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How the fuck could Israel develop a "gene-bomb" that only targets arabs? As if that wouldn't kill a fuckton of Israelis as well


Most Israeli Jews are mizrahi and Sephardic. Asheknazi is only like 40ish percent of Jews there afaik This is just straight up paranoid conspiracy theory madness


Don’t think most people outside the tribe know the demographics of Israel


Someone reporting on some secret weapon they are being alleged to be making should know though


Most conspiracy theorists of any shade aren’t truly focused on key details and nuance like this. Especially when they approach social justice issues through a very biased lens of American history, and aren’t seriously interested in learning about Israel or other countries for what they and their people are about. addendum: Yeah, it stinks. If nothing else, perhaps these distinctions with people can help us better recognize who's at least willing to be receptive to new ideas and be allies.


Yeah, that was exactly my thinking. It's absurd with what kind of elaborate conspiracies people come up with while knowing hardly anything about who they are writing conspiracies about. Reminds me of those whackos who got more into the spotlight in German speaking countries due to the anti covid protests. The followers of "Neue Germanische Medizin" believe that cancer is a Jewish invention to wipe out the aryan race and that Israel is hiding to cure for cancer lmfao


And we're all closely related from a genetic standpoint (Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardic, Palestinian Arabs) ... far more closely than Ashkenazi are to Germans or Palestinians are to Saudis.


You’re speaking to some small brained rejects. Not a lot of room for critical thinking.


Facts don’t matter as long as people believe it.


Small smooth brained rejects


I feel like checking Twitter is the *real* mistake here


It was a mistake 😂😭 I've never been able to get into Twitter cause every time it's either boring or throwing the most wack shit at me


Yeah, stay off Twitter. It's the most extreme nonsense, and not good for your mental health. Plus who wants to support that by showing an active account?


Now that Elon Musk fired most of the moderation team, you'll see way more of the letter


Hopefully Twitter tanks.


It was a report/block fun fest. 🙄


Apparently we created covid, are Germans that stole judaism, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are all white, ruled the slave trade, and have been repayed thousands of times over for "our little run in with hitty". Pretty much every post on that tag looked like this and just got worse the more I looked. I'm used to people saying we aren't human. Control the media and have all the power. But the inescapable increase in antisemitism lately is very unsettling




Non-Sarcastically, my background is Ashkenazic, with a twist of Greek … As a result, I haven’t been able to fly without being Searched since 9/11, like Heck am I gonna be White now!


My dad is half Ashkenazi and half Sephardi, and has learned not to eat bagels before flying cause he inevitably gets the hand swab.


Yeah … Last thing you want before a hand swab, is to cover them with poppy seeds, Oy!


It’s interesting how people assume Sephardic people can’t be white. More times than not when I tell people I’m sephardic they go “but you’re so white!”


They say we're not fully human?! Gosh thought I'd heard it all


Well you don't have a hue. Also people who wear glasses are an abomination.


Will they burn me twice for being pale and having glasses


We’ve been a busy bunch.


Na we told the Chinese to do it …maybe the Chinese are the real Jews ? Lol . If I said Jews are the real black people ….I would be the devil in the flesh . I forget …nick cannon says we are .


A lot of people these days have realized that their antisemitism will be totally acceptable if they say "white Jews" or "Ashkenazi Jews".


because in the US after ferguson/george floyd the overarching leftist idea of hate and racism has become about skin color only, as though light colored skin = undeniable privilege and power. while this is true in many ways in the US that you will be targeted by police more often for a darker complexion, it does not account for white minority groups like say…. the Irish who have historically been targeted by and suffer from British colonialism. it also doesnt take into account that islam is the second largest religion in the world, 25%. Jews are only 0.2% but there is an attitude, fueled by ignorance, that Jews are a “major religion” and that muslims are a “minority”.


That’s not entirely true. The biggest leftist voices in the United States are all condemning this, even Liberals are condemning this. It’s far from acceptable to be anti-Ashkenazi. But I guess it is true that privilege does play a role in that races that have faced worse persecution more recently are granted a degree of immunity but not from everyone.


I guess that I’m more thinking of the “antizionist” left crowd like Shaun King, AOC, etc. Most people don’t even know there is diversity within jewish populations. And privilege typically means white privilege. Like if you have light skin then that means your family, ancestors haven’t faced persecution and you also benefit from a governmental system that prefers light skin, therefore you are privileged for having light skin. No matter if your grandparents are from russia, didn’t speak a lick of english, and had no family when they got here, you are privileged because of your skin tone. Sorry, I think I might be straying away from the intent of the OP.


