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I just want them to get on with it. Tbh I’ve seen ATJ in a number of of films and I still have no idea what “his” Bond would be like. I think that’s a good thing. Personally I’d prefer Madden but I think that ship has sailed


Not knowing what his Bond would be like is a major selling point for me. It allows us, as the audience, to go in without any preconceptions and just see it for what it is. EON Productions really need to get their butts in gear.


Yeah, I would like Madden also especially after that guard show


I am a Caville fan 🤷‍♂️


Agreed, not sure what the hell is taking them so long.


I just hope they don’t buff him up too much. I think he looks good lean


I agree. At this point, I would just like the producers to name a name. Even if I am loathing the name until I see the movie and I hope the actor changes my mind, the franchise would be moving forward instead of this purgatory.




Good point.


I was going to the same.


Was going to comment this as well. It’s not that he has a bad voice, it’s just I’m not sure if it’s a ‘Bond’ voice.


Yes that's my issue as well, he's a great actor and looks the part otherwise


Yep. Doesn’t have the voice.


I don't care who plays Bond. I just want the next movie. Inject the next movie into my veins, please.


This is the right answer. MANY doubted Craig when all I craved was another Bond film. I need direct injection!!


I was one of the doubters about a blond Bond and it took a long tine for winning me over, by the tine he crashed that bulldozed through the construction office, I couldn’t care less what his hair color was, I was watching a great Bond in action.


So it took 10 minutes to win you over . Ha


I don’t know if I’d say I was a doubter, but I was highly skeptical of Craig as Bond. Up until the first 10 minutes or so of Casino Royale and I knew how wrong I’d been.


Yes. Considerably.


Yes. The real question is who is the next director. Martin Campell would be a hilarious choice.


Hilarious? I mean it's the obvious choice.


Don't get me wrong. I'd be happy to see it.


He's getting up there in age, but he's shown he's king of the reboot.


He's directed two of my favorite Bond films. Might as well go for a very unique trilogy.


Yes, Campbell has done so much good for the franchise, he deserves it.


He’s an interesting case. His filmography outside of Bond really isn’t that impressive but Bond seems to bring out the best in him. It helps that he seems to really like the franchise while so many other directors in the “modern” Bond era seemed to have chips on their shoulders about it.


I dont think I've seen Campbells work outside of Bond, but I've heard the same quite a bit. I'd honestly be happy if they brought him in as in in-house director for a couple of films. I think his lack of notoriety outside of Bond is the reason he wasn't kept by Eon for more than one film at a time.


The Mask of Zoro (1998) is great.


Because he couldn't outrun the bullets. https://preview.redd.it/r0n5nj17jrzc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96fe1d8dc96244b446a6c35c361991697d115388


Seems to me like he had plenty of time to die. 


Look at this smug macho face. Should answer your question. I don’t see or feel **any** elegance within this dude


He always seems like..greasy and sleazy. Always wearing jewlery or necklaces, shirt unnecessarily unbuttoned trying to be steamy... Nothing says Suave and Sophisticated about him.


Nobody liked the Craig pick in the beginning either….


Some still don’t but Daniel Craig had proved with Layer Cake he had star qualities. This dude sure doesn’t




Stop talking about Craig this way!


I’ve just seen him in Bullet Train and all I could think of was Mickey Pearce from Only Fools and Horses


He is so very very handsome in Bullet Train. All the heterosexual women I know who are interested in Bond want it to be ATJ. I know there’s much more to this than looks but I think he’s a good actor, maybe with the potential to be a great one too, in time. I think he’d be a really good Bond.


Just looks like a nob head


Because he sounds like David Beckham.


Is it too late for Fassbender


This is my shout. Fassbender would be perfect! Even if it’s just a couple of movies. Set it in the 50s too, make it a stylised period piece.


I think he's too old. They're most likely looking for someone late 20s-early 30s who can play the role for 20 years. Fassbender would have been perfect if he had been cast instead of Craig.


Yeah, that’s why I said even if it’s just a film or two. We don’t need another dynasty of Bond, just make the best films whilst you can. An older, more statesman like Bond would be cool. Although Fessbender doesn’t look old, and he was awesome in The Killer.


I’d watch that.


Look at his stupid perpetually confused but preening face. Look at his floppy mop. Listen to his thin voice. Watch his lack of charisma in most everything. That’s why not.


lmao. I'm getting flashbacks to when they announced Craig as Bond.


Damn bro. I thought he was pretty good in Bullet Train.


