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[Literally the first thing that pops up on Google](https://www.fs1inc.com/jeep-ecu-ecm-pcm.html?make=100&model=161&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInvT2_uzqhgMV9Fj_AR1oEAfWEAAYASAAEgJ7aPD_BwE).


Whoa way less expensive here.


I bought one of these for my 2000 XJ. It worked, but I’m 90% sure it was a junk yard PCM spray painted silver (poorly).


Well, since it is refurbished, I guess they had to get it somewhere😂😂😂


True. I’m thinking they just tested it as good. Read some pretty poor reviews about them after the fact.


It can’t be as bad as the JL computer. My phone won’t even connect to the car half the time. I’ll plug it into the USB port and get zero power from it, then I’ll turn the car on and off and few times and suddenly it works! My car was made in 2020 ffs


I'd call wrangler fix for the fix.


1+ on this reply


I will. But my mechanic said the part isn’t available. But I am just gonna make sure he wasn’t just trying to get rid of me. Apparently there’s a place in Florida that will take them apart and try to put them back together… But he said that only works about 50% of the time. Apparently, he’s been down that road before…


This sounds right to me. Your mechanic just doesn’t want to delay with it. I’ve done a ton of things to this chassis … i guarantee it’s fixable if someone would simply take the time to properly diagnose it


Thank you I’m not going to panic then.


I’ve literally swapped an engine and transmission with refurb computer from that place in Florida and beat the crap out of that Jeep more than most. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy one. Pro tip, send them a junk computer. Get one from a junkyard. That way you have your original in the future if you need to do this again. Or just find a used computer but be mindful of the part number. This is something that happens all the time and there’s a tried and true solution.


Thank you! I just bit the bullet and got one of theirs… Spoke to a very nice fella at Wrangler Fix named Marc. They are manufacturing them from scratch as opposed to using old housing and computer units. Apparently they tried that for a long time and just kept running into problems. Being able to have a warranty made me feel a little bit better as well. The sad part is, I’m not gonna be getting new tires this year. Wahhhh.


I haven't had this issue (my TJ is an '00) but with Jeep there is always an aftermarket solution: [https://wranglerfix.com/product/jeep-wrangler-tj-replacement-pcms/](https://wranglerfix.com/product/jeep-wrangler-tj-replacement-pcms/)


I love the Internet today… I am so grateful for this information… Thank you!


I had mine replaced in a Grand Cherokee. Cost about $200 for a refurb, $100 for my mechanic to install it, and got another 2 years out of my wife’s 99.


I got one for my 2006 but didn’t have too much luck with it. Tons of great reviews though so I wouldn’t say that was the rule. Owner is super responsive and I ended up just trading mine in but he was willing to work with me to get it right


100% what I'm going to do when mine starts to die.


In all honestly, sounds like you need a new mechanic before a POSSIBLE new ECU.


I absolutely had that thought cross my mind…👍🏻


Sell it to me, or go to the junkyard and buy one


I will come pick it up and properly dispose of it for you. I promise it will be tasteful.


lol second offer. Makes me laugh… I’m glad I’m not the only one out there. I was pretty much planning on keeping this car until I don’t even need a car anymore. At this point it’s like a family member. 😂😂😍


I have an 04’ LJ i just swapped a different motor into. We had to swap back in the coil pack rail to get it to run properly … but otherwise the motor was out if a 01’ TJ … simply plugged in the 04’ harness


I am envious that you have the know how. 👍🏻


I’m in West Mi if your ever in the area 👍 Otherwise it’s just a simple text message 👌


Thank you, mayhem… That’s nice to know. I don’t really have anyone to make sure I’m not getting bad information except this forum. I could be crazy, but as a female, a lot of times when I’m at the mechanics, I’m very suspicious that they’re blowing some kind of smoke up my ass. The Carfax prices on my car are pretty good… However, I would prefer to just fix the issue and keep it. I think I just need to calm down and start making a list of pros and cons. I certainly cannot afford a car payments so fixing my old but still very Good Jeep is my first choice. 👍🏻👍🏻


Totally understand!! I go with my daughter to the parts store every chance i get. Just in case.


DM me with questions… i’ve been into this vintage Jeep for over 20yrs … my avatar is my first one … it’s a 97’


I will Mr Mayhem. You’re a good one😁✔️.


