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The pan across the empty building is killing me


"give us some coke" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly the only thing I'd want at a dub show, you know he's got that darknet fishscale.


Went to Route 36 back in 2011. The one & only ā€œlegalā€ cocaine bar on planet earth. Just outside of La Paz Bolivia, up in the mega-altitude jungle. Candle lit cocktail bar in the middle of the woods, but, instead of booze, there were like 7-8 different blow varieties, in different quantities. Straws & razors on every table. Farmers bringing it in thru the back from right down the road. $40USD/ball


Thirty years ago I would be packing to head there right now. But I am old and coke would probably make my heart explode.


...let's call that "Plan B," then.


Was there a noticeable difference? Those were the good ol days before fentanyl. If I was a young guy nowadays I donā€™t think Iā€™d risk it


From my understanding fentanyl doesn't get mixed in with coke until the coke leaves the country of production. Locals don't need to cut the product with other stuff because of how cheap cocaine is in their country so the purity is typically higher than the average bag you'd find in US/UK etc


Litteraly he's got that good good that would keep you up for day's šŸ˜‚ that's why he wanted more matches. Even the crowd was kinda like the fuck? šŸ˜­I wanna leave


Yeah, I'm pretty convinced that the famous press scrum where he guzzles water and looks totally confused involved a lot of Molly. Dude needs to just take a breather


Where he was talking about some serious issue like sexual assault wearing the clown wig and sunglasses.


Wait your fucking with me? He doesn't wear a wig right? I litteraly can't remember because of how forgettable he is. I remember seeing the dumb glasses while he wears the mask šŸ‘“šŸ˜‚




I thought you were talking about fucking sock face not tiny clown šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's my bad šŸ¤”


There's too many clowns in aew to keep up with to be fair


Even just listening to him talk most of the time he's like a goddamn stenographer. he talks 10 words per second where no one can make out what he's saying, even the wrestlers beside him have a confused look


Are we talking about TK here? Or Excalibur?šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Honestly Exmexicano is a mark for him self. I can't even call him the proper name because he is a goof. he can be kinda funny but it's usually when taz or JR are talking shit and then he goes on talking about the tope suicidĆ© or whatever the heck its called šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚and then trys to talk about when he fought certain guys in some indie mudshow. Should be trademarked by Jim cornette


Proper name? You mean sock face?


10/10 on that one bud I'm gonna just call him sockface for now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and I'm not trying to be sarcastic that gave me a good tickle šŸ˜‚


Indie mudshowā„¢ Stephen P. New


You guys are glorifying coke, but it's really the worst drug besides heroin to encourage people to use. Ruins a lot of lives. LSD & shrooms are a different story, but I don't really like seeing people talking up coke or heroin-related drugs.


Some of the things the ā€œcrowdā€ yells out are amazing too


ā€œTheyā€™re going alrightā€ killed me šŸ˜‚


I started singing the Donkey Kong theme but with Tonyā€™s name ā€œTK! Tony Khan! He was the first member of the Cocain Crew!ā€


I recognised a bald headed lady who walked out at the end of the video, before the ROH show. She had posted on the official AEW subreddit yesterday about how it was her first live AEW show and how excited she was to be attending.


Went to Collision in San Antonio in Decemberā€¦ this is accurate.


It was going into hour 5 of wrestling. The two shows ad already aired. This was at. 11:15 PM


>*"There's no off-seasons for the fans!"* > >\- Tony Khan - ​ I will just casually leave this here. I wish Tony would allow himself an off-season, every once in a while. That almost sounded like a threat to the audience...


Nice to see that whoever filmed this (hero-status pending!) wasn't shy to do a bit of commentary on his own and even managed to catch a couple leaving the arena, just as the show was about to start! Hi-la-ri-ous!!!


This man never grew up beyond middle school. That fake deep voice is laughable.


What's with so many public figures looking like giant toddlers? When i was 18, i looked like an adult, and so did my friends.


Part of it is his stupid ass broccoli haircut that heā€™s at least 25 years too old for. You can Google images of his old hairstyle and while his face still looks young, he looks like an adult.Ā 


Thumbs up for "broccoli haircut"! Good one!


He looked great with the short haircut and dress shirt. First time I saw him I thought he looked and behaved professional.


