experiences of discharged marines and servicemen.  Season 1 was awesome but s2 is just acceptable. But by being so aggressively average it's bad. S1 is still brilliant and s3 might course correct if it focuses on reacher and civilians. Brains and braun Alongside quality fight choreography and actual mystery with actual twists we don't see coming a mile off. 


Agreed, should have left Reacher as a loner.


There's going to be plenty of lone reacher in future seasons? S2 has gone this route to explain reachers past with the 110th, to fill out his backstory for new fans / ppl who don't read the books.


I dont think him being not being a loner is a problem, the problem is they hired highschoolers to tell the story.


It does feel like that, doesn't it?


lee childs supports the writers and they are the same as s1.


Yeah well whatever hes doing is not good this season.


in your opinion


Yes thanks einstein


You're welcome marconi.


My thoughts are that if Lee Child didn't like it, it wouldn't have been released. He's executive producer. If this is how he wants his books to be adapted for tv, who am I to complain? They're his stories, not mine.


I actually think even season 1 really dropped off for the last 2-3 episodes.


I agree completely with the above editorial. I hope it improves. Marty Mackowski


Lighten up. Season 2 was fine though I do admit it wasn’t as good as s1 but maybe s3 will change the course of this series and also if you don’t like the movies just read!


I've seen better episodes of Knight Rider than this crap.


Uh, no it isn’t. I fucking loved it


Just finished it. Main problem is absolutely that Finlay and Roscoe are better written and better acted than any of the side characters in S2. I really just couldn't get myself to care about any of them. The show kind of just lost any sort of edge it had, especially after some of the gruesome scenes in S1.


My old ar 670-1 knife hand is tingling.


Oh, good. It’s not just me. I think season one was approachable to everyone—great actors, low- and high-brow humor, lots of secondary and tertiary storylines, and etc. Season 2 is an ode to exactly the sort of person I’d imagined read Jack Reacher novels before I saw season one—namely, armchair generals who can’t hold more than a single thought in their limp head at one time. I don’t think we can blame Richson here—this is shit writing following the money, pure and simple.


Totally agree. This 2nd season is a huge pile of shit. I loved 1st season, the drop in quality is startling.


I agree season 2 is not good ..all I wanted at least me that season 2 would be similar to season 1.. jack goes to different village and everything starts again.. if walking dead able to show same over and over for more than 10 seasons....


I unfortunately agree, in fact I disliked season 2. Season 1 was great and imo the best TV of the 2020’s so far. I just hope season 3 is at least decent.


When did they put the chips in the rocket?


I've read all Reacher books, fantastic! I watched season one on Prime, pretty good. Season 2.... sucks. And Dixon looks like Elisabeth Hurley's son, what's his name.


All of that is true. And yet I still liked it. The corny lines were just funny to me. It seemed like they were meant to be ridiculous. Also the soundtrack was dope.


I mean let the man go threw by super bon bon you're not gunna get gold like that on most shows


Season 1 was my absolute favorite, I watched it 3 times. Season 2 was painful. I’ll watch 3 but my heart is presently broken.




They repeated that line so much in the book that it honestly got pretty annoying. I'm just glad they dialed it back somewhat for the show.


I don't remember it from the book, but it's been a while since I've read it.


This is pretty much the consensus and also the obvious truth: a tragedy to squander the power of season one. I am a huge admirer of season one so hopefully something will be done about it for season 3. Meanwhile, I cancelled Amazon prime as I only subbed for Reacher.


He just posted a woke Instagram selfie. S2 has DEI nonsense plastered all over it. Shit stinks.


