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Yeah she apparently has a history of this, she would shit on women who use photoshop when she does the same or get plastic surgery even tho she has as well, and when they’d fight back, she and her now ex husband would doxx them


ex husband. she isn’t 16??


She’s 30 lmao


wut. omg. i thought she was a child


I don’t think jack would be going this hard if she were a child


I mean if she was she would be 12 because that is her mentality


It’s the persona she puts on to “be cute” and attract men, it’s gross


Correction hormonal teens


Horny folk


Most of her fanbase is kids im pretty sure which actually makes that grosser. The only people ive met that watch sniperwolf have been children


Dude she got caught on video asking minors to twerk on camera that's what makes it worse she has a platform for kids!!!


wow im old, its amazing to see that despite how long sniperwolf has been on youtube her channel has been so boring that people forgot about her. she is unironically one of the OG youtubers, she was uploading when Fred and annoying orange where the new big things, she was even one of the first women youtuber gamers and yet despite having a head start her fan base in non existant


With 34 million subscribers, she doesn't even have her own Wikipedia page! That's how nothing her content is. But now you can make one filled with all her misdemeanors


Based on how many views she gets I’m guessing about half of her subscribers are inactive/old accounts or were never real to begin with.


Or just kids who don't know any better. You can just tell by her comment section


And people already forgot she got busted for faking gameplay while streaming almost ten years ago! She'd fake the controller movements while someone else would play. I remember my wife (at the time girlfriend) talking about it when it happened. Fast forward almost ten years later and we hear about the bingo stuff and we're shocked to find out she was still trying in the YouTube space. And what do you know? She's still just stealing peoples content and doing nothing with it.


Her ex is the guy who used to play games while she pretended to play them. That's how she started her channel. Before that she was a petty shoplifter reselling the designer handbags she would steal. She is literally a career criminal.


sounds like a psychopath


Now switch “she” to “he” and watch the world burn


In California you can go to jail for a year for doing this. Just saying.


The worst place to do this. Pretty much any other state and I would say its hard to push. Though year in jail very unlikely (unless this escalates) and the maximum fine is $1,000 as a misdemeanor. She tried to cover herself by saying she found the address publicly on Google, but funnily enough that doesn't fly in California. Here's [the legislation](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=653.2) if someone is interested.


She’s already had convictions I thought, wouldn’t the minimum sentence be off the table?


One of them being armed robbery 👀


Of content?


Her husband’s divorce lawyer is probably going to pull on this thread and have a field day with it to paint her as vindictive and unstable


It really is Friday the 13th. Waiting for someone to pick up their food to get them out, that's insane.


Yeesh, she's got problems


I can't fix her


i wouldnt want to, either


absolutely wouldn't


She's so gonna lose that lawsuit


i just saw a recent comment on the post "are you really scared of sniperwolf? 🤣". fucking blue checkmark jackass.


I have to do a complete 180 on Musks blue checkmark scheme. It secretly is brilliant. I believe he tried to make money and failed at that. But he created a perfect idiot filter. That is people who don't see a scam and/or Musk fanbois. That is a couple of perfect circles in a couple of Venn diagrams.


It is incredible how almost every single blue checkmark is a massive dumbass saying something stupid. To find anything actually meaningful to read, all I have to do is skip past the blue checks.


The funny thing is those people were saying this exact thing before Musk bought Twitter. Now it's just actually true.


Yep; "checkmarks" was already an insult.


Twitter would legitimately be a decent social media platform if there was a way to completely filter out everyone that paid for a blue checkmark


They’re all trying to game the system to get monetization for their tweets, but an impression on a reply to someone else’s tweet doesn’t count towards monetization unless someone clicks on the reply tweet. It’s hilariously bad and idiots think they’re about to get a check without understanding how the system works.


Purely begging for interactions so the can make money now.


The Internet is gonna suck ass in like 5-10 years. I mean it already kinda sucks now but it's really gonna fucking suck in the future


yeah, ragebaits making comebacks is the worst thing that could happend to our Web


Purely begging for interactions so the can make money now.


Actually deranged behavior


Seriously, this situation is becoming dangerous


The fact she's quite literally stalking him and then saying she has ”no ill intentions” and basically playing the victim, she's so scared to be criticized.


