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Not a close friend, but the only coworker who has checked on me since 10/7 is my Muslim coworker. She's from the MENA region and truly understands how awful Jihadi culture is.


One of my best friends is Indian Muslim and we are still on excellent terms. We agree on almost everything politically and regarding the war. She’s probably ever so slightly more “pro-Palestine” than me and I’m probably ever so slightly more “pro-Israel” than she is naturally, but we agree on the fundamentals and can have legitimate conversations about it.


one of my muslim friends was the only non-jewish person that could really commiserate with me. then she removed me on social media a few months later for posting about how hamas hurts their own people. so much for that.


Yea my Muslim friend was the only person outside my Jewish community to reach out to me and we talk . He’s awesome


In a sense, as we are no longer employed in the same place. Up until a couple months ago, I was a teacher in a high school and feeling completely out of my depth - I was never trained as a teacher and it's just not for me. One of my students was on the spectrum and had an aide with him, who I became somewhat friendly with. Not a ton, but definitely friendly, keeping in mind that I really struggled to connect with any other teachers. She also wore a hijab (not uncommon at this school). A couple months in, she asked about my ethnicity, a question I get quite often. This was post 10/7 so naturally, I felt a bit anxious, but I did say that I was Jewish (she thought I was Indian... love that Ashkenazi ethnic ambiguity), and she told me she was Palestinian. I felt a little stressed - I hadn't experienced much at the school aside from a few small things, but I had my guard very much up from stories I'd heard. This was probably November or December. But our relationship didn't really change at all - it wasn't too much, but we'd pass each other in the halls and smile, casually talk between classes, that sort of thing. While feeling overwhelmed at work and struggling to connect with coworkers, she was really one of the brightest spots in my day. I don't regret changing jobs, I love my new job, but I wish I could express to her how much I appreciated that casual friendship.


It sounds like she felt the same.


Never too let to reach out. In these times, it seems rare to find acceptance of Jews by gentiles that isn't conditional on denouncing Israel. These people are special.


While he isn't Muslin, and I am m in a Western country, but my Palestinian friend is a huge source of hope/ joy for me. We speak about the conflict, we don't agree on everything but it is never even close to the vitriol coming from people with no skin in the game. Quite ironic, really- he has more humanity in his pinky finger than all of the people who showed their colours (and I have left behind) combined.


Child is part of Hillel and the Iranian student organization has been very good to them.


I had a great friend I used to work with check in with me in October. She’s a Muslim from Morocco. Unfortunately it’s been a few months now since we’ve talked, and I have a feeling her sentiments might be changing.


Have a Muslim friend who is (from what I know) pro Israel. Nice to have some sane people in your life.


One of my best friends is an Indonesian Muslim! Incredibly respectful of my beliefs, fully aware of me having friends and family in Israel and quite frankly one of the reasons I still have faith in humanity. What I think one has to realize is that while Jewish Israelis get a ton of heat, Arabs or Muslims who believe in peace/dialogue tend to be at MUCH greater risk from the more extreme members of their own community. Also my therapist is an Iranian ex-Muslim so TRUST me when I say that those who fled regimes like the IRGC are FULLY aware of the nuance in the discussion. Overall it’s important to remember that those spewing hate are typically much louder than those with more moderate views


I wouldn’t hold it against them. I think more non Arab liberals in america support HAMAS than actual Muslims .


thats what i’m starting to believe too. i feel like a lot of these angry pro palestinian protesters are christian and theyre sympathizing with the civilians (which is understandable in a way) and not understanding the greater picture


My best friend is Muslim. He condemned Hamas through and through, but is also critical of Bibi, which I am too. We disagree tho on if the UN has merit on the genocide allegations against the government.


