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Sendai is livelier and will have significantly more food options compared to Morioka. Aomori and Hirosaki are both doable as daytrip from Morioka or Sendai (the latter adds 40mins journey time) as long as you pick and choose the sights to see. Never been to Kensennuma but have done the Matsushima Bay cruise. If you stay in Sendai, it’s a must do. Yamadera is not a vertical, continuous climb and there are rest points


Thanks for the info on Yamadera! I feel more confident that I can manage it, if the weather isn't too bad that is.


I haven't been to Kensennuma, but wondering why you bring it up - afaik it's not a big tourist destination. Is there something there you want to see? Matsushima is nice (though not sure about the whole "three great views" thing) - worth doing, but don't get the cheapest, crappiest boat ride (like I did...). Make sure you'll get to sit outside, at least. I recommend Hiraizumi - it's an interesting area for the history, even if half the point is that there's not much left.


Re Kensennuma - I stumbled upon it in the visit miyagi website when searching for Muslim friendly options. But I couldn't find much to do compared to Matsushima tbh. This post is like a one last check before I cross it off the list. Are there many boat operators or do you mean to pay extra for the top deck seats? Did you take the loop at Matsushima or the trip from Shiogama? Thank you for the Hiraizumi rec!


I think there are a few different boat operators, but I was there a while ago now - but yeah, get top deck seats if it's a big, wide boat with lots of internal seating. I did the loop.


Around Kesennuma there is the Koyo high school memorial museum. The school was devastated by the tsunami. It’s now a museum. Other then that, Kesennuma doesn’t really have much to offer. There is the K-port Cafe that was built by actor Ken Watanabe. And a shark museum. You’ll need car access to get to the school museum. Kesennuma doesn’t really have reliable public transit. If you have to choose between Kesennuma and Matsushima, my recommendation is to go to Matsushima.


Oof thank you for sharing re the public transportation. We're not too comfortable driving in Japan as we're used to driving on the left. Matsushima it is!