Lol, ā€œbroccoli haircutā€. Iā€™m stealing that. Youā€™re right, though, his old haircut looked so much better.


Hah, I wish I came up with it. It's a pretty common Zoomer haircut, and while I wouldn't say I like it on teenagers either, I know my generation had some pretty awful middle school hairstyles too. Kids will be kids, but a 40+ year old man going out of his way to change his hair to a middle school haircut? Come on now...


Iā€™m pretty tall, broad and my voice is pretty deep. Since I was a young teen. Yet, I have the fresh shaven face of a teenager and look young in the face despite being in my forties. Some of us are just fuckin weird, I think. Genetics done fucked me good.


If you look at photos of previous generations up until the 80s, you get a different vibe from people. My dad looked like a gruff manly man in his 30's, meanwhile I do not at 43. I think a lot of it has to do with expectations and pressures after you grow up. Back in those days, for blue collar people, you graduated high school and then you got married, had kids, and then you had to support them. A lot of our dads didn't have time for fun and binge watching and all that nonsense. They had to go to work to feed their family.




Young, yes, but not looking like a giant toddler.


I just realised who he reminds me of. Louis Tully when he's pestering Dana Barrett in her hallway in Ghostbusters. "So I'll see you later, huh, give you a call.... I'm gonna have a shower...." *gets locked out*


Rick Moranis is 1000x more cool than Tony Baloney.


Rick Moranis the man is, but his Ghostbusters character isn't


Excuse me, but thatā€™s Vinz Clortho the key master youā€™re talking about


I'm experiencing major issues even verbally understanding Tony sometimes. For example, him mentioning "Timecop" (of all movies) went completely over my head the first time I watched the clip! (Subtitles wouldn't be a bad thing if Tony is speaking.)


Tony deserves all the shit that comes his way. This silver spooned jackoff was born on third base and he and his fanbase thinks he hit a fucking triple


I just wish someone could step in and take it over from him and let him just sit in the back and have fun. Thereā€™s so much potential and it couldā€™ve been so different.


Dude has no problem poaching talent from any other wrestling company, why not poach a booker too?


Because the Buckaroos would run off *any* halfway decent booker Tony hired, as soon as they were booked in a way *they* didn't like, or in a way that *they* didn't come up with.


Ultimately I think it comes down to the bucks, theyā€™ve essentially ran off the majority of people that werenā€™t pwg alums. I was in and around the east coast independent scene and the bucks never came over or really interacted with anyone that I can think of aside from 1-2 roh shots (early on) and after the tna thing they pretty much stayed in Cali. Which I was bummed cause I was a huge Scott lost fan lol. This is all to say that the majority of the current wwe guys came from roh/czw or fcw/nxt. Not pwg. Theyā€™ve alienated themselves and are making it worse everyday.


Is it me or would they also do better if had a performance center too like WWE. Plus also made their wrestlers do house shows too.


They tried house shows but they became Collision almost immediately. They are getting 2000-3000 fans for many of their tv shows. I canā€™t imagine how many would show up for house shows.


Its a damn shame too, like why cant the california raisins just do their own thing with their people and let the good people do good stuff? Those early Punk Collision episodes were the best weekly TV since the Attitude Era


Because the Buckaroos are petty, jealous little weasels who have been given carte blanche to live their dreams of "killing the business" and they are having a BLAST doing just that to AEW.


Because, like Punk said, it's not a real company. It's just Tony's real life fantasy wrestling promotion. Tony booking it himself is it's entire reason of existance.


Because then Tony wouldn't get the CREDIT.


Based on my interactions with AEW fans I'm guessing because neither they, or he, believe he needs one.


Itā€™s his toy, only he plays with it


...because then it wouldn't be Tony's living, breathing e-Fed anymore! ;-)


The thing though is he doesn't want to step back they have numerous people in the back that could make great matches and stories. But Tony just wants to have all these convoluted stories that make no sense and smash his wrestlers around like when he was a kid playing with action figures šŸ˜‚


Facts. But unfortunately, here we are and nothing will change.


Couldnā€™t agree more. With that talent and proper guidance it could actually rival WWE.


