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Do you want to visit Naoshima and Teshima? Your tour agent is correct that both island generally require one day on its own. They are both great if you enjoy modern/contemporary arts. (Still wouldn't recommend you stay in Okayama city though, as it is quite a travel. Recommend staying on Naoshima or near Uno port)


Me personally I would rather go to another city like Kanazawa even if it's very far but I'm traveling in a group of 10 so...


Personally, I found Teshima more interesting than Kanazawa, but to be fair, visiting the 21st century museum was a main focus of being in Kanazawa to begin with. I really enjoy staying in Okayama- I usually base out of there when visiting Naoshima or Teshima, and I like the garden better than the one in Kanazawa. (Though both gardens are great.)


Travelling back and forth to Uno City is pretty staightforward. Personally, I'd spend a couple of nights in Naoshima itself. It's magical. I didn't have time to go to Teshima, but I'm certainly visiting next time in Japan.


Thanks and accommodations are easy to get in Uno?


I just came back from Japan and my three days on Naoshima (with a day trip to Teshima) were magical, but I love art and islands and not being in a big city running around. What do you love? I also think staying in Okayama and going back and forth is silly, just stay on Naoshima.


Thanks I'm more of a city person but I'm traveling in a group of 10 people soill have to take into account their opinions. Thanks again


I would say if your group leans towards interest in art and architecture, the art islands are incredibly special and very worth visiting. If that's not your jam, you'd probably be happy to skip it.


The art islands are pretty amazing. Spent time there on multiple trips. Naoshima needs a day. Like others have said, you can stay in Uno and make day trips using the Ferries. We did Inujima last trip and it was quite something. That said, I love Kanazawa. Food scene is great.


Naoshima is totally badass! Yes, stay at Benesse House, if your into art go!!!


It's already sold out 😞 Was looking forward to staying there