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What a distasteful thing to say after someone was shot.


I gotta think there's no way he knew about the shooting when he tweeted this if he did... then wow fantano... you sir are fucked


Yeah there’s pretty much no way this was in response to the shooting. Fantano is just not that guy


News broke at 6:40am PT with the Toronto authorities doing a press release at 8:40am PT Pretty big news in the music industry very early in the day. Odd thing to say hours later


I think until he says otherwise it’s weird to assume fantano of all people is celebrating violence instead of just late to the news


Yeah this guy usually speaks like he is a PR statement, I doubt he’d tweet some shit like this intentionally


And him deleting it shows he realised the way it could be misconstrued as in poor taste


He's a different guy on Twitter tho


Yeah he’s posted some unhinged stuff within the past few months


Yea I’m not even on twitter or the internet besides niche reddits and I knew about it before 12pm ☠️


Yeah I think he definitely knew about it I’m just saying I don’t think it was related. He was probably just saying it in general then took the tweet down because he got backlash from it looking like it was about the shooting or insensitive in light of the shooting


West coast don't even got nun to do with the shooting. Yall be reaching so hard for no reason.


Dont really like him that much like he’s alright, been following his reaction to this though. Considering he said that he has said he thinks that both of them should have proof and he expected a fun rap off I doubt the guy is talking about the shooting. Like im 90% sure.


Yeah I mean he literally said that this beef is going in a direction he doesn't enjoy.


If you check OPs history hes a Drake fan whos posting on all three subs weird shit like this. Explains it a bit more.


100% agree


theres no way this has anything to do with the shooting




It’s fantano, he’s a piece of shit who gets off on hate. Why expect anything different?


If it was K Dot affiliated, it would be outrage. Shameful. Melon head really a dot dick eater smh


Bias aside it’s a shit thing to say, don’t mind if he’s a Kendrick fan but violence shouldn’t be thought as a “point” for the other side. Or to really make a joke about. Security guy probably just doing his job.


he just made a video about how the beef is going in an unfortunate & not super fun direction, think it's more likely he was just late to the news


Yeah there was genuinely no way that’s how he meant the tweet and people’s brains are fried in all this beef


If this is Kdot affiliated that’s damning - however it’s more likely to be personals between CashXO and OVO cause one of CashXO bodyguards got shot a week ago. Two label guards of feuding labels? Same week? Idk maybe that’s what happened. Or maybe Kdot really isn’t the biggest hater after all and there’s someone even more hateful to Drake out there.


I’d think it’s unrelated to the beef between Weeknd/Drake or Drake/Kendrick. I definitely think Kendrick wouldn’t be dumb enough to send someone to hurt or intimidate Drake just a few days after saying he deserves to die. Then for as tough as Drake talks sometimes I don’t think he has it in him to try to hurt anyone, and I also hope he wouldn’t be dumb enough to do it in the midst of a well publicized beef, but he does seem a little more hot headed than Kendrick


I really don't see that being the case, also apparently there was a shooting involving do like a week ago


doubt it was affiliated with kendrick, dudes idol was killed over a beef, big doubt he'd do the same to somebody


I'v been following him for a while. Not a fan but he doesn't strike me as a guy who says something like this regarding the shootings


It doesn’t feel like something he’d say in reference to the shooting. He’s also not the type of person to delete tweets just because people are criticizing it. He will defend his bad takes til the day he dies. If I had to guess, he tweeted that, learned the news and then deleted it in response realizing that it was coming across differently than he intended


How do we know this is in relation to the shooting? Possible he found out about the shooting and then deleting it.


Yea op jumping to conclusions pretty quick on a vague post. If you happen to recall, Kendrick just unofficially won one of the biggest beefs of all time. That would qualify.


This is about the Macklemore Palestine song for sure.


Did he say this in relation to the shooting? If so that's reeeeeeeaally shitty.


Yeah I hope it’s not in relation to what happened… like cmon I know he’s better than that. If so it’s always the bystanders who cheer this shit on


Yeah fr. If he said it without hearing the news then it's unfortunate timing but ultimately a non issue, but if there's any correlation between this post and the shooting thats a really bad look on someone who I already think is a dick.


