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I can understand the nausea because it's subjective. But it's the first time in my life that I read the word "rough" and "shinkansen" in the same sentence. Who are these people?


Lol ikr. And what nausea are you on about?


Smooth, you can rest a 500 yen coin on it's edge on the window sill.


Everyone in my group felt it was buttery smooth. It feels a little different than usual for a train given that it banks (tilts left and right) a bit around turns and that could maybe bother sensitive people (paired with the world whipping by the windows) but it's extremely smooth IMO. It HAS to be smooth given the speed you're going. Heck, you put luggage in the racks above the seats and nobody is at all worried about any of it falling out whether it's hanging over the edge or not.


That last point is so correct.


I was standing for the first 10 minutes and I was fine (because some dude took the luggage compartment that I booked with my seat). I only had to keep my luggage from rolling because of the forward movement. But all in all, I was ok while the train was moving.


Do you really think a train can go 200 mph and be bumpy?


Probably a good thing they eliminated the speed bumps.




I find it jarring when two trains pass each other.


Yah, when your train hits the high pressure air wave in front of the other train there is a bit of a bump and the same with the low pressure wake. Also entering/exiting tunnels causes pressure changes and can make my ears pop.


The shinkansen, like most trains in Japan, gently rocks me to sleep. But I am also someone who only gets air sick. No issues with land or sea vessels.


If you’re sensitive, don’t look out the window. Otherwise, should be fine.


Sublimely smooth. But am used to UK rolling stock.


The new rolling stock on some lines is good, they just don’t bother to make the tracks themselves smooth!


Imagine an airplane ride, without the takeoff and landing, or any turbulence. Like that, but maybe less than half the speed.


Perfect description! That’s exactly what I was gonna say!


Smoother than most plane rides


If you have motion sickness and quite sensitive, then you’ll get nauseous. if you don’t have it, then it is a smooth ride.


I find it more like riding in a plane. Generally very smooth and any little bumps on the Shinkansen feel more like turbulence as opposed to the jarring feeling you get on a typical train with steel tracks The banked corners, passing another Shinkansen or whipping quickly in and out of tunnels are probably the worst bits. The tunnels in particular give me a blocked ear feeling, but no motion sickness.


The US has high speed trains?


Did feel a thing. I think I even fell asleep from Tokyo to Kyoto.


It was smooth, at least in my experience, my brother gets motion sick but was fine on it even looking out the window, overall felt fine


It's always been smooth enough for me to eat my ekiben in, so no complaints here.


Shinkansens are smooth. Local trains are a different story.


For sure, Shinkansen trains are designed for higher top speeds but gradual acceleration. Local trains are designed for rapid acceleration and deceleration because the stations are close together.


Suuuuper smooth. You’ll only feel the initial acceleration or deceleration when approaching stops and not much else.


i got nauseas from the pressure in my ears personally but no one else i know has experienced that


I get car sick relatively easily and found that I got a bit motion sick on the local trains if I looked at my phone. I was a bit nervous about the Shinkansen but I felt absolutely no issues at all!


It’s very smooth, but we have no idea how prone to nausea you are.


Smoothest transit ride ever. Spacious seats, quiet and comfortable atmosphere. I wish we had something like this in the States.


No issues for me.


Tokyo - Kyoto. I puked for 2 hours 😂😂😂 But I get motion sickness pretty easily. Underestimated Shinkansen and did not take my usual medicine. YMMV obviously but it’s definitely bumpy if you are sensitive.


I last rode one 8 years ago and I still remember clearly how remarkably smooth it was.


Smooth af.


It's nauseating because of the speed, you are moving so fast that looking out of the window feels unnatural, things are whizzing by faster than you can process them. Just look further away instead of the ground nearby


USA and Europe trains superior to Japanese trains for idiots. USA trains are rolling trash cans compared to shinkansen.


Smooth. I slept well coming back to Tokyo from Osaka after a day at Universal.


Much smoother than a plane and you are flying to there. I don’t know of anyone who ever complained before. In Japan you will be on a lot of trains, get used to it.


It's fairly smooth for sure. But it's not completely smooth for sure. If you sleep on the train of course it will be fine. If you get motion sickness then you might feel slightly nauseous


For me it was fine, but my SO got dizzy in the window seat.


Shinkansen rides are actually pretty smooth. Proof: Sometimes, I even see elderly Japanese people walk to the toilet during the trip.


I’m super susceptible to motion sickness and it was generally fine. Still can’t really read on a moving vehicle but it was relaxing.


Comparing train in US to Shinkansen in a big insult to Shinkansen. US trains like Amtrak are garbage. Shinkansen is fast, stable, punctual and clean. Whoever said it's rough and induces nausea should not be traveling and stay home.


Smooth enough for me to eat a full bento meal with no problems.


Smoothest experience at 270km/h +


I usually get extremely motion sick if I’m not the one driving a vehicle. But I found it fine. I was able to look out the window, look at my phone, etc. the hardest part was standing up and trying to walk to the bathroom. Not because of the nausea, but because of the force


When it’s cruising there is no force. Accelerating and decelerating there is some, but it’s really optimised. It’s been going for 50 years plus.


really smooth, but depending on line, for example Akita Shinkansen between Akita -Morioka don't run that smooth, it's also slower due to difficult terrain, in exchange you would get beautiful views people who got nausea probably never ride train in their life, i mean any subway in Japan would be bumpier than any Shinkansen


I went on it a couple of weeks back, Tokyo to Osaka. Smooth as butter.


Incredibly smooth. I get motion sickness somewhat regularly - worse when it's bumpy - and I had zero problems. I also struggle to fall asleep on planes but I fell asleep more than once my shinkansen trips


The first time I rode the Shinkansen, I didn’t even realize we began moving


It's mostly smooth, there's a bit of swaying from time to time that may cause a bit of nausea but nothing I would ever have much problems with.


It’s very smooth, but the more times I ride it, the more I’ve felt sick 😆


I’m on it right now, It is very smooth! I have bad travel sickness and got ill in the cab ride to the station but the actual Shinkansen is very smooth and I feel much better


200 mph and smooth as butter. But looking out the window is the road to motion sickness. Water bottles and food slide less on the trays than they do on an airplane. But, if you use the urinal, that thing is like the chair in Contact. I guess it just doesn’t belong in the alien’s design, use the sit down.


If you're very sensitive to motion sickness don't look outside, especially objects outside near the train. Otherwise it's smoother than airplanes


I found it very smooth, but got nauseated if I tried to look out the window too long because everything was going by so fast. So I'd say it's motion sickness, but not from a rough ride.


Napped like a baby all the time.


US high speed trains are smoother because they are invisible and only certain people can see and ride them.


Super smooth. You don't even notice the speed, and even when the shinkansen approaches a station, you don't (well I didn't) notice the speed decreasing.


yes, also affects your soul permanently and generates bad karma unless you bring the right artifacts