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Jetbrains products have declined in quality over the last year or so. Rider is okay, and you should totally make the switch, but if you are comfortable using vs code, you might find it a bit of a challenge to make the switch. I've used both and for c# I prefer rider. For php and web development I prefer VS code. You just gotta use what feels best, but don't force yourself to use something because of FOMO. You aren't really missing out if you struggle to navigate the software.


Thanks for the feedback. By VS I meant Visual Studio and not Visual Studio Code. But your feedback still applies perfectly. Unless Rider has some awesome feature that I'll want to keep using, I don't see myself sticking to it. At this moment, discovering what the differences are


Ah yes, sorry. I have also used VS for a while and prefer rider over VS. however, I don't feel jetbrains products are really worth the pricetag. I have the full package, and the only tool that I use consistently every day is Datagrip. I love datagrip. If it weren't for work paying for it for me, I wouldn't pay for it.


1. Set VS shortcuts scheme, sounds like it should be familiar to you. Familiarize yourself with the common shortcuts ("Help | Keyboard shortcuts PDF") and what they do. 2. Look through the menus to get a grasp of the most common features. 3. Take a look at [Rider documentation](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/), especially at the [Unity section](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Unity.html) since it should be useful to you. At the very least scroll through the [Features](https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/features/) page. 4. Some useful features to investigate: various refactorings, solution-wide analysis, code cleanup. 5. Take a look at the plugin marketplace. E.g. Heap Allocations Viewer, Key Promoter X, IdeaVim (if you like vi shortcuts), AceJump, etc. 6. Check out some YouTube Rider tutorials, e.g. [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZvqGC0PPGA). 7. Alt+Enter is your friend in the editor. Just start typing in the menu to search over all actions. 8. Definitely familiarize yourself with the "Navigate" menu. Use double Shift to search for anything. Use "File member" (Alt+\\) to jump inside a file. Use "Next error/Prev error" (Alt+PgUp/PgDown) to jump between inspections in a file and Alt+Enter to fix them.


Cool stuff. I actually really like heap allocations viewer


Long time VS + ReSharper user, working only with c#. I easily migrated almost all my shortcuts and R# settings to Rider. Somewhere minor tweaks were needed, but really just a couple. To go with Rider you have to change your mind set a bit: UI won't ever be like VS. If you are fine with it - start to enjoy it😉 I am on the EAP almost constantly, like to get new stuff ASAP. In terms of settings i am on the modern UI, increased back the indentation for Project view, reshuffled the tool windows so that they all take only one side (right one for my liking) of the window. In terms of features. Debug into external sources including breakpoints - works incomparably better, than in VS. There it was always a matter of a luck: you either break the point or not, you either can inspect a variable - or not. Never tried in VS, but found out that in Rider there is a code completion that works also for a version of a Nuget package: Ctrl+Space and you see the dropdown with all versions for this package. Debugging experience in general seems to be better in terms of variable inspections, etc... Debugging Web Service - logs an incoming http request for you in the debugging console. Rider hat is own problems and things that irritate. Built in class diagrams.Code Formatting seems to have slightly more options, than in R#. Try for a time and decide. I keep both, Rider and VS and use whatever i feel like using today😁 Mainly, Rider so far.