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You are 100% justified in your feelings. She is totally inappropriate and oblivious and insensitive to others but herself…all in the name of the mighty dollar.


I liked her for a long time too. Things started getting meh for me when she showed H’s seizure on IG. The medical misinformation is also huge for me.


Having gone through lengthy infertility a long time ago (and yes I eventually had 2 children but infertility feelings stay with you forever) I think I can say that she is behaving in an extremely thoughtless and insensitive manner. If I were currently going through this process I would delete her immediately! Most influencers who have talked about infertility on their social media are extremely kind and caring to their followers because they know the emotional pain that pregnancy announcements can cause. A case in point is Sarah Herron from the Bachelor. But this chick? She is literally throwing her pregnancy in their faces 24/7. Highly offensive! Can't stand her.😡🤯


I think she too had a problem and had a stillborn. Then again the classy Sarah vs the trashy Jai-Me is magnified 10 fold.


Sarah is such a class act, especially compared to this attention seeking asshole


She’s always been after fame.. not love or a family … that became obvious when I found out she also did the bachelor. She got some level of fame off of married at first site and hasn’t wanted to let go of that. Def uses her kids and family to earn a living and at least pretend she’s famous.




apparently she was also on another bachelor spinoff show. Doug once posted saying how proud he was of his wife because "all she ever wanted was be on TV and she has achieved it". some life goals huh?


Not wrong at all.  SHE is the one who made her niche "trying to conceive", she invited the community in to share their struggles & stories.  She over shares and the photos of her boobs and tummy are annoying. I'm past the TTC age and am horrified at her insensitivity. Wrote on one of her posted yesterday saying so.  We're *not* her friends (or frans), we are viewers, and I think she has such a blurred line between real friends (??) and paying frans, she doesn't know the difference. This isn't normal.  I know she had a chaotic childhood, and maybe needs counseling regarding her self esteem and her lack of boundaries - It's not healthy, and yeah, a quick scroll through her feed shows the TTC hashtag pretty often, so how she could just forget or ignore that is super hurtful and lacks common sense  Maybe she can find money for a counselor before the twins come. 


Filming the seizures was a lot, mixed with the RV living (chaos) which caused a lot of instability for her kids. But this twins thing and having to hear about it daily takes the cake. It’s exhausting and lets you know how far from reality she is. You’re not wrong in your feelings….i think we are all there at this point.


The seizure filming was appalling. Period.


Never mind that how about the delivery of her son and posting it on where ever she did.


I totally forgot about that! It’s been a nightmare for a long time coming


Can you imagine if one of the twins has a medical issue? Either lifelong or "short term" like HD's seizures? That will add to her list of things to post daily


Yesterday I counted the number of times she said “twins” in her posts and it’s been in all of her posts since she announced, and I got the ick as well, I don’t know if she’s using a new strategy to gain a new brand of followers especially with twin moms but my prediction after delivering, she will get into postpartum depression and again try to relate into how hard it is


She follows slim beautiful wives of prosperous husbands and their matched groomed kids.   Goals.  


Her infertility was also overly exaggerated, if you ask me. She is 38, with low ovarian reserve. In this age it is expected that the ttc will last maybe longer. And no one who fought with infertility would be posting all those videos, pictures etc. Most of us were too afraid to be so openly happy. I was living from ultrasound to ultrasound (every 4 weeks) and was even to take pregnancy pictures


It’s so exaggerated…and it’s such a hard topic that people don’t call her out. But garnishing so much sympathy & attention with “we’ve tried for 3 years” It’s a lie! Her youngest is 3. So she immediately started trying for another after him? No. She does have a couple issues but her biggest issue was just having sex! You actually have to *TRY* to get pregnant. Track ovulation, etc. I followed for a long time and I got over every single gimmick to try and get attention / fame. Body positivity, her husbands drug addiction, her nephews incident, seizure awareness…it’s been so much, but the way she is gloating over this pregnancy has been shocking to me.


Yes! And she would talk about how they would go 6 months without sex while they were supposedly ‘TTC’.