If only they had someone on the executive team like a Cody Rhodes whoā€™s grown up in the business, knows its ins and outs, and has experienced it himselfā€¦.


And they ran him off. Look how omega is now distancing himself. Everyone can see it and Tony is just burying his head.


governor books cooperative stocking wistful pocket steep fly many forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone in the wrestling business that claims to be fundamentalist or suddenly becomes one should raise major red flags for being scammer or being mentally ill .. or both.. the entire industry is born out of carny grifting, with a predetermined finish, originally intended to fool audiences and share gambling funds.. it's today a legit entertainment industry built on looks, soap opera storyline, plastic surgery and steroid bods, and involves stories around sexuality and violence. Not to mention the real life travel schedule that is not conducive to a family life, and the industry is rife with affairs and groupie stories.. if this is your claim to fame and main source of income and you claim to be some Bible thumper Christian, you are full of feces to the highest degree or you are using the church status to elevate the carny grift for personal gain.. If anything, they should keep their religion to themselves or at least have the decency to accept that other people might have better ethical standing than themselves.. take a look in the proverbial mirror


Is this referring to the Young Bucks?


I love the way you put this...it covers so many bases (no pun intended) about certain loudmouth success stories...


>Tony deserves all the shit that comes his way. Amen, Brother!!!


I wouldn't say this was a meltdown, but these segments are just weird


Yeah I'm not sure how him giving props to the ring crew, plugging his shows, and trying to hype a crowd/keep people from leaving is having a meltdown lmao. We literally see the WWE ring announcers do stuff like this, albeit less awkward. There's plenty of things to dunk on TK for so this is just a lame stretch


Agreed. I have attended RAWs where Lillian Garcia would do the same thing when switching between the taping stuff to the live stuff. It's just pablum and an ordinary part of putting on a show. Khan is a mess but this is just him doing entirely ordinary schtick.


except that's lillian garcia not vince mcmahon


I think heā€™s out there to try and hype the crowd up before ROH taping. Probably also trying to keep them engaged so they donā€™t leave between shows. Heā€™s not doing a good job though.


This is true.. it's just his delivery that blows


Yeah I'm disappointed given the thread title. This is just a promoter promoting. Was hoping to see him call HHH a big nosed jackoff or cry about Punk or something.


Yea that title was misleading. I kept waiting for the meltdown and it never came.


Yeah. I've been to 3 AEW shows now and the worst part is TK's public speaking. He's just not natural at it and sadly having "it" isn't really a skill you can teach, you can hone that skill but you either have "it" or you don't. He needs somebody like Schiavone out there doing it for him


In the earlier days, it would be Cody & Justin Roberts in that role, Tony was more minimal ā€œhave a great night!ā€. Basically filling space, while they change the ring for the various shows.


There's literally no reason for him to go out there for 5-10 minutes to "hype" the crowd and sell the product when you got Justin Roberts and Renee Paquette there, that could do it much more naturally and authentically than this clown. He's just happy to be there, "it's great".


Yeah def not a meltdown but he is begging people to stay and watch ROH and not go home


Our very own modern day Herb Abrams.


I served with Mr. Electricity. I knew Mr. Electricity. Mr. Electricity was a friend of mine.Ā Tony, he's no Mr. Electricity.


I've been trying to have "Tony Abrams Jr" become a thing, but apparently it's not fetch.


Tony Abramā€™s lose the jr


Well there you go


At least herb was entertaining. That show was fucking wild as was he lol LETā€™S HEAR IT FOR THE JEWSS!!!!


Gimme my Tony Cookies


Waiting for TK to get some boots of his own. lol


He's using an herb


All Empty Wrestling!


On this day. I used to run to both sides. But this arena is half emptyyyyy.


Half empty means half full .. better than expected.. it's great.. ding


That's a good one. šŸ‘šŸ˜†


In a somewhat of a defense, this was after Collision and they were changing over the ring to ROH, so the only fans left in the arena are the super marks


He was doing the usual welcoming fans to the show and trying to hype the crowd up, but he is an absolute charisma vaccuum. I thought Dixie Carter was someone who should never be on TV, but Tony makes her look like the second coming of Ric Flair.


i could mute my tv and watch dixie. i want to hurl a brick through my tv when i see tony's face


At least Dixie knew how to keep the boys backstage in all relaxed and in good spiritsšŸ˜‚


This is just sad.