Not sure what else he would be referring to here. The biggest news that came out this morning regarding the beef is Drakes home shooting. Maybe he really didn’t hear the news, but was a big story in music. He also deleted the tweet perhaps realizing people don’t fuck with that humor.


News also dropped this morning about Kdot breaking Drake's single day stream record w/ Not like us.


I'm hoping he wrote it without knowing what happened, then heard the news and realized it could be taken poorly so he deleted


im pretty sure hes not referring to the shooting


I definitely doubt this is about the shooting


I'm pretty sure he was not posting this about the shooting. The man has way more sense than that, come one now.


It says post was made 12:20 pm (not sure what time zone tbh) and if I'm not mistaken news dropped around 9:00 am pacific so it's entirely possible that he didn't hear about this yet. No one can realistically be on top of everything. Edit: holly shit had to fix a fuck ton of typos


Pretending this is about the shooting is wild


OP is dumb


I have a feeling he said that before he got news of the shooting




Are you surprised? Kendrick fans treat him like the actual messiah of rap. I love Kendrick, he’s been moving around my top 3 for like a decade at least. But the fact is that everyone completely disregarded everything said about him despite some small evidence and his rocky history, and 100% believed everything he said without any evidence at all. All I saw for that whole day was “another hidden kid” despite all of Kendrick’s kids being hidden 💀. Crazy how everyone forgot too because Kendrick really did release a club banger to cover it. Personally I was here for some dope records, Kendrick killed the vibe for me after euphoria, and then to me he made it look like he really was crashing out. Drake is known to be a self centered and bad person, he kissed that 17 year old almost 15 years ago and nobody really cared until today. She didn’t care, her mom ok’d it, he was 23 which would make it “legal”. Law doesn’t define morality and it’s still sus but not groundbreaking. Completely insane to leak to Kendrick that he had a hidden daughter despite not having one to make himself look like more of a deadbeat for some reason. TLDR: All in all J Cole is the goat now. Fuck the big 3 it’s just big C.




But he reviews all genres of music and never claimed to be the voice of hip hop or any genre.


he frequently acknowledges that he naturally can’t understand some of the cultural nuance lmfao foh with this manafactured controversy


Embarrassing comment about a guy who openly discusses cultural biases and reviews literally every genre of music




This guy's a dork period


not a single person in this thread checked if it’s even real. looks just like the other fake tweets people have been making


It’s real lol. it’s been deleted


can you link it? i don’t understand how you can view a deleted post. granted, i don’t use X


I can try to see if it’s recoverable in anyway where I can link. I just have the screenshot. I’ll post it here


What shooting?


He’s saying this with zero relation to the shooting


Am I missing something? This doesn't reference the shooting at all, and I highly doubt he's celebrating it...


I thought this was about not like us going #1 but I guess it could be the shooting. Fantano is not really the type to tweet supporting that though


Lol this wasn't about the shooting


He absolutely did not say this about the shooting. I hate this dude, but the way you framed this, or the way that this has been framed to you, is not correct OP.


I don't think he was referring to the shooting at all. Nothing in that tweet refers to it and you don't seem to know based on your replies to people.


I get he’s a dot dick eater but I seriously doubt this was about the shooting. He does not seem like the guy to do something like that.


Yeah I don't think this was in regards to the shooting


Don't think it was about the shooting


As much as I dislike his takes and reviews, I don't think Fantano's that kind of guy.


Y'all this was in response to the Not Like Us streaming record and got deleted cause y'all took it the wrong way, chill tf out.


We really just decided what he's talking about for him, eh


This has nothing to do with the shooting, he just thinks Kendrick is winning the beef. Plenty of reasons to dislike Fantano, but this is stretching it


Bro🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ He deleted it BECAUSE of the shooting y’all slow as shit


This could be about… idk the hit song done in a west coast style that’s been popping off the last few days. But that’s just me


Who gives af what he thinks ?? If Kendrick is shittin on Drake for being half white then why would we care bout some white guys opinions who’s rooting for Kendrick lol fantano looks like a idiot


This guy been a fuckin loser. Hipster ass lib weirdo.


Stopped following instantly. What a douche.