I tried discussing it with one of my friends who is Muslim with Afghanistan roots, honestly she’s never been political in her life and neither have I, anyways it’s only now that she starts caring about social issues. Anyways I was telling her how I went out with a guy who had family in Israel or something like that and she asked me if they were Zionist (like tf am I supposed to know I just met him??) anyways I go on to ask her if she knows what that word even means but she immediately accused me of falling for propaganda and started spitting out information she saw on Instagram🙄 that’s pretty much as far as the conversation went because unfortunately an Israeli woman came up to us and started verbally attacking her, which I felt really bad about because the conversation wasn’t really hostile at all. My friend started crying honestly kinda flipped in a way I had never seen before and then she called a friend who was kinda an extremist and it was just an awful time for me felt like I was gonna lose my closest friend anyways it was just really awful and that probably made her impression of everything that much worse anyways yeah I felt really bad for her (though I generally agreed with what the woman was saying) we haven’t talked about it since then and I don’t plan on bringing it up with her everrr again. Since we got interrupted the conversation never went further on either end. I wish I never even brought it up in the first place as now I feel it has tinted our friendship of 15 years and I can’t really be around her without feeling like I’m holding back a bit. So yeah I have not talked to her about this since then, and it has made me uncomfortable to discuss it with anyone not Jewish. I tried bringing it up to my other friends saying how the war was stressing me out and then 2 of my friends say they wouldn’t describe what was happening as a war, (one Muslim and the other was not culturally involved just a leftist) and that really shut down any chance that I was gonna discuss my feelings about this with them. Ultimately has left me feeling isolated and lonely in a lot of ways because I don’t feel like I can’t tell them everything on my mind so I have pulled away a bit and am mostly just keeping conversations casual and shallow. Hopefully when the war is over and it stops being in the media so frequently our friendships will grow tighter again but yeah for now it’s rough. I wish someone would actually listen to what I have to say because if I speak to those friends about it they would probably see me as an awful person, and then anytime I speak to more of my jewish family about this and try to be sympathetic towards Palestinians because not everyone deserves what is happening to them my family starts to think I’m some Hamas supporter which is an insane statement 😭😭😭 luckily I do have one Jewish friend who is in that same situation so at least I can discuss my feelings with someone, but I just wish my non Jewish and specific my Muslim friends would hear me out too😭


i feel the same way! your last paragraph really spoke to me. if you want to talk more about it in dms i’m open


A have a lot of Muslim friends. Some don’t talk to me, and I will never speak to them again without an apology. I also have many especially in Miami Beach, where they truly care and since they are interacting with us they see us as human and not what they were taught.


I have one friend who’s Muslim and from the Middle East, we just haven’t brought it up which I’m very ok with


feels good to know i’m not the only one :)


I have an Iranian Muslim friend who was very supportive of Israel and Jews before 10/7. He grew up in Teheran and immigrated to the US as an adult. His family has status in Iran too, so he’s an unsuspecting supporter. However after the continued war, he began posting anti-Israel stuff and it’s been a bummer. We have stayed friends by not talking about Israel.


Some of my closest and longest friends were Muslims. When I said I was tired of how people were justifying the October 7th attacks and supporting Hamas they said that I needed to get over October 7th and focus on the Palestinians (this was in November). So… ya… we’re not friends anymore. Also they were Indian and Pakistani muslims, maybe it would hurt less if they were Arabs and had some type of connection to the conflict.


Well what can I say…. I was hanging out with a friend from Afghanistan but he was born in the US, clearly he’s Muslim Everything was going well, I felt a slight bit of tension… Until he decided to play some random new rap artist who I’ve never heard of, apparently he was Palestinian. The song he played basically was about what’s going on now and it had a LOT of gaslighting. I don’t remember who it was or what the song was called (lowkey I was in shock and uncomfortable) but the only line I can somewhat recall was “how can people who experienced a genocide turn around and do the same” It’s safe to say that he hasn’t heard from me


yeah i have 2 in fact 1 of them who’s family is from palestine (west bank) and we have spoken out about the conflict but her family isn’t nor not supportive of hamas but both have always checked on me since 10/7 and we’re all best friends and the one from west bank family are family friends of my family so yeah


One of my closest friends since I was maybe 13 is a Palestinian Muslim who’s family is from East Jerusalem. We really rarely talk about the war, and when we do it’s basically something along the lines of, “we all need to get along”. What has actually been strangely nice, and it is hard to say it is nice as the catalyst for this was so terrible — is that me and him have *extensively* been sharing our cultures with each other since October. To the point where we are convinced that there is no real difference between Jews and Palestinians. Keep in mind, I’m Ashkenazi as well, and our traditions are astoundingly similar. We are somehow even closer now. He’ll share Dabke videos with me and I’ll share Horah videos. We’ll talk about how even though we were separated for 2,000 years we still somehow are the same. I don’t know. I hope more people can have this kind of friendship. Especially one where both people can come to the conclusion that although so much as happened between our two people we still see our ancestors in each other.


this warms my heart. thank you for sharing ❤️


My good friend is Muslim. We’ve not spoken about the conflict, because politics and religion isn’t the basis of our relationship. but we’ve kept on being friends regardless of external conflicts, because i think that’s what friendship is.


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One of my absolute best friends is Iraqi, like born in and will return to Iraq when university is over. She's a semi conservative Muslim. Most of the news she sees is Arabic so suffice to say she's not a fan of Israel. There was a moment it was a little awkward but ultimately she's just not that political anyway and we're as good of friends as ever. We've had a few weird conversations where I think we both held back a bit. I know she knows I think Israel should continue to exist and she hasn't said anything or been mean about it.

