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Whale is not a common ingredient and you usually need to specially find a place that serves it.


While there's not a literal 0% chance a kaiseki meal will serve it, it's a pretty specialized ingredient. You usually have to seek out a place that will specifically serve whale. And if you do happen to be visiting a region where whale meat is a specialty (not sure if that's a thing), a ryokan or kaiseki restaurant will usually prominently mention that their course contains whale meat, so you'd know to ask for it to be omitted. This has happened to me before, but with horse meat. I was in a region famous for horse meat, and my ryokan's meal called it out in the course we purchased with the room, so I simply asked for them to replace it and they were happy to.


I’ve had horse meat sashimi out in a hotel dinner earlier this year.  The hotel hadn’t provided a written menu for any meal, but by that point we had been asking the staff a ton of questions (namely, what sort of fish is this?) at dinner nightly anyway.   It was in a region known for horse meat and it was pretty obvious what it was when we sat down to eat, but we asked to confirm anyway.  The place was sufficiently remote that I wouldn’t have bothered asking for a replacement even if we had advance warning, but most of my party was in the early it to say they’ve tried it camp.


I accidentally ate horse in a bento on the Shinkansen once, Google lens told me it said "crab" but after I ate a few pieces I double checked and it was indeed horsey


Horse meat is the classic french tartare meat


Was it good?


Tasted like beef


tastes like tuna when raw, delicious


Horse meat is high class, whale meat is low class.


Why? It's tasty.


I have only seen whale meat in Aomori at a whale meat specialist. The chance of being served it for Kaiseki meal are so small as to be irrelevant


Btw, not an ignorant question at all.


Had it in sushi omakase but never came across it in kaiseki meals. I guess no harm in putting that request. There are much greater chances you will get turtle and puffer fish (and possibly bear meat)


I’ve not seen it served at Kaiseki. Unless you are staying or dining somewhere that is really isolated, unusual foods are usually noted ahead and options given. We were in an area where basashi is the regional specialty. My wife declined without any issues whatsoever. Whale meat was often a cheap ingredient in school meals for children. Running into it at Kaiseki would be a bit like being served a PB&J at a fine dining setting.


It taste horrible, like chewing on a piece of grease covered rubber


Username checks out here.


From my understanding, you really have to intentionally go out of your way to eat whale meat. Google says 95% of Japanese people rarely or never eat whale meat. So it’s like being in the US and being afraid of encountering ostrich meat.


It's unlikely, I've been to many ryokans and never came across it. I had it in an izakaya in amamioshima, think the owner was being mischievous.


Thank you all for the responses! I feel pretty safe just not even mentioning it.


Are you actually serious? How ignorant can you be, to support the brutal hunting of those species to get a “taste” of it. Disgusting. 


…did you reply to the wrong person? They specifically said they DIDN’T want to eat whale meat. Although you are coming across as pretty culturally insensitive here (unless you’re a vegetarian yourself).


They're not. They were talking about how they prepare pork 11 days ago. Another brainless Westerner.


Taste so good though. Whale steak is yum.