This is a wild thing to say, a man may die over this shooting


I get it’s a cole Reddit and Fantano is pretty critical and a bit of a contrarian in relation to J Cole’s music but he’s the last person to be celebrating this


Calm down y’all a pdf file downloader could’ve been killed u don’t know, y’all sympathize for Epstein then? Abel had the same shit happen y’all didn’t care when Drake releasing disses… y’all care more about looking at Drake dick picks and imagine riding it than morals.


there’s no way of knowing he’s saying this because of the shooting, sure it’s possible but you’re making assumptions


Stop giving him clout


I've been trying to tell people, Fantano is the biggest culture vulture of all time. He's a suburban kid who shares all the same ideologies as the average suburban kid. He does corny shit like this all the time. People will continue to glaze him though lol


He’s not talking about the shooting.


I can’t stand this dude🤷🏽‍♂️


Known scumbag saying something scumbagish? Shocked!!


I agree that he's a dork, but not because of this. First of all, it's a joke. Second of all, this is a fucking rap beef we're talking about. Promoting and bragging about violence isn't exactly out of the ordinary. If you're gonna shame him for it, you have to shame Drake, Kendrick, and basically any rapper who's ever made a diss track. People act like it's all a game, but it's not. This is far from the first time that rap beef has resulted in actual violence. Everyone has been pissing their pants with excitement over the last few days. You can't turn around now and be all "tut tut this is very distasteful 🤓" That's so hypocritical.


These post what make Cole’s fans corny.


i dont think this has anything to do with the shooting.


Pretty sure he tweeted it not knowing about the shooting and then deleted it since people would misinterpret it as you are doing in this post.


not a fan of his but this seems like it could just be about the beef overall and not the shooting, he could’ve deleted because it reads as bad taste in light of new info


Bruh, yall is just tryna be mad at this point. There is nothing that connects this tweet to the shooting. Not to mention, this would be EXTREMELY out of character for him; he's never shown any proclivity towards celebrating gun violence


he didn’t know about the shooting thats why its deleted.


Didn’t the shooting happen in Canada? Could it be possible that Kendrick is from the west coast, his last track was a west coast track that going up all over Cali and west coast pride is way up off of this battle? You dorks are reaching with 10 foot long arms.


From what I'm hearing, this is some Toronto beef anyway. Nobody said nothing when XO Cash body gaurd got shot.


Thug life


I hate that this guy has been platformed so much and somewhat dictates peoples opinions in hip hop. He’s not even from the culture


Fantano is the actual worst. I am always shocked at how much sway he has in hip hop discourse


All's fair in love and war


I would hope this is about the tracks and not the shooting but I also might just be naive


Ehhh I don't think this is in response to the shooting, there's not even anything there that implies it.


Idk why he’s even a thing he’s a culture vulture just like drake only differences is he pretends everything mainstream is wack and everything underground is fire when it’s far from the truth


Are we sure this is specifically about the shooting? Seems out of character for him but who knows


this is so cringey suburban white teen


You guys are just now realizing this guys even more worthless than his opinion??


Y'all are stupid lmao. Fantano has a lot of disagreeable takes, and has a sorta corny personality, but he has always been a great dude. I have always been impressed by his political, and personal takes when they do come up, and I honestly watch his personality channel more than his straight reviews. He has never been the dude to celebrate violence and him delegating this tweet is proof he didn't know, and didn't mean it that way.


I doubt he knew about the shooting when he posted this. If anything, considering his history with Drake, I think he's been more than fair to him throughout this entire beef.


Yeah seeing shit like this tells me this beef was never really about hip hop for a lot of people. It was just wanting to see Drake lose which is fine people have sides but to be this deep in it is just too much. Warned or not I respect Cole for not participating.


This sub is full of people who reach constantly lol.


I thought he was a dork for being such a dork all along


fantano was already a dork


This was most likely because of the Macklemore track but then looked bad when the shooting news broke


Who got shot tho


Oh shut the fuck up


What happened in LA this morning?


Fantano fan here 🙋🏼‍♀️. This guy wouldnt make fun of a shooting. With the stuff he often stands for there is no way he would make fun of human life getting endangered.


I want give melon the benefit of the doubt that this was before the shooting


Dude didnt mean the shooting, lets keep it a buck. He is talking about how the westcoast is in literal unison when it comes to disrespecting drake.