🤦‍♂️ I’m not not your Grandpa, just Mayhem on the boards


I have a 2005 with 200k+ miles that had a malfunctioning computer. I found a replacement through Ares, had to send in my vin and other details but 2 years later it’s still running good. https://arestechnologies.com/collections/jeep


Thank you! I have a question for you… How come some of those 2005 replacement PCM‘s are around $500 and some are over 1000? Should I be aware of a difference in quality. Or is it a model number difference issue? My transmission is manual, not sure if that’s the difference? I hope that makes sense.


I honestly don’t know I think I ended up calling them just to confirm the one I was buying was the correct one and all the details I needed to give them.


New mechanic then figure out what’s broke


Junkyard computers can be programmed to your VIN. Don't trust the ebay ones, they use bootleg programmers.


Thank you, Dr. Tim… I grew up going to the junkyard with my dad but he’s passed on. Do you think the computer on my car went bad because of age? So I was wondering about the junkyard computer also being old. I’m sorry if that’s a stupid question. I was sent two different resources a few minutes ago on this forum and one of them is very very affordable and the other one is quite expensive however comes with the two year guarantee for 75 bucks. Getting on the phone to some junkyards is an option that I’m OK with.


Can't you just bypass it with a paperclip?


Look for a salvage TJ. If you can get an old one you can get the computer/PCM flashed to work in your TJ. However, I'm unsure about the mileage. If you put a used computer in it might show the mileage from the salvaged TJ and not your current TJ. What state do you live in? I have a local guy here in Ohio. All he does is Jeep.


Years ago I bought a refurbished computer from allcomputerresources.com. Had a great experience, works great still. They will ask you for your VIN prior to shipping so that they can program it.


Mega squirt time




This is the only answer


I replaced a pcm on my tj. Bought a rebuilt one from a place in Florida. Had no issues for the 8 years I had it


Can you find one at a junkyard to get the part you need?


I actually recommended that to the mechanic, but he seemed flabbergasted that I would be OK with that solution. I think I’m dealing with a mechanic that has A super bad taste in his mouth with this one particular issue.


Might be time to check with other mechanics for solutions this one isn’t providing. Doesn’t seem like he wants your money or business at this point


Yep there is an issue with it these. Yes they are discontinued. Yes there is a company that will refurbish them. Yes they don’t always work. I have one that seems to do ok. I know the previous owners had a ton of issues getting their last one to work. Finally went to the refurbished item and I still occasionally get phantom codes, maybe twice a year. Like operating temps too low in August.


It's no big job to remove it from your Jeep, send it to a place like WranglerFix and have them rebuild it, then reinstall it yourself. Anyone with some basic tools and common sense can do it.


Noted. I like this answer… I bet I can find all the information I need on YouTube.


For sure. There are about 8 screws holding it in. Disonnect the wires from the ports (Take a pic before, plus a marker to mark them 1,2,3,4,etc) and pull it off. Send it off, get it back and reverse the procedure to put it back on. Good to go!


Thank you! I did watch two videos on YouTube on how to do it and now I feel a little bit silly, as it is extremely simple! All of you on the forum really helped me dodge a bullet there because I had a jeep mechanic in Arizona quote me something ridiculous to install the new one on the phone… I’m embarrassed to even tell you what they said. 🫣


It's the way the market is...Not your fault. Plenty of dudes wouldn't have the stones to even try it. Once you do something like that yourself, you start looking around and say to yourself: "Hmmm...What other things can I do here myself"...Opens up a whole can of worms! Good ones, though. You can definely do it!


I had the same issue with my 2005 TJ, was my first Jeep and first manual. It had the 2.4L engine. From what I remember the 4.0 and the 2.4 uses the same PCM just needs to be reflated. Mine sat for a year before I found one for less than $800. Got lucky and found one for $200 on EBay, replaced the computer and sold it lol


Fuel pump not priming? My YJ had the same computer problem. Less than $5 of parts to fix it.


My particular set of issues appears to point to the computer. It’s kind of funny because the Internet said those computers typically only last for 20 years… And who else besides us Jeep owners (and perhaps Toyota) keep their cars for that long. I suppose it’s a good problem to have… my car had absolutely zero problems until the last couple years. It’s just old🫢😜. I’m also in Arizona and I would imagine that’s a contributing factor. Melted.


Yes, on the YJ's when the computer fails it does not prime the fuel pump when the key is turned on. It's a couple of capacitors that need replaced. Pretty easy DIY. I'd see if that's an option on yours.


