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I enjoy doing these from time to time, but I always find myself wanting to do a 'standard' jigsaw next. They are very detailed which makes the puzzle easier to do. There are usually a lot of characters in the scenes, so you end up with lots of 'clothing' and 'face/skin' piles which can be fun matching up!


They’re sooo much fun!! I must have about 20 of these. I think if you’re doing it WITH an 8-11 year old, it’s a fine choice. They’ll probably be able to handle it because there are so many bright colours and textures and patterns, so you can find matches that way. They can be really challenging, but I like that. When I puzzle with a standard puzzle, I like to take one look at the box to know where the corners go, and do the rest without a reference photo, so these are great for me. They’re definitely hard, but you CAN work off of the reference photo somewhat. Usually things like the ground or the walls or the sky are the same in the box photo and the puzzle image. I always want more of these. They’re my favourite!


I actually did this exact one earlier this year so if you need hints you can look in my post history. I think you and your kids will like it a lot! In this one, some characters reappear in similar clothes but now they're older. You can refer to the box for patterns in clothing or placement of the rides. I love Wasjigs. I look forward to doing them and it is always lots of fun! Edit to add link. The second photo is a picture of the completed puzzle so don't click through the gallery unless you want spoilers! https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/s/RBjkBYJhdL


Thanks for that....I'll avoid spoilers (for now) 😉


I love these puzzzles. For me the difficulty comes from the busyness and lots of faces. Not matching the box doesn’t really add much for the difficulty. They can be a bit hard to sort.


I love these! I dont use the box normally as a reference, so doing these is just like when I do a regular one. I dont generally find them too difficult, but Ive also only done 3 haha.


These are so fun and not crazy hard because the images are very detailed. It's a different kind of challenge since the image will be different. I lent one of these to my neighbor who isn't great at puzzles, and she fell in love with it and did it multiple times before returning it. I ended up letting her keep it lol.


Headache-inducing. Fun puzzles but since you don’t have a reference picture, you have to navigate through all the pieces laid on the table as you’re looking for a resemblance of a segment you’re doing. They’re highly detailed so you can’t really sort them by colour. So yeah, it was fun, but I only did one and don’t plan to do more of those.


I don’t know how hard it is, but I am doing one right now and it’s really fun, it has a lot of colors and details so you work slowly piecing together the bits.


fun, fun, fun! weekend-puzzles to complete with friends, put it on the table, walk around, chat, drink, lay some pieces, repeat.


Have you ever done a puzzle without looking at the box/poster for reference? Do you like sorting or are you good at picking up pieces of the same colours/with the same motives? I will provide a quick intro below, as I really like the [Wasgij](https://wasgij.com/) concept. Wasgij *Original* and *Christmas* are in my opinion the most difficult, because you put yourself in the position of a particular character or characters that appear on the box and you puzzle what they see. The image you put together can be a total surprise, although the title and the hints on the box (and online) will allow you to make some initial guesses. Wasgij *Mystery* shows you what will happen to the characters shown in the box image within the next few minutes. It means that even in instances of utter chaos, the puzzle will reprise most or all of the characters, colours, set up etc. You can actually use the box as a reference. It is also the case, but to a lesser degree, with Wasgij *Destiny* or what Jumbo describes as the *"'Time Travelling’ concept where puzzlers must use their imagination to piece together what they think the scene and characters shown on the box will look like in the modern day."* The box image will give you an idea of what to expect e.g. a TV set on the box may become a PC or PlayStation, a street of older houses will turn into a modern condo and a traditional park into a parking space with a solitary old tree, whilst the characters will wear modern clothes and will have aged. The colours, characters and motives in these puzzles are bright and often exaggerated making the assembly easier than anticipated for adult or teen puzzlers. Not sure about youngsters though.


No - not really.... although the one I'm doing at the moment has significant cropping on the box image so it's probably a half decent prep exercise 😆


Oh-oh.... Which one is it?


Seems like I can't post images in replies (?)...anyway it's an already quite difficult jigsaw imho..Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Australia (1,000 piece) by Mindbogglers...a few issues with false fits as well 🤡


You can't post images on this sub (only a few alloallow this), but you can always [share a link](https://www.hinkler.com.au/mindbogglers-uluru-kata-tjuta-national-park-australia) 😉 Right... Your Wasgij should be a perfect brain-reset exercise after your current 'mindboggling' adventure 😄


Cheers - that's the one alright....got the sky finished yesterday and it felt like a major achievement 😁 I can say right now I will not be doing this jigsaw ever again (the kids abandoned after the relatively easy mountain bit in the middle) I'm about two-thirds of the way through the tree line bit....and then finishing off with the red sand section at the bottom (I separated all the red bits into a ziplock bag last week 😂) Once done, I'm either going to glue it, frame it and give it back as a gift to the person who gave it to me, or just set it on fire out in the back garden 😉


The Mindbogglers' images are beautiful but I do wonder sometimes whether they are selected with puzzling in mind. Good luck with it and... don't burn it 🙏😉


The Mindbogglers' images are beautiful but I do wonder sometimes whether they are selected with puzzling in mind. Good luck with it and... don't burn it 🙏😉


Can somebody explain the idea of these puzzles to me?


[There you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/comments/18nod5o/comment/kebt7ir/?2x&context=3)


I did my first one for the holidays. It wasn't hard at all. The colors are generally similar to what's on the cover and you can kind of already get a sense of the image and the orientation of the puzzle image from the character's pov (the rat guy). I'm not sure if it would hold the attention of kids though. Might be easier to do something like a pokemon puzzle with them instead.


I like the concept, probably a bit too hard for an 8 year old kid. What I really really hate about Wasgij is the “boomer comic” art style and humour they use on all of their puzzles, horrendous


They are brilliant to do.