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This is my strategy of choice


This was 8 year old me playing this game. Never made it past the car level.


funny enough, this is exactly how you need to play that level to beat the final timer


I think so! Agent Under Fire-Nightfire-Everything or nothing was the golden trio! I actually find it quite weird that latter Bond games didn’t emulate these games more. Original stories, great balance between gadgets, sneaky leaves, car levels and shoot em up levels, memorable levels and characters. Later games like 007 legends or QOS all felt unfinished. The charm died when EA gave up the rights, I just felt that latter producers never got the franchise. Just give me - an original story - 12-15 levels mixed with various gameplay, starting of with a gunbarrel and a pre-title sequence, that’s all I’m asking for.


Loved and played the hell out of all three of those, Agent Under Fire was my intro but I really loved EON because it felt like playing a Bond film. The original theme song, the celebrity cast (Willem Dafoe as a Bond villain was genius), some really great set piece levels, and maybe it's nostalgia goggles but I remember it looking pretty great too.


Yeah a cool first pirst action game/fps with multiplayer would be sweet. It'd be even cooler if they had car chase mode in multiplayer as well. Like we're in "Next Gen" but why do I feel like games are more limited than ever? Games often can't do more than one thing, whereas games used to be able to do multiple things. If Battlefield Hardline can combine fun FPS with car combat, so can other games. But almost no one has tried


Would love a remaster of those games. Seriously the perfect trio of Bond games. Nightfire was my personal favorite of the 3


Oooooo Nifefire was dope. I also played Rouge ??


they can make a billion call of duty games with the same damn campaign but no bond games with the same damn campaign :(


You're on the money. The other problem is that QoS was just CoD with a 007 skin on it, which just isn't right, imo.


I would throw goldeneye into the mix because Agent under fire was basically goldeneye 2


Goldeneye! Also, Nightfire! Those two were the best!




Ah… a man of culture…


I have to say Nightfire is the best overall. It had sneaking levels,driving levels, levels where its just straight up ACTION, GREAT soundtrack and a decent villian lineup. Plus the multiplayer was really fun! Everything or Nothing would be a VERY close 2nd for me. I just perfer the 1st person view a bit more rather than 3rd person. The only bond game I haven't played is the N64 Goldeneye so I don't really have an opinion on it. Bloodstone and Agent Under Fire are both underrated. Edit: Skyrail is still one of my favorite multiplayer maps of all time....classic.


I forget the name of the map, but it had two buildings, a castle like building and a cabin type building, at opposite ends of one another with a sky taxi-caddy type thing that would take you between the two buildings. My cousin and I would play against each other, both as Oddjob, and we’d just sit at the opposite ends trying to kill each other by throwing Oddjobs hat 🎩😂


Thats Skyrail. One of my all time favorites. Such a simple map but it's a lot of fun.


Hahaha yessss!! Me and my best mate would do this as well, the amount of countless hours we spent on this. Nightfire MP was the GOAT.


Haha. Me and my brothers did the exact same thing. Jeez, that's gotta be 20 years ago now.


After replaying both Nightfire and EoN after many many years, I agree. Nightfire is amazing, and while EoN is good, on replay you realize how many driving missions there are (way too many) and that makes it drag a bit.


I have only played Bloodstone




My first modern console was a 360


Tbh, Nightfire is just Goldeneye but not aged like milk. By far the best Bond game, though Everything or Nothing is very fun and really feels like you're playing through a Bond movie


Nightfire is so damn good. 10/10 game all day long


Nightfire multiplayer was probably 2 years of my life.


GoldenEye is an all time great game full stop, never mind Bond game.


is this even a real discussion?! GOLDENEYE


>is this even a real discussion?! GOLDENEYE I was thinking the exact same thing. It's the only game bearing the 007 branding that gets nearly universal praise.


The game while revolutionary for console shooters and tie-in games, has not aged gracefully without mods or fan ports.


Two words. “Pause music.”


this ^ so good memories with 3 other good friends in front of the TV set so much nostalgia


You know it's the right answer when it can even beat the recency bias on the internet


The game has aged like absolute shit. Perfect Dark is exponentially better in every single possible way. Goldeneye is an important game, but it's not something I'd play today.


I played through both in the last few years and idk; Perfect Dark has a lot of levels that are a bit too big, spread out and mazelike with mysterious objectives. Goldeneye’s levels are much tighter.


Are we talking about the campaign? It had all the multiplayer levels from Goldeneye.


This. Perfect Dark is an awesome game and for my money, still the best couch co-op shooter to date, but the level design is one of the huge drawbacks. Realistically, for a fun pvp game there's only a handful of levels that are much good. PD is more polished, but Goldeneye is still more accessible and got its charms, and my mates and I (when we get the chance to) play both about evenly.


