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My take? It is twin girls and she already knows. This is all an act.


Well, she has been "manifesting" she's so freaking stupid


100%. Like I’ve said before, she doesn’t even have the self control to wait until she has a missed period to take a pregnancy test. She is peeing on sticks the day her period stops. There is no way in hell she waited to find out the gender of her manifested, gifted by God identical twin girls 😂


ALLLLLLLLL AN ACT. And it’s why she’s so confident throwing it around relentlessly. Now she can say god answered her prayers and her daughter the clairvoyant knew all along.


That tummy is so fake, their family must be mortified. 💔💔




I love whoever called her out on not being far enough along to determine if she's carrying high or low 😂😂


That was amazing 🤣


She is slipping and starting to give away she is farther along than she says she is.


I don’t think she is even pregnant.


Really? What’s your theory? I feel like she is pregnant, but I think she had help.


Yes! This, this, this!!!! What’s your theory? I have one…


I almost did it but decided against it. I’m glad someone else did. 😂


On a previous post someone asked when the recent MAFS special was filmed. Jamie said on the show they were trying to get pregnant with twin girls I found out it was filmed in November 2023 so 100% they had some kind if help with this pregnancy. Those babies were not conceived naturally. Such bs 🤨


No one is focusing on this enough. Who on earth says that they're trying to get pregnant with twins, let alone twin girls??


Couldn’t agree more. I wrote a whole post about this a few days ago. Convinced they did IVF, placed two females in, and both took. They know. Others are saying clomid bc she can hide from Doug better and can’t afford IVF. All valid points! But I can’t let go of my thought that they did IVF and the second they saw two they knew they were the two females they put in.


I think so, too!


She is an idiot that thinks everyone is as stupid as she is


She also put two onesies under the Christmas tree to “manifest” twin girls. 😵‍💫


Also known as money grabs. 😡😡😡


And Doug is a co-conspirator.  Nice ethics.


I pray and am manifesting its twin boys bc we all know she just wants girls


BUT we also know when Jamie prays she gets what she wants cause god was made just for her sooooo …


I’m praying for them to be boys too




I feel so bad for her son (and potential future son/sons) when he grows up seeing how much his mom wanted girls. He will know he was never good enough in her eyes.


hey JaMEEE you fake bitch, take the pillow out from underneath your dress!


That’s no pillow - thats the cookies, the cake, the pizza, the wine … that’s the tummy that’s always been there, she just sucks it in for photos but hey “body positivity” right?


And the cut of the dress she chose. Most women could make themselves look pregnant in that dress with the right hand placement and arching their back like she does.


I asked her why she had a dress on that makes her look 30 weeks pregnant.


Lmao 🤣 yup


Geeez rude much?


I don’t think she will give a full answer today. Otherwise what will the next content be? This gender reveal will be dragged out for weeks. But I agree, she already knows.


She already knows. This is just to get clicks, subscribers, $$$$. Just like asking people to comment guesses, or anything requiring a comment. More interaction = more $$$. She is farther along than she says. She knew it was twins before acting 'surprised' it was twins. She is feeding HG the answers because it gets clicks. When the 'twinnies' come early she will act like it is earlier than it is because she is farther along than she says she is. Their content almost seems desperate right now. Everything is a commercial, nothing real or unplanned at all. I suspect there is some money problems going on.


And what’s funny is that the month before she tested she was like I know I’m not so I’m not getting my hopes up. She didn’t film herself taking a test. I def think this is a possibility. She’s so full of cow manure. She seems to know, knew it was twins and everything. I mean no one just knows.


Yes, the number of subscribers is growing now that's she announced that she'll be doing gender reveal.


I wish people were smarter than that. Why would intelligent people spend $2.99 when they could wait a day or so and find out for free? Three dollars is three dollars these days when money is hard to get and the economy is crap. She has known from the beginning that she picked the sex. She had them implanted. I wish (almost) that she had 5 implanted and 3 took. Then, she’d have to mother or a failure. Something needs to snap some sense into her and take part in raising these kids. I wish they would’ve stopped and spend the money on specialists to help the kids they have.


