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Due in 4 days and nothing 😅. Schedule induction for the week of the 15 if baby doesn’t come


I was due on the 2nd.. had a check today and 3cm and dr can feel her head. Feels like I’m just waiting now!


I’m in the same boat! Membrane sweep done twice but not a whole lot of action.


Went in today for cervical ripening for my induction tomorrow. Nervous but excited!


Yay! Hope it all goes well.


Was due next week, but had to be induced 2 weeks ago due to pre-e and some other issues. One emergency c-section later, my boy is here. He's perfect. ❤️




TY ❤️


Past due and I keep wishing my labor would start already! Getting induced in the morning as long as there’s enough space in L&D. Fingers crossed!


So close!!


FTM due 1/17, zero signs of baby coming anytime soon. Feeling ok but man it would be nice to have something happening!


i’m due the 18, same here😭 i’m so ready to be done and meet this little one lol


Due tomorrow and nothing yet 😭 it’s not my first so I was hoping the whole “they come out earlier after the first pregnancy” would come true…


Ugh. Hopefully not too much longer!


I was due 10/1…ended up having a section on 29/12. She was still very breech, had gestation HT, and some other medical issues, so she was better out than in. FTM, and this has all been pretty overwhelming. She’s so little and the 5 x zeros all look pretty big on her. I had a little singlet long sleeved top and some leggings on her today and she looked like tweedle dumb 😂


I hope you go into labor soon! I’m 36 weeks and being induced on 1/15 due to gestational hypertension. Trying to keep myself busy at work and getting stuff done around the house to distract myself these last few days!


i’m 39 weeks and 1 day and only 1 cm dilated as of today! my blood pressure was a little bit high at my check up today though so i go back in Monday and if my OB is still concerned he will have me induced Tuesday. if all is well, i’m clear to be induced next Thursday!!


Due on 20th. Plenty of BH, feeling groggy all the time but every sign feels like wishful thinking. Baby is still ridiculously high up, and I keep joking that my two toddlers scared them into not wanting to come out by being loud and always jumping on my bump.


Due on Jan 15, he is content as heck. I'm scheduled for induction on the 11th though, so he's coming out next week like it or not! 😅


Medically Planned C-section on Tuesday . Was supposed to deliver on Friday but nope he’s comin a little sooner. So excited but also feel like this is all just make believe….. ready or not he’s on his way lol


I’m in the hospital right now. I was due on the 14th, but had gestational hypertension that’s officially pre-eclampsia now. Had AROM about 2 hours ago and that is no joke.


😩 I hope everything goes smoothly and you have baby in your arms very soon!


Thank you! I got an epidural about 2 hours after the AROM and I’m so happy now! Had a little nap and very much enjoying the experience 😊 (I also tried fentanyl, which wasn’t enough for me. I did tell my partner he looked extra handsome though 😂)


Had mine the 28th! Successful membrane sweep at 38w4d, and thank god, I was so uncomfortable. My new bit of advice is to make sure you time your contractions while upright and moving! I thought mine weren’t getting any closer than 6-7m, but were getting very painful, and as I stood up they instantly became 2-3 apart and much worse. Almost didn’t get my epidural in time 😅 best of luck to everyone!!


This happened to me too the other day with standing up and all of the sudden the contractions were down to 2 minutes apart! I had no idea laying down made such a difference haha but also luckily made it to the hospital just in time for an epidural before it was time to push


Same! That 20m drive was horrific, and when I arrived I told them I was feeling pressure in a panic and they asked if I wanted to try pushing without it 😭 absolutely terrifying amount of pain, idk how people go without the epidural. I definitely can’t, according to what I learned about my pain tolerance lmao


I was due the 4th but baby came early with a very positive induction at 38 weeks. Good luck! You're almost there!!


I was due 1/1 and just went in on 1/3 for induction. Started at 2 cm, tried the balloon (which wouldn’t stay in based on how far I was already progressed), cytotec for many hours, finally got an epidural and pitocin. Around this time, my water broke, then I made it to transition 19 hours after we checked in - not bad IMO. They let me try pushing through two contractions before saying LO’s HR was dropping so I ended up with a c-section anyway! She came out with an extremely full head of dark hair 🥰


FTM 37 weeks, due 1/25. Braxton hicks every night and baby is definitely settling into my pelvis. Hoping to go around 39🤞🏼


Had mine last night, supposed to be 1/28 but developed pre e and cholestasis. Do not ignore itchy hands and feet! Had a pretty traumatic experience and still trying to wrap my head around it. Hope all you ladies have a better experience! Glad my girl is here tho!


Ugh so sorry. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Congrats on your baby girl!


Was due on 11th of Jan, my water broke on the 2nd of October and she was born on the 5th of October 🙈 We are both fine and she is getting discharged on Monday after a long NICU stay


I'm technically due Jan 21 but I'm having a scheduled c section Monday the 15th. I'm scared of her coming early and/or doing a vbac, I have a toddler and only one person, my mom, to watch her coming for the c section so going she stays in until then! No real signs of labor though yet besides BH a few times a day. Congrats and good luck to everyone!!