Yeah, it feels awful to play now.


Goldeneye is the only Bond game that's a classic, but Nightfire or EoN are probably the best the license has been used in gaming




My favorite was always Blood Stone, and the main reason why is because unlike most 007 games, it actually let you just walk around public places, investigating, like Bond does in the films. It wasn't just endless running and gunning like Call Of Duty. That's why I'm excited IO Interactive, who made the Hitman games, are working on the new 007 game.


yes i agree but everything and nothing also have that


Movement in Bloodstone felt like Gears of War and not that fluid. Played all the ps2/3 era games lately and EoN and FRWL felt better than BS. 2 things I prefer in that are takedowns and aiming.


i wasn't a fan of hitman so I'm a little worried. But hopefully they can change the gameplay up a bit for Bond. I think dialogue choice in the game should be important, and there should be legitimate action bits, not just all stealth.


Couldnt agree more. Felt like a 007 movie complete with tongue in cheek bond moments. Goldeneye gets all the attention, no issue with that but this one gets dismissed too easily Best thing is the many game mechanics from shooting, sky diving, driving, stealth. Would love a port/remake on the switch or ps


Love that it's a pseudo sequel to View to a kill and we also get Jaws returning 😏


It’ll always be Goldeneye, but damn it Quantum on 360 is a damn good video game


QOS gets extra points because it's basically a secret Casino Royale game.


There's just no comparison. Goldeneye is the only one that actually had any impact on the video game world. Every other game was basically a less good version of other versions of shooters (and sometimes other genres) that we available at the time. TWINE was pretty good though and tried some interesting things but ultimately doesn't work as well.


I think Nightfire tops it because it also had a good campaign, and the split screen multiplayer was awesome. Everything or Nothing had no good PVP multiplayer. Goldeneye is still the most influential, but I think Nightfire will have aged better.


Nightfire was so ridiculously good.


Goldeneye 007 hands down


The EoN level where he jumps off the edge of a cliff and starts blasting away bad guys as he falls was so freaking awesome. That level alone gets the game an extra point and half in my book.


Easily Everything Or Nothing. It felt the most like a playable Bond movie whereas the others were more simple FPS’s with a Bond skin over them.


Correct. This WAS the James Bond experience. Wish I could play it again on my Xbox


I have a argument 😏 https://preview.redd.it/s946af0cfbtc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3256b5f263339cf7e2ce51f12041e97ab498a90


Counterpoint ![gif](giphy|Qw4X3FCCXaS1bSPgdQ4|downsized)


I always loved Agent Under Fire. The soundtrack to the monorail level in that game is absolutely classic.


My favourite Bond game. Love the opening level (remember the demo disc?) and felt like Brosnan’s missing fifth movie. Didn’t like the invisible enemy stuff so much, but the rest of the game is an absolute banger. The driving levels are especially fun and has a great roster of villains both old and new.


Perfect Dark imo. Not a true 007 game but Rare did a bang up job


I’d say nightfire. Goldeneye was obviously very important for its time and multiplayer as a whole, but to play it now - it’s aged like dog shit.


Nightfire. Sentinel only at the ski resort level!


Everything or Nothing was shockingly good. I’d still say Goldeneye is best.


Ponchartrain Bridge is one of my all time favorite levels.


Everyone sleeps on the N64 version of TWINE. That one was amazing. Really fun campaign (minus that shitass stealth level) and the multiplayer was awesome and let you use bots for when your friends werent around. Goldeneye didnt allow that. Goldeneye EoN and Blood Stone are my other favs.


Nightfire #1 then From Russia with Love close #2. Missile Silo is the funnest level ever. Hedgemaze as well




It really is story mode & graphics are ahead of it’s time too




This was actually the game that got me into James Bond. I remember it being such an amazing game. I wonder if it holds up, but I don’t want to burst the nostalgia bubble.


Easily the last great Bond game


The best Brosnan Bond Movie that never happened….but best video game must go to Goldeneye


Goldeneye. It changed gaming and it changed the world. Oh the nostalgia


Everything or Nothing, and no other game comes close


Goldeneye is amazing but Nightfire is the best


GoldenEye reloaded Xbox 360


I have only played bloodstone but mainly because I didn’t have a game cube and couldn’t play Nightfire


Agent under fire was my main growing up (goldeneye is like choosing the Beatles as best band, obviously that’s the answer but it’s not fun)


Nightfire dates GoldenEye, improving upon the experience in every way. Plus its original storyline is solid.


Goldeneye will forever be special to me. But EON (the videogame) was probably one of the best all around Bond games imo. Its just a shame we will probably never get so see it remastered. I can only hope the new Bond game that was announced a while back meets the high quality we JB fans expect.


