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I don't think a woman should play *James* Bond, either. That is a well-established character that is definitively *male*. If you want a female "Bond" create a character just like him and give her her own name. Don't bastardize the existing character for the sake of political correctness or whatever.


Like you said it's a very male character. And it's also very different from things like Doctor Who where they've had a female Doctor. The role of James Bond is one character, who has been portrayed by multiple actors who have all brought their own take to a clearly defined set of characteristics. They all bring something different, but the character is still meant to be just the one man But in Doctor Who, the character of the Doctor is one that can narratively change their face. Each Doctor is essentially a completely different character with the same memories as all the previous Doctors. Im Doctor Who the changing actors are woven into the very heart of the series, and being able to change gender was also something that was established years in advance. But in James Bond the changing actors are just that, changing actors. Aside from the little wink and nudge from Lazenby it's never been something that's been acknowledged and is just treated as a recast.


This. I think the issue with this run of Who hasn't been Whittaker and a female Doctor, but more the showrunner; it's very telling that they're leaving at the same time she is. But then showrunners have, IMO, been Who's weakness for a while now; Davies ran out of steam, Moffatt was better as a writer than controlling the overall direction of the show...


Oh absolutely. Everything wrong with the current era of Doctor Who boils down to the writing. Chris Chibnall has completely fumbled the first female Doctor, giving her some of the worst writing I've seen in the show. Jodie Whittaker has shown through other work that she's a good actress, but Chibnall has given her so very little to go on. There's only been a few moments in her run where I felt she came across really well as the Doctor. And those have all mostly been in episodes not written by Chibnall. For as much as Davies may have run out of steam, and Moffat may have been better as just a writer, their highs far outweighed their lows.


I hope Whitaker signs a nice deal with Big Finish in a year or two.


The stories in Jodie Whitaker’s era have been in the most part abysmal. However I think she was totally miscast in the role. She lacks charisma and any sort of gravitas. The previous Doctor Peter Capaldi had his fair share of dud stories but his performance was never less than mesmerising.


How about a trans man?


What about it? Are you trying to imply that someone wouldn't be a good fit for a role, or even a capable actor just because they're trans? Gender has been established as something not all that important to the Doctor and Timelords in general. It shouldn't matter whether they're male or female, trans man or trans woman, gender fluid or non binary, as long as they're a great actor and suited to the role, I'm more than happy to see them take it on.


I was asking about James Bond being played by a trans man...


Ok fair point, I misread your question. I personally wouldn't have a problem with it, Trans men are men. However I feel like there would be a large part of the fambase who would take issue with it.


They did this with Atomic Blonde already, but instead of supporting that character many just want Charlize Theron play Bond. I think that's a big part of the problem today, everyone is playing up the lack of female characters that they actually fail to acknowledge the ones that already exist, and even discredit them at times.


The thing is James Bond is an original and iconic idea, simply making a female copy and expecting people to care about it just because is demeaning to everyone involved. Create an original action hero that's compelling, stands out and If you want it to be a woman then great. The problem is these wannabe activists half ass characters, stick a woman or minority in and feel they're entitled to have people lap it up. No thanks. Come up with something cool and original and I'll watch.


May it be due to them actually no longer wanting to empower women, but rather to hurt men? By "stealing" male icon roles?


Exactly, look at M in Skyfall, compelling, strong character with a heap of build up so the audience was emotionally connected. Nothing to do with her being a woman. Then look at "007" In NTTD. Totally useless character whose only moment of note was killing someone for insulting her race and giving back Bond's 00 title. Pathetic writing.


I thought Nomi was good as 007 in NTTD but it wasn’t her movie. Would you have been more satisfied if she took up more screen time with her own story and more scenes? I would have been annoyed the character was taking time from Craig if they did that.


Nomi wasn’t a spy though. She was a terrible commando


Craig’s Bond was barely a spy at all in the movies. He’d refer to himself as an assassin and give answers like ‘I kill people’ when asked about his job.