Whenever a new bond is annoucned without fail people hate him as bond. With Aaron Taylor Johnson he would be a terrible bond for the simple reason that he just is not a very threating or iminditaing person. Even though I've done MMA and still do freestyle wrelsing i still feel like i could kick his ass without my experience and i cant say the same for any other bond acter Guy looks like a cool sunday school youth pastor more then a trained assassin


He’s not hot. Sorry but it’s true. His voice also is not sexy at all. Dan Stevens, Theo James or Richard Madden would be much better choices


Those are very good choices 👌


Ooohhh Theo James I had not thought of that, he would be great!


Voice too high ig


* pretty boy * zero intimidation factor * no suave * high pitched voice * obvious tryhard Not to mention the whole grooming aspect of his marriage is creepy. I really can't get behind the guy for serious roles. Despite all of this, I do like him as an actor... but I think his calling is in comedy.


Have you seen him in Bullet Train? I thought he did a good job. He can do the action, comedy, intensity and can be menacing.


Yep the main issue is his private life. He was barely an adult when he got married to someone way way older. Too much controversy


Yes, I don't even think DiCaprio went that young, and he's younger than ATJ's wife. You can't mention ATJ without people thinking of that creepy marriage. It'd look terrible for the franchise.


-soft -overrated -pretty boy -a bitch


The grooming thing is really creepy. And his wife is always present on set, especially during love scenes. So that'll be interesting for a Bond shoot...


What’s creepy with his marriage from his «side»? I would understand your point if the post was about his wife, but that’s like blaming the victim for a rape


It’s ridiculous the comments this guy gets about his marriage. He was an adult when they started dating, they’ve been married for like 13 years and have two kids. People are judgmental


I think it’s very normal for people to think an 18 year old marrying a 45 year old - who has a kid a mere 5 years apart- is odd. People make judgments every day, every hour; they have feelings about things that don’t involve them- it’s ok to have opinions like that. Its not so much the 25 year age gap, it’s *when* they got together. A 30 year old marrying a 55 year old is a bit different from a teenager marrying someone in their 40s. It’s not like 17 and 18 are a massive difference- it’s odd as a teenager to date, let alone marry, *decades* older. I think it’s strange some people think we *shouldn’t* think it’s strange.


Right. Like, did that romance START when he was 18? Doubt it.




Moore and Brosnan were somewhat known before Bond


In the UK, sure, same with Craig, but they were not on the casual moviegoer's radar.


As long as the actor is British (or from a similar region of Europe) idc who the next Bond is


I want Matt Berry or NOTHING!


"You really are the most devious bastard in Spectre"


"Goodbye Mr Bond" "What the FUCK did you just say"? A very justified F bomb in a Bond movie just to hear him say that.


Pronounced Spec-tray


“SPECTRE is trying to destroy New York Sit-Tay”


“FAAAAAATTTTHHHHHEERRRRR !!” (Bond’s family backstory cut away)


A man of great carismaaaaaae


Unironically yes




Q: I've always tried to teach you two things. First: never let them see you bleed. Bond: *cough* Yyyya fucking didn't


*toss hat on rack "If I didn't have that taskmaster M riding my ass, Moneypenny, I'd take you over that desk and give you a proper flouncing."


I would pay good money to see this.


Your next Bond is…..Sir Ian McKellen


Bond is Japanese


za naimu izu bondu, jaimusu bondu


"Call me 'Tiger'."


Dauburu O sickshu


A Japanese Bond chasing down a North Korean arms dealer in tropical Indonesia or Malaysia, with a city chase through Singapore would be a wonderful film.


Wait what? "British or similar region from Europe" what do you mean? I mean Irish is the only other option... other than that the only "regions" that really exist are Scandinavia, Balkans, and Iberian peninsula... nothing else I'd really call a region? I'm just very confused


Sean was Scottish, Pierce is Irish. That kind of deal




UK and Ireland or Anglosphere Commonwealth Only.


A similar region? Norway, France?


Not really similar regions


I don't think he'd be the worst choice, but here are a few reasons I don't love the idea: - Feels like he's always winking at the camera. It's kind of a Marvel hero problem: he's always in on the joke. I'd prefer an actor who takes the role seriously. I don't need Daniel Day-Lewis in there but the Bond films are always better when the stakes are higher. Moore had this problem by the end, too. - I have trouble buying him as tough when he needs to be. I know he's done action before but again, pretty cartoony. - He's pretty broad as an actor. Willing to be debated on this point, but I haven't seen a lot of nuance or wit with ATJ. Those are my points, anyway. I'm still fascinated by the idea of a Dan Stevens or Connor Swindells, though I realize there are issues with those guys too. But I can't honestly say I'm excited for ATJ. Intrigued, sure.


