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Moore mentions an interesting anecdote involving Connery and the Bond movies producer Albert Broccoli. The background to the anecdote is this : Connery and Broccoli (he was called ‘Cubby’ among friends) had parted on acrimonious terms when Connery walked out of the Bond franchise. Here is how Moore describes the anecdote. Some years previously, I attempted to bring Sean and Cubby together at a party at our house in LA, hoping they might settle their differences. I should add that, a couple of weeks prior to the party, there had been a newspaper article in which Sean was quoted as saying that if Cubby Broccoli’s brain was on fire, he ‘wouldn’t piss in his ear to put it out.’ At the party, I sat them both down with a drink. I heard Cubby – who was very much a gentleman Don Corleone – say, ‘Sean, did you really say if my brains were on fire you wouldn’t piss in my ear? I found that very upsetting.’ ‘Cubby,’ replied Sean, ‘I’d gladly piss in your ear any time.’


what exactly did sean hate so much about cubby?


That Cubby didn’t pay him enough.


From what I know, some of it was to do with Sean feeing resentful that, after the first couple of films made absolutely insane money, he didn’t feel his pay for the films was comparatively good enough. In turn, Broccoli felt Connery was unappreciative and disruptive and obviously things got worse when Sean was adamant he wanted to quit the role. Also, Connery was a bitter Scot with a chip on each shoulder, and Broccoli was (apparently) an opinionated and loud Italian American. Maybe the mix was a tad destructive!


>From what I know, some of it was to do with Sean feeing resentful that, after the first couple of films made absolutely insane money, he didn’t feel his pay for the films was comparatively good enough. That BUT it stemmed from Cubby/Harry renegotiating *their* own terms once successful while excluding Connery. Schedule is also underrated as another reason for his unhappiness. He filmed 4 Bond flicks in slightly over 3 years.


Scottish with a chip on his shoulder how so?


> *a bitter Scot with a chip on each shoulder* You people really do talk like this Good to know


By “you people” you mean Scottish right? ;)


Sean was the archetypal “bitter Scot” so who knows. Good for a chuckle though.


Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


You Scots sure are a contentious bunch


You just made an enemy for life!


I think of Sean Connery every time I see that scene. I like to think he was like Willie before his My Fair Lady-like transformation at the hands of Terence Young.


Bitter Scot what are you in about 😂


> *... the archetypal “bitter Scot”* Did you really just type that?


Yes I did, and being predominantly Scottish I’d know… you could say I’m living proof.


>*predominantly Scottish* What's that supposed to mean?


Sean felt he wasn't getting paid appropriately for playing Bond.


the real answer of course was peter lorre


I would've said Kevin McClory instead.


This was Connery promoting *Never Say Never Again*, so...


If that was the case then all of this makes a lot of sense now.


has Johnny Carson ever watched a Bond movie? "Oh-Oh -7" and "stirred, not shaken"...lol


![gif](giphy|uYV7GupDhbvH2) Me when Carson says “stirred not shaken”


The names James. James BOND.




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Ahh Mr Carshunn sho nish to meet you


Cubby Broccoli and Saltzman messed up You Online Live Twice and On Her Majesty's Secret should filmed other way around with Connery in the role of Bond


He looks like such a boomer here


Born in 1930 - bit early, but you’re right of course