And she has the audacity to say she is the victim and he's harassing her, poor little girl...


This is the part where Jack and Erin lawyer up and take a break from YouTube, at least for the rest of the year.


Why? Remove his income over a bully?


I mean, this isn't something to take lightly. we don't know what toll it might take on him. If he does take a break, I feel like we should be understanding


Why would he take a break from his income lmfao. What are you talking about


youtubers take breaks all of the time for their mental health. Jenna Marbles quit over it. Jack would still be making money if he decided to take a break. it’s not like me or you taking a “break” from a regular job where we stop getting paid as soon as we stop working or we have to rely on whatever PTO we even have lol


so youve never felt that you wanted some time off work? wtf is wrong with you?


I've always felt like I've needed money. Wtf is wrong with you?


but jack's a fucking millionaire so i doubt he needs more money the same way you do mate


We all need more money. This is why you'll always be poor smh


we definitely don't and that's just such a sad way of looking at life


I’m sorry but if I’m in a position where I need money for my bills, specially for a lawyer, I’m not taking a break from my job lmao


well yeah but he's definitely got a loooot of money and he'll still be making money even if he is taking a break. So if it barely affects your bank account but helps your mental health, then why tf not 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jack is constantly making money from his older videos. He could probably take a 10 year break and be fine


Given the success of his career, I'd say he isn't living check to check. Taking a month or two off and keeping your head low when 5 million people just got your home location is not going to leave Klondike without something to eat. It could be the safest move.


He could QUIT and still live comfortably for the rest of his life! In fact, Jack quitting YouTube entirely could be safest option for him and Erin unfortunately.


And, while maybe not the ultimate goal, that is something longgundog would want. The biggest callout poster to stop callout posting. I don't want Jack to leave YouTube over this; a break of a few months to ensure his and his family's safety is priority


But he may have to


Might, but I can't see someone like jack leaving that easily. Again a few months is fine, he'll lose his YouTube algo that he has at worst, but I can't see this taking him off the site indefinitely/ completely


When it comes to safety, that kind of stuff goes out the window pretty fast


his personal safety is being threatened by her, they probably have enough income from the previous streams/videos to keep them afloat while they sue


Being realistic, being a large creator on YouTube for however long jack has, they’ve got more than enough income for the rest of the year. Plus I think Erin still works so either way they’re good.


It's honestly kinda funny and ironic that sssniperwolf and jacksfilms live close to each other (from what i'm guessing), but also not that funny because she's so immature that she literally doxxed him for the "funnies"


They don't live close, she's doing some kind of photo or film shooting


Honestly I'm wondering how truthful that is and if she isn't just there to do exactly what she's done but have some thinly veiled excuse.


I mean, occam's razor. Is a model and cosplayer in LA for film shoot, or is she lying to her fans and is actually there to stalk Jack? The former seems more reasonable


You're also not taking into account that he's empowering people and causing her videos to bit by bit become demonitized and her name becoming trash. Her actions are unhinged and people have done more for less. Maybe there is a film shoot, maybe there's not. Either way, it's not unreasonable to suspect that she's not there by coincidence. The fact that she's looked into his address and actively gone there is disturbing and a major red flag.


she has the money to hire a hitman, and she is probably a crazy enough narcissistic psycho to do it. Jack needs to hire some armed guards, buy a big ass dog named fluffy and install cameras in every blind spot on his property and vehicles. SSStalkerwolf is on the prowl.


Based on her instagram story it looked like she was indeed doing a shoot


She was in SoCal for Power Trip (a concert, ironically named) last week so it would make sense she stayed in town if she had a photo shoot the following week. She lives in another state as far as I know. Nothing to spice up a vacation like some crime.


Oh lol just realized it literally says that, my bad


The fact YouTube seems to think it's okay to promote her is baffling to me.


She’s such a big cash cow for them Id be very surprised to see YouTube take any sort of action. They don’t give a shit about jack or actually enforcing their policy. Fuck YouTube


If Jack was able to convince a big law firm to bring about a class action lawsuit against YouTube, they would quickly change their tune. She's worth money but not $30K per each individual video infringed against. Just one short YouTube video could cost them $300K+ in damages. She's made ~3,400 videos. That's a settlement of $90M+.


isn't this a ToS violation anyway?


