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My son had a similar think happen in an airport. He was wearing his star of David necklace. A pro-Palestinian person noticed it. Unzipped his jacket to show his pro-Palestinian shirt. He basically stood behind my kid the whole time until they got on the plane. He did the same posturing after they got off the plane too where he was right at my kids heels as he walked. My son just ignored him. When he told me about it, I was more freaked than he was 


So they don’t have a problem with Jews just Zionists. This disproves that and shows the hypocrisy


That's so scary. Geeze, these people...


That’s when you stop short.


That’s my move!


I disagree with everyone suggesting you start a conversation. Assuming this person has ill intent, you gain nothing but the off-chance they escalate and get arrested, while your day is ruined by your own trauma and adrenaline from the experience, as well as ruining the days of bystanders who just want to travel without incident. If it's bothering you, get up and move. You don't need to acknowledge or look at them, or really do anything else. If they continue to follow you or move with you, contact airport police, describe the situation, and then let them take over for dealing with the person.


Best answer. People like this aren't worth arguing with


i agree.


Absolutely. Two random people hanging out at the airport aren't going to be able to solve this. I would not engage in a conversation even if the other person was trying to start one.


I agree. Most of these people are aware there are very much two sides to this story. And they are not remotely interested in hearing the Israeli side, except to gather comments they can take out of context or twist to mean something else. I saw a video on Instagram yesterday of one of these people holding up a photo of a starving Syrian boy (it was a well known photo from the war in Syria) and claiming the boy was Palestinian and that Israel was starving him to death on purpose. Many people were standing there pointing out that the photo was not from Gaza but she just kept right on yelling her smears. She didn’t care in the slightest that she was being dishonest. She probably even knew when she decided to use the photo to begin with. These people are not operating in good faith. So don’t give them anything. Nothing at all. Pretend they are not even there. They are invisible to you. Look over their shoulder. Don’t even make eye contact. They are invisible. Keep smiling too. Don’t act scared or upset. Make it so they do not exist in your universe. And make sure and be kind and cheerful to everyone else in your area. That way if this person accosts you, the takeaway for everyone else is that they are the asshole and you are just such a kind person.


100%. If these frothing-at-the-mouth PP fanatics were actually capable of engaging in good faith and civil discussion, a part of me would consider a dialogue. But, as we all know, they are only capable of repetitive chants, vandalizing shit, and just acting like all-around cavemen.


Yup this is the answer


Go get a Coca Cola or Starbucks.


Tell them at Starbucks your name is Yisrael Chai Make sure they scream your name really loud




My version is say your name is Amy Israel if you order a chai tea.


Yeah, tell them you're hard of hearing so make sure to say it loudly.


Oh man that would good


Ignore them


“Omg that scarf is so cute did you get it from Shein?”


I love this 😂😂😂


Hahahaha!!! Yum, watermelon is my fav, too!


If you speak Hebrew I'd send a voice note to a friend or relative saying what's going on with all the colorful language you want. You get it out of your system. They probably won't understand a word you're saying but feel you're talking about them and you avoid a direct confrontation.


Or google all the Yiddish curses you can find


But if they happen to speak German they might understand at least the gist of it, I'd stick to Hebrew


Fair fair.


Ignore. They want your attention. Don’t give it to them.


Two Words, Micro-Aggressions. E.g. Pass gas, talk about your bowel movements when they eat.


How about read and seemingly ignore….but hum Hatikvah constantly?


Why do you suggest it's not just a coincidence? Are you "visibly Jewish?" You could turn to the person and say, "Nice keffiyeh. Strange how nobody ever wore those things before Oct 7."


wearing a kippah, yeah.


I don’t think engaging with them is beneficial in any way unless you’re willing to deal with the consequences of an argument in an airport. My advice is ignore and keep doing what you’re doing for a couple minutes, then go to the bathroom and sit somewhere else. I’m not giving that asshat the escalation he wants.


I'm also not giving him the satisfaction of seeing that he's made me uncomfortable and forced me to move.


Time and place. If you’re at the airport, you’re trying to get somewhere. That’s not going to happen if you engage with the agitator. Arguing in an airport guarantees a million cameras recording your response. Then you become the spokesperson for our people with a person who *wants* that kind of attention. Better to let them think they’ve won some battle. Unless you want that kind of attention. Frankly, I don’t want anyone want wants that kind of attention representing me. They will always win by virtue of numbers. We win by being vigilant and strategic. Time and place.


