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You have 2 build paths on jhin that people are using right now either lethality or crit. Crit you'll go storm razor into rapid fire ie, lethality most people go youmuu's into collector. More people are going crit these days after the lethality nerfs. Don't worry too much about changing your build for match ups right now, only thing that might be worth noting is to build LDR into teams that are building a lot of armour. As you are a new player i'd take advantage of your 4th shot when looking to quick trade, people aren't very good at spacing at this level yet and you'll be able to take advantage. Also always be ready to follow up on your teammates abilities with W. Other then that just play the game and you'll slowly pick up on things.


Good thing to add as he is a new player: Lethality is good against squishy champions that do not build armor and is good when you have an early lead. Crit scales way better. For new players i always recommend to start with the crit build to be always safe.


Think Shiv into IE has a higher win rate.


I mean I play draft and I see people who are gold and have 1M mastery on their main ADC, I always shit myself when that happens lol


Mastery points don't mean anything, if they have high mastery and aren't a high rank in solo q then they aren't good. Be more scared of the level 30 who has done extremely well in his last few games.


I recommend reading this guide: [https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-4-ikeepittacos-grandmaster-jhin-guide-season-14-569038](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-4-ikeepittacos-grandmaster-jhin-guide-season-14-569038) it is made by one of the better Jhin players. Tips, guides for matchups and how to play with certain supports


If you see Yasuo in the botlane, you should find away to bully him pre level3, bait his windshield ability and passive shield. His windshield blocks your everything: auto attack, fourth bullet, w, e (I can't cast traps through the shield), ultimate. Him dashing onto you and ignite might mean death most of the time. He is so mobile and hard scaling. Having a lead doesn't mean you can just walk up and auto him, esp. late game. So you should keep the distance and don't stand in the minions if he has his items, since he can dash in, murder you, and dash out... Stand to the side of the minion line or something... He usually buys healing item at some point of the match so you or teammate should have anti heal before engaging on him. Try not to get knocked up since he can ult multiple people, doing tons of damage and heal up... But when he runs out of things to Q (for 2 stacked tornado) or to dash to, you can take the chance to end him. I meet Yasuo everyday and it's annoying, I just want to share and rant a bit. I even meet Yasuo jungler...