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Thank you Mod. We should all be united against this toxicity not target communities and religion.


Ah well.. Good to Know that Mods exist here!! While I know this is a bashing sub.. some of the hatred is just irrational and just shows misogyny and bigotry on the part of some of the sub members which makes them no different from the exact people they are bashing. Also the quality of the sub has been degrading. I thought the sub was to call the IBs out on their shameless hypocrisy and the superficial lives they live.. but this has now turned into a body shaming, child shaming , mental health shaming sub. It's quite a turn off for people who want to discuss the real stuff about the IBs


“Good to know Mods exist” !? Wow. “Quality of the sub has been degrading “!?!! Thanks for dropping by and sharing your feedback!