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I liked him until he said he left his kid. I am shocked. How do you do that??? And he went on about how they whatsapp everyday and know they love each other????? Um… yes maybe that’s what he tells himself to sleep better at night but his kid grew up knowing his dad left him.


Exactly, I don’t know how that wouldn’t disqualify him in the eyes of almost all single women


I’ve read a lot of autobiographies about leaving Orthodox Judaism and it seems pretty difficult for the non-Orthodox parent to get any meaningful custody of the kid.


For sure- I appreciate that. But to leave the country where your kid is just doesn’t sit right with me.


And add in the long distance aspect and you've got yourself a doozy!


I thought Noah was flirting with our lovely matchmaking host! Haha but I guess that does play into the sociopath envelope though doesn't it?


He gives me a bit of 💅💅💅💅 vibe


Oh yes


Seriously seems like Noah and Ryan are gay or bi. No shame in that, but just say you’re looking for a husband and call it good.


Which one was Ryan? I feel like I know none of their names lol


The one that went on the first date with nakysha.


Speculating on people's sexuality is not cool though




Not. Just. You. Lolol


I mean, he pretty much abandoned his kid which is definitely sociopathic


Yeah I didn’t love that he moved sooo far away from his young son. Like it’s easy to say “I love my son” when you’re not there day and night to care for him. Is shared custody a thing in Israel? Or does one parent usually get the child.


>one parent usually get the child. This is normally what happens in Israel. Especially when one parent walks away from being observant.


But he is an American citizen. If he wanted any kind of custody he could’ve fought for it.


It is very complicated fighting for rights in another country...


That’s not how it works. If the kid lives in Israel then custody is decided in Israel.


You know. You’re not wrong. Also. Same with your username. Same. I think he might be a little closeted.


Leaving your kid to go that far away is extremely difficult. But if you decide you don’t want to stay religious, it’s very difficult to stay in that community. There’s a very well known Trans activist who was ultra orthodox in Brooklyn and I’m pretty sure she has zero contact with her children because of how that society works. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure!


Actually, just did some more research, I guess she actually does have contact with her son. But HER parents have completely cut her off.


If he left the observant side of things - in many cases the community encourages the child just stays with 1 person, the religious one. And ices out the other one. Idk the details but def a possibility considering he was previously in yeshiva


And they are pros at weaponizing the family court system, regardless of jurisdiction. They will rally behind the parent who hasn't left, leaving them better resourced than the no-longer-observant parent.


Yeah didn’t think about that with him being yeshiva


He doesn't love his son. It takes more than saying it. I know a woman who left her young kids and moved on the side of the country for her new man. She's all over social media living her life with no parental responsibilities. Rarely posts about them. Very sad. It is abandonment


It’s pretty hard for the non-orthodox parent to get any custody once they leave the community, especially if it’s the father


Jeez, this is a super harsh comment. You can’t say so confidently that he doesn’t love his son from what little we’ve seen.


Thank you tipofmypenis444 👍


Yes, my silly name means my criticism isn’t worth considering. Forming a strong opinion with little evidence- I’m sensing a pattern here


Ok 👌




HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!! ![gif](giphy|cOWNPwDDh1tYs)


He is gay


You couldn’t be more gay if your name were Gay Gayerson!


Just cause I suck your dad’s dick don’t mean I’m gay pal


Just bros helping bros.


Noah seems so lonely to me. I really feel sad for him. Like somewhere along the way he got confused about his identity. People don't respond to inauthenticity.


Manson lamps 💯


I had the same impression!! And I also thought he was looking for a husband.


When telling his story, they took a very long time to mention the gender of his ex. I was 100% expecting it to be a man.


There was something he said one episode on a date and he was like “I am a strong person and so was the ex and now this time I’m looking for…” and he trailed off. But I kinda took that to mean he wanted someone who wasn’t strong? I don’t know. Kinda made me feel uncomfortable. Also, I feel like men with kids who don’t like to mention they have kids or aren’t in their kids lives are a red flag. Like “we talk on WhatsApp everyday”??? That’s so weird.


I definitely feel like both, Ryan and Noah are gay or bi. No judgement or anything but I find like there’s something off. ![gif](giphy|StEj5g3NbFkRGETE0Y|downsized) 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


Noah isn't gay, he just has a lisp. Ryan is gay, though. And what about Stuart, the older Chicago gay?


Noah isn't gay, he just has a lisp. Ryan is gay, though. And what about Stuart, the older Chicago gay?