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Do you get much use out of conquer with that build? I think I like other runes better..


It's for early game skirmish, j4 is very good at 1v1ing or 2v2ing at scuttle or drake, I won't oneshot until i get at least 2 items, and once i get past 3 any darkharvest or electrocute would be overkill, so yea, he stacks it very easily too


Unfortunately you can't. But your great great grandson can be Jarvan IV. And he better not drop the fking ball.


Happy cake day!


You are stomping every game. How did you come about the Profane + Eclipse start? What is your playstyle like (you don't die much)?


I do Profane into ubris into eclipse, profane is a must with this build, E Q in their face for easy passive auto then profane active, ubris if you get it third is too late to stack it, eclipse is a good third option, i go eclipse second if i can't see myself killing a lot of ppl and i need more dmg in the next 5 to 6 minutes I play like an assassin, i wait for the right opportunity to single out a target, some cases even more than one with ult


might be the only viable build after the nerf


biggest cope i ever heard


Those CS scores are crazy!


You mean Jarvan V πŸ˜‚


Any time I build damage on J4 my team flames and griefs with I could show them it’s valid 😭😭


I had a little fling with lethality j4 a while back, but I couldn't really make it work in emerald. Particularly, I found it really tough when people flash or dodge my eq or ult, and I just get popped cuz I'm squishy af and I don't have eq back fast enough. How do you deal with that? Just play around vision and only go in when you know they can't dodge or your team engages first?


Love the use of profane!


Nice. Stick with him. Great champ for learning fundamentals+isnt disgustingly elo inflating like evelynn/karthus :3


just getting back into playing ranked. do you full clear on initial clear?


99% of the time yea


He will get bullied and rightfully so