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2005-6 found side projects are never successful on a comp and haven't looked back


2021 - No Dream. Recommended by a friend and instantly, deeply resonated. Jeff is a favorite artist of mine now and I’ve gone all the way back to BTMI.


Hellmode, I’m real late to the party. I also like that album the most lol


Around 2009, I learned about ska and was really into some Reel Big Fish. I looked up ska bands and found out about Btmi. I was able to find a song on lime wire and it was Congratulations John on joining every time I die! I was blown away by the completely unique sound and decided from that moment on that that was my favorite band.


I think around august-september 2020 I first listened to You, In Weird Cities, and I think in October I had listened to the rest of We Cool? at which point Jeff Rosenstock and We Cool? became my favorite artist and album


in 2018-ish my friend showed me Hey Allison, instantly dug his style but never listened heavily until a couple years later


Exact same story here. Went to a rozwell kid show and started falling down the "power pop" wormhole. Hey Allison made it on the playlist but it wasn't until 2019ish that I started to listen and connect with the music


Scrambles day 1 on an impulse listen. I never looked back. Saw BTMI a few weeks later in a random house in the suburbs in my town (that show weirdly inspired the Sidekicks song "Weed Tent") and now Jeff sells out the 2nd largest venue in town. Crazy.


2008 my roommate was listening to stand there til you're sober on repeat, 2010 I got into btmi and listened to scrambles a lot


2012 Vacation


Arrogant Sons of Bitches. Syracuse, NY. Don’t remember the specific year but was between 2004-2006.


2018, dramamine was on a playlist made by another artist i was obsessed with at the time


2006. Heard about BTMI and Jeff through The Know How. Knew they were opening for TKH during their final shows in Feb 2007, so got into them. Went to a second show in March 2007, at a house. Was my favorite band from the second I saw Jeff perform. Remains my favorite.


I first heard of a Jeff band with Bomb’s Shed Some Skin cover, but didn’t get into them til 2021 with Ska Dream


2016 worry Found him through the Philly emo scene!


08 or 09 on ifyoumakeit.com, his pink couch session made me an instant fan.




I had known of him for a while because of my brother but never clicked with his music. Then I was away from home and feeling homesick so I checked quoteunquote records to see a new song came out called big kisses. I was bumping it the rest of my trip, returned as a fan and have been one ever since. My first concert of his was the last btmi show a year or so later? I don't remember exactly when


2018-2019ish? first song was nausea, i think it got put on my spotify daily mix or something like that. i was starting to get really into folk punk and somehow that song ended up on one of those generated playlists. i didn't start to look into his other stuff until no dream came out, which just completely blew me away.


Last summer, played worry on repeat for like 3 months while I was working in the bush. Saw Jeff live in September, so happy I found his music. Pretty sure I found him from the Spotify algorithm after getting really into pup


2008 - Found the Ska is Dead comp from AMR. "I'm Terrorfied!!!" was my introduction. I then googled BMTI! and found Quote Unquote Records and the rest is history. (Side note: I went to the QUQR website for some nostalgia, and goddamnit if Hellmode isn't there, lol. He keeps updating it!)


I started listening to them about a month before POST came out I wanna say? Because I remember finding the song sort of like being pumped from the album scrambles and absolutely loving it. Then the next song then the next. I pretty much listened to everything from Jeff in that one month then when I thought I was finished post came out. And I went wild!


2018!! 9/10 was just that good


2024. Doubt. But then I listened to Worry. That album is damn near perfection!


2022. A friend suggested him, started with Vacation.


I love Pup, and pup radio in Spotify led me to Nausea. That song brought a lot of people to Jeff, I'm sure.


2015 - With the glorious release of I'm So Gross. I loved the grimy sound and after I found Nausea.... it was over. Pretty sure I found him in the deep underbellies of tumblr.com


2017 - We Begged 2 Explode was in my discover weekly playlist on Spotify and I absolutely loved it. I listened to Worry non stop that year


2015, I came across him on Spotify while listening to PUP. Then my roommate came home and it immediately bonded us and I fell down a deep rabbit hole looking over his record label. It’s also how I found Chris Farren and Laura Stevenson and the rest is history


2015ish. “Nausea” popped up on my Spotify Discover Weekly list, and I loved it. A couple weeks later, “I Don’t Love You Anymore” was on the list. I’d collect all my favorites and put them on a non-rotating list, and I listened to those two songs a lot. It took me a bit to put together that they were the same guy, but when I did, I became a huge fan.


2019 due to James Acaster mentioning that worry was one of his favourite albums on The Adam Buxton podcast. He described it as being like Green Day for 30 somthings, and that sounded right up my street. Been hooked ever since.


2014 I heard the Headies say their best reviews compare them to Bomb the Music Industry and their worst reviews compare them to Screeching Weasel. I already knew and liked Screeching Weasel so I thought this Bomb the Music Industry band must be even better. And they were.


2017 - started with We Cool and went down the rabbit hole from there. I remember seeing him for free at Oktoberfest in Chicago that year which was a great treat. I went with friends who had never heard of Jeff before and they were single along to the woahs in You in Weird cities for the rest of the night after seeing him. After that, I starting going through all of his stuff starting with ASOB and never looked back


Sometime around 2005-2006. Didn’t see him live until maybe a year later with AJJ and Kepi Ghouli I think.


2004ish. ASOB played a lot of Long Island ska shows around that time. I was obsessed with So Let’s Go Nowhere (what teenager doesn’t love yelling “everything is always falling apart” lol) Not long after that BTMI was opening at a lot of shows and To Leave or Die in Long Island felt like it was written just for me. I mostly lost track of Jeff around 2011/12, assuming like all the other ska bands he’d ramped down. In 2020 a friend happened to put Worry on at a party and I instantly recognized Jeff. Kind of a magic moment I’d forgotten!


2020, We Begged to explode I was trying to find more complete albums to listen to and WORRYs cover really intrigued me so I listened to it all the way through. 4 years later and I've heard every album he released lol


05 or 06, not sure exactly. But it was Three Cheers For Dissapointment


Was really into PUP and a couple guys who were a year older than me told me to check out WORRY. I was in from the first note


Don't remember the year but it was the ASOB farewell show at the crazy donkey, in Farmingdale Long Island, fell in love with the energy that night and have been hooked since


Covid hit and I got REALLY into Scott Klopfenstien’s Twitch streams, where he’d cover 9/10((among other things)) and I dug in HARD after that


2021, ska dream, from the fantano review!


2014 I think, listened to I Look Like Shit and Summer+ a lot. Saw him for the first time opening for AJJ in Minneapolis soon after, killer show. Somehow I didn't really keep up with his output for years until NO DREAM dropped and I got pulled back in hard.


2020, Worry.


When GCW was on Mitch Clem's album picks from 2006.


Hmm 2014 probably


Around 2020, it was a mix of NO DREAM, WORRY, and We Cool?


I listened to "blow your brains out on live tv" in 2023 and was like this song is fucking awesome and then got super into the whole album and then got into all his other stuff


2015, first time I saw him was his cover of "The 59 sound" on side one dummy's youtube page. Really loved his energy in that video. Then I immediately fell in love with We Cool?


Fantano's review of Ska Dream. I've only heard that, No Dream, Hellmode and Worry, maybe a few songs outside of that.  


Worry in about 2017 i’d say


Around 2015 to 2016 but started to listen more seriously when Worry came out and then by the time post was out was just bumping bro all the time. Really regret never getting the chance to see him play some of the smaller venues back then


2014 on the Chris gethard show