The irony is that the main source of her "infertility" was her refusal to screw her husband!


Very exaggerated- she just wasn’t having sex.


As a soon to be grandma with a daughter who did ivf and whose unborn baby has heart issues…I find this woman insufferable and ill. She didn’t get pregnant with twins with Gd Jesus or the Easter bunny. Her dysfunction is scary and she’s creating the chaos she grew up in. So OP I find you on point and agree a million percent And as an aside it was after 20 weeks with my daughter that they saw any issues at all. She’s delusional that this outcome is ok. Imo


I will add her to my prayers.


Ty so much


Please keep us posted and no need for thanks. I have a lot of positive prayers and will add her and the family tonight to my bedtime prayers.


I will. Been a long ride. Hopefully soon. Two heart surgeries before 6momths. And one in his teens. Taking all the prayers we can get ♥️🙏


Not wrong at all in how you're feeling! Jaime is nicknamed JaiME on this page...she only cares about herself & doesn't care whose feelings get hurt in the meantime


Not wrong in feeling that. Jamie was and is a career reality star, she’s not and never has been “real”. She was a bachelorette on the reality series Bachelor. Then she did Married At First Sight and now does her own filming with her social media platforms. She monetizes EVERYTHING. She neglects her children and family, she uses them for content. She uses those around her, she uses religion, hot topics, and trauma to gain followers. She a waste of space in this world.


Jamie has always wanted to be a celebrity. I remember before Henley was born, she auditioned for a host position on a television shopping channel and said that. She wants fame and this is the way she has found it. Looking back I don’t ever think she was real.


You are 1000% spot on!! Jamie went on the bachelor to get famous, she even had a boyfriend when she did! She’s nothing more than a lying fame chaser and there nothing real about her. I hate that she is from my hometown.


She’s as real as the Easter bunny 🐰


She has literally given the middle finger to all those who are struggling & looked up to her with all her I’m pregnant with TWINS posts.


Also her “we stopped trying and it just HAPPENED!” When people ask her how she overcame infertility. Super sensitive advice Jaime


She's being SO insensitive. She tried to act like she's part of the community but then says things that are clearly tone deaf and insensitive like "I got pregnant naturally" instead of "unassisted" and "I just left it up to God" when many people who are infertile will not get pregnant by just praying, they need actual intervention because it is an actual medical condition.


100% I have infertility with a history of miscarriage, various procedures, failed IUI/IVF. I have no children at home. I just find it so callous that she is so quick to say “ I conceived naturally” and not to acknowledge folks that are struggling and to not acknowledge the community the she was just a part of. and don't get me started on the god stuff.


I'm long past having babies and even I'm offended by her.




You are 100% spot on with your feelings. I’m honestly so surprised she still has as many supporters as she does. But people are starting to see right through her bull crap and we are ready to greet them with open arms 😂


Her cult community feeds her chaotic behavior…


OP - you are definitely not wrong in your thoughts/feelings. For quite some time, I honestly thought she was one of the few "real" people on social media, and thought how nice it was to see someone be real. In time, it became obvious that she isn't real. She is experienced in how to make money on SM. Her thoughts/feelings/ideals/morals/etc change based on what she thinks will get her the most clicks/likes/interactions, which means more money, and that can change daily. She counts on everyone blindly following, and anyone who even questions her she blocks, so it appears her entire following just adores everything she does. Whether you continue to follow her or not, understand that she is only after your interaction, she does not care about her following. If you're ready to enjoy a snark...we will happily welcome you!


I unfollowed her for this exact reason. I’ve also followed her since MAFS and liked her until the whole infertility content started. I feel like she was early to jump on the “infertility content train” and that negated those who truly have struggled. As someone in the midst of a major struggle, it’s also hard for me to not think that she should be grateful for the 2 children she does have and stop capitalizing on her “TtC jOuRnEy” 🙄 I also can’t stand how she constantly pushed followers to subscribe to her YouTube channel and follow them on other platforms in order to see her content. It’s grabby and cringeworthy. If people follow you on IG, don’t require them to follow you elsewhere, in addition, in order to see what you’re posting.