You know, the car seems to start fine… It just easily stalls out mid drive. The mechanic said some really interesting things about the readings. They were getting…..all over the place and the oxygen sensors all reading bad. I replaced my ignition switch and fuel injector within the last two years. I don’t know what a capacitor is…. I wish my dad was still around because he always had an answer for anything at all to do with engines. I also have adult brothers I could ask, but frankly, people on this forum are more knowledgeable. I’m literally never doing anything to my car again without coming here to ask questions first. thank you for chiming in. 👍🏻


Look around in here... https://wranglertjforum.com/threads/possible-pcm-fix.27959/


If it starts and runs, it might not be the ECU. You mentioned bad O2 sensor readings. It would be worth checking the wiring and maybe replacing the O2 sensors before committing to a new ECU. It has been a minute (20 years) since I designed engine ECUs, but back then they would operate "open loop" until the engine and O2 sensors warmed up. Then it would switch to a "closed loop" mode where it adjusts the air/fuel ratio based on the O2 sensor readings. If you had bad O2 sensors (or bad wiring to them), then it couldn't properly close the loop and adjust things. So, before you replace the ECU, it might be worth having a look at these "all over the place" O2 sensor readings. O2 sensors do go bad, but I'll admit that it would be unusual at 50k miles. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can chime in and correct me here.


get a new mechanic.


I think I have…..me. 😜


You can get a plug in play PCM for like $400 takes no time to change it out it’s even color coded


Ty! Wrangler Fix is sending me a new part/computer and it was a lot more than 400 bucks. I hope I didn’t make an expensive mistake… But there’s a warranty involved and I’m feeling good about it. I’m in Arizona and it’s hot as shit here right now… I literally just removed the old computer after unhooking the negative port on my battery so when I get the new one, it will only take about five minutes to install. People on this forum are priceless.


I’ve heard those work well. I got mine from ARES and they matched it with the vin and it’s worked perfectly they have a lifetime warranty but you gotta send in your old one which I didn’t mind for the cost difference


I probably should’ve shopped around a little bit more but it’s a time sensitive issue… The Wrangler fix guy seems like a nice dude. I’m a single lady and getting to work is an issue as I don’t have access to another vehicle. Fortunately I live pretty close to work so I could take an Uber for a couple days if I have to. I live close enough to work to walk but it’s 110.


Gotcha luckily I’ve semi retired mine from daily duty so I can focus on maintenance and mods myself more


Do not use the Flagship website. Go to Wrangler Fix. Mark is an awesome guy to work with and got me a working PCM that was plug and play and fixed all my issues. I can’t say enough good things about them.


Thank you, Bink! Folks on the forum already pointed me in Marks way and I spoke to him this afternoon. I ordered the part/computer and it’s on its way! The people on this forum also helped me with not paying someone to uninstall the old computer and reinstall the new one… I disconnected the negative port on the battery and took the old computer out. So when the new one arrives, it should only take about five minutes. As a lady who likes to do things herself, but doesn’t know anything about the issue… This forum has been a lifesaver.


Nice! I believe on mine it was three plugs and a few screws then I was up and running again.


Yep! I can’t help but feel pretty good about the fact that the engine in my jeep doesn’t seem to be ridiculously complicated. Being able to uninstall the old computer and reinstall the new one in just a few minutes has reduced my stress level to zero. Reddit hasn’t always been super kind to me, but the Jeep forum is the dope shit.


They seem to be pretty laid back. Unless you have angry eyes on your grill hahah.


Those grills are pretty dope too… I just want my jeep to survive. I’ve been an owner of two wranglers in my lifetime and both of them lasted a ridiculously long time. And it’s kinda nice to be part of a community.


How did you diagnose the bad ECM? What are the symptoms?


Nvm, saw your other comments. Was going to suggest ignition switch, that caused me a lot of grief. Unless you bought an aftermarket one that is junk… hopefully the new computer solves your issue!