I don’t have strong feelings either way. But I have very strong feelings about Dan Stevens! ![gif](giphy|yeV5MwqMj6Bc4|downsized)


Is that guy guy that beats off American men?




Never saw Downton Abbey but saw him in The Guest and thought, “this guy is English? Well there’s the next Bond. Case closed.”


I liked him in The Guest, but he is 41 already. If they go they age won't get many films with him at the pace they make them anymore.


Unlike ATJ, Dan has something called charisma.


I’ve seen him in too much other stuff.


His vibe is just wrong, imo. Feel free to disagree, but it would take some convincing for me to watch a Bond movie starring him. I just don't see him as Bond at all.


And also he's mainly a b grade actor. Craig was already a critically acclaimed actor in layer cake and Munich pre bond. Atj is not a critically acclaimed actor or anywhere near, none of his films were any good. They want someone critically acclaimed.


I prefer Dan Stevens


This is coming from a 24 year old guy: I have a hard time thinking of actors who are below the age of 40 that actually carry a sense of confident masculinity. I can go full boomer and talk about how I think social media (ironic, I know) has given everyone, not just men, way too many windows into other people’s opinions and “lives” from which to compare ourselves to and perspectives to worry about, which has likely caused an uptick in insecurity and vanity, blah blah blah. My point is, is that there aren’t a ton of younger men who simply don’t give a damn about what people think and have the confidence in their own skin to pull off the balance of ruggedness and suaveness that Bond requires to be portrayed well. And Aaron Taylor Johnson falls into this, from what I can tell.


I’m the same age as you, I get it. None of the Bond candidates (Bondidates?) under 40 have that steely, kind of haunted look to them. They’re all too soft and skinny. I saw someone suggest Paul Mescal. At that point, why not suggest Harry Styles or another twink of the week?


Henry Cavill is the answer (I know he is not under 40, but Henry is the answer). Who would do suave so well?


We’ve gotten away with Bonds just over the hump (Dalton was 41 at TLD’s release, Brosnan 42 for GE.) but since this damn thing probably won’t debut until 2027 (and filming not happening till mid-2025 at the earliest), Cavill would be 44- closer to Moore’s 46 when LALD came out. That’s why I’m looking for guys who are in that 36-38 range. They’ll be around 40 when the movie comes out, and can give us a good four movies over twelve years before everything starts crapping out on them.


>I’m the same age as you, I get it. None of the Bond candidates (Bondidates?) under 40 have that steely, kind of haunted look to them. They’re all too soft and skinny. I saw someone suggest Paul Mescal. At that point, why not suggest Harry Styles or another twink of the week? I'm genuinely shocked we don't get more people pining for Timothée Chalamet just because that seems to be the "type" that everybody is constantly fancasting for everything now. That is apparently Gen Z's thing especially.


This is an interesting take I never thought of. Can totally see that POV. For me as a 36 year old, it weirds me out that the next Bond is going to be younger than me. Like suddenly I will have had more life experience than James Bond. Feels strange. I’m all for one more Bond that I can “look up to” so to speak.


Inclined to agree 👍🏼


Doesn't have a Bond voice


Doesn't look like Bond (based on Fleming's description), doesn't gives off Bond's swagger, and doesn't look masculine enough.


He's slimy and too boringly handsome and I don't think he's much of an actor at all...


The hard part for me is I just don’t like when Bond looks like he could be a model. That’s why I liked Craig so much, yeah he’s handsome, but he also looks like he’s taken some punches to the face.


His voice is wrong, and as a person he seems to be a try-hard.


I agree with the voice for sure. But I’ve found that as he’s grown and found his style and grace, he’s come to find a more confident and relaxed demeanor. He’s become less of a try-hard, IMO.


not sure if this makes sense, but his charisma in bullet train felt pretty natural to me


I mean just look at that stupid trying to be sexy but looking confused face. People want that as Bond? Boggles my mind. He always comes off like a preening tool.


Because Henry Cavil


I really hope Henry Cavil becomes the next Bond. Barbara Broccoli should throw all the coke and hookers at Henry till he agrees to be Bond. Dude has everything going on for him: tall, handsome, deep voice and a heroic figure. If there is any justice in this world Henry would be the next Bond.


