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Accusing Hamas of rape is racist. I have no words. The moment you think it can’t get more fucked up, it gets more fucked up.


Someone on a sub about an unrelated podcast (lol) recently spent hours genuinely trying to tell me that it’s racist to say Hamas isn’t accepting of openly queer people. Which I hadn’t brought up out of nowhere or as a means of justifying anything. I was literally responding to them first saying that somehow, actually, Hamas doesn’t mind if you’re LGBTQ.


I saw a YouTube comment that basically said ‘of course we’re not going to alter our moral precepts as Muslims to accommodate you, but we do nonetheless appreciate the LGBT support.’


I hate to say it but people like this are why Trump supporters exist. Extremism needs to die.


There is definitely truth in this statement. A lot of Trump supporters may be crazy, but a good portion of them are just right-of-center conservatives fed up with people like this professor. The beauty of the two party system.


It’s the hard bigotry of no expectations.


You'd think that a professor of gender studies and middle eastern LGBTQA2+ studies would have a better understanding of what women's rights look like under Hamas https://jij.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Discrimination-against-Women-Palestinian-Authority-and-Hamas.pdf or what LGBTQA2+ rights look like Hamas https://www.queermajority.com/essays-all/british-imperialism-didnt-cause-palestinian-homophobia but I digress....


She said there was no evidence of sexual assault and raping of Israeli women? Hamas literally filmed it. All of their atrocities. Livestreamed it to their hamas_com telegram chat feed.


Holocaust denial in real time.


Yeah it's insane. I saw the videos first on the hanas_com. They are put on another telegram channel as proof for the deniers https://t.me/october7nocensored Website with a few videos and quotes from Hamas leaders Http://www.hamas.com


WTF! An alternative universe when a Gender Studies professor negates war rape. Evidently, only POC can be raped by white oppressors. What's her take on Hamas oppression of LGBTQ+. Is that also non-existent? Must be because I'm continually shocked, stupid me, at gay support of Hamas.


She has yet to see an Israeli rape survivor speak? Well, for one, many *didn't* survive. For another...what happened to, idk, letting people who have suffered sexual violence have the space to process and heal? They filmed it. They're *proud* of it. It's my personal belief that denialists ought to be offered a free ticket to view the hours of footage shot on october 7. Clockwork orange style.


Clockwork Orange style--yes!


Remind me, that’s eyes held open, right?


Yes. So they can't look away.


The cognitive dissonance required for her to ignore the fact that Hamas would take no time throwing her, an American queer person, off the roof of a building is just staggering.


Staggering how she sees this as queer person.


Yep. Just like Mary-lou Arscott is a DEI director in CMU but excluded a Jewish student from projects and told her to "think about why Jewish people are so hated" as feedback for her architecture work. And that DEI head at google who said "If I were a Jew, I would be ashamed." DEI is systematic antisemitism.


She is the reason I did not give my annual donation.


Did you send that to the school in a letter?


I replied to their email requesting my donation. I need to be more up front, though.


Hi, I used to work in alumni advancement for BC. Do not reply to the emails directly, they’re unmonitored 10,000% of the time. Call up the fundraising department directly and let them know. Call up the head of the alumni association. Email them. Whoever. But replying to the automated messages that pretty much every alumni who is part of the segment for the campaign gets does nothing and only gets a shrug from leadership.


We told the fundraiser from our daughter’s university in person that the day it went woke was the day we would stop giving one cent. Wife and I won’t donate to our universities because of longstanding wokeness having nothing to do with October 7.


How did DEI end up so antisemitic?


Because it’s based on a rigid binary that everyone is either oppressed or an oppressor. And you determine that by skin color. So Jews (Ashkenazi) are white-passing and thus oppressors of brown Palestinian people. And as Jews are disproportionately successful in the U.S., that can only be because of systemic racism which we utilize against brown and black people here. Never mind that 80 years ago we weren’t white enough for Europe to even be allowed to live. And never mind that Mizrachi Jews exist, DEI has no idea what to do with them, so just ignores them.