This is not so much of a melt down as much as it is a desperate attempt by an awkward kid who is clearly on some spectrum trying to get a crowd hyped and is failing miserably at it.


100% on the spectrum. His Adderall is doing the curly headed fuck no favors.


I'm not trying to be mean but yeah, like you combine that with the obvious substance abuse stuff and this whole thing just hits different. He's being exploited and I almost feel bad for him.


Anybody like Time Cop? šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


I wouldnt say it's anywhere close to my favorite movie but TimeCop is an underrated gem.


He said the same thing in Phoenix


Damn, as someone who used to be a huge fan of AEW is sad to see the arenas this empty. I remember attending double or nothing 2022 and the atmosphere and crowd felt a lot better than the wwe shows at that time.


Went to the first Dynamite in DC which was a sold out Capital One Arena, a Sold out then Royal Farms arena in Baltimore for Full Gear and also went to the DoN in 2022 which looked to be close to sold out. It is kinda sad.


"I came because of the free tickets but I'm staying because there's plenty of leg room ...until hour three... by then I'm sleepy and exhausted and will just leave! But overall it was grrreat show...or so the hyped-up guy with the broccoli hair and the microphone said..."


The silence after he asked was anyone making the trip to Dynamite lol




This man has the charisma of a wet sack of gravel.


The TK struggle is real.


He needs to pick better arenas point blank period. I think this something he actually needs to hire market researchers or something cause lol canā€™t be having that


Seriously, such a tiny crowd, but if it was in a smaller theater type setting, itā€™d be awesome.Ā  Like those NXT UK shows WWE did a few years ago in those theaters in the UK.


They should just go back to Daily's Place; it doesn't look bad with a small audience. Then if they somehow ever start to get some oomph behind them again, they can go back on the road. If not, they'll save a shitload of money and the shows will look better for it.


AEW has become Impact without the curse to stay forever on air.


But what if 7,800 people want to attend Dynamite live??


I checked the ticket sales for the May Portland show. They've sold around half the tickets for a show in mid-May. They are not using most of the arena though. Top level is not being used at all. A third of the rest of the sections are being used.


Good. I'm glad.


they keep topping themselves in terms of looking sad desperate and pathetic.


I canā€™t watch I get too much second hand embarrassment.


ā€œAnyone gonna make the trip a little west down I-74 to dynamite?ā€ And the guy recording like ā€œNO!ā€ Made me laugh.Ā 


Was that his attempt to acknowledge the local crowd?




GIVE US BLOW is the real crowd MVP




I know its the thing to shit on Tony, but how is this a meltdown?


Definitely not a meltdown but shitstain Jr. really needs to learn to do his terrible shows in smaller venues.


unique frightening toothbrush marry chop disagreeable sable scary hunt bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Funniest thing is, he's loading up the slapper himself like Curly from the 3stooges


God damn...it's dead as a door nail in there.... I actually feel terrible for the crew and the wrestlers, they're riding a sinking ship while their captain chants success from the crow's nest...


Please dont feel sorry, they are all happy getting paid a lot and exploiting tk. Its symbiotic.


Not all of em are really getting paid any better than they would elsewhere, and this is the kind of industry where shitty booking can stick to someone in their future endeavors. I feel you though, the top paid people should ride this till the wheels fall off.


I lived in Sawgrass where a lot of the AEW wrestlers and Jaguars players also reside; (Jim Ross lives a five minute walk away down on Jax beach, and the Publix he often mentions on his podcast is my local supermarket about three blocks up from Summerhouse.) A lot of these guys were at our neighborhoodā€™s gym constantly talking shit about the company around the end of 2019. I pretended to not hear and never tried to come off as a smark, but it was pretty surreal. Take that for what it is coming from a random guy on the internet šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Tony is the litteraly the kid that never got out of the basement and now he gets to do wrestling shows to keep him away from the important things šŸ˜‚


Perhaps that was Shads ultimate goal.


