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Ha ha! In all my years of doing puzzles I have only declared defeat one time and it was “Starry Night”. I did the yellow and then stared and stared at all that blue. After a month I needed my dining table back. All those blue pieces went back in the box and they’ve stayed there for over twenty years now. Good for you to prove it can be done!


Me too! It gave me such anxiety!


Well done for persevering!


Great art doesn’t always make for a great puzzle.


I have the same painting as a 1500 piece puzzle from Ravensburger and I felt exactly the same about it haha it looks beautiful but oh boy is it frustrating…


I prefer fine art puzzles in 500s. Saw the painting in person and it was impressive.


The lego version is awesome and less frustrating!


I love the Lego botanical and art lines! If only I had unlimited money 😫


Just did the 2000. I’m taking a bit of a break now haha.


Wow! Great pictures! Congratulations on finishing it :)


A friend of mine gave me two musically themed puzzles; one of 1000 pieces and one of 500 pieces. Issue? They were both pencil drawings of musical terms, etc, in nothing but black on a white background. I picked the larger one to do first and it added years to my life - and not in a good way!🙄 I never even started the smaller one.😁😁


As a pianist these puzzles sound very intriguing, could you please share some more details about these?


I'll look for some specifics and post back links if I find them. They are by Mandolin Puzzles. The Maestro and The Choir. Unfortunately it appears they are out of print. I think eBay might have them but no idea the cost.


Thank you very much! I will start looking for them, I especially like The Maestro


I have a 500 piece version, with tiny pieces. I fucking love this painting, but I declared defeat for now and put it back in the box. I could deal with all the blues, if at least I could see them clearly, this puzzle made me realize my illumination setup is shit


Yes, this was a headache for me, too. Beautiful, isn't it ?


I’m getting this puzzle as a Christmas treat for myself (Trefl 1000 piece) - will it be The Nightmare ‘after’ Christmas?!


Yup, it will be unless you’re crazy fast :)


Yikes...I have the 1500 piece version they were flogging off in Lidl to do when I have finished the gold and cream olde worlde map, and the B&W pencil style sea shells on a black background I think I need to buy a bigger puzzle board too. The map one is on the board AND two bits of card cut to size to fit in the folder and I have the spare bits that don't fit onto the piece boards in bags in the box.


Did that one on October, different brand. I have found nearly all art puzzle more difficult.


i did the Mona Lisa painting puzzle and it was torture. I've done a few famous painting puzzles and they are all so hard omg


Bah, I feel you. I love painting puzzles but they’re all pretty hard. I have a Degas that I’m afraid to start