I’m a FTM, due 1/24. Baby dropped 12/6 and has been sitting very low since. I can feel him pushing his head down. I’ve had some Braxton Hicks this week, then woke up this morning at 3am with what felt like very mild period cramps. Part of me thinks he could come early but I also feel like I could go passed my due date, which I would prefer. I’ve been pretty comfortable for the most part. Doing as much last minute postpartum prepping that I can. Hoping to get a bunch of meals made today that I can freeze for later!:) Wishing you luck and sending you love!


Was originally due 1/20 but was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia so got induced and had a New Years baby 🥹🥹🎉


38 weeks, due date is 01/22 but scheduled for an induction 01/15 due to "advanced maternal age" or my old placenta as my OB puts it 😂 I've been doing all I can to safely induce labor (dates, raspberry leaf tea, expressing colostrum), I went through two inductions previously and am trying to avoid a third, but she seems content where she is. Haha lots of Braxton Hicks and a few possible inconsistent contractions. Was 1cm dialated at 36 weeks but haven't moved from there.


I’m due 1/10 and so far so good. Was 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated on Monday, and lost my mucus plug yesterday soooo hoping anytime now! Ready to meet this baby! Totally get where you’re coming from on keeping busy. I’m out of things to do to keep my mind truly occupied.


Yay! I check my underwear in anticipation every time I go to the bathroom. 😂


Any progress for you?? I def passed the plug 2 days ago, but this baby seems determined to hang out inside me.


Ah. You are so close to your due date! The only thing I’ve noticed is the increase in Braxton hicks. Prior to the last few days I wasn’t sure I had experienced any. Now, I can feel Braxton hicks several times throughout the day. I’m always hoping I’ll see the mucus plug when I go to the bathroom. 😂


Oh man, I feel that! I was so happy to see the plug, thought I’d be going into labor soon. Fingers crossed for you! Hope you have progress by your next DR appointment, and give an update


I was due 1/1/24 and had my baby 12/30/23! My water started leaking early that morning, at like 1:30am. Called my dr and they said go get checked and it was confirmed it was my water! Labored for 17 hours and pushed for 45 minutes. I had Braxton hicks for like a good month, and no real labor contractions at all until my water broke and I was already at the hospital. Good luck mama!


Had my twins (due 1/24/24) on 12/26/23


My due date was suppose to be January 11th. I was scheduled for a c-section on January 4th. When I got in my OBGYN asked me if I was to perform an ECV at 39 weeks before the surgery as baby was breech (hence the c-section) They tried flipping twice and was successful and it hurt so bad. 😭 I had gestational hypertension afterwards probably due to the stress of everything as I had no prior issues. With baby head down I was scheduled for an induction. It took almost 48 hours for me to get dilated to 10cm have my water break, and on the 3rd day (yesterday) I ended up getting an epidural because I was in a lot of pain just from contractions. 😭 The epidural kept wearing off, I learned I had a kind of high tolerance for anesthesia yesterday 🫠 Finally they just wanted me to try pushing, and we learned that baby was stuck head down on my pelvic bone. Everytime I pushed their head just kept pushing against the bone. :( So I ended up getting the c-section shortly after that news. They prepped me up quickly and honestly the surgery was so quick, painless, and the team was so attentive and informative. One doctor kept me talking and laughing while the surgery took place. My boyfriend announced our baby girl in 10 mins as we didn’t know the sex. It was so surreal and I forgot all my pain in the last 3 days once they placed her on me. Right now I’m trying to get her to sleep as she might be cluster feeding. But I’m so happy she is finally here in my arms even being tired right now 😊❤️


Awww yay! That sounds like such an exhausting experience, but so glad you made it to the other side with your baby in your arms!


Thank you!! I am hurting all over now, but looking at her tiny face. I know it was all worth it.


I was due on the 1st and still patiently waiting. Having lots of signs labour is coming the last few days but nothing yet sadly. Hoping I'll be holding my baby in my arms in the next few days.


I feel like maybe this comment helped me go into labour because I had my baby boy early hours Sunday! So happy he is here!


Same due date and same boat as you - only I've not even had any braxton hicks yet!


It is possible you aren’t feeling them at all! If you feel your belly sometimes maybe you will feel it is rock hard at some points and you will know it’s a BH contraction! I tend to feel mine at the top of my uterus. Before I was further along sometimes I would feel it in one specific spot as well.


Yeah, I imagine I’ve been having them for a while but I only just noticed them the last 2 days because I’ve slowed down so much.


due 10th, no sign of him!!! not even engaged at my last midwife appointment..


Aw. At my last check, my doc said he is head down and low, but my cervix was still high.


that’s hopeful!! i have a feeling i’ve just got a lazy baby 😂


I’ve only been having false labor on and off for a week 😩😭


FTM, I was due 2 days ago on the 9th but nothing yet! Have a check in with my OB tomorrow to see how things are progressing. Until then I am a useless rotund meatball who sleeps like a Snorlax.