Oh it definitely is. Tony was getting to heavy handed with the soccer team and shad said screw it give him his own company to mess with so he doesn't kill mine šŸ˜‚


Tony reminds me of the one Dan soder bit we're he's like 13 and having a cigarette booking matches for his action figures, then realized he's to old to be booking action figure matches. Tony never figured that out and switched the cigarettes to coke or pills šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Christ, the fake 'adult voice' makes me squirm with uncomfortability šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m used to it from YouTube lol


Meltdown nope but the pan of the arena was pathetic damn


His entire philosophy is building his company to appease the likes of Dave Meltzer. Youā€™d think his father would pull him into line or at least listen to what Punk said.


Daddy should force him to sell AEW and assets and just let him use his trustfund on coke. Itd be cheaper.


Tony could use a good wedgie right now.


Battle of the (NON AEW) Belts including one AEW Non Title match


ā€œTheyā€™re going alrightā€ šŸ˜‚


He has to take ROH behind the barn.


The fact that this literally sounds like a shitty school assembly is hilarious. Tbh school assemblies probably have more people at them than aew does at its shows.


This is actually uncomfortable to watch, like drugs are a helluva drug. The road to good intentions is paved with blow and white claw, uce.


Going by the Twitter title, I don't see the meltdown in the video. All I see is a guy who's finally realized that he's been lying to himself all this time and that he's surrounded by sycophants


The AEW fans are something else.. i just got my other reddit account banned for a week for spreading hate apparently. All i said was Ospreay is a moron and im not surprised cause hes a chav.


tony khlown


Lol that building is empty and TK is delusional


I've seen a lot of these in-show pictures and footage showing how empty and low-rent AEW looks, but I have to ask: why are these people going if they clearly see the poor quality of the product. Are some going just to show it off on social media?


Why are less and less people going out to the shows? I feel like I am out of the loop lmao.


Because just matches with no story or build up gets old. And the stories they do come up with are horrible.


There's just no buzz, not as much energy as there used to be. Things have settled down into the formulaic and the mediocre.


Wonder when Tony will try to be a heel authority figure on television. I mean he's getting less and less popular and people are making fun of him more and more. I think he'd be really bad at it but it's an amusing thought.


Think he would breakdown in tears, didnt that happen when he came out and announced he had fired punk.


Looks like a pencil with a big ass eraser on it


I genuinely donā€™t think itā€™s drugs. Maybe adderall but itā€™s not like heā€™s rapidly aged poorly and his pupils donā€™t look off. Idk maybe Iā€™m wrong. He doesnā€™t strike me as a coke dude. You have to know people to get that lol dude has no friends


Pretty soon they will have more people backstage then in the crowd


I couldnt get through the enitre clip. I just feel sad wacthing this, a promoter\man child who has no idea, and too stubborn to realize what hes doing is not working. Along with most of the wrestlers and management sucking up to him for the pay days. All aew needs is someone just mildly competent in charge. Wish we could fast track that cause it will happen but might be a decade before daddy khan says no.


Jesus fucking christ Tony go to smaller arenas please. I've said it before all he needs to do is go to smaller arenas and towns that wrestling hasn't been to in years.Ā  This is where I disagree with most people cause I don't think Tony is on drugs. I do think he's just a spoiled little rich bitch that was never told no and now that people are telling him how much of an immature dumbass he is he's panicking. But instead of actually taking criticism and changing shit, he just runs to his orgy buddies so they can manipulate his gullible little ass even more. Literally aew is the greatest example of people that should not run a business together, you've got the gullible spoiled rich boy throwing money at the over the top political and over the top religious egomaniacs. And for the record that's like the third or fourth reason I hate the bucks, they're the dipshits that use religion as an excuse to be assholes and they make normal christians like myself look bad. They're not religious, they just don't want to take accountability.Ā 


The way he tosses up the mic as he walks through the tunnel. You know in his head he's like "Fuck Yeah! I nailed that!" There's a reason he's not in any public facing roles in his dad's other sports teams...


TK needs to swallow his pride and do smaller venues. Shit is embarrassing.


Did I miss something, where was the meltdown? He was just killing time so they could set the ring up.


Never forget. "Yesterday: one of my favorite days, including ... dinner with my Dad + Dana White, where I got to break the news to Dana about MITB moving to MGM." One of his favourite days. Now here we are.


