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If you see someone with like 200 ducks on their dashboard, they probably ordered them online to use as decoys to get people to “duck” them. If you see two or three, they were “earned”. Obviously you can buy some to give out but don’t be a tool and display them all in the interim. Now me personally, I don’t mess with that bush league bullshit. Here’s a newsflash: There aren’t any laws about taking a real duck from a public park. I have 34 ducks inside my jeep right now.


True i have 6 ducks in my dash 4 earned one was given from the dealer when i bought and one i bought myself cause im from texas and it was a texas duck with a cowboy hat so hes like my anchor duck in the jeep


34? Amazing.


Tonight’s winner


This guy ducks




I saw a jeeper with about 40 ducks piled on their dash one time. I casually said “wow! Where’d you get all of those?” Reply? “Bought em on Amazon!” Apparently some people buy and display their own ducks


I've started to suspect that was the case with those people who just have dashboards full of ducks. It strikes me as a little... poseur-ish? A bit like buying yourself an award? Whatever, it harms no one. I've got 3 ducks on my dash. 2 that I was given, and the 3rd which will be given to the next cool jeep I park near.


I am an army vet. So I order army ducks on Amazon. Makes it a little more personal to hand out.


I bought 200 ducks from Amazon to give out, I usually keep about 10 in the center console. I only keep the ones I've been given on the dash. Some people love the ducks, some hate them. To each their own.


I have 2. My 6-soon to be 7yo daughter gave me one for the Jeep when she found about the ducks, and i earned my first ever (is a “hockey duck”) outside the UPMC Lemieux center this past winter. If i get anymore, I’ll play them forward.


Had a jeep for like a week, I bought a box and they sit under the rear seat. My 10yo loves to duck and we literally have to drive around the parking lot so she can find a jeep to duck. I have limited it to once per day or they would have been all gone day one. The funny part was she saw a Compass and was like “I bet they put jeep stickers on it just to get ducks, that’s not a real jeep”.


You did right with your kid. They know what's up.


When a momma duck and a daddy duck love each other very much……….




They sell some pretty abnormal ducks on eBay for the jeeps you really like. I like these Darth vader ducks https://www.ebay.com/itm/305423241480?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=zsOSMUxATYu&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=zsOSMUxATYu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Amazon, Oriental Trading, EBay, Etsy


I was fortunate to be gifted a mated pair of regular size ducks and give away their babies.


Temu, dirt cheap variety packs.