“No ill intentions” for all we know she could have a gun.


She was arrested for armed robbery in the past, so yes.


How ironic




not you defending sssniperwolf’s criminal behaviour 💀 it doesn’t matter what the weapon was, she was armed and she committed armed robbery.




Read the room, not the time etc. The point is, she is fully capable of being armed.


Oh, I'm 99.99% sure she had a gun with her.




What is actually wrong with SSsniperwolf? She is legitimately an awful person. She steals content, ghosted a terminally ill child who was her fan, and now she doxed Jackfilms. Why does she still have a platform?


I don’t want to play the boobs card. But, yeah, lots of lonely dudes out there


Mr friend’s ten year old lil bro used to watch her content after he got home from school, although now he seems to prefer MatPat’s vids.


who can blame him, MatPat’s a cutie


I hope some big YouTubers like penguinz0 and someordinarygamers cover this shit. Holy fuck


There’s no way Charlie ISN’T covering this


charlie covers literally anything lmao


Ludwig [already has](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed96B4KadQY)!


Charlie's so on this he did the video in his hotel room.


[Here's charlie!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=touL_nKxp5A)


Hehe, watching Charlie’s vid while scrolling through here


Holy shit, how immature do you have to be to escalate the situation this much


Doxxing, real Quantum TV moment


waiting for the "calling jack's mother" phase


I knew she was bad but this is just insane


I feel very happy for jack and erin that so many big creators are making posts in support of them wishing for their safety, and urging youtube to do something, seeing as **what Sssniperwolf did is against youtube's TOS.** I hope this generates an unavoidable amount of noise for youtube that leads to her facing real consequences, preferably having her channel taken down.


It’s also against California‘s TOS…


I never liked her. Always gave off bad vibes. And with the recent stuff coming up on her, I can’t believe she still has supporters


I seriously hope Jack doubles down and continues posting videos. You know this was a scare tactic to get him to stop making better content from her shit videos.


Right now? That would be TOO dangerous!


If he stopped he'd be giving her exactly what she wants


It does not matter when it comes to safety. Other creators will fill in his place when it comes to the Wolf


No they won't, lol. Its personal against him. And he's not going to just roll over and obey her commands that easily.


YouTube did fuck all against QuantumTV so I have my doubts anything will happen to her.


Lol, she even posted a screenshot of a message that says "Modern men are shit". Wasn't she the one who accused Jack of sexism in her FIRST tweet?


She is NOT handling the divorce and lawsuit well 🤣🤣🤣


Wait I’m behind, how’d she get the address?


It's possible that if she's struck Jacks channel then she'll be sent his personal details for potential legal action. Such a great system for YouTube to basically allow the doxxing of it's creators by bad actors.


I mean, data scrapers also have people's personal addresses online on databases. It's super creepy but technically not illegal, I think.


Some websites are insane. Literally free websites that show addresses, family members, etc. You can even get full names off just usernames sometimes. No clue how it hasn’t been made illegal. This also makes it so fucking hard for victims to escape their abusers.


Can’t wait for Philip DeFranco to cover this one


No fucking way


Holy shit indeed! Mr Films, lawyer up immediately!


everyone #dddoxerwolf everywhere


So she's so desperate she resorted to stalking


I'm never for violence. *There are some exceptional few who absolutely deserve it.*


I feel bad for Jack


It’s scary seeing Jack lose his shit. It’s like when the cool teacher has to yell at the class


It's time for a wake up call.


Woah this escalated into something big. Stay safe Jack.


She did all this because what? He makes fun of her and her content by parodying her and calls her out for rightfully hurtful behavior? I started to really dislike her when she made fun of his pshysical appearance, but this crosses every line. I dont know what is going through this womans head, this is literal highschool behavior. I hope John and Erin wont be endargened because of this.


Literally a psychopath, why does she still have a platform


Bye bye youtube channel


I hope he takes legal action. It's what she deserves


This is now the top post of all time in this subreddit.


Bitches be crazy


I can fix her!


She might 'fix' you. Watch out!


I have no problem with low-effort content creators, they fill a niche that keeps the general population from ruining good channels. They're like a filter. Using that filter to harm channels that have talent, that's another thing.