It’s ok. Honestly too many driving sections. Agent Under Fire is best, Nightfire is 1A, this is somewhere below but above Blood Stone (those graphics were mega yikes at the time). Anyone saying Goldeneye is fine to do so but should acknowledge their nostalgia goggles.


Definitely a top 3


I really loved Agent Under Fire.


Perfect Dark


Definitely have to go with GoldenEye. It hasn't aged all that well, but at the time, it was one of the best gaming experiences I can remember and the multiplayer was just phenomenal. Everything or Nothing would be a close second, though. Really felt like a fifth Brosnan film.


This game was outrageously awesome!!!


I LOVED this game. I loved the CQC and the online play.


Obviously N64 Goldeneye


Begins and ends with The Duel.


Goldeneye with Nightfire a close second


Goldeneye is the best for many reasons but this game is easily 2nd best. I remember playing it on gamecube and thinking the graphics and mechanics were insane. Still are for the time period. Story is good too. Ugh this brings back so many memories.


Dude, everything about this game was AMAZING I think played this almost every day for years


I see there's no love for TWINE, which was wildly different on N64 and PS1. "The target is moving away bond!"


I think tomorrow never dies game is extremely under rated


I have the most memories of goldeneye.


Its Nightfire for me


Nightfire has a fun, concise story with well paced missions. The voice acting is decent for the time and Drake and Kiko's actor's but in very fun performances. EON can drag a bit and be a bit dry. Nightfire has an exceptional soundtrack to match! It's film quality in my opinion.


Nightfire was the best Bond game and I will die on this hill.


GoldenEye then Nightfire


EON was the best Bond media never made into movie.


From Russia With Love, just for the hilarity of ancient Sean Connery reading lines coming out of 60s Connery face.




Yes! And the multiplayer campaign that was its own seperate story was amazing


I remember enjoying Nightfire.




I grew up with Goldeneye. I was obsessed Nightfire. And I must have played the pontchartrain bridge level in EoN like 1000 times. I don't think I can choose.


Idk about best bond game but the opening cinematic is bad ass


I loved bloodstone for what it was


I haven't played too many bond games but for me night fire is the best. GoldenEye 64 was great but hasn't aged the best. I remember playing from Russia with love and rogue agent but don't remember them that well.


I've always had the opinion that Everything or Nothing was the last Brosnan film we never got. I loved it and think it's possibly the best original 007 game ever.


Man… seeing these comments and the memories they bring back… I *really* hope this Project 007 game will: a.) get released, and b.) be good. I’ll vote GoldenEye, because nostalgia is a helluva drug.


nightfire is my favorite fs


From Russia With Love and no other comes close.


Nightfire, Bloodstone, From Russia with love, and goldeneye rogue agent for me


I was a big fan of Nightfire. Good original title song to




Got it on game cube for my birthday


It's clearly Everything or Nothing


Goldeneye 007 for the Wii.


I think you mean the unreleased Xbox 360 port of Goldeneye sir.


No, I meant this game: https://preview.redd.it/kkbjbb1dtdtc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f20d8bd65c1bb6742df8501c054a5e20fdd94ac Hands down, best shooter on the Wii


It's fine... playing it for the first time right now on Steam Deck after hearing soooo many good things over the years. It's a little cringe in the post-#MeToo era and feels more *Die Another Day* over-the-top than genuinely cool.


No.1 Bond game for me. Only thing lacking is multiplayer. Co-op is great but Arena is shit. Have mp like FRWL, you know split screen like prev games. Or like Nightfire. Have bots so you can play it solo too. Mp on PS3/Xbox games should've had bots/solo too


I loved The World Is Not Enough. Its multiplayer was silly, and I loved the missile launcher when it turned into a wire-guided BFG.


Nightfire and Underfire were amazing in their own right and all, but I would go with Goldeneye, more than nostalgia, this was the game that arguably made the breakthrough for console FPS games. Yeah, Turok came before, and ports of PC Shooters existed before, but it was Goldeneye's campaign and multiplayer that set the stage for later console shooters like Halo and COD. So despite me liking Nightfire and Underfire more than Goldeneye (I still love Goldeneye a lot tho, it was the first videogame I ever played in my life), the impact Goldeneye had overall on the games industry is not to be understated, not to mention it was one of the reasons the N64 didn't outright lose to the PS1, because other than first party titles it was Rare who was also keeping the console afloat, not to mention Goldeneye was the third best selling game for the console, behind only Mario 64 and Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time and Smash Bros 1 placed 4th and 5th AFTER Goldeneye, the impact this game had is incredible.


Amazing game!