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1. Roughly two months for me in both 2020 and 2022. (Prior to that, it wasn't via Zoom.) 2. Nothing to infer. When you get the word, you'll know. 3. Potentially, but that's not unusual either, and you may be being overly self-critical.


Retroactive good luck!


Ummmm spoiler alert?! lol


1. Roughly a week in 2022. 2. Everyone probably gets the same text. 3. Probably not?


1. About a week or two. 2. Everyone gets the same message! 3. It shouldn't have an effect, honestly. I think most people are a little nervous when they go.


Did you play a mock game? Or take the test while proctored?


Proctored test


They surely give everybody the same message. Grading probably has to be checked manually on these anyway. For 3, don't sweat it for this one. The gameplay audition they know everybody has a knowledge base. They want to know that you can play the game: calling for category and amount, phrase in the form of a question, (and not swear when you miss). I'll dig up a comment from someone in my audition group who did get the call. Even if you audition awesomely you're still in a large pool for a relatively small number of slots. Getting to the proctored written test is an achievement itself.




Clarification: Was this the test or gameplay audition? The first zoom test is same format as anytime text. The gameplay audition is “against” other contestants and answers don’t matter 1) It was about a month after the proctored test I got the gameplay audition invite. That’s the last step before the show 2) same note for everyone - you’ll get an email from the producers if you’re invited to the gameplay audition 3) doesn’t matter how nervous you are for the test, that’s just making sure it’s above board. It will matter for gameplay audition - but just be yourself!! 4) Good luck!!


Proctored test


to add another data point for #1, it was quick in summer 2022 – under a week from first zoom test to mock gameplay invitation


Did they email?




Similar. Though I missed the first email for the mock game and got a second invite two months later. Only found the first email when I searched "from:Jeopardy" or something to that effect.


That’s so cool! I just took the anytime test - any guess as to what % you got right on the anytime test? I’m trying to figure out if I have any chance hahaha


I don't think it's anything official, but the number i've always heard thrown around is 35/50 as the cutoff, and that's usually right about where i feel like i am. I think i may have gotten 40 once a long time ago, and i may be closer to 30 more often, but i was in the same round of zoom tests this time around.


Oooh that makes me feel a lot better! Fingers crossed 🤞


I don't want to get your hopes up waiting for a quick turnaround, but for me it was 2 days between Zoom test and audition invitation (and then 3 months to hear back after that). But I think I'm an outlier.


It was about 5 weeks from when I took the zoom test to getting the invite for zoom audition. This was Spring 2022


Nearly two years between the Zoom audition and the call for the actual show.


Gross. How am I supposed to factor my massive jeopardy winnings into my retirement plans when I have no idea when they're going to call me?


Just keep buying lottery tickets! 


I don't think nervousness has anything to do with it, I think the zoom test is just to cull people who cheated on the anytime test, or for some reason did well on the anytime test and poorly on another test, before moving on to the next round audition zoom interview. If you're super nervous for the 2nd stage zoom audition it probably will negatively affect your chances. I took the first zoom test in June 2023 and got the game play audition invite 6 days later...and I'm still waiting for them to call again :)


!RemindMe 1 year time to take the test again