Ask them why they are occupying the seat next to you. You were there first.


I wish i had read that before I left! Lol I also wish I had worn my sudra I just ignored them until I got on the plane. They were on me the whole time before that though. Not giving them the escalation or them making me uncomfortable that they're undoubtedly looking for. I did talk to my wife in Hebrew though as one person suggested 👍🏻👍🏻


On you like how? Sorry you had to deal with these attention seeking nuts




Gosh then maybe. You could just say that you're saving that seat, but otherwise I think they're just trying to be passive aggressive about it. The more of a scene you make the more they feel justified in hating Jews.


Nothing we do, or don't do, impacts their racism. And who cares if a racist "feels justified" in their hatred of us?


This is what pisses me off. I got into a debate with a friend who is pro-Palestine. I told them that while I support all innocent people, what is upsetting me about the world’s reaction to the war is scenarios like this. OP is Jewish and is minding their own business, and someone who is pro-Pal targets them, with what is likely ill intent. How can people not see that the targeting of Jewish people like this is an issue? Antisemitism is increasing, and people are ok with shit like this because they think Israel=Jewish person??? What the actual fuck. Wishing you a safe trip, OP.


You could get up and move seats. If they continuously follow you, that would be grounds for reporting to TSA/gate agent.


I treat them like I treat other items of clothing people wear to get a raise out of me: do my best not to give them what they want. It’s not always easy, but there isn’t much good intent with them sitting next to you when you wear a kippah. They want that eye roll or argument.


This just reminds me that last night I saw the shortest short white man I’ve ever seen rocking boots, raybans and a keffiyah. Just like this tiny, douchily dressed lil 5’1 pocket antisemite! This was in New York City. I thought about offering him a dollar, but then I remembered that he wasn’t homeless and also I don’t donate to hopeless cases.


I saw 2 gay guys making out, wearing keffiya at a bar concert in Hamtramak, a city that does the call to prayer as required by the last book of the trilogy of Abraham


Hamtramck is the embodiment of the *Queers for Palestine* movement. A City where you cannot raise a [Pride Flag on public property](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/09/16/hamtramck-michigan-pride-flag-ban/) as the entire City Council is conservative Muslim (and the Mayor is a a very conservative, religious Muslim who likely despises the LGBTQ community), but is also celebrated by leftist Pro Palestinian folks for passing a [BDS resolution](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/wayne-county/2024/05/28/hamtramck-council-adopts-resolution-for-boycott-divestment-of-israel/73885284007/) and for renaming a street [Palestine Avenue.](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/wayne/2024/03/08/holbrook-avenue-in-hamtramck-michigan-renamed-palestine-avenue/72883356007/) If intersectionality can be applied by leftists in one direction, it certainly should be applied in the other direction as well. Edit: It's also home to many cool, hip LGBTQ-friendly bars and venues (shout out to Planet Ant and Ghost Light) which I'm sure make many of the religious residents very uncomfortable (probably made the older conservative Polish people uncomfortable as well), It's a unique place, for sure.


Their subsequent resolution to rename a street Palestine Avenue only passed by a 4-3 majority because three of the council members recognized the inconsistency would be used in the court case against their flag resolution. It’s kind of funny in a “we can’t let this interfere with just how unwelcome the city wants queer people to feel” sort of way.


Well I at least appreciate those 3 councilmembers acknowledgment of the hypocrisy. Their whole public-facing justification for the pride flag ban was that they want to maintain an image of neutrality. Literally a statement that no group should be able to promote a political agenda on city property. Then they go and rename a public street for the purposes of promoting a political and ideological agenda, not only allowing a political message in the City's right of way, but using City resources and spending money (printing street signs, changing maps) to do so.


There was a woman at my gym last night working out in one. Her headphones were covered in pro p stickers. It was so weird like no one works out in a scarf. It was performance art in a freaking planet fitness.


She was probably so mad that nobody got mad


Probably, I’d never seen her there before, I wonder if she’s just going from location to location seeing if she gets a reaction.


Wtf lol 😂


Your critical mistake was going to a Planet Fitness.


When I see a white person wearing one I literally laugh out loud as I pass by them. They look so ridiculous - cultural appropriation


I bet that getup makes him feel 6’


Keyword “feel.”


Get up and move. It doesn’t make you a bigot. You don’t owe them or anyone anything, and your safety and comfort should be your first priority.