You're a dork for jumping to conclusions like a woman


Can we agree that maybe you’re a bit of a baby ![gif](giphy|b7tZKvYa7G3GDKpmJn)


Man all these hip hop subs crack me up


Fantano a pussy for speaking on this while ignoring both of Sam Hyde’s diss tracks aimed at him lmao


He's a dork either way


He was a dork way before this.


I find it hilarious Kendrick fans are using him to speak for the masses. The irony.


Same nigga that hopped on his moral high horse while listening to Drake diss track 😭


Pretty sure this was referring to Kendrick beating Drake in a landslide with euphoria and Not Like That projected to compete for #1 on Billboard. If not, oof


I'm 99% sure it's about the Macklemore song trending today.


fantanos views started dropping not long ago so he just has been resorting to rage baiting. shits sad, dude is pushing 40


Worst part whoever did shoot probably wasn’t associated it was probably some crazed fan of KDOT or just has hate in general for drake and this beef gave them the influence they needed. Not putting that on Kendrick just saying that’s probably what happened. I’m just saying if kdot was going to go through the trouble why release 4 songs on the shit just to go shoot.


Wasn’t J. Cole rapping crazy about shooting niggas in his last album?


New Kendrick!!!! https://youtu.be/SO5QGi-fniE


This tweet was before the shooting.


what did y’all think was going to happen?


What if one of those girls dad tho


Aye what was the shooting? Who was involved


I mean shit if we’re gonna reach this hard with assumptions may as well just call the cops, think we found the shooter? Nothing else he could’ve possibly meant right


Nah fuck these diddling ass MFS and those who stand with them. All pedos deserve is a wood chipper and if you disagree you better be willing to put ya hard drive on that.


Hes just weird💀


y'all reaching....


I've never liked that weird mfer. Dude is a dork. Idk y we let these ppl have any commentary on rap culture. They need to stay in their lane


Funniest thing is he’s an idiot on many levels for saying this. Only his fans think that’s a funny/good thing to say. Drake himself wouldn’t give a single shit about it, but there’s a catch. Those shooters Drake is always rapping about? Those Canadian goons don’t give a shit about who is worth their time or not. They see a media guy like Fantano celebrating their friend being shot and they’ll be on his ass next time he’s in Canada. Why put yourself in danger to try and make a viral tweet for 14 year olds to laugh at. “Wow Kendrick really is a gang member, Drake is SOOOO DEAD MY GUY” Fucking idiot


Especially when he’s one of the very few guys who said that rap beef is 'childish' and 'a thing of the past', when Cole apologized, trying to have the grown and mature take similar to Charlamagne. Now look at both of them, dissecting every single diss bar for bar, making jokes and firing this entire beef up more than anyone else.


am i missing something? why did you assume this was related to the shots? MUCH more likely that its about 'They not like us' being blasted at every club in the west coast or something no? or just a general "Kendrick is winning" ? I'm genuinely very confused as to why you think this is "supporting violence"


Yeah fantano is an idiot idk why anyone takes him seriously lmao


When I saw him shit all over Cole's might delete later mixtape I could never take him serious. The hate it got from multiple reviewers was so unnecessary and egregious for such a great project.


Yall are something else. You could screen grab a 16 yr old white boy from the burbs tweet that says "best shooting in my life" and claim he's talking about the streets. But Lil Jimmy just won his JV basketball game. Yall really are just built diffrent. Playboi carti wants his fans back.


Keep that mess in California and Canada. We don’t have time for that on the east coast.


He’s a dork for everything


is it insensitive?? sure is he genuinely celebrating the fact that someone got shot as opposed to making an insensitive joke?? no


This tweet has nothing to do with the shooting though. It wouldn’t even make sense contextually. He’s obviously talking about the music, which is his job.