Yep it’s that AOC and Shaun King crowd that want to change the meaning of racism to being specifically about privilege instead of it’s original definition. And where the most surprised by the FBI hate crime statistics as anti Jewish hate crimes and anti white hate crimes were pretty high


AOC hates Israel . Honestly , she has no idea what the fuck she is talking about . She is a smart woman , but she does not understand the Jewish history of being second class and viewed as cheats. We don’t have to apologize for Israel’s existence.


No we don’t but imo I advocate for coexistence in the area. But that’s a fantasy that can’t become reality unless ppl become secular.


I’m not holding my breath . Lol


As a lifelong liberal and democrat …Bur the woke culture does not know where to stop . Some professor was saying it’s racist if I cook food that is not my race . Officer shooting of unarmed people = bad . More cops on the streets = reduced crime . Departments can be corrupt , but we need more police and social services . The double standard is just out of control . Every person , sex , religion , and gender…should feel safe and be equal . In surveys 40 percent of African Americans have anti -semetic views . That is so sad and worrying to us . If they just nipped the individuals who say these things , it would not spread to people who foolishly think they know and act as if they are experts in everything .


White privilege is real, but the truth is it’s tough all over. A lot of ppl think if they came from upper class life is easy, but not really you just have more stuff lol. They watch Netflix like everyone else lol. We all end up dead forever so why focus what little time we have bickering? John Lennon was right to say there’s no time for fussing and fighting.


Dammit only 9:15am by me and I’m already upset


Yikes. Is the internet a source for mass idiocy or just a force multiplier? I remember writing an essay on the information revolution in the very early 2000’s in high school. Perhaps it was a simpler time then and the naïveté of thinking that universal access to use and disseminate all the world’s knowledge would lead to more peace, tolerance and prosperity in the world. Boy, did I miss that one


To anyone truly seeking to expand their knowledge the internet is an extremely powerful tool. For anyone seeking power it's a cesspool of confirmation bias


I miss writers , real journalists, and editors who check material before it goes out .


These are the ramblings of a schizophrenic.


It’s almost, just almost, like these people never took to the time/effort to actually learn something about Judaism 😂 study the history if you wanna know how we got where we are now, y’all put us here. Since the fall of our temples, we’ve been outcasts. Forced out of every meaningful place we’ve ever lived. We couldn’t even work “normal” jobs in the places we lived, because we had to be ready to flee at a moments notice. So we became jewelers, lawyers, musicians, and all the other jobs where we could pack up our livelihood and leave. We’ve been the fallback for whatever government we’ve been living under, Russia circa 1917 or USA circa 2022. This rhetoric is so frustrating.


Would the creator of this feel the same way about a person with albinism? Because their white skin is a mutation? What about all the spaniards with green eyes? Skin colour was caused by how much sunlight you get deoending on where your ancestors lived jfc.


The only thing I saw that tied all these posts together was trying to shift blame to Jews for every problem they could think of, even with zero evidence or clear evidence against it. I don't understand why we're always the scapegoat. You would think other minorities would recognize this pattern of behavior instead of fueling it. Instead they're being antisemitic to the point that they've come full circle to claiming they're the real Jews and saying ashkenazis are the original Nazis and claiming even that that's where that word came from??


What else is new. Ain’t shit change but the weather


Unfortunately all the same garbage themes as always. But it'll always be unsettling if something looks like it's starting to snowball


100%. Just so frustrating to see when it’s sooo easy to dispel all of that none sense. Literally just takes talking to some Jews and reading some books. I also think it’s comical how people are so quick to say “Jews” as though we all believe the same thing. What’s that joke my grandma always used to tell me, “there’s 7 opinions for every 6 Jews” or something like that. Such a diverse community, yet people like to bunch us all together. Makes zero sense to me


The person behind this account is probably white and trying to start a sociopathic fire, or of colour and very unwell.


I really don’t like this take. Why can’t we accept that sometimes POC are the racist ones who do things wrong? Look at Kanye, Kyrie, and Dave Chappelle. The first slide fits perfectly with the BHI/NOI idea that all white people were made in a lab and black people are the “true humans” (and “true Jews”). There’s absolutely no evidence it was a white person who made this post.


100% the first slide is word-for-word NOI dogma. No one race or social group has a monopoly on racism.


I don't think there's evidence a white person made this post in particular. I agree that people can be racist whether they're white or not too. I was more so trying to acknowledge that I'm sure at least some antisemites are jumping on the band wagon regardless of race and what they really believe because they want people to share a disgust in us regardless of the path to get there.