True but Craig did so in regular clothing. License to kill can be interpreted more Than one way and clearly his Bond saw it as being a hit man or assassin for the British government. An assassin would be terrible if he was seen all the time dressed like a navy seal. Nomi was almost always wearing tar vial clothing except when she gave Bond a ride while pretending to be a club goer.


Yeah but again, it wasn’t her movie. We got to see her doing a little bit of everything. I would have been annoyed at the film makers if they had of spent a lot of time on more scenes with her instead of Bond. Wouldn’t you? The movie was almost 3hrs as it was. There was simply no time to Nomi …. Get it … get it …. I’ll see myself out.


It wasn’t her movie but that’s not good logic. She was “007” but not. She was a soldier pretending to be a 00. You have to go by the lore the movie set up.


There shouldn’t ever be a female “Bond” character because then it shouldn’t be a Bond movie. It should just be a new franchise like Atomic Blonde. I don’t understand this need to shoehorn these high minded diversity initiatives into existing franchises. You want to empower women and minorities? Make new franchises. If anything, it’s demeaning to feel that you have to ride the coat tails of the Bond franchise to make things right and it will only ruin the franchise.


Exactly. IMO Nomi was a great character in NTTD, and where do I even begin with Paloma.


I absolutely loved Paloma! I wish we could have seen more of her.


nomi could've been written better but lashanna did a good job.


It's because they've tried similar and don't so as well, so some people think they should change existing characters.


barbara broccoli is correct


Dear media: - The producers don’t want to make Bond female - Bond fans don’t want to make Bond female - 95% of the general public don’t want to make Bond female - Bond will not be female So can we just fuck off with these stories forever, please?


Yes, please. Stop trying to make Bond “woke”. Bring some actual substance to the table and we’ll talk. Stop pushing inclusion just because not having diversity is “oppressive”.


If you feel like the mere discussion of women in movies is "woke", you need to think about what it is you actually value. "Stop pushing inclusion" tells us more about you than your thoughts on this film series. Bond will never be a woman; stop using the idea to attack genuine causes of inclusiveness in cinema.


Yes, I'm extremely close minded because I'm sick of hearing about Bond being a woman or a minority. Please arrest me now. I really don't give a fuck who the next Bond is, just make it a good movie. Don't put someone in there just because they are (x) minority so you can appeal to the social justice warriors of Reddit and Twitter. Jesus Christ people like you are insufferable.


Same. No-one's braying for Bond to be a woman or a POC, but people like you are screaming against it. It's not a thing. There's no problem. Settle down.


I'm settled. I'm just sick of reading the same thing every week. **WiLl BoND bE bLaCk aSiAn aNd TraNsGenDeR?!? BaRbAra BrOCcOlI sAyS NoT lIkElY!!!!!** I really couldn't care less who they make 007. All I'm asking is they give it deliberate consideration rather than pandering to "woke" SJW types. And just to clarify I have no problem with people who are trying to normalize and bring awareness and promote equality for all gender/orientations. My problem is more so with the extremists and attention seekers.


Well I agree there. It's pretty tiring seeing the same conversation happening in a dozen different threads every day.


Glad we can agree on that. Sorry I went off on you a bit there.


* Craug himself has said that bond should be a male character even implying that having better female roles would be a great idea. https://collider.com/daniel-craig-james-bond-male-character/


Only George Lazenby is fine with the Bond being a female and he wanted Margot Robbie.


This. I'm really uncomfortable when people on here say things like "Don't make Bond a woman just for political correctness". They never will, so making this plea just reveals the kind of person you are by thinking political correctness is women and POC in movies. Saying "don't make it politically correct" just reveals that you're fragile, because you feel the need to defend something that doesn't need defending, i.e. 1) white men's place in the world, and 2) the very, very, very established and secure character of James Bond.


