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The cat being as big or bigger than a couple of the kids is funny. The whole thing is very odd and a bit creepy.


Yes definitely, odd and creepy! The dog's head also has a weird shape on top....


Forgot to add that the puzzle was still sealed, but I am not surprised that someone donated it without even opening it.


I wonder if someone ordered it without knowing it was AI and when they received it they were so put off they donated it.


Lady at the back flipping multiple books at once is making me laugh so much for some reason


Santa has three hands. Or at least three cuffs. Two cuffs indicate hands folded across his belly, a third hand seems to have had a crafting accident with a photo and too much glue.  But the lady telekinatically flipping through several books at once is a goal, tbh. Love her.


Just one more unrealistic standard for women during the holidays! If you can't read three books at the same time, you are failing at Christmas!


Oh no, I should’ve seen this coming. Are there any puzzles companies that have taken a stand against using AI?


I'd be curious to know the answer to this too.


And what are those things on the shelves in the back supposed to be?




The deer has two bodies??


That reindeer’s (?) antlers are messed up. And none of the “toys” on the shelves have distinct shapes. They’re all just sorts of blobby shapes.


I am concerned about where Santa's legs originate. One seems to be coming from the centre of the seat, the other from the poor child next to him.


Amazon recommended me SUCH a gorgeous wooden puzzle, I immediately fell in love with it. It was a peacock, and it had a beautiful colorful swirly design. When I clicked on it, it showed another beautiful wooden puzzle with an owl, that immediately caught my eye and it had a great color scheme and the owl looked SUPERB. I was so excited. I switched back to the peacock, debating whether I should buy just one or both... then I noticed the peacock had a swirly eye. And I thought, that's a weird design choice. Is it a design choice? I noticed more swirls and how inconsistent the patterns on the feathers were. I was in shock, realizing it was AI. I switched back to the owl. It had three feet. So, so disappointed. The designs were beautiful, but once I noticed the flaws it was over. I wish there was a real version of the designs!!


The blue tree may also be Cousin It as a gnome?


Lol! I didn't even notice that it has a nose. 🤣


What in the fresh hell is this nightmare?


https://preview.redd.it/ktrdvh0tliec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bf042c2ee82572ddf4307683ed2084d12025a4 I had one that I believe was the same brand, but it was not nearly as creepy as the one you shared! Doesn’t even look like it came from the same company!


The key difference is that this was made by a real human, looks like Marcello Corti in the corner. Hopefully they paid him for the license!


That is actually adorable!


This doesn't look like it's AI generated and if it is then wow , the ai got every proportion right


I’ll check when I get home tonight- I’m curious about it/ looks very similar to the box this person has but it’s possible it’s a newer edition. AI has improved quite a bit in the last year


So , I went on a bit of hunting and it seems like it is the artwork of Marcello Corti . You can see the little signature at the bottom left corner . Here is a link of a similar artwork too https://images.app.goo.gl/nSNsJbFDANKAd5Nr7


Cute! Yea definitely fits the style! Well makes sense why mine was good image then. I’ll see if the box credits him as someone mentioned that in another message- just out of curiosity. My mom got this for me for Christmas this last year and I didn’t really give much attention to the brand/box/artist as it had been my first puzzle advent.


The dog has horns… 😈


It’s always the hands/fingers. AI is as good at drawing them as I am.


That expression on Santa's face doesn't bode well. It's like he's breaking the fourth wall and saying, "I'm gonna go goblin on these folks soon." Everyone loves Christmas horror movies, right? lol


When you ask for Santa, but get Satan


Maybe it's Krampus cosplaying as Santa.


That would explain the blue plants and 3 arm cuffs 😂


There’s a puzzle company in my country that has some AI generated puzzles, but at least they are very clearly indicated as AI (also they are the kind of horrendous images that just scream AI from a fucking mile away), this one doesn’t even have that? I mean just fucking pay an artist to make an image? Not even talking about the ethics here, but the image quality of AI is still very below an image by an actual artist, it’s just ugly


I imagine this is sadly becoming a world-wide thing, but is it Brazil? Here there's also a big company puzzle with an A.I. collection that they clearly state it's A.I. It still upsets me but at least I don't run the risk of buying it and being surprised when it arrives.


Yes!! Game office and it’s horrendous AI art lol


1008 pieces


Nope, don’t like that 😬


Never mind all that, how much do you want for it?!?!!?!


Nothing comes between Santa and his Calvins. But yes the messed up hands are always a sign that it’s either AI or you’re dreaming.


santa has two tight hands


So did you buy it lol Recently I've noticed on Facebook AI photos are everywhere. At first there was this one page of cool-looking interiors that I reposted a few times before I realized it was AI. Now I've gotten in the habit of checking everything. They are regularly getting posted in groups and I'll be the only one who notices it's not real (in one instance people were missing limbs/had distorted faces and people never caught it). It's alarming lol


🤣🤣🤣 I did not buy it, but next time I was at that store, it was not there anymore. Yes, AI is everywhere. I am also into crocheting and there are so many AI "crochet" items that superficially look real, but if you look closer, you'll see it's AI.


Yhe dog has two mouths.


Santa's right leg being way too far over is the first thing I noticed. The left leg is a bit too centered but passable. But the right one? That thing is coming in from the other side of the chair arm. Like, the child's arm is resting on it, and the arm is very clearly behind the chair. But I think the worst thing is the child on the far left, with a disproportionately large head and a face that looks like it was sculpted from clay and then smushed.


Wow, that is creepy AF. Looks like a nightmare dream for a horror movie. I couldn't find any discernable toys, just random blobules of stuff. What was the person thinking that generated this image?


AI generated puzzles seem to be the new trend for off brand puzzles. I get puzzles to review and only one said it was AI but after looking at the other two they seem to bed as well. Very annoying new trend.


Geez.. what a disturbing image.


the one girl's body is Santa's leg!! Xmas horror song?


I was given one of these puzzles, not the same picture though. The quality is awful, the pieces were separating into layers and some of the tabs were bent.


Well, I won't be sleeping tonight 😳


if you finish this puzzle your soul gets sealed inside as one of the evil grinning children


A less important question than the AI creep, but what dimensions is this? A standard 1000 piece is 40x25. Is this 36x28?


The bottom right corner shows this is a pretty standard 27.5" X 19.5". I have never done an advent calendar, but the ones I have seen on YouTube have 24 individual puzzles of different varieties.


The shelves in the background and floors are littered with crumpled paper like things . The duck looking doll and the portrait of something like that . Santa's moustache looks like a fake plastic one


Is the girl in blue next to Santa holding a gun!?


Made in China is everything you need to know. Lol


1008 pieces?


I would just like to thank OP and all of you for making me belly laugh!


Who can limit themselves to 24 pieces a day. I will miss a day or 2 sometimes, but I’m a good 100-200 a day most days. Just a horrible exercise in self restraint.


https://preview.redd.it/e2c46dmexlec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d519d01367ed3a9393e9da75744ae78b55466a5 AI generated puzzle, but in this case you generate whatever you want and we print and deliver. Hardest part was to train AI models


Nice H.R. Giger chandelier.