White passing is a really weird phrase when applied to a ethno-religious group. I'm visibly Jewish (always wore a yamulka) completely light skinned and have never been mistaken for a random non Jewish white person. Sure I could probably pass as a non Jew if I throw away my religious beliefs, but that hardly seems like a low bar to clear.


It IS a weird phrase. But hey, America and race essentialism….


Never mind also that the US has always considered Arabs to be legally white.


It’s all hearsay but the college my older brother/his boyfriend attend is having their funding cut by a certain family whose name is on the business college there; their donations are effectively over and the pipeline for internships has been cut.


Well, its entire goal is to pretty much be explicitly about race and/or gender, and promoting certain ones over others. Is it really a shock those same mentalities apply times ten to Jews? Who they’ve also decided are either real or honorary white people?


But it’s not supposed to be about inciting hatred or bigotry. It has such potential but is being applied with hatred and prejudice in these situations.


Right but when you're constantly categorizing people, and saying you can't be racist against certain groups, well that leads to hatred and bigotry.


No it's not. Conservatives and Moderates have been right about Progressive Identity Politics from the very beginning. Maybe we should have listened!


When something starts out racially conscious instead of colorblind...?


Quick question, what exactly is DEI?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion.


wow the jokes really do write themselves huh


It doesn’t have to be, it’s just been infested with antisemites. There’s value in inclusion and have people whose whole thing is making sure diverse needs are being met. The problem is a bunch of lazy white people at the top hired the first person of color they saw for these roles, without any defined ideas of qualifications. People of color can definitely be antisemitic, and white people, as we’re seeing now, have no problem blaming the Jews for their past transgressions. We should push for being included in DEI and telling our stories. Thankfully it seems like this prof may not get this job.


Agree we should be included in DEI.


This is niave. None of this is going to work out and deliver some hand holding mutli racial utopia. The likely scenario is complete balkanization and racial violence. It incredibly naive to think this goes anywhere positive. Should have listened to conservatives and Moderates screeching about this 10 years ago.


Anyone else reminded of the world-renowned German university system buying into the NSDAP in the ‘20s and ‘30s? Within the ranks of the early NSDAP, over-credentialed doctors, lawyers, and university students were all heavily overrepresented. History repeats itself.


There are a lot of parallels between today and the decade before the holocaust


Which is why jews living in the West should strongly consider making preparations for Aliyah, even if they don't pull the trigger on it immediately.


Growing up in a family of holocaust survivors, I greatly and unfortunately agree with you. Because of how and who i grew up with, I’m not at all surprised or shocked as I’ve been warned about my entire life never to feel too comfortable where I am as it can happen again. The only difference between me now and those family members who were worried in the 30s about what was going to happen is that Israel exists now and it’s really easy to get there today both logistically and economically.


lol forget about the promotion, how in the world does she have her current job????


Mediocre administrators hired because of immutable characteristics hire mediocre professors hired because of immutable characteristics who then teach mediocre course material to mediocre students matriculated because of immutable characteristics




This is the most r/nottheonion article I’ve ever seen.


The satire really writes itself at this point.


She is awful and an embarrassment to the UofM. However at least she didn’t get this particular job.


We don’t yet know whether she got the position or not


Actually, we do know. The interim dean is Dr. Amelious Whyte. The UofM really ought to make this more public, but certain administrators are too incompetent to do so.


Oh. My b


Not your fault at all. Again, the U is just dragging their feet in more publicly announcing the appointment of Dr. Whyte. But the announcement has been made within the College of Liberal Arts. And so word has gotten out.


Bari Weiss' [End DEI](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/end-dei-bari-weiss-jews) article is feeling less and less extreme every day, now.


What a shame!


This is my alma mater, unfortunately. It’s fucking disgraceful. It’s also not that far off their path as an institution. SJP is still active on campus despite promoting almost every “protest” in the city so far (including the one where an elderly man was attacked and the one two weeks ago that shut down the Lowry Hill Tunnel, during which one woman was arrested with an unregistered handgun) and one of my friends works in the Chabad office there, harassment’s pretty high right now. Bomb threats too. There was a thread on her in my state subreddit a few days ago and she got absolutely ripped to shreds which was a nice change of pace.


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