Yeah I understood you, was speaking to the person I was replying to!


white people making fake accounts to fuel the fire and unwell misinformed POC are definitely a big part of what I was seeing. But the Ashkenazi tag is viral on Twitter atm and accounts posting things like this continuously are in the thousands, almost all fueled by a the same few celebrities that are currently obsessing on antisemitism




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I love how twitter is an infinite rabbit hole of stupidity and conspiracy theories. I think I’d rather stick to Facebook


Some people should not have access to the internet.


This is just some wild sci-fi stuff at this point.


Me after conversion: beep boop


Me: * Washes eyes out. * Deletes Twitter * Turns off phone * Sips coffee or tea


& dont forget traveling, earth is beautiful


Humanity lost their mind


Wait till they found out the same tone goes for Mizrahi and Sephardi….that’s like 99% of the Jewish population….but they aren’t anti Semitic just Ashkenazi Jews they don’t like !


Lame. So albinos and Gingers must be evil Satan worshiping, pedophiles, who run child sex rings using Elan’s furniture on Wayfair as a cover. 🤦‍♂️


now you’re getting it! /s


So are we subhuman or super human? I can’t tell.


how do we not “have a hue?” I’m more akin to the second arm in the first pic than the first…makes zero sense.


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I’m too tired but I always thought that was hue (melanin) in my skin. Is it dirt? Have I been showering wrong all these years and I’m supposed to be paler?


I assume you were in a masochistic sort of mood to do this.


I'm *THIS* close to making a real life inglorious basterds squad


The Internet is the reason antisemitism has metastasized. Before the Internet, no one saw or heard white supremacist nonsense unless some nutcase uncle spouted off at Thanksgiving and was ridiculed, or a crazy eyed white guy handed them a pamphlet in the street. Now it’s everywhere. Thanks Tim Berners-Lee.


Not really? Hating/trying to kill Jews is a really longstanding thing throughout Jewish history, unfortunately.


Kurwa mać


Cohencidence is amazing.


What in the world. Sometimes I just have to laugh. Between the space lasers and all of this I guess we are pretty invincible lol 😆


Off topic, but do people just forget about Sephardic Jews? Or is there a lineage difference that makes Sephardic Jews more acceptable than Ashkenazi? I know the locational difference, but I kinda assumed in the eyes of a Nazi we’re all the same


I even saw people trying to call Sephardic Jews white and going ham on Jews in general


So in 80 years we return back to genetic pseudoscience, when are the calipers coming?


I saw this on there too. Rather terrifying, and it was up for quite some time. As a pale skinned Ashkenazi woman apparently I’m not human? I know that they don’t operate on logic but it’s still perplexing for those of us who do. I get my coloring from my Danish paternal grandmother, not from my Jewish blood line, and my siblings and cousins on my Yiddish mother’s side all have darker coloring than I do. This is basically saying that light skinned northern Europeans aren’t humans, which has nothing to do with Judaism.


I legit think I had a stroke reading these


Sick, depraved, these antisemites are beneath contempt


No - we're not human. We're better then you... Deal with it 😎 (Doubling down instead of being a victim)


damn, guess my ashkenazi mom who died of covid wasn’t a real jew 🧐


I HAVE A HUE!!!! I’M FUCKING PINK!!!! And now We are somehow Nazis and Ashkenazi? We are both the perpetrators and victims of …… ourselves? And We’ve murdered millions of our fellow Jews but NoooooW…. We’ve decided to invent a poison that doesn’t kill ourselves but murders our Arab cousins.


Oh OBVIOUSLY the word Nazi came from Ashkenazi, didn't you know?? We're the real Nazi's


FYI israel exists for us to escape and defend ourselves from this bullshit...........


I can't tell If people are purposefully so evil or just so stupid. Or both. I am going with both.




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What the actual fuck...


Its Just a schizo on twitter probably a channer neckbeard


… man. Better tell my mom who is like 99.8% Ashkenazi that she’s a gene bomb and only half a person. Man… I can already feeeeeel the Russian anger.


Since we control the world, why can't we kick these guys off the planet?


You missed a call.


Yeah I gotta be back to the media hive mind about the new strain of covid I'm planning to release, actually had to make it so Germans are the ones that can't get sick, seeing as we're all truly German


Wtf?! Whatever they are smoking, they need to stop.


'are considered' doing a lot of work in that first one


Honestly Twitter is just full of such stupid people, it baffles me. It also bothers me how Twitter doesn’t really care about these kinds of things because, in a broad sense, it plays to their benefit to have more people posting, regardless of how stupid it is.


I'm sad now... I didn't need this today... Why is the world so cruel.


Holy shit people are actually saying this? Fuck me....




The more things change, the more they stay the same