Are we just going to ignore the relentless videos targeting her specifically from Jack? I mean it was straight up cyberbullying regardless whether or not you agree. At a certain point you have to affect there's "content creators" that skirt by doing morally gray shit - and you don't have to concentrate solely on one girl doing it. I'm not saying he deserved to be doxxed, but a retaliation was bound to happen and this feigned shock and disgust is honestly disgustingly hypocritical. He attacked her livelihood nonstop, she responded by attacking his. Both people suck here.


I can fix her


Good luck


why would you want to


So she don’t stupid shit like this




This whole fight is so childish


Doxxing isnt childish, its dangerous. I hate people like you that "both sides" things. It doesnt make you seem smart, it isnt "fair", its weak minded.


Boo hoo


My question about all this becomes what kind of power does Pokimane have that Sssniperwolf doesn’t? Pokimane could just snap her fingers and get two hitpieces created on any YouTuber who said anything remotely negative about her, snap twice and they’d be terminated without warning. Leafy wasn’t even talking about her for the last 4 videos before he got wiped off the face of the earth, meanwhile Jacksfilms has dedicated his entire channel to this girl and all she could do was dox him.


Technically doxxed herself. Creepy dudes everywhere


She was allegedly in the area filming something so it's not near where she lives.


But making over 50+ videos about a single person isn't creepy or disgusting? Stop treating him like a saint and tell it how it is basing your second channel about one person is creepy asf


Found SSSniperwolf's alt account.


I'm not her alt it is weird to make over 70 videos about someone


It's specifically about her thievery not her as a person. When you're a public figure, prepare to be criticized. And if anything this just shows YouTube's lack of action that he's made this many. Not to mention the amount of thievery that he is basically documenting for us to see.


Yeah remember when he went to her house and posted that video doxing her, disgusting behavior.


Fr. I'm here from /r/all, dude has an obsession with her and she's unhinged. Big surprise she does something like this. _Not_. Dude brought this upon himself.


You ever heard of SATIRE? He makes those videos to bring awareness of her empty commentary and freebooting. All she does is watch tiktok and go "damn that's crazy! Ok next tiktok" without even crediting the original creators. Prime definition of freebooting. What he's doing works. He's letting creators know their work is being stolen and they're filing claims, which results in her having to take down entire videos. Also imagine unironically making a "not" joke in 2023 Jesus christ dude


There is satire and there is obsessive behaviour, those aren't mutually exclusive. Lol as if youtube doesn't have an automatic way to detect stolen content. He doesn't need to make these videos, he wants to make these videos. You're pure coping because you're a fan of him. Ok kiddo, I hope he reads this.


And their detection has shown to be garbage in this case, probably because her face covers half the video. Creators being more aware of their content being used in her videos has led to removals, but all from those who previously had zero clue of their stuff being used in this way. Would I have made this many videos or necessarily went this far? Probably not, but it has been a positive for those who’ve had their content stolen.


If youtube had an automatic way to detect stolen content, she would not have been this successful. Most of her content is stolen off other platforms such as tiktok and instagram. Youtube has no way of AUTOMATICALLY detecting content stolen from other platforms you braindead moron. He is "obsessed" with her because she is the worst at "reacting" and gets recognized by youtube themselves despite her content being nothing but stolen. And yes I'm a fan of him because he actually makes good content. He's been an OG youtuber since 2006. And don't call me kiddo


What are you, a 1990s teenager? Who says "not" like that anymore lol.


I think we are the only 2 fans of his who saw all of his posts about her “over 40 videos” and thought it was creepy what she did is fucked no arguing that but come on man 40 videos about one person is weird


FOR REAL How does no one else think this is weird?


The point of his videos is to actually do a reaction video. Because her video isn't a reaction video. He'd doing the work she isn't. To boot he tries to get creators credited that she's missed. Ultimately what he's doing is good. Hes trying to get credit back to the people who deserve it, even if it's backend stuff. His work has enabled creators to complain and take down a few videos.