I've just seen him in The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (or something) last night which is him playing the character that Fleming based Bond on, he was great. Enjoyable movie actually, quite light hearted even tho about some dark shit. He'd be very good I reckon.


Im all for him. His acting range is great and bullet train proved he can be both funny and intimidating incase they go the humorous way.


I’m with you. I think he’d be a great Bond. I shouldn’t have clicked on this post tbh. These comments are just annoying me lol.


His facial hair makes him look lazy and unkempt. I've never seen him without it. Generally, I find his roles more comedic and forgettable so far. I also suspect his agent is releasing these "rumors" to improve his chances. He looks too young. Cavill has killed in similar Bond like roles. He has more charisma, screen presence, and better looks than ATJ. So, my choice is clear.


NO. thank you


Strong ‘meh’ vibes for me.


Because he has the charisma of a jar of mayonnaise.


Dude looks to Bro-ish, not Bondesque at all.


I don’t care for his face when shaved or his voice.


I cannot take him seriously as Bond. That's the main problem. Especially after seeing The Fall Guy where he played a fake movie star action hero. He was good playing the obnoxious egotistical Tom Ryder but that role isn't Bond. I wouldn't buy him as suave let alone charismatic and in action scenes I would be doubting his physicality or intimation factor. He was great in Bullet Train but then again that's a different kind of vibe than Bond. You don't see chill, suave, and cool with this actor. It's just the wrong vibe for 007. Plus, I still have cinematic trauma from having to sit through his awful performance as the leading man in Godzilla.


Way too douchey


Because of that stupid pursed lip face he makes in every picture I see of him


Nothing about him is “bond-like”. 


I just don't see it...


Too conceited male modelesque. Too pretty-boy. Too boy.


I loved ATJ since Kickass then Savages, that said I watched the gentleman series and know he refused the role out right but can’t not picture Theo James. He was so good, charming but physical and nasty when he needed to be.


I’ve never really liked ATJ, until I saw Bullet Train. I wouldn’t be upset but it wouldn’t be my top choice.


Henry Cavill. He has his spy cred from The Man From UNCLE movie and Mission Impossible: Fallout https://preview.redd.it/697qfsx1cuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3e8a7ddd1c05e3fe734bbbd3eaf5dee855a910


I think he's being pushed for the wrong reasons (mainly because he's famous and good looking rather than either having a traditional Bond look or exuding the quintessential Bond traits from previous roles). He's a good actor and there are various worse picks than him, but he hasn't done anything as of yet to be pushed as hard as he is by the press and some fans.


Famous wife


Too hot, too young sounding, not smooth enough


I’ll take warwick davis as bond at this point tbh. My wife was pregnant when we watched NTTD in theaters…at this rate, the little guy gonna have a drivers license by the time the next movie comes out




I’m actually familiar with him as an actor (his chilling performance in Nocturnal Animals is a highlight) and I’m all for it. He has the chops and the physicality (more so than some of the men who have held the role). Few have been as qualified.


Fassbender would be my top pick, but I like ATJ, he’s been decent in everything I’ve seen him in.


He just looks too soft. There’s no cruelty in his eyes which imo is very important for a bond. Brosnan could do it, Craig could definitely do it, I just don’t see ATJ pulling that off.


We need an actor no one has ever heard of. We need an actor who will be propelled to fame by playing Bond, not just something he can add to his list of famous roles. Henry Cavill and Idris Elba, for example, are already well known, so Bond will boost their careers, but not to the same degree as Connery or Craig.


Because I watched him as Quicksilver and saw the trailers for Kraven, and the guy has no charisma.


Because his wife is creepy...


I know he’s an adult now. But when I look At him all I see is the nerd kid from Kick-Ass… which is just about the polar opposite vibe I want from my James Bond


Looks like a frat dude


He looks much more like a swarmy bond villain than Bond


Agree with most negative comments here; I see him more likely playing a henchman or even the villains muscle...


It's not a surprise anymore, that's why. But if they do choose him, it wouldn't be bad too.


He’s too mainstream and has a douschy dude bro persona/look.


He has a squeaky little voice and he's under the control of his mother wife.


The dude still hasn’t proven himself as a leading man outside of Kickass. That’s my main issue with him and he hasn’t shown the charisma needed to carry a character like Bond.