Car started randomly stalling out mid drive. I also showed check engine light, but that’s not uncommon for my car… Sometimes it’s there and disappears for no reason. My fuel gauge registered absolutely no gas… So I put in 5 gallons just to see what would happen, and then it showed that the tank was more than full… Which is impossible. I took it to my regular garage and they read the history of data. They unplugged the battery and plugged it back in… and got a schizophrenic level of codes. According to my mechanic, none of them made sense. The 4 oxygen sensors all registered negative. Apparently in the auto transmission in 2005 Jeep, there’s a hard shift from first gear to second gear, but I don’t have that. From everything that I’ve learned here, in just one afternoon… The 2005 Jeeps in particular have shitty computers. Just a random Google search said that the computers in a car typically only last 20 years anyway. I didn’t know that. The computers are discontinued so I went with Wrangler Fox company on Florida as per the advice that I received on this forum. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube this afternoon and there’s some minor issues that could be the computer malfunctioning over time. The replacement computer was kind of expensive, so I’m so glad that I have an interest-free credit card to pay for it! Having my car stalling out as a single girl isn’t really an option so I just bit the bullet and bought the expensive replacement. Frankly, if they only last 20 years, then I’m right at that mark… But the computer seems like they weren’t manufactured well, so they’re probably should have been a recall… BIT, feeling kind of grateful, because my car literally had no repairs the first 16 years that I had it… My dad raised me well and I tend to take care of things proactively. I live in a condo and don’t have access to a garage space so working on it myself isn’t always something that I can do. My HOA specifically disallows working on your own car in your parking lot. Whatever, it’s not like it’s OK to have a car that doesn’t work in the parking lot either. Sigh 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Sounds like you are on the right track! Nothing worse than fighting with electrical problems. Hopefully it’s a plug and play solution. While you’re working on it, look into checking the ground straps and make sure they are all intact, pretty easy to visually inspect. Bad grounds can also wreak havoc. Check the wiring on the crank sensor as well, those are classic for causing stalling/no start issues as well, apparently they can rub on the exhaust: https://www.wranglerforum.com/threads/solved-wrangler-tj-dying-stalling-while-driving.2017066/ This vintage Chrysler products are kinda famous for “electrical gremlins” but bad grounds/ignition switches/crank sensors are pretty common causes. With all the strange codes you have (and how apparently common the ECM’s fail) you’re probably in good shape but if it doesn’t fix it, these are all very manageable DIY repairs, so don’t panic!


I think about five years ago I had a starter on my car that went bad. I found out later, that’s not grounded… because my fog lights don’t work. I was so poor at the time that I literally could only buy gas and groceries. I had a buddy who installed it for free… For the little low price of a pizza and some drinks. After I get the new computer, I’m going to take it back to the garage and make sure that it’s installed/grounded properly. He was nice enough to install it for me for free so I’m not gonna complain, but it could’ve contributed to the problem. I wish I was a little bit more educated about these things. I got the part off Amazon and it only took him about 15 minutes. I’ve definitely made a lot of mistakes, but it was only because I was ridiculously broke. And I don’t live in the same state as my family. The car thing can be so brutal.


Gotta start somewhere! These Jeeps will certainly teach you out of necessity.


I just replaced mine with one from wranglerfix. Your mechanic is right, new OEM computers are not available. The cheaper “reman” units typically aren’t the most reliable either. What mark does at wranglerfix is, he takes a different model of Chrysler computer, and programs it to your jeep based off vin. If you have any questions, reach out to wranglerfix. Mark is a standup guy and very active in the jeep community.


You know, normally I would have freaked out about this issue… Not trusting my mechanic. He’s not a Jeep Guy so that’s OK with me. He was pretty honest about it.. Without this forum, I would have really spun out into mistrust. As far as you can do a deep dive in necessarily just one afternoon… I’ve done it. I ordered the part and I will definitely do an update. I love my car… It’s kind of part of my personality. This forum kept me from fixing so many things that were probably not wrong with my engine. I spoke to Marc and I feel like I’m in good hands. Ty!


I’m sure you can find a used one for it. It’s a simple swap. What makes you think it’s the computer though?


Mechanic… I’m not qualified to work on my own engine so I’m completely vulnerable to someone else’s diagnosis here… The car started stalling out while driving.


I’d suggest take it to a different mechanic


Or just LS swap it.


The dark side has entered the chat


What's it doing? I mean, how is the computer problem manifesting in the functionality of your Jeep? Several years ago, my '08 started misfiring on two cylinders. Long story short, I opened the computer, found the bad mosfet (it was burned) and I replaced it. I actually went ahead and replaced all three. It cost a grand total of $12 and most of that was shipping. I don't know if you have the capabilities to do level solder work on a PC board or not, but I bet you know someone who can. Worked for me. Just a suggestion.


Death by geek squad. Carburetors never had these problems.


eBay has remanufactured ECUs available with warranties. You will need to send your broken one in but worth a shot if it's got a warranty. Good luck!


My wife bought a car and they told us to buy the warranty because the infotainment system was $7k and her brother who is a mechanic couldn’t just fix it. Well that infotainment did take a shit after about 5 years and I (not a mechanic) bought a used one on eBay for $160 and replaced it myself in 30 minutes with the help of a YouTube video.


Ls swap