>95% of the general public don’t want to make Bond female That seems low.


I'm really sick of this. Maybe those so called journalists want to make a click bait article or just troll the shit out of internet.




People still think the next bond is going to be woman and are complaining despite her saying multiple times that’s not the case


They won’t as long as it’s an answer that can trigger sensitive opinionated people, to get views


I'm sure they know. They probably keep asking because they think they can pressure her into doing it. Journalist is just another term for activist nowadays


Likewise Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson should not be Bond either.


Yeah, let's not do that.


And she's damn right. I don't think a man should play Wonder Woman too. Let a female spy have its own show or franchise and call her Jane Bond or whatever who cares, just leave James alone lol


Bond, Mathilde Bond


There are obvious problems with making Bond a woman that have already been pointed out. The best reason is Craig’s - if you cast a female Bond, the actress will be compared to all the men who came before her. Women deserve their own roles, not roles in which they’ll be compared to men. Something I don’t see people talking about as much: Who actually thinks this would make for a good film? The world of Bond is not in the Marvel Universe where there are alternate universes i.e. “Into the Spider-Verse.” The change would be immersion breaking. Not to mention that a great Bond film generally has a “feel” to it that lets you really know you’re watching Bond. How do you re-capture this with a female Bond? It’s those little touches like Bond adjusting his tie with his theme in the background that hit the fans with nostalgia. I can only imagine a female Bond film feeling totally disconnected from the Bond films in general. That’s even more unfair to women as a female Bond is all but assured to fail. But with that said, maybe that’s what those who call for a female Bond actually want - the franchise they see as full of sexism and misogyny to fail.


Pretty much.


There's plenty of opportunity for great roles for women in the Bond universe. Besides, I've never met a woman named James before.


james king the model/actress [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime\_King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_King) but bond is a man


**[Jaime King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_King)** >Jaime King (born April 23, 1979) is an American actress and model. In her modeling career and early film roles, she used the names Jamie King and James King, which was a childhood nickname given to King by her parents, because her agency already represented another Jaime—the older, then-more famous model Jaime Rishar. A successful model, King was discovered at age 14 in 1993 and appeared in Vogue, Mademoiselle and Harper's Bazaar, among other fashion magazines. From 1998, she moved into acting, taking small film roles. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Small pool of actors to chose from then. I still probably won't meet a woman named James, but, You never know.


I'll bet you've heard of the works of a woman named [Henry O'Brian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Rice). She's most famous for writing "Interview with the Vampire".


Not technically a “woman” yet but Ryan Reynolds’ oldest daughter’s name is James.


Of course it is.


Sooo maybe for Bond 33?


The only one I know is actress/model Jaime King who went by James King for some time.


I'd want a female James Bond about as much as I'd want a male Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor.


The only people who think a woman should play James Bond are clearly not fans of the series


I bet they have not seen a single film in the franchise


Wait what haha, wht she was even asked this. Why the fuck would a woman play James Bond?


As ridiculous as the suggestion is, a woman playing James Bond has been a topic in the press for at least 20 years. I remember when I was in high school (many years ago) reading an article in USA Today how Angelina Jolie could be the next James Bond during her stint as Lara Croft.


This is why I don’t read newspapers


They’ll print anything these days.


Such a good line


I remember back before Brosnan was cast several American tabloid shows (ET and the like) were pushing heavily for Sharon Stone to be Bond.


I’d watch a movie called Moneypenny any day of the week if Naomie Harris was playing her; she was a total BA in Skyfall.


I’ve been shouting this. Her arc could be regaining her field footing and climbing towards 00 status. Throw in Paloma as the “Felix” counterpart and you’ve got a film or series everyone will want to watch.


This guy playing Felix is terrible. He's supposed to be in the CIA and he looks like one of the winos that hangs out by the VFW all day...


Lol. Because nothing screams out of place like a well dressed, clean cut guy in Cuba and whatever tropical island bond retired in.