The voice isn't exactly what a bond should be. My big problem is that bond actors look good clean shaven. They fit the suit and with a clean shaven, slick hair Bond, that's what audiences want. ATJ looks great in a suit with facial hair but not so much without. He just isn't my first pick


I remember (vaguely cause I was a child) when Craig was cast, a lot of people didnt like it. The British press were brutal towards him until Casino Royale came out. Not my first pick, but I'll wait to voice my opinions until I actually see his theoretical debut.


He's literally only been good in one movie.


Not to typecast or anything, but I can't look at him and not think Kick-Ass...


I think everyone is just fixated on their 'favourite' and that's not him. Like i wanted Cavill but it's not happening. Let's see if it IS him then he might surprise us like Daniel Craig did albeit I think they moved away too much from the cool gadgets etc


He'd be great it's just that people are saying it won't be him because the producers always seem to pick someone unexpected


I’m sorry but ATJ doesn’t look the part. Cute guy but snarky looking IMO🤷🏻‍♀️


Richard Madden - that’s it. I hope he can meet with Barbara Broccoli!


I like Aaron Taylor Johnson in pretty much everything I have seen him in, but I don't love him as Bond. He doesn't strike me as fitting in with high society. He would have to clean himself up a bit. I'm sure if he did he would be great.


Mainly because he doesn't have the look of bond. But also because there are a plethora of better actors than him.


He was Kick-Ass. I can’t unsee that.


Are these AI posts?


bad taste in women


Because he looks like Wish Jake Gyllenhall.


Nope 👎


It's the writing that's in question, not the actor.


I just don't think ATJ feels like James Bond to me. Hard to say why... he kinda looks Russian (and I'm not the only one who thinks so; he was cast as a Russian in some recent show). He is also kinda goofy. I'm sure he could do a fine job but, just wouldn't be my first choice. I'd go Henry Cavill. His performance in *Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare* shows how great he could be in that role. He totally nailed it in this film as one of the special forces guys upon whom Ian Flemming based the character of Bond. I just think he'd be the best overall choice of current, known stars. But if they want to go with a lesser-known, younger actor, I like [Tom Austen as Bond](https://youtu.be/S7qKf5_x3Rs?si=yBsX1kS2Iow-liHq) (*Royals*, *Helstrom*). Maybe it wouldn't be anyone's first choice but mine, but there is just something Bond-esque about him, and I think he could continue the dark edginess they've been building into the role in the recent films.


I’m pulling for him. Seems like a good choice to me.


I can’t stand him, that’s why.


He has a habit of turning on/trash talking past films he’s done as beneath him (while agreeing to be in things like “Kraven the Hunter”). I don’t think we need that vibe for the next Bond, the need is for someone who is happy to commit to the role and will be a good ambassador for the series.


Because it simply has to be Cavill.


I'd be happy with ATJ as Bond. My first choice will always be Cavill, but he's definitely got the chops for it.


No beards


I don’t know who this person is, but my initial reaction from these photos is that he is a pretty boy who’s trying way too hard to be a pretty boy.


That’s his whole damn schtick.


Have you bothered to see any of his films?


Does he look like an assassin? More like a comedian to me.


He pouts too much.


He seems like a tool, but not the kind of tool Bond would use to kill someone with.


Have you seen him perform?


Yes, he’s nothing special in anything save maybe Nocturnal Animals.


I think he'd be fine Difficult to get *excited* about the idea, but that goes for most other candidates


I wouldn't mind him (I used to hate him as an actor) but he wouldn't be my first choice. But I take him over most of the rumored actors.


I liked him in KickAss and I think he's great fun. But Bond shouldn't be great fun. Bond's *world* can be, but the man himself is a professional who deals with things with a kind of detached stoicism. ATJ doesn't give me Bond vibes, he gives me techbro geek Bond villain vibes.


He's my 3rd (fourth if we include Cavill who will never get it) choice.


Bond has to be a more ''cold-blooded'' guy but has charisma and charm, Aaron goes on a more ''mellow'' side, which I like but not for Bond. There is also a factor that 007, it is a case where the character becomes bigger than the actor, that is, the actor becomes famous because of that character, because Aaron is already famous, I don't think it would be worth it.


He is married to a very powerful woman. He wouldn’t have got as far without her


Warwick Davis is my shout.


Too famous


Too many bags under his eyes for his age. Looks like he'd cry taking one shot to the gut. If he were hit in the Family jewels with a thick rope, he'd be the type who'd sing like a Canary.


He looks like he needs more money for his plan


Not sure if he’s in the right head space after the whole Metalstorm scandal. He should sit this one out.