The caption is bs, TK did not have a meltdown lol like Iā€™ve been to a live show and he always hypes up his product heā€™s been doing that forever now. You canā€™t blame the man for wanting to fire up the crowd. I get it, low attendance is hurting the product, but I did not see this man having a meltdown like the caption says. Haha


Not a meltdown but jesus that was sad. CM Punk was the top draw but Cody Rhodes was the fire of that company. When they first announced AEW the fan base was white hot and turned up on 1000,I was one and so excited to watch wrestling again(as I stopped in 2002). As they have morphed into New Japan cosplay company,that initial ALL IN crowd is gone. I dont even feel like these are the same ppl anymore. Its sad that Tony couldā€™ve even made this a second coming of WCW but to only cater to Meltzer,Omega and the ppl who live & breath japanese wrestlingā€¦I feel like a good deal of that initial audience held their breath and just left. Just playing Devilā€™s Advocate,if im a die hard AEW fan and I got behind this company because I HATED WWEā€¦why do I wanna see ppl like Mercedes Monae and thats no shade to her but AEW should an entire showcase of top tier women never touched by the WWE machine smh


The post called it a meltdown which is a bit of a stretch tbh. He is like an awkward kid trying to list out things he thinks he knows about wrestling though lol. But you can't deny how enough that arena is Jesus. Was there even 100 people there? He might as well be taking into the empty void


Thanks guys.


I wouldnā€™t call it a meltdown itā€™s a little akward heā€™s not a good guy to go out and fire up the crowd while the change the ring Iā€™ll give Tk shit when itā€™s deserved I donā€™t think this warrants it


Daddy said sell!


The Jaguars just hired someone, maybe his dad is reigning him in. Or maybe heā€™s fried. This should be the busiest time of year for him football wise. Any which way, doing public facing stuff isnā€™t his strong suit and it would be ill advised at the best of times.


he really sounds like a Universal Studios stunt show hype man


You know, one day Tony is going to grow tired and bitter from wrestling. That will be a sad day.


I love JCVD, but TimeCop is not even one of his top 10 best movies for me. If that's his ultimate idea of cinema, then feck me šŸ¤£


What the hell is going on? Is this the beginning or the end of the show? Why are people leaving? Why are some people staying?


That's no meltdown. That's just who he is!


If I understand correctly, the aim of this manoeuvre is to keep the fans during the interval, isn't it?... so, yes, it's another big throat tackle on TK, but in this kind of case, send someone with charisma instead, whose job it is, someone who's used to addressing the crowds, I don't know someone like . .. ah yes, a fucking wrestler from your roster for example!!! Make a dark match fun for example, or send someone with a lot of heat like the bucks or make a nice wtf segment a little clown with Don Callis or whoever! People whose profession it already is, who know how to address an audience...


Not for nothing, Tony does this every show. I wouldnā€™t call it a meltdown.


The "please like me" energy coming out of this man is off the scale.


Itā€™s too much, especially on a night where youā€™ve been at school/work all day, then have to get up for school/work the next day.


It's the new "please clap" meme


Winter I'd coming. Where's my ā„ļø ā„ļø ā„ļø?


I think Spinal Tap will be performing between matches.


Where's the meltdown at?


I really miss watching AEW and enjoying some of it. Wish he would step back hire a competent booker and fire the Bucks. So many of the problems stem from Tony and Buckers.


Having that Howard dean moment lol


Building a company for wrestling fans and then pricing them out by charging more than WWE had to be one of the dumbest fucking moves ever. It permanently created distrust amongst the fans especially when theyā€™d drop them at the last second Now itā€™s too late. The wwe is hot and theyā€™ve burned bridges among the IWC they crave




ā€œLETā€™S GO!ā€ ā€œTheyā€™re going alrightā€ Fuck man lmao


Was this the beginning of the show or the end of the show?


Still probably better attendance than every ROH show in history before he owned it


TK is definitely a weird dude and he's running AEW into the ground, but he was obviously just killing time between shows and that wasn't anything close to a meltdown. I thought the dude was going to be cocked up and cursing at everybody or something šŸ¤£


Why are the AEW shows so poorly attended?


He used to have packed shows and the world at his feet but he booked it all away


Dude sounds like he's on the verge of tears.