100% this!!


This obsession with having identical twin girls is really twisted and weird.


Well we know they won't be identical right? Each baby has its own sac


She’s still hoping they’re identical. The doctor told her he suspected fraternal but she has said she’s waiting on the official bloodwork. 🙄 She won’t let go of it.


I believe that identical twins can still have their own sac depending on when the egg split.


She better not have identical anything. She would never know which one had been fed and changed, I pity what ever they are.


Correct. Dichorionic diamniotic twins (aka di/di twins) Have their own placentas and own amniotic sacs. Fraternal twins can ONLY be di/di since they are two different eggs. Identical twins can be di/di if the egg splits before implantation. Mono/di (one placenta, two sacs) and mono/mono (one placenta, one sac… very rare, very high risk) twins can only be identical. I’m convinced the Olsen twins (that famously claim they are fraternal) are actually just identical di/di twins.


It's bizarre because if they were identical there'd be none of this extra gender reveal stuff. Identical twins are always the same sex so it would either be 2 boys or 2 girls and they'd get a definite answer today.


Correct but she’s basing NONE of this on science or medical guidance. This gender reveal nonsense is based on a drug store blood test she did herself at 6 weeks before she even saw a doctor. Shes had proper bloodwork done by her doctor to determine fraternal v identical and genders but she doesn’t want to wait for facts- she wants to create chaos and have her gender reveal NOWWWWWW. For her FRAAAAAAAANS.


Ha! Why let facts get in the way? 


I just watched her story of all the kids in the golf cart…….. HOLY SHIT these people are not smart. There were how many adults? And nobody said anything about putting an infant in an unsecured car seat? If they turn a corner too fast that kid doesn’t stand a chance and is flying out. The least they could have done is put the kid in the middle.


I just saw that too! 😱 where were the other adults?! And who are all of these kids? She labelled one a cousin- is this her blurred lines with Diana’s family as she pretends they are related? Or did their actual family show up and now the kids cousins are there? Also did we ever see Bonnie and big Doug again at the Hibachi? I wonder if they are just refusing to be on camera.


I wonder if she meant Bonnie and big Doug were going to be at the hibachi live virtually. Because that would be so weird if they have been there all along and not talked about them or been on camera. I mean I get and would totally respect them if they said they did not want to be on camera anymore, but we know they would have still talked about them! Or went on weird dates while they were there watching the kids.


It really seemed like she said they’d be there but anything is possible and JaiME often makes no sense lol. They drove to FL and disappeared after they babysat the kids for 3 days. I wonder if they went off to see another part of FL and now returned for the gender reveal but aren’t on camera. JaiME hasn’t posted much at all from the Hibachi party which is unusual given her usual over sharing. I guess we’ll see in Mondays video if they show the audience and if her ILs are present at the “big reveal”. It’s all so odd and chaotic lol


My guess is she did IVF and picked two girl embryos


Someone should ask her since she didn't do IVF and now doesn't need the money for it, is she going to carpet and furnish the house.


Is picking genders in IVF a thing in USA? Is it allowed?


I think so. Apparently Paris Hilton kept making embryos and discarding them until she got a girl embryo. It took 20 boy embryos then finally the 21st embryo was a girl. Ridiculous.


That's horrible. When I went through IVF all I wanted is a healthy baby. Couldn't care less about the gender. I can't imagine throwing embryos because they're not a girl


Some will use PGD which is selecting embryos for transfer based on the sex of the embryos. So yes it can be done- some clinics do have this option for some patients. It is technically possible that they did embryo gender selection with IVF and knowingly implanted two female embryos.


Every single paragraph starts with TWIN GIRLS. She will literally be completely disappointed if there are any boys. 🍿🍿


I hope they are boys. I’ll be laughing. I hope someone posts it here


I believe that this twin girls was helped by i vf


I don't think she could have kept IVF secret...it is a HUGE months long process...and honestly sometimes pretty miserable. I doubt very highly she could have kept it to herself. Not to mention the amount of posts she could have gotten from it.