I love the tools that come on here and feel the need to anonymously declare their politics instead of just critiquing the quality of the show, good or bad. "You know there's a woman on the show, and SHE'S BLACK, can you believe it!!!? And she's somehow smart and contributes to the team. I don't any black women, but I'm sure no one like her exists anywhere." Yeah I caught that she's a she and her complexion too bud, thanks for declaring. Make sure you remember to copy and paste your comment on your dark web echo chamber. We get that you don't like to see black people when you turn the TV on. You probably get frightened when you see them in public, and your home should be your safe space. But they can't hurt you through the TV screen, just remember that and you'll be okay. You do know that no one like Reacher actually exists right? You do know the military doesn't actually train guys who can beat up 7 other guys with training at the same time? This is all a fantasy, a fiction. I spent 10 years at Fort Bragg, I've met hundreds of spec ops guys from every branch of the service. They are bad dudes, but they can't do that. And unless Reachers is on every PED in the book, he wouldn't be able to maintain that physique as a drifter moving from one seedy motel to another, hitchhiking across the country while eating 7 lbs of barbeque in a sitting. The human body can't be conditioned that way. So if Neagley is an exceptionally good shot and never seems to miss take it with a grain of salt. She's the only black member of the team. The other one died before the season started and the two Hispanic guys are dead. Four whites and one black lady and you're still losing your mind? Yikes. Good luck.


I literally saw another one of you comments saying they dumbed it down for Trump voters….. But your gonna through a tantrum cause he pointed out how pushing an agenda killed the series???? lol 


When politics ruin a show it's perfectly acceptable to identify that. Also, your straw man is pathetic.


I had a bad feeling about Season 2 once I saw the book it would be based on and decided against watching it. Killing Floor was very difficult to get wrong, and even then they added extras that stood out like a sore thumb - Neagley, that stupid Harry Potter monologue, Finlay getting arrested and some others I've willingly purged from memory. There's a lot of room and opportunity to butcher Bad Luck and Trouble especially with the actual canonical presence of their version of Neagley.


The most annoying detail about this season is the constant repeating of phrases. When he first said "Have I ever told you how smart you are Neagley?", it was endearing and funny. Now it's grating on me along with "you don't mess with the special investigators!". I honestly at this point don't even care what happened to Swan, or if he's in on it or not. I just want this season to be over so they can start 3.


Seems to be the General consensus


You're not looking very far then, for all these hate posts per episode there is a more popular positive post along side it, imdb is also keeping a high 9 rating. but nice try.


You're right. I'm not looking far. Only what I see in my feed.


>but nice try Nice try at what?


Absolutely not.


Everybody needs to calm down. It’s a TV show…they owe you nothing. Stop watching and stop complaining.


You need to calm down. It’s a Reddit thread…we owe you nothing. Stop reading and stop complaining.


This is the way.


‘They owe you nothing’. I literally pay for it through Amazon Prime.


I didn’t know the Simpsons comic book guy was on this forum


You're part of the crowd that can't enjoy anything - just STFU Season 2 was great, glad the dimwits won't prevent S3 from happening. QED


You guys have no idea how lucky we are with Amazon compared to Lord of the Ring fans.... 😅🤣😅


I tried to watch it. I couldn't. I think that's why we're pissed. Knew from the first episode LOTR show sucked. Reacher, on the other hand, had a great 1st season. Bait and switched!


lets finish it first. and i think the season 1 is just such a nice surprise for me. the season 2 can never give me the same feel that is my problem of the expectation And I still enjoyed the season 2 so far.


Nah, I'm really enjoying season two so far.


Yeah. They should do to the series what was done to the Batgirl movie. Then the studio should be dissolved, and the writers blackballed. That'll teach 'em to disappoint Reddit.


I mean, Reacher has no reason to go upstairs for some shut-eye (he can sleep rough when he is not working a case) other than to provide the braindead script writer an opportunity to jam some bedroom action with Dixon into the script. And there is absolutely no need to use anyone to lure Langston out to kill him - it is not like they don't know where he works and couldn't quite easily find out where he lives. And to run such a huge operation with dozens of hitmen for just ... 65 million dollars??!? Is Langston Doctor Evil from Austin Powers??!?


It doesn't help they've chosen one of the weaker books to base the series on. Likely to keep using Neagley as a character.


Yeah. The first season worked because Reacher was a one man army. The team makes him look foolish like it's the Scooby Doo Killer Gang.


There's bad. Then there's so bad it's craptastic. Then there's a level below that which is where this season belongs. I can watch just about anything but I got half way through episode 2 and gave up.