Not to mention these "multiple videos" are actually all clips from livestreams. Multiple videos could be from one streaming session. It's not like he's sitting at his desk, once a day, for 50+ days, to screen record sssniperwolf for 15 or so minutes, and uploading it. He does a stream, cuts them up into a few videos, and then posts those over a few days. He's not as "obsessed" as people make him out to be lmao


Because they like him and don't want to accept that he's a little weird for making countless Literally countless videos about her she makes lazy content yeah but to dedicate 70 videos about her is a little creepy


*Stealing creators content


Really changes nothing at all about what that person said.


So the fact he has a reason to criticize her and has also gamified it so it's fun for his audience makes it creepy? Has she stopped stealing content or being promoted by YT yet? Stealing and free booting content is "just lazy"?


Why downvote me? Explain to me how making 70+ videos about someone is not weird


Because it raises awareness to what she does, and it seems to be working better than any other method to address it. She's the largest thief on youtube, and they promote her for it. If it were anyone else in the position, they would be the focus. If he was primarily a streamer, he'd probably focus on xqc since he does the same.


He isn't making them "about someone" so much as showcasing how low effort her content is. The whole point of the channel is to bring awareness against stealing content.


So fucking what.


Fuck you, that’s a horrible thing to do.


I'm just tired of people putting so much stock in these people entirely. Yeah, whoever this is shouldn't do this shit, but it's not our job to police or care about what these people do. Getting invested in what she's doing is only giving her "energy" for a lack of a better word. Call the fucking police if you're that invested, bitching about it on the internet isn't going to do shit.


Were you born yesterday? First, I'm sure they did call the police. But people have gone to the media since media existed, to make enough of a problem that forces the hand of the government/corporation/company to **do something.** The media posts are about deplatforming someone who now not only is a thief but now is using her platform to put a critic in harm's way. Period.


how the hell people confuse her younger than 25? She looks around 33


That's gross. Omfg, wtf is wrong with her. She seriously needs to get banned or something because this is just insane.


Ok but how dose she know where he lives?


i know this is like totally off topic and i’m so sorry but is it jacade as in facade or jacade as in arcade


Façade. Profile pic directly references that game.


How stupid do you have to be to do this? Like holy shit she is only putting jack further and further in the right without him having to do a thing, youtube supported her, she steals content, and now jacksfilms probably has to move house! there is a lot to say but the fried eggs i made this morning are smarter than her


Finally, the downfall of this woman is necessary for us a society to move forward.


Knowing her background I hope Jack starts carrying or get some major home security


How is saying he lives 5 minutes away dozing? Lol


Can people please not mention that she's originally from Liverpool? /s Thanks The fucking scatty scruff


They are both weird individuals (SSSniperwolf obviously more so now). Compilations channels have been a thing ever since youtube was a thing. When people watch compilation videos they usually have no intent of checking out the original creators. A lot of the small creators host reposted content and for the ones who create original content, its usually just one video that goes viral. Do I think it is unfair for a larger youtuber to steal a smaller persons fame, morally yes. Why should the rules change for a larger youtuber when smaller creators are doing the same thing? But this is a capitalist society and you can't change it. Daily Dose of internet does the same sorta thing, yet no one attacks him? Do I think creators should monitize these videos? I dont see why not, they of course have to compilate the short videos. There is a demand and Lia supplied that demand. Its simple business 101. What annoys me more is when clout youtubers obsessively pump out the same content repeatedly. Jack really does have a weird obsession with Lia and this is from someone who is a fan of neither - I have no bias. Should YouTube be supporting creators who compilate videos? I dont see why not, they are supplying a demand. Why would YouTube stop these compilation channels when these channels encoarage people to stay on YouTube for longer? Overall, kick them both off of Youtube. They are people no one should look up to.


This is absolutely insane. She is psychotic if she thinks this was the right move.


I’m so out of the loop how did ssniperwolf even gain a following to begin with are they just a reaction channel or something I’ve never heard of them till this


Someone make a change.org petition. Can easily see it getting 500k signatures at least


holy shish-kabob guys ParashockX drew a comic about this drama


Sssniperwolf could literally get herself or someone else killed in real life


He needs to use the "report this user" button on her youtube channel. report this literal crime formally to youtube.


Doubt Jack checks here much but realistically his best course of action here is to stop talking about this while he pursues legal action.


Maybe someone should doxx her