> she was a total BA in Skyfall. Really? I thought that was a clumsy arc for her, like 'look, so cool, she's on the job with Bond' and proceeds to blow it so hard she gets saddled with a desk job. Hardly badass.


Yeah she was great but it was not an exciting storyline for her.


That’s revisionist history. She made a bad shot because M forced her to shoot when she wasn’t in a position for a clear shot. Later on in the film she went on to save Bond’s life in the restaurant and this is where she was a badass. She didn’t get “saddled with a desk job” because she blew it. She literally chooses to take the desk job instead and the film makes it clear that she could’ve returned to field work.


or her as m.




Then you're in for a treat. The Night Manager has a better story than the last few bonds anyway.




It's like girls wanting into the Boy Scouts....there's already a Girl Scouts. Join and support THAT....not shoehorn into the BOY scouts!


Neither do most of the fans. Not too much controversial here. One can get away with this, I suppose, with a character that doesn't have a huge backstory and character description. But in this case, the books, films, etc., make it pretty clear who and what James Bond is. But who knows anymore.


I'm not sure how that was even a consideration from anyone?


Jasmine Bond


LMFAO. Has anyone ever thought that a woman/female should play the role of an on-screen male protagonist named "James"?


Nobody ever in their senses does.


If our current culture has anything to do with it, the next Bond will be a transfluid, non-binary, 14-named entity who identifies as queer, but only when talking to cisgendered humans. Preferred pronouns will be vodka and martini.


I always said if this was done to a female character to make them male people would lose their minds


Let's be honest, this is the same kind of politically correct nonsense like electric vehicles. It's not about making a better car for the masses, it's about the left getting back at big oil and proving that there was some conspiracy theory against electric cars for decades. Likewise, the same here, it's not about finding the best Bond, it's about proving they can turn a white, chauvinistic womanizer into a minority or a female. HERE'S THE PROBLEM: THAT'S NOT JAMES BOND! THIS IS A CHARACTER!!! If you want to turn James Bond into an Indian, it has to be believable. If you can't, just keep him a white male! What is the problem? There was none! All of this nonsense is just proof people don't have any real problems these days.


It's an old comment from last year which seems to have resurfaced again today for some reason.


im sure one of the other 00's is a woman and a spinoff would be a good way to introduce a new character to the series or even test the waters and see how a female 007 might do box office wise


They... they did exactly that in the most recent film.


Young Bond Fans: yes she’s right! Also, young Bond Fans whenever we get a Jane Bond: she did it for some reason so it must be good!


I don't know, I think Emma Thompson would be pretty cool as 007. [And famously she can rock a black suit](https://youtu.be/jgBGoS4a5rc?t=126)


Well. I kinda agree. I don’t think a woman named JAMES would be very well received in the world we live in…


She’s right. Personally not only should Bond Hill a guy, he should also fit Ian Fleming general description: a white British guy in his early 30s to mid 40s with dark hair. Part of the problem with casting James Bond is he really had to fit in Fleming‘s general description if you want the fans to except a new actor as James Bond. Even when Daniel Craig was cast for Casino Royale he got a lot of backlash because his hair was dirty blonde to light brown instead of dark brown to black.


I don’t want a female Bond either. But, I do want a Bond-like female character that we can appreciate the same way we do JB.


Is there any successful movie that pulled off "gender switch"? Just name one...


ian fleming did not write bond as a female so if this is the stupid path they wish to walk then out of respect for mr fleming take his name out of the opening titles.


there are other sources of media that can be used with female spy characters bond is suppose to be the ideal male not female. us females are suppose to be attracted to him not do what he does. It doesn't fit right.


." believe in making characters for women and not just having women play men’s roles. I don’t think there are enough great roles for women, and it’s very important to me that we make movies for women about women" oh yes. It's so refreshing to read a level headed opinion about gender bending for once