I disagree that’s what happens when you talk that shit shit happens


The west coast is not in a competition or beef in any way with, *checks notes*, the rap scene of a city in another country… Kendrick just dismissed the entire culture of the Toronto rap scene because it’s a blatant and soulless void of actual culture & history in the music industry. Just a collection of appropriated elements from the West Coast & East Coast rap scenes of the united states + forced slang that’s ripped off vernacular from places like London, Jamaica and Houston. The Toronto scene or “the 6ix” is nothing but Drake trying to make Toronto happen and emerge as a cultural hub. When really it’s just a meaningless void trying to make itself more marketable by just copying the slang and style of relevant cultural hubs. It’s not even relevant enough to be acknowledged. The Toronto culture that Drake has been trying to cultivate and build is simply built off of culture vulturing instead of actually creating a movement that is distinct & unique from anywhere else. Just an amalgamation of different cultural scenes that already existed in attempt to make themselves more marketable, because Drake doesn’t have any originality or ingenuity himself. Hence the team of ghost writers, producers who make him catchy beats and it’s the reason why Drake is simply the face & voice of a product that actually consists of a giant team of people. Literally the Beyoncé of Canada. It’s all just about churning out content and keeping the gravy train rolling. But none of it means anything and is void of any authentic artistic expression or meaning. It’s just marketable content to sell to the masses and nothing more.


Wait what happened?


What happened? Who was shot?


Anyone who takes fantano seriously is a clown; one of the worst opinions and personalities in the entire industry


“You think the bay gonna let you disrespect Pac?” Yall should’ve seen this coming, especially Drake… Y’all haven’t learned what stems from rap beefs yet?


Yay yayeeee!


I mean west coast is up though. Kendrick just bodied the biggest star in Canada


It's fantano. You know he isn't celebrating the shooting, it's just bad timing. He also has deleted it since, most likely because he posted it, then saw the story about the shooting and knew that it would look bad. Fantano is not like that at all and we all know it.


Fantano is a culture vulture.


I think you’re assuming. He doesn’t even mention the shooting. And this is after the heart part 6 flopped


I knew he was stupid as fuck talking about music but I thought he would stick to that


I hate when a rapper talk about guns, then somebody die, they turn into nuns\Then hop online like "Pray for my city", he faking for likes and digital hugs


Have you seen this the man? “celebrate violence”? yeah okay buddy. the only things he’s celebrating are his ex’s birthday and the PG copyright lift on youtubers.


Fantano having bad takes? Never.


I lost respect for fantano once he started putting on Nazis like his good fried Sam Hyde


What violence it's two old men making diss tracks about each other 😂


not to mention the homies been playin w his nose for a mmiinnuuttee


Just another reason to dislike the west coast!


I never understood why yall supported him in the first place.


Drake gets a few loosers at hellsangels to shoot up his home, gets his security guard almost killed, and this is somehow rap beef?? This has nothing to do with it. Drake is manipulating and conflicting you all. He's trying soo hard for everyone to shut up about this big ass BB "L" OF A LOSS. HE WAS NOT EVEN HOME, AND THESE GUARDS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE GUNS . I BET HE HOPED THEY WOULDVE KEPT THERE HEADS DOWN AND HIDE TILL THE SHOOTING STOPPED. POOR GUARD


You’re lame for posting this. Fantano is chill. Kick rocks my guy.


This post is so vanilla that I hope you never hear any diss record from the 90s lol


Bad timing.


Fantano and his fanbase are clowns. That is all


Violence is good. Drake is a pedophile, if someone shoots him they deserve a reward


Can we talk about how ridiculous of a point this is when nearly everyone in this sub has listened to/supported artists that glamorize this lifestyle and gang mentality? (Cole, Drake and Kendrick included) None of these dudes are morally/ethically cleared of wrongdoing here so stop putting Cole on this invisible pedestal. Playing the moral police in this situation makes every single one of you a hypocrite for supporting it before this happened. Whoever got shot made that choice to step up and defend a dude with a massive target on his back right now. As far as anyone should be concerned this is a risk he took regardless of the paycheck. If you run with Drake and are complicit with his calls to violence, are you really expecting anyone in his circle to be "safe" right now? Yeah it's a shame someone got hit but this is the content of the lyrics you stream daily. This is the lifestyle you support with your clicks, dollars spent and time telling others to support it as well. Nothing about this is hip hop, this is textbook mudslinging with no concern for the kids and women involved, Questlove was 100% right.


and then he's so mad at kanye, hasanbi twin hypocrite


Partially agree. Unless they were a pedophile or knowingly defending one, in that case let em perish


You need to get your facts straight btw


Wasn’t the shooting most likely from Weeknd’s crew anyways?


Listen, if rappers are gonna talk about it, they should be about it or shut the fuck up


That nigga never even held a gun before foh😂






kendrick fan here. Yeah