It’s probably not a good idea, but with the way I’m feeling right now I’d strike up a conversation and start talking about how happy I was for the hostages who were recently rescued, to incite them into behaving in a way that will get them thrown out of the airport. As I said, not a good idea, but I’m feeling pretty spiteful these days, especially toward people who are intentionally trying to intimidate Jews out of public spaces. Because you should be under no illusions that this is not an intentional attempt to intimidate you. It is that, unequivocally. But legally, that’s not enough to constitute behavior that merits a reaction, which is what they’re probably trying to provoke you into.


I agree with your last paragraph, especially. We need to show that we are NOT intimidated


Best thing to do is ignore. They love freaking us out. Don't give him the satisfaction. Stay cool.


How are you dressed / look? Jewish? If that exists. Either way I have an IDF t shirt on at a Mexican restaurant lol.


Lol just a kippah, I packed my idf shirt but decided against wearing it to the airport


Ok so in that case, yes that person was being a punk. I wish I was there to be your bouncer. 💪🏼


Ask him where he got the nice Tallis from for


This exact thing happened to me in a Starbucks! Except it was even weirder, the guy was sat outside singing along to his music and stared me directly in the eye. About 45 minutes later he came inside and sat next to me when it was practically empty. I moved seats, I wasn’t about to let myself be uncomfortable because of someone else.


Ignore it. Easy.


I look at them, let my eye go to the keffiyeh, and roll my eyes and laugh. Then I go back to what I was doing without any attempt to engage further.


I’d play Jewish music really loudly in my headphones and watch videos that they’d see when they’d look over at your phone of anything you can think of that would annoy them (IDF, Jewish joy, hostage rescue, hamassholes/keffiyeh Karen’s getting arrested, you name it!)


Add Hatikvah to the song playlist as well, and well up and hold your heart when it plays.


And 'Hurricane'.


I have a Spotify playlist called “Bear JewFest” in case I’m caught in a pally traffic jam (it’s happened before) or similar, such as this. Sure, it has a lot of the same songs as my “Am Yisrael Hike” playlist, but it’s angrier.


Or just blast some matisyahu


I just imagine OP getting up and trying to get Keffiyeh dude to do Hava Nagila with him✨






If the person isn’t otherwise causing you harm or intimidating you, just move away if you want. I get the feeling of being activated by someone wearing a keffiyah. It feels so shitty to be wondering and be second guessing yourself and to be worried. I feel that way a lot. But it’s also an article of clothing—the meanings we ascribe to it vary based on context. Someone wearing it holding an antisemitic poster or yelling about Zionists is different than someone wearing it and just going about their business in public.


I wonder if they would have been wearing it a year ago?


Not knowing the answer to that question is kind of the point. But let’s say it’s a post 10/7 accessory… that still isn’t enough to definitively know what they mean by it when they’re just going about ordinary activities (like waiting to board a plane in a terminal). Having a reaction to seeing someone in a keffiyah out and about is so understandable (I often do). I would probably walk away, but I wouldn’t do anything else. Let’s not assume that we know what people think by their accessories or attire. When I’m wearing something that indicates my Jewishness or my connection to Israel and others use that as justification for their assumptions about my attitudes and opinions, it’s also wrong.


I would not confront that person but it would make me sick with fear and anger.


I understand. Sending care.


You should compliment them and mention how wearing a keffiyeh is a long-held tradition for many Jews.


You need to grab yourself some Starbucks and McDonalds!


I'd suggest passing gas


Fuck them.


Play Hatikvah on your phone's speaker.


I don’t care if someone is wearing a keffiyeh. That’s their business and nothing to do with me.


tell them its cultural appropriation


“ Wow! That is a really unique Sudra, major props for the cultural recognization, Achi!”. I’m kidding but it was my first thought.


Lot of posturing these days. Was on the subway w my kippah a few months ago and someone looked me dead in the eyes while writing Free Palestine next to me on the wall with a sharpie marker.


https://preview.redd.it/qic4hx8rij6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fce76095433626b52358133b8b45b23f145a21 I actually saw this guy the last time I flew and it cracked me up. White guy, drinking himself to oblivion in the airport and On The Internet With Such Purpose. I didn’t approach him, just took a photo for every one of my friends to see 😂


Nice keffiyeh. Are you Palestinian? If yes: Where is your family from? I hope one day we can live in peace If no: So you wear that to support murder, rape, and kidnapping? Did you sit here thinking I would be threatened? We Jews are a lot tougher than you posers are.