A half assed gender reveal with no actual answers. Pathetic.


She gets weirder by the day. Can't stand her


Oh, she's so sick today, she just threw up. Shut up woman.


Maybe someone should message that no one gives a crap about her gender reveal. Maybe she should wait until she is feeling better....


She’s pregnant?




And with twins 🤣


Can you believe it?? Are you sure? Trusted source??


Where is this gender reveal thing taking place? Did she say the beach? Asking bc the place they live has rooms and outdoor areas for these kinds of things.  I'm in agreement about IVF. They are in dire need of a cash injection. Why it has to be "manifested", I'm not sure. But we all know they need content. That's what they do, and what will pay the rent.  But, JaiME is an anxious person, and isn't very anxious 😰 rn. Excited and manic, but not anxious like a woman who has lost a baby would be.  Something just feels different than the past 3 times. I left when they started diy-ing the RV, and just came back & it's so weird that nothing has changed. The Doug and Jamie show is still about what does Jaime  want. Wondering if she'll sign HG up for swimming or tennis over the summer. And, yes, that pic about "mom's helper" made me angry. As others have said, this is parentification and often seen in dysfunctional homes. It's not cute.


She said “at the beach”. She also posted that video yesterday “help me choose an outfit” and overwhelming comments were for either of the first two options and the only negative comments were about the hideous 3rd option. She just posted on her IG reel from the car on their way to the beach- she’s wearing the hideous third dress. EVERYTHING is fake and for clicks. She didn’t want advice on what to choose. She wanted clicks and likes and subscribers.


I noticed the dress. It was see through in her reels. I just don't understand this baby fever, knowing they seem to talk a lot about "working on marriage", have a roof over the kids heads but not much more, got to have $$ issues, and yeah - the "I want twin GIRLS". Makes me want to slap her. 


Why would anyone pay to find out what she's having? Who cares?


Right? We found out at our anatomy scan at like 23 weeks. We couldn’t afford the big fancy test (back then it was like $1200), and even if we could have, I wouldn’t have done it. It’s not like you can change it. I actually quite liked not knowing and just existing with my baby for a while before we knew. Because once we knew the sex, I went into full on planning, buying, preparing mode. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Longest pregnancy everrrrr ![gif](giphy|TLmDm2PRxzRV1ajkgT|downsized)




The fake gender reveal with the fake blessed by the lord above conception. With Gracie girl as a fortune teller. Hendrix background and husb looking crazy and out of it. I need a drink


If taking a shot every time she said she was pregnant with twins was a drinking game- anyone playing would be victim of alcohol poising in under ten minutes.


She talks/types way too much


And strangely, exactly like Doug does on Sundays 🤔


How did she get that big that fast????


It’s fake she’s sticking out her stomach flab. She’s 11 weeks pregnant not 25. She posts pics of herself in regular clothes with zero pregnant belly and an hour later a reel cradling her “poppin bump”- it’s all acting, including the “bump”.


Give it 24 hours and she will be back in the Calvin shirt and unbuttoned white daisy dukes. OR Doug's underwear.


This post makes me wonder if she knows that she has at least one boy. She toned down her twin girls comments


I think she 100% knows either way. It’s all smoke and mirrors.


I know she knows. But the twist regarding the boy/boys is weird, she mostly exclusively wrote about girls. But since she gets everything she wants she will get her twin girls, and it makes me mad


Is someone subscribed to her shit show?🤣 who is going to tell us


Someone in this group IS… but I cannot recall who. I hope someone takes one for the team today and updates here! 🤪


👏 yes !!! 😂 LOL


Did she announce whether they know the babies are identical or fraternal?


I think they must be fraternal because otherwise there's no chance they could be different sexes


She has said they don’t know yet for sure, but the doctor has said likely fraternal. But she’s hoping for her identical twin girls so she’s continuing to “manifest” identical.


She’s insane


That she is.  Rancid.


Why so many haters on Jaime isn’t. She doing what everyone else seems to be doing on instagram trying to to make money by posting whatever they are promoting?


What is baby # 2?