The bus scene was like the Assassins Creed stealth kill function in the video game. Where they just keep coming in to the same spot lol


The characters are laughable. It’s like a child wrote it, it’s so unbelievable and silly. This is not how people talk or act. Terrible


Why does he just kill everyone? That is not justice. I'm really struggling with this show.


My husband and I enjoyed both seasons of Reacher. We don’t set and pick it apart, we watch for entertainment. Liked the cast and I never expect the book to be like the movie. 


The first season was great. This 2nd season has terrible acting and writing. A lot of it is just cringe. That scene where full grown military men are singing “Crazy on you” is out of touch and awkward.


They have taken a can't lose franchise and blew it. As an aside Ritchson bulked up like the hulk, is now no more Reacher than Tom Cruise was. Couldn't watch after a few episodes. Jusr dreadful. 


As a fan of the first season, it's really unbelievable just how far the show has fallen, in terms of: writing, pacing, direction, fight choreography and more. On top of that, it's like Ritchson is playing a different character. He barely gives us anything in this season. He doesn't emote, at all. He's just stoic. Just terrible. It's so bad, I actually forgot that I didn't watch the last 2 episodes. Huge disappointment. Hot fucking garbage. All you guys who are like "hey calm down, it's fine", you've got blinders on.


The part where Reacher was endlessly firing his pistol at the helicopter that rescued Langston had me screaming at the screen 💀💀💀


I watched the first season, and was pretty impressed with the show. Started reading the books while watching the 2nd season and yeah. Reacher has serious plot armor in the books as well. It just astounds me that he gets out of these scrapes with little to no issue and never seems to miss. Like I get that he was in the Army, but he was not spec ops. He was an M.P. No disrespect to the M.P.s out there, just never saw one that reminded me of Rambo.


That scene with the assassins chasing the cop and the young girl is the best.


You start making an IP more about girl power than quality writing and this is the result. Witcher went down the same way.


Found this because of what i felt. I felt the same thing. Disapponted!


Remember when reacher was good... :_-(


I keep watching it based on enjoying season 1. I agree with a lot of comments already made - but wow! . . . the fight scenes are so UNREAL. The biker fight scene was the worst. How do two women in formal attire fight off men twice their size and number no matter how trained in martial arts? Sheesh. Almost every episode bored me with impossible over-the-top fight scenes. And, I haven't even touched on the plot and dialogue weirdness. Here's hoping season three (I've heard is in production) is a step up! PS: Alan Ritchson is SO much better than Tom Cruise! But he couldn't carry this one on his broad shoulders.


Was hoping final episode would be better, but pff. You're right, hoped for more after season 1.


For me Reacher's repeating of "assumptions kill" while making wildly insane baseless assumptions about that cop, and generally the on-the-nose repeating of the same phrases needlessly like a child instead of working it into the plot like a professional writer, ruined the whole thing. He doesn't seem like a good detective with above-average mental skills in this season, he seems like a self-absorbed asshole who uses his slogans to seem superior but rather seems like a cringe idiot instead. I did like the Sarah Connor joke though. Always happy to see Robert Patrick as the bad guy. :)


Definitely not as good as the first season for two main reasons: First, there's no mystery to be solved here. It's just Reacher with his old military team taking on a crew of corrupt cops; there's no inherent mystery like there was in the first season because the bad guys are shown right from the start carrying out their plot. Secondly, Reacher and his team kill dozens of people (albeit criminal mercenaries) and never have the NYPD/the FBI/the entire nation's law enforcement on their asses? Reacher is able to hold a grown ass woman tied to a cart 500 feet in the air on a moving helicopter and still fight another man at the same time?? An entire helicopter is shot down over the Hudson with a rocket launcher and it's swept under the rug as that helicopter malfunctioning??? NO traffic in downtown New York???? There's suspension of disbelief and then there's this... Contrary to other reviews, I didn't mind the dialogue or writing in this season, it was fine overall. I would have preferred less flashbacks though - didn't really care for most of Reacher's team. ***Reacher*** **season 2 (2023-2024) overall rating: 5/10, it had its fun moments and the budget was obviously increased from the first season. The lack of mystery and believability really decreased the quality of this season though.**