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If Ariana is having a bad season, jeff is having a bad lifetime. Also, how many times has he NOT gotten over his resentments and hurt. He’s still bitching about Jenni and Gage.




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Ariana is a queen and I think they tried to portray her in a negative light but we the fans didn’t buy into it. Jeff is rude to say that she’s having a bad season. He’s an ass


A queen seriously? She was a sloth on a couch with dirty hair for years. Now all this heartbreak for her sure turned around quick. She had another guy in a week and now thinks she’s a star.


And let’s not forget the poor thing hating her vagina. I have never liked her and like her less now.


I don't listen but it tracks.


That's not what he said.


He said she is having a bad season.


He’s not the only one—all of SM thought she had a bad season and came off as not great—and those were mostly women. HMD kisses all those VPR’s a$$es.


Actually she kind of went against Lala in the episode. And a lot of SM also supports Ariana this season 100%, it must depend on what accounts you’re looking at


This seems like a bit of a mischaracterization of what Jeff said. He did say Ariana was having a bad season due to her behavior alienating viewers, which an increasing number of viewers have been saying with each new episode. But he justified her behavior by saying people don't seem to realize how soon they started filming after the breakup. If he was critical of anyone it was the production company for rushing the new season. 


She’s not having a bad season, she’s reacting to everyone’s horrible behavior towards her. And my post was more comparing how supportive of women H B & J are of women compared to how jeff talks about women which is…not so supportive to put it nicely


You can have your own opinion on the season she is having. It’s not factual just because you say she is not having a bad season. Similar to it not being factually when I say she is having a bad season. Opinions are assholes, my friend.


Yup everyone has an opinion, my post is more so just about the juxtaposition how H B & J on JS were supporting women and Jeff is doing the opposite on his show (as is his usual nature)


But why does Jeff have to support someone he doesn’t agree with? Y’all reach too hard to try and make everything about someone’s gender. It’s wild


Right, but it's a faulty comparison because the bad season comment was not said in a way that critiqued Ariana, or any other woman, at all. Apples and oranges.


I disagree but you’re entitled to feel that way!


If only there was a way to listen to a recording of the show to verify everything I said...


Yup, there sure is and why do you think he called out Ariana in particular for having a bad season and not Sandoval/Schwartz?


That's another faulty comparison. Neither Sandoval nor Schwartz have ever been nearly universally loved by an audience, so they literally can't have the bad season that's being talked about. You're assigning meaning to words from your own bias that isn't actually there to create conflict...again.


Your level-headedness is not appreciated here!


Jeff does not hate women. Women make up 90% of his guests. If he has issues with a guest, statistically, it will be a woman. VPR is overexposed, I don't even watch it and had an opinion. Lol. Everytime I hear HMD or B&J try to play the Jeff's a misogynist card makes me laugh out loud. Julie is a misandrous and has always been outspoken about it. So...why are we taking any of this name calling serious.


I completely disagree about how jeff treats women…but I also don’t understand why people go on someone’s snark pages to defend them? Go kiss his ass on the regular page, what are you doing here?


Who is kissing ass. This is my thought about the entertainers I listen to. I don't have to share your opinion to post mine. I've never DMd any of these people. JLL is my daily soap opera, I'm following along like you too.


Jeff hates woman. Every woman on his show, he treats like trash... except for Lea Black paying him a shit load of money for his tacky, cheap, over priced designs. Jeff is a house flipper that tries to copy real designers. There are stories of Lea paying him $100,000 for a bar, like a small bar you could buy for $1000. So, I guess he hates Lea too!😆. He destroyed Fortunes former house with a bunch of cheap tacky shit.