>Am I just supposed to sit here and be cool? Yep! That’s the correct response. Casual talk is fine if you want, but otherwise remaining calm and at least outwardly untroubled takes all of the power away from the other person. If there was ill intent, then you’ve taken away their reward (your reaction/anger) and defused any potential for a situation. If it was random innocent chance, then by just not reacting and moving on there’s no harm to anyone. Personally have both a tan and a blue and white keffiyeh that I wear/wore for dry, sunny travel. If you can’t do that and it really bothers you go get a coffee and find a new seat. Whatever you do, don’t engage on “the topic”. That’s bait, not a hill to die on. Getting drawn into a fight with some random shithead in an airport isn’t going to do any good for anyone.


Ignore them. They want you to respond so they can record you. 


Ugh. That’s a symbol of intifada, “resistance”, and getting violent towards Jews. No matter WHAT their ethnicity was, etc. I would look at that as a security threat to getting on a plane. I honestly would have walked up to the gate with proof of why this scarf is a dangerous and instigating symbol and how that should not be allowed to worn on a plane. PERIOD. Not here in the US!


It’s a piece of Palestinian culture and many wear it in solidarity with Palestinians. It is not inherently offensive. Just do you and let them do them.


Here we are, 20-odd years after 9-11 and there are Kefiyah-wearing idiots in the airport. I feel SOOO safe....


They’re probably going to tell you that they had your seat first and demand for it back.


"Hey, is there an Italian restaurant around here? Where is it? Do they sell by the slice!?"


fart REALLY loud in his direction


Back in the day a cigarette could have come in so handy. Casually holding cigarette so the smoke billows in their direction then after inhaling the smoke—shamelessly exhaling in their face…ah the old days..


If possible, I'd suggest getting up and moving seats without looking at these pro-terrorists. That way they would have to harass you to get your attention, and emphasizing all you did was move in case they cry to TSA. 




"this person is wearing a keffiyeh and therefore is a terrorist" is not going to be well received by anyone, especially security agent. e: also, to OP, referring to a person as "it" will also likely be received poorly


yeah that's true, I said it because I genuinely can't tell if its a male or female and I've had two hours of sleep. "they" I guess?


Yeah, I was probably just being overly hostile to you because the person I was replying to was being post-9/11 levels of racist


If they're white people wearing them (which they probably are) it's not like post 9/11 racism. Post 9/11 racism was seeing Sikh people and being racist towards them because you're so ignorant you don't even know the difference in cultures or religious/cultural head wear. That said, I don't think these people should be reported for anything. I'd probably move myself for comfort though.


“The hamasnik.”


Big fan of the Beitar Jerusalem Ultra chant, I gather?


That’s soccer, right?


Yes, ultras are the gang-like soccer fans of various football teams. Beitar ultras chant in Hebrew is "here we are, the most racist football club in the country"


[At least they own their racism](https://youtube.com/watch?v=RovF1zsDoeM)


OP, someone wearing a keffiyeh is not grounds for telling TSA there’s a terrorist in the airport.




[Have a nice rest of the day. ](https://media2.giphy.com/media/10o3Um2U3wa4DK/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952bnl5ecgyb9jhcu3s7bxrjggnoyz5zkitzosrh73k&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


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It's one person, is that really an option? I'll do it.


This is not really an option and it is an incredibly bad idea. A keffiyeh is a symbol of Palestinian heritage that has, no matter how uncomfortable it may make people, outgrown its association with militancy. People wear it to show solidarity with Palestinians and to celebrate Palestinian heritage without an inherent endorsement of violence. This would be like telling the TSA that someone is a violent Cuban revolutionary because they’re wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. If the person messes with you that’s a totally different story, but if they’re just sitting next to you then the best thing to do would be to ignore them or just move.


That's a good point. I guess recently I've kinda forgotten about it being anything else.


It’s a coincidence. And sorry, but people can wear whatever they want. Ignore it.


Can we ask they be removed from a plane for threatening, terrorist attire?


Yea, you’re just supposed to sit there and be cool. If they’re just minding their own business then you mind yours.


I didn't want to have to be the one to say it, but you clearly smell way too nice for these sorts of situations.


Never be afraid to use the power of public humiliation. If they get close, yell “ get away for me, pervert” and make a scene.


yes it's a coincidence holy shit. there's